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  1. Like
    Mod-Mondlicht got a reaction from Eld0r in Frage zum AGG (Anti Gravity Generator)   
    Hey @Anubis-1 und @vertex,
    ich habe eure Beiträge mal aus dem Sammelthread herausgelöst und einen eigenen Thread daraus erstellt, da wir hier noch kein Thema zum AGG haben und es so auch besser von anderen gefunden wird. So vermeiden wir auch im Sammelthread off Topic zu gehen  
    Sanfte Grüße
  2. Like
    Mod-Mondlicht got a reaction from TillGerman in Server Status   
    Hallo Noveans,
    da ich hier ein paar Leute sehe, welche Server Updates aus Discord ins Forum holen (zuletzt @Helrym, danke dafür) oder den Server Status anfragen, greife ich hiermit vorübergehend der Entwicklung vor und möchte einen angepinnten Thread zur Verfügung stellen, welchen ihr zum Übernehmen der Meldungen des #announcements Channel im Discord nutzen und so anderen Spielern helfen könnt.
    Diskussionen, Off-Topic Kommentare und doppelte Meldungen werde ich hier regelmäßig ausblenden, damit sich der Status "Neuer Kommentar!" für diesen Thread möglichst immer nur auf einen neuen Status bezieht.
    Eine Übersetzung der Statusmeldungen ins Deutsche ist dabei völlig optional - könnt ihr machen, muss aber niemand. Einfach die Discord Nachrichten im folgenden Format kopieren und mit Ctrl+Shift+V (Shift entfernt dabei die Formatierung) hier als Zitat einfügen:
    Falls sich einige von euch euch dazu entscheiden mitzuhelfen, möchte ich alle anderen herzlich dazu einladen ab und an mal auf das Herzchen zu klicken, um die Helfer motiviert zu halten  
    Danke, viel Spaß und mit sanften Grüßen
  3. Like
    Mod-Mondlicht reacted to Underhand Aerial in DevBlog 4 - Rebalancing the Universe   
    Da Nudbrokk uns verlassen hat und es noch keine übersetzte Version der neuen Devblogs gibt, habe ich sie mal schnell durch einen Übersetzer laufen lassen. @Mod-Mondlicht Wenn du soweit mit den Text zufrieden bist, können wir den Thread dann in die Ankündigungen packen, wo die anderen DevBlogs sind?
    Hallo Noveaner,
    mit der neuesten Version (0.23) führen wir einige ziemlich radikale Änderungen am Industrie-Gameplay ein. Wir möchten uns hier die Zeit nehmen, um die Gründe für diese Entscheidungen zu erläutern. 
    Zunächst möchten wir alle daran erinnern, dass wir uns immer noch in der Beta-Phase befinden, in der ein Kern-Balancing stattfinden soll, um ein Spiel vorzubereiten, das bei der Veröffentlichung den Herausforderungen der Zeit standhalten wird. Wir verstehen, dass einige Änderungen Auswirkungen auf den aktuellen Spielstil vieler Spieler haben werden, aber bedenken Sie, dass alles aus einem guten Grund gemacht wird, den wir im Folgenden versuchen werden zu erklären.
    Industrie-Rezepte als Gegenstände

    Die zentrale Idee hinter dem Industrie-Gameplay ist, dass eine Industrieeinheit (Fließband, chemischer Reaktor oder andere) eine Art Mini-Fabrik ist. Sie sollte mit beträchtlichen Anfangskosten verbunden sein, die Sie zunächst investieren müssen, bevor Sie mit der Massenproduktion der Waren beginnen können, die von dieser Einheit hergestellt werden können. 
    Massenproduktion ist hier ein Schlüsselelement. Wenn Sie nur einen oder zwei Artikel benötigen, sollte es keinen Sinn machen, eine Fabrik zu bauen. Sie sollten stattdessen auf die Märkte gehen und sie von einem spezialisierten Hersteller kaufen. Das ist die Basis, auf der wir hoffen können, dass sich eine gesunde Wirtschaft im Spiel entwickelt.
    Daraus folgt, dass die anfänglichen Kosten für den Bau einer Fabrik viel höher sein müssen als die Produktionskosten für eine Einheit, und zwar mit einem sehr großen Abstand. Dies war bisher nicht der Fall. Der Preis einer Industrieeinheit lag oft gleichauf (oder sogar weit darunter) mit den Stückkosten der Produkte, die sie produzieren konnte. 
    Infolgedessen machte es wenig Sinn, auf Märkten zu kaufen. Märkte wurden insgesamt nicht so viel genutzt, wie es eigentlich angedacht war und die Spieler bauten Omni-Fabriken, um alles zu produzieren, was sie brauchten, auch wenn sie es nur in kleinen Mengen benötigten. Dies wäre ein großartiges Design für ein Einzelspielerspiel oder ein Spiel mit gehosteten Servern, aber nicht für ein Zivilisationsaufbauspiel mit einem Single-Shard-Ansatz, bei dem die Spezialisierung der Spieler zentral und vorrangig ist.
    Das ist es, was die Modifikation "Schematics as Items" beheben soll. (Wir haben "Rezepte" in "Schematics" umbenannt, denn auch wenn wir ein französisches Unternehmen sind, wollen wir nicht zu sehr das Kochen in die Fabrik bringen). Wir haben nicht vor, den Preis der bestehenden Industrieeinheiten anzutasten, sondern wir haben einen Schaltplangegenstand hinzugefügt, den Sie einzeln in eine Industrieeinheit laden müssen (es ist jetzt ein kleiner Schematic-Bank-Container integriert).
    Sie benötigen also mehrere Exemplare desselben Schemas, wenn Sie denselben Gegenstand auf mehreren Industrieanlagen gleichzeitig herstellen wollen. Diese Schematics werden von Bots auf Märkten verkauft, und sie sind viel teurer als die Industrieeinheit, auf der sie laufen. Jede Fabrik benötigt ein Schema, das mit ihr verbunden ist. Aus diesem Grund müssen Sie mehrere davon kaufen, wenn Sie auf mehreren Linien gleichzeitig produzieren wollen.
    Das Hinzufügen einer Produktionslinie für einen neuen Artikel ist mit einer hohen Anfangsinvestition verbunden. Das macht durchaus Sinn, wenn Sie den Artikel in Massenproduktion herstellen wollen, ist aber suboptimal, wenn Sie nur eine kleine Menge dieses Artikels benötigen. Sie wären besser dran, wenn Sie auf den Markt gehen würden, um zu minimalen Kosten von spezialisierten Herstellern zu kaufen, die gegeneinander konkurrieren. Wenn Sie nur ein paar dekorative Pflanzen produzieren wollen, um Ihr unterirdisches Versteck zu verschönern, wird es wahrscheinlich kostengünstiger für Sie sein, diese auf einem Markt zu kaufen, als ein Schema dafür zu erwerben, da die Kosten für diese paar Pflanzen sonst zu hoch wären.
    Was bedeutet das für industrielle Spieler? Wenn Sie bereits eine Giga-Fabrik haben, werden Sie sie immer noch haben, aber sie wird jetzt eine erhebliche Anfangsinvestition benötigen, um die für die Produktion benötigten Schaltpläne zu kaufen und eine Bereitschaft zur Massenproduktion und zum Verkauf, um wirtschaftlich sinnvoll zu sein. Sie könnten sie spezialisieren, um ihre Rendite zu verbessern, oder Sie könnten sogar erwägen, einen Teil davon auf den Märkten weiterzuverkaufen, um zu einer anderen Strategie zurückzukehren. Sie könnten es vielleicht als neue Herausforderung betrachten, als Neustart des Spielziels, bei dem die Abwägung zwischen den anfänglichen Einrichtungskosten und den Kosten eines einzelnen Gegenstandes zentral für Ihren Erfolg sein wird.
    Etwas anderes ist die Tatsache, dass die Einführung von Gegenständen für Schematics bedeutet, dass wir später vielleicht ein Gameplay-Feature für die Forschung einführen können, bei dem Spieler Schematics verbessern können, um einen Vorteil nicht nur in der Produktivität, sondern auch in der Qualität des hergestellten Produkts zu erhalten. Dies könnte zusätzlich die Möglichkeit eröffnen, Schematics zu verkaufen, eine Option, die wir für die Zukunft in Betracht ziehen könnten (auch wenn es nicht in absehbarer Zeit sein wird).
    Neue Talente

    Vor dem Update 0.23 gab es keine Hürde, eine fortschrittliche Industrieeinheit oder eine fortschrittliche Waffe zu benutzen. Wenn man sie hatte, wusste man, wie man sie benutzt. Dies war sowohl generell kontra-intuitiv (bevor man neue Ausrüstung kauft, ist es normal, dass man lernt, wie man sie benutzt) und ging gegen die Idee der Charakterprogression, wie sie im Spiel beabsichtigt ist. 
    Wir haben nun neue Talente eingeführt, mit denen man den Zugang zu grundlegenden Industriezweigen freischalten kann (sehr einfach) und auch zu den fortgeschritteneren Versionen oder zu den größeren Versionen, die fortgeschrittenere Talente sind. Dies wird zur Spezialisierung der Spieler beitragen, was eine zentrale Idee im Design von Dual Universe ist.
    Das war's für den Moment. Nochmals vielen Dank für Ihre Unterstützung und Ihre ständige Hilfe auf dem Weg. Wir sehen uns bald in Dual Universe!
  4. Like
    Mod-Mondlicht reacted to Mordgier in NQ - You're doing it wrong.   
    You're well on the path of going the way of Worlds Adrift.
    You want to nerf industry because everyone is building their own 'Iphone' - fine - what are they going to do instead? What else is there to do instead? 
    You want to add element destruction? Great - I'm with you. It needs to happen. But maybe just maybe pairing it with the removal of the Alt-F4 mechanic, removal of Discord support and on top of that nerfing production isn't the best idea? 
    You think mining is too easy? Grea.....wait what....what? WHAT?! Have you mined in DU? How much? Look, ask anyone who has filled a 10L hub every two nights, there is nothing 'easy' about mining. It's boring. It's tedious. It's concentrated drudgery and one of the primary reasons I don't play DU anymore - but what it is not is 'easy' and never even in my most drunken state (and I admit I sure didn't mine sober) did I think that "Hey maybe if I couldn't link to my 10L hub mining would be better!" . In fact, when linking was broken, I just didn't play the game. 
    Just the fact that JC thinks that linking is the issue with mining - not literally everything else - makes me lose all faith in his judgment. Of all the things wrong with mining - linking isn't  one of them. Nor is the lack  of "mining hazards"...
    The community has over and over and over asked for constructs that can mine - empyrion style - give us drills we can put on hovers - give even bigger giant drills we can put on stationary constructs. Give us anything besides handmining because 'easy' it's not - it's at least 7th level of hell grade tedium - and 9th if you have to deal with phantom nodes and pending operations. Unless of course you take my approach, get drunk and watch netflix so that the next day you forget about how hellish mining for 6 hours straight was.
    Unfortunately I've remembered enough of those nights over time to stop logging in to DU...and the upcoming changes and theroycrafting about the future of mining have made it extremely clear that JC does not play DU either...he may goof around in his castle - but he sure hasn't built a mega factory nor has he mined the ore to get the resources to build his giant fortress if he thinks all those things are too easy...
    Seriously - JC just logs in - looks at all the stuff others built and his take away is that mining and mega factories are too easy? It took us weeks of drudgery......I can't even...
    Edit: Also - cores not repairable?! Masterstroke....
  5. Like
    Mod-Mondlicht reacted to Jaypify in [LFO] Der "Suche Organisation"-Thread (bitte zuerst die Regeln lesen)   
    ICH BIN - auf der Suche nach einer Organisation!
    Name: Jaypify
    Region/Zeitzone: Deutschland / MEZ 
    Sprache: Deutsch, Englisch
    Welche Art Organisation suchst du? Keine eindeutige Vorliebe.
    Welche Rolle(n) möchtest du übernehmen? Erbauer, Pilot, Miner
    Hallo zusammen, mein Name ist Jan aka Jaypify, 32 Jahre alt und bin vor wenigen Wochen in die Weiten von DU gestartet. Nachdem ich mich auf dem Startmond mit den Basics vertraut gemacht und mein erstes Schiff zum Laufen gebracht habe, bin ich nun auf Allioth gelandet und baue hier an einer kleinen Base.
    Da man schnell merkt, dass DU von der Gemeinschaft lebt, bin ich nun auf der Suche nach einer Orga und würde mich freuen wenn sich hier was finden lässt.
    Vielleicht kurz zu dem was ich mir vorstelle und was mich ausmacht: Ich bin ein großer Fan von Gemeinschaftsprojekten und freue mich wenn ich mich tatkräftig mit einbringen kann. Auf der anderen Seite würde ich sehr gern mehr in DU dazulernen und auch meine eigenen kleinen Projekte, wie z.b. einen Hangar für mein Schiff etc. verwirklichen. Ein Umzug auf einen anderen Planeten wäre kein Problem, da ich grad ja noch recht am Anfang stehe.
    In der Woche bin ich meist ab dem späten Nachmittag online, abhängig davon was auf der Arbeit grade ansteht. Natürlich scheue ich mich auch nicht vor Discord oder TS und freu mich auf den Austausch.
    Bei Fragen, gerne einfach fragen
    Bevorzugte Kommunikationswege
    Discord, TS3
  6. Like
    Mod-Mondlicht got a reaction from Underhand Aerial in Frage zum AGG (Anti Gravity Generator)   
    Hey @Anubis-1 und @vertex,
    ich habe eure Beiträge mal aus dem Sammelthread herausgelöst und einen eigenen Thread daraus erstellt, da wir hier noch kein Thema zum AGG haben und es so auch besser von anderen gefunden wird. So vermeiden wir auch im Sammelthread off Topic zu gehen  
    Sanfte Grüße
  7. Like
    Mod-Mondlicht got a reaction from huschhusch in Server Status   
    Hallo Noveans,
    da ich hier ein paar Leute sehe, welche Server Updates aus Discord ins Forum holen (zuletzt @Helrym, danke dafür) oder den Server Status anfragen, greife ich hiermit vorübergehend der Entwicklung vor und möchte einen angepinnten Thread zur Verfügung stellen, welchen ihr zum Übernehmen der Meldungen des #announcements Channel im Discord nutzen und so anderen Spielern helfen könnt.
    Diskussionen, Off-Topic Kommentare und doppelte Meldungen werde ich hier regelmäßig ausblenden, damit sich der Status "Neuer Kommentar!" für diesen Thread möglichst immer nur auf einen neuen Status bezieht.
    Eine Übersetzung der Statusmeldungen ins Deutsche ist dabei völlig optional - könnt ihr machen, muss aber niemand. Einfach die Discord Nachrichten im folgenden Format kopieren und mit Ctrl+Shift+V (Shift entfernt dabei die Formatierung) hier als Zitat einfügen:
    Falls sich einige von euch euch dazu entscheiden mitzuhelfen, möchte ich alle anderen herzlich dazu einladen ab und an mal auf das Herzchen zu klicken, um die Helfer motiviert zu halten  
    Danke, viel Spaß und mit sanften Grüßen
  8. Like
    Mod-Mondlicht reacted to Helrym in Server Status   
    Server wird unangekündigte Zeit heruntergefahren um die Probleme die gerade verstärkt erlebt werden zu ergründen.
    Source Discord 21:36 CET

    Server ist wieder online
  9. Like
    Mod-Mondlicht got a reaction from Cal Rouvenor in “Marketplace Heist” Response   
    Hey folks,
    thank you all for your input. There's nothing wrong with having a debate, but the fronts have hardened and I don't think the opposing sides will come to an agreement any time soon.
    To not let it be lost in the stream I'll link the follow-up statement by @NQ-Naerais one more time for others to find and after that I'm going to lock this thread.
    As I see it this settles the matter. There have been complaints in the past that the rules are not being enforced properly and I've seen many fights about rule interpretation too. I even entered those discussions on occasion and shared my personal point of view - especially regarding the advice to take a "better safe than sorry" stance - and those comments of mine have been on top of official clarifications and announcements. That we have two strongly opposing sides in this argument is not new and didn't come with the Market 15 incident. I hope that as things become clearer and more streamlined, most of you will find a way to get comfortable with the rules in place.
    Let's move on, continue to enjoy the game and build Dual Universe.
    Mellow greetings
  10. Like
    Mod-Mondlicht got a reaction from Shockeray in “Marketplace Heist” Response   
    Hey folks,
    thank you all for your input. There's nothing wrong with having a debate, but the fronts have hardened and I don't think the opposing sides will come to an agreement any time soon.
    To not let it be lost in the stream I'll link the follow-up statement by @NQ-Naerais one more time for others to find and after that I'm going to lock this thread.
    As I see it this settles the matter. There have been complaints in the past that the rules are not being enforced properly and I've seen many fights about rule interpretation too. I even entered those discussions on occasion and shared my personal point of view - especially regarding the advice to take a "better safe than sorry" stance - and those comments of mine have been on top of official clarifications and announcements. That we have two strongly opposing sides in this argument is not new and didn't come with the Market 15 incident. I hope that as things become clearer and more streamlined, most of you will find a way to get comfortable with the rules in place.
    Let's move on, continue to enjoy the game and build Dual Universe.
    Mellow greetings
  11. Like
    Mod-Mondlicht got a reaction from Atmosph3rik in Mistakes made in the Code of Conduct   
    Indeed, I think I do follow the guidelines, rules and at least always try to correctly grasp their intent and act accordingly. However, I don't consult NQ on most decisions I make - if I did they could do the moderation themselves as I would just be a relay and not helping at all. Do you follow the rules and accept their intentions too tho? Regular members/players are required to follow the rules and not act against the provider's intent just as well, hence I don't feel like that's a valid argument for or against anything. Your statement almost reads as if you'd imply that this separates me from regular members and by that it could mean you don't consider yourself bound by the rules in place. If that's the case it would not be a wise thing to say to a moderator who is the main instance of achieving the opposite in order to keep this forum a place where everyone feels empowered to have an open and friendly discussion. The last part of the previous sentence is a direct quote from the first statement in the forum rules and part of the intent that you seem to question.
    Again a violation of our forum rules - see section V, which I explicitly pointed to in my previous comment. Actually there's a chance that my previous as well as this comment might be seen as acting against company guidelines, rules and intent - I did not request authorization to do this in public and it's usually not how things are done, so if you like to take your chances with section V: now would be a good time.
    However, since you keep spamming your agenda across several threads (yet again, spamming as well as something close to cross-posting also being violations of section III) I've decided to take this public stance and maybe help others to understand how my decisions are made and things are handled by me, basically giving you the tools to have me spanked or even taken out in case I'm wrong. After all communication is one of the most criticized things and I'm doing my part in what I feel is best to take this community's wishes into account.
    I don't really need to provide proof in public and I've given you the chance to dispute this in private by sending you a direct message to which you didn't reply. But since I'm already out here I will honor your request and just point at your message from which I'm quoting as most relevant proof in this context. This thread's topic is "Mistakes made in the Code of Conduct" and disputing moderation got nothing to do with that - it is 100% off topic and not only in violation of the forum rules section V, as said above, but section III point 1 as well. The same is true for the comment you made before that (edit: the one you made 18 hours ago, not the first of the next double-post). To remind you of its content: among other non-constructive things you offered your personal guarantee that this thread will be locked (which so far is up to me) and you provided a list of alleged preferences regarding entities that I doubt you know well enough to know their preferences - all of which doesn't have anything to do with the optimization of the "Code of Conduct" and therefore is considered off topic by me.
    So yes, usually I follow the forum rules by the letter, tho right now I'm pretty much in open waters myself. If you disagree with my interpretation of the rules, the actions I take or my decision to make an exception here, please see section V. If you disagree with the rules in place you can make a new thread (as the topic starter did regarding the "Code of Conduct" on this thread, which you repeatedly tried to hijack for your own agenda) and provide a constructive statement about how you think the rules should be improved. If you fail to do this within the rules in place you become subject to moderation, as is evident by the situation we are in right now. If however you refuse to follow the forum rules I'd ask you to refrain from posting in the first place, otherwise I'll have you seen out. My "threats" ain't subtle at all, I just keep it polite and rational while trying to stay neutral regarding involved opinions as long as they're expressed properly. Still, I'm just human too and sometimes try to help by giving my personal take on things, never knowing exactly if I got it right or if NQ fully approves since distribution of responsibilities is rather strict and I'm not involved in matters outside of forum moderation.
    Yes, the way I know them I actually do. The decision to do this here in public is all up to me and that is probably the reason why the forum rules section V exists. Moderators are there to help ease the weight on CMs' shoulders and it's always possible that a moderator makes a mistake - after all I'm just interpreting guidelines, rules and intent myself and again, being human, it is not guaranteed that I'm without any flaw - or any other member, moderator or employee for that matter. I feel rather sorry that you seem to rule out objectivity on NQ's side regarding section V and I'm not sure how I could possibly change that assertion of yours or find an organizational structure to suggest that ensures that players are represented on the evaluation of such a report. Actually since I am just a player and volunteer on the moderator role, I basically consider myself being part of that representation of the player base. If you take the fact, that I might have been chosen for having the well-being of the community and this project at heart, as reason not to trust me for being a "henchman", I admit I don't know how to help with that issue. In that case all I can refer to are the forum rules that clearly state to "abide by moderators and Novaquark employee’s instructions" and I'm instructing you to follow the rules as I laid them out, or take this incident to forum@novaquark.com as advised in section V.
    This project is a joint effort which started with a Kickstarter campaign and there are many members in this community who are really awesome in helping this project along by being constructive and even if they disagree they raise their voices in a polite and courteous manner, either here on the forums or they approach our Community Managers directly. Sadly none of this I stumbled upon on your history so far, which I presume will get you removed from the member roster eventually. As said above my "threats" aren't that subtle at all - I've addressed you two times in threads as well as sent you a private message. You're right in one regard - I'm here to uphold and enforce the rules of this forum, which are publicly available and linked by me quite often. If something about moderation is unclear everyone is welcome to approach me directly to inquire about it - for example if a thread vanishes and they don't know why. I don't see it as censorship since I don't have any reason to hide something because of opposition. I hide individual threads based on the initial post's conformity with the forum rules. Same goes for individual comments in the stream and sometimes some comments that refer to a hidden comment vanish too - and if there are too many violations on a thread that's still valuable or counts towards contemporary history, I lock the thread if I feel everything has been said and/or the rule violations outweigh its constructive value.
    Please take note that this is my final statement on this thread. I've let myself be dragged into this off-topic dispute based on a gut call since you don't seem to respond to the direct approach. In my opinion I've just laid the situation out exhaustively and don't intend to let this excursion proceed to further carry this thread off-topic. You're welcome to continue this in private or report me directly if you like, but I will hide any further deviation from this thread's original topic.
    @dumpeet your comment just came in - please consider yourself addressed by this as well.
    To everyone who came here to pursue the original topic and has been annoyed by this excursion: my apologies.
    I'll do my best to make sure that there won't be any further distractions from the topic at hand  
    In case anyone wonders why I didn't address the "PPS" made by carijay766: that's because it wasn't there by the time of my reply. While you're editing there should be a notification when others reply to a thread - please don't make significant changes to your posting's contents after other members already replied, as this will make the following comments appear in a different context.
  12. Like
    Mod-Mondlicht got a reaction from Moosegun in RIP Market 15   
    Hey folks,
    I've just been a bit trigger happy and hid the nice words about moderation being trigger happy and staff's life quality insults. Just as a reminder: if people want to report me or any other moderator and do so here on the forums, it's rather apparent they haven't read the rules or forgot about them.

    Regarding the attack by @carijay766 on @Moosegun as well as the following engagement I've decided to close this thread since it's too much trouble to clean up and apart from pointless fighting I don't think there's anything of value here anyways. In case you disagree: please see above.
  13. Like
    Mod-Mondlicht got a reaction from Heidenherz in Mistakes made in the Code of Conduct   
    Hey @carijay766
    Locking threads is a moderator's decision and in most cases not made by NQ. We do this when members fail to keep it civil, friendly and constructive. Example: if this thread would be locked, your comment would be on the list of reasons for that lock - it's completely off-topic and can be considered trolling and flaming. Please respect the original author's intent for the thread, which is to help improve things - not to spit at your host's feet.
    Furthermore please refrain from proclaiming about our, the moderators team's, or NQ's preferences. I for one love pizza, moonlight and friendly discussions. Not only is your comment in violation with our Forum Rules, the statements it contains are wrong too.
    Since I just @mentioned you in one of the other two recently locked threads, where your comments were one of the many reasons I locked those, I begin to wonder about your motivation to partake in this community. If it's merely to troll and flame I'd strongly suggest you to reconsider. Respect the rules, turn the aggression down and politeness and constructivity up. Thanks.
    In case you want to dispute how moderation is done: take a look at the forum rules as they contain a paragraph at the end about where to send such reports.
    @Guest Dubble
    As there has been enough off-topic I want to add something of value:
    Reading this I'd think that Starfire maybe meant that you could send a private message to one of our Community Managers like @NQ-Naerais. Since forum members can't really solve this here (and I can't send private messages to guests) in fact yes, I considered to just give this statement and lock right away, since the path this would take given current situation was rather obvious - but I thought it could just as well become a topic where members get constructive and come up with suggestions on how to improve the paragraphs you address or add more observations about where documents are lacking in a positive and constructive way. Maybe a bit optimistic, I admit, but you know they say hope dies last  
    Mellow greetings
    @blazemonger your post came in while I was still typing. Thanks for taking it back on topic - my words above clearly didn't take your comment into account. Hope paid off  
  14. Like
    Mod-Mondlicht got a reaction from Atmosph3rik in Mistakes made in the Code of Conduct   
    Hey @carijay766
    Locking threads is a moderator's decision and in most cases not made by NQ. We do this when members fail to keep it civil, friendly and constructive. Example: if this thread would be locked, your comment would be on the list of reasons for that lock - it's completely off-topic and can be considered trolling and flaming. Please respect the original author's intent for the thread, which is to help improve things - not to spit at your host's feet.
    Furthermore please refrain from proclaiming about our, the moderators team's, or NQ's preferences. I for one love pizza, moonlight and friendly discussions. Not only is your comment in violation with our Forum Rules, the statements it contains are wrong too.
    Since I just @mentioned you in one of the other two recently locked threads, where your comments were one of the many reasons I locked those, I begin to wonder about your motivation to partake in this community. If it's merely to troll and flame I'd strongly suggest you to reconsider. Respect the rules, turn the aggression down and politeness and constructivity up. Thanks.
    In case you want to dispute how moderation is done: take a look at the forum rules as they contain a paragraph at the end about where to send such reports.
    @Guest Dubble
    As there has been enough off-topic I want to add something of value:
    Reading this I'd think that Starfire maybe meant that you could send a private message to one of our Community Managers like @NQ-Naerais. Since forum members can't really solve this here (and I can't send private messages to guests) in fact yes, I considered to just give this statement and lock right away, since the path this would take given current situation was rather obvious - but I thought it could just as well become a topic where members get constructive and come up with suggestions on how to improve the paragraphs you address or add more observations about where documents are lacking in a positive and constructive way. Maybe a bit optimistic, I admit, but you know they say hope dies last  
    Mellow greetings
    @blazemonger your post came in while I was still typing. Thanks for taking it back on topic - my words above clearly didn't take your comment into account. Hope paid off  
  15. Like
    Mod-Mondlicht reacted to blazemonger in Mistakes made in the Code of Conduct   
    The text is correct and refers to how USERS interact and not how CHARACTERS do.
    So you can within events as they unfold in game prevent someone from leaving or entering their base but you can't go to their house and cut the power or call SWAT to their house so they can't defend their base. May sound silly but it has happened in the past and will in the future.
    You can scam a character in game but you can't try and scam them as a person by using game assets or mechanics.
    I'd absolutely agree the text as it is is written horribly bad but the context is clear enough for anyone who has some form of understanding of general MMO rules as there is very little there that is unique.
    So yes, you have a point, but not in the way you may think
  16. Like
    Mod-Mondlicht got a reaction from Elrood in “Marketplace Heist” Response   
    Hey folks,
    thank you all for your input. There's nothing wrong with having a debate, but the fronts have hardened and I don't think the opposing sides will come to an agreement any time soon.
    To not let it be lost in the stream I'll link the follow-up statement by @NQ-Naerais one more time for others to find and after that I'm going to lock this thread.
    As I see it this settles the matter. There have been complaints in the past that the rules are not being enforced properly and I've seen many fights about rule interpretation too. I even entered those discussions on occasion and shared my personal point of view - especially regarding the advice to take a "better safe than sorry" stance - and those comments of mine have been on top of official clarifications and announcements. That we have two strongly opposing sides in this argument is not new and didn't come with the Market 15 incident. I hope that as things become clearer and more streamlined, most of you will find a way to get comfortable with the rules in place.
    Let's move on, continue to enjoy the game and build Dual Universe.
    Mellow greetings
  17. Like
    Mod-Mondlicht got a reaction from Heidenherz in “Marketplace Heist” Response   
    Hey folks,
    thank you all for your input. There's nothing wrong with having a debate, but the fronts have hardened and I don't think the opposing sides will come to an agreement any time soon.
    To not let it be lost in the stream I'll link the follow-up statement by @NQ-Naerais one more time for others to find and after that I'm going to lock this thread.
    As I see it this settles the matter. There have been complaints in the past that the rules are not being enforced properly and I've seen many fights about rule interpretation too. I even entered those discussions on occasion and shared my personal point of view - especially regarding the advice to take a "better safe than sorry" stance - and those comments of mine have been on top of official clarifications and announcements. That we have two strongly opposing sides in this argument is not new and didn't come with the Market 15 incident. I hope that as things become clearer and more streamlined, most of you will find a way to get comfortable with the rules in place.
    Let's move on, continue to enjoy the game and build Dual Universe.
    Mellow greetings
  18. Like
    Mod-Mondlicht got a reaction from Atmosph3rik in “Marketplace Heist” Response   
    Hey folks,
    thank you all for your input. There's nothing wrong with having a debate, but the fronts have hardened and I don't think the opposing sides will come to an agreement any time soon.
    To not let it be lost in the stream I'll link the follow-up statement by @NQ-Naerais one more time for others to find and after that I'm going to lock this thread.
    As I see it this settles the matter. There have been complaints in the past that the rules are not being enforced properly and I've seen many fights about rule interpretation too. I even entered those discussions on occasion and shared my personal point of view - especially regarding the advice to take a "better safe than sorry" stance - and those comments of mine have been on top of official clarifications and announcements. That we have two strongly opposing sides in this argument is not new and didn't come with the Market 15 incident. I hope that as things become clearer and more streamlined, most of you will find a way to get comfortable with the rules in place.
    Let's move on, continue to enjoy the game and build Dual Universe.
    Mellow greetings
  19. Like
    Mod-Mondlicht got a reaction from VicToMeyeZR in “Marketplace Heist” Response   
    Hey folks,
    thank you all for your input. There's nothing wrong with having a debate, but the fronts have hardened and I don't think the opposing sides will come to an agreement any time soon.
    To not let it be lost in the stream I'll link the follow-up statement by @NQ-Naerais one more time for others to find and after that I'm going to lock this thread.
    As I see it this settles the matter. There have been complaints in the past that the rules are not being enforced properly and I've seen many fights about rule interpretation too. I even entered those discussions on occasion and shared my personal point of view - especially regarding the advice to take a "better safe than sorry" stance - and those comments of mine have been on top of official clarifications and announcements. That we have two strongly opposing sides in this argument is not new and didn't come with the Market 15 incident. I hope that as things become clearer and more streamlined, most of you will find a way to get comfortable with the rules in place.
    Let's move on, continue to enjoy the game and build Dual Universe.
    Mellow greetings
  20. Like
    Mod-Mondlicht got a reaction from Julius_de_Carnutie in “Marketplace Heist” Response   
    Hey folks,
    thank you all for your input. There's nothing wrong with having a debate, but the fronts have hardened and I don't think the opposing sides will come to an agreement any time soon.
    To not let it be lost in the stream I'll link the follow-up statement by @NQ-Naerais one more time for others to find and after that I'm going to lock this thread.
    As I see it this settles the matter. There have been complaints in the past that the rules are not being enforced properly and I've seen many fights about rule interpretation too. I even entered those discussions on occasion and shared my personal point of view - especially regarding the advice to take a "better safe than sorry" stance - and those comments of mine have been on top of official clarifications and announcements. That we have two strongly opposing sides in this argument is not new and didn't come with the Market 15 incident. I hope that as things become clearer and more streamlined, most of you will find a way to get comfortable with the rules in place.
    Let's move on, continue to enjoy the game and build Dual Universe.
    Mellow greetings
  21. Like
    Mod-Mondlicht got a reaction from Elrood in RIP Market 15   
    Hey folks,
    I've just been a bit trigger happy and hid the nice words about moderation being trigger happy and staff's life quality insults. Just as a reminder: if people want to report me or any other moderator and do so here on the forums, it's rather apparent they haven't read the rules or forgot about them.

    Regarding the attack by @carijay766 on @Moosegun as well as the following engagement I've decided to close this thread since it's too much trouble to clean up and apart from pointless fighting I don't think there's anything of value here anyways. In case you disagree: please see above.
  22. Like
    Mod-Mondlicht got a reaction from le_souriceau in RIP Market 15   
    Hey folks,
    I've just been a bit trigger happy and hid the nice words about moderation being trigger happy and staff's life quality insults. Just as a reminder: if people want to report me or any other moderator and do so here on the forums, it's rather apparent they haven't read the rules or forgot about them.

    Regarding the attack by @carijay766 on @Moosegun as well as the following engagement I've decided to close this thread since it's too much trouble to clean up and apart from pointless fighting I don't think there's anything of value here anyways. In case you disagree: please see above.
  23. Like
    Mod-Mondlicht got a reaction from Emptiness in Removal of Postings   
    @Cytoxx thanks to you too for the edit and you're welcome. As mentioned above: feel free to contact me directly next time. But having this here (in this case) ain't too bad since I got here rather early for a change, so it might even guide others  
    @LouHodo yeah, I admit I struggled a bit pondering what your intent was. Sarcasm can obscure that - even now with your clarification, for a short while, I wasn't sure if the use of sarcasm was meant as provocation or just advice to trust a moderator's decisions. In case of the latter: thanks! And if you want to help even more I think it would be good to either keep the level of sarcasm down a bit or add a nicely phrased explanation in addition, so the other party has an easier time to relate and see your point. That other party being me in this case - not speaking for Cytoxx - as it was me who was a bit puzzled by that  
  24. Like
    Mod-Mondlicht reacted to LouHodo in Removal of Postings   
    No I believe you misread my post.  It is a sarcastic response to the constant questioning of moderator actions when those actions are well within the enforcement of the rules.
  25. Like
    Mod-Mondlicht got a reaction from Heidenherz in Removal of Postings   
    This is correct. The reason for the delay is that it's currently a bit hard to keep up - some people don't seem to have read the forum rules and working through reports takes its time.
    The forum rules can be found here:
    This is the most relevant forum rule and reason why that thread was hidden. @Cytoxx please remove the link and title-quote from your original message - thanks! The only two things to do with exploits are 1. report them to NQ and 2. avoid using them.
    I'd like point out this recent announcement by @NQ-Naerais
    A bug or exploit does not need to be listed there in order to be prosecuted if used, so I'd strongly advise to always report at support.dualthegame.com if there is any doubt. I'm not familiar with the development schedule, but I'd think that every issue gets tracked, assigned a priority and will be taken care of as soon as possible. If the support is delayed or the issue doesn't get fixed within a day, a week or even a month it doesn't invalidate the forum rule posted above: promoting exploits is prohibited. As posted by @NQ-Naerais: exploiting is prohibited as well.
    I'm not a GM or CM, but as it's hard to keep up with the frequency of forum rule violations, I imagine it might just be as time consuming to keep up with in-game rule violations - so I'd personally advise to not mistake it as okay or not prosecuted to use an exploit, just because there's no notice or sanction shortly after. Analog to this I too have my todo list for threads and members to address/sanction for spamming, trolling (provoking), flaming (insulting, attacking), profanity and so on. Meaning: better not let yourself be inspired by other's violations  
    If it's just one answer on a thread the moderation team would just hide that one answer. But if others already quoted and commented it can get very difficult to clean up. If it's too difficult or the original posting already violates the forum rules (which can't be cleaned up either) the according thread will be hidden entirely. Sorry for the resulting inconvenience - in order to avoid it I suggest to just report clear violations of the forum rules and not engage the violation on such a thread.
    If there's a valuable discussion to be had in line with the rules it's always an option to open up a new thread for this. But as thread starter be mindful that if it's a sensitive topic it can easily get out of hand and might be treated as mentioned above - so it's in the interest of everyone who wants to have a friendly and open discussion, to not engage to provocation, but just report the according comment and keep it calm and polite otherwise. Thanks!  
    @LouHodo no, he just wasn't sure why that thread was gone and made a suggestion for improvement. Your posting reads as if you think this was wrong, but please try to see the positive side of it and keep it constructive, as I take the positive from your posting and agree that issues with moderation should be taken to moderators and not discussed directly on the forums. Two reason for this are that 1. the moderation staff can miss such topics while 2. members on their own can't answer the question "Why?" or solve issues or change how moderation is done without talking to us, the moderators.
    Next time something vanishes and it's unclear why, please just send a private message to me and I'll look into it to provide an answer  
    Mellow greetings
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