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  1. I just want the old mining system back.
  2. Finally! This is what I've been waiting for since almost 4 years ago.
  3. If they'd just reset all terrain weekly that wasn't within 5km of a player construct, they could have solved the problem without destroying an entire gameplay loop.
  4. Reading the posts here, it's clear that calibrations shouldn't give any ore bonus. Just keep the unit at 100% and passive hourly income only. Yet again, NQ creates a game mechanic rife for abuse and economy breaking exploits. Have they ever consulted an economist?
  5. In most MMOs, almost everything has a vendor price, especially player crafted items.
  6. What happens if you click log in? The name/password texts should say 'saved x'.
  7. The current devs are utterly incompetent. I quit playing again because I got fed up with dealing with schematics. Pures and alloys should never need them, at the least.
  8. Your post is rude.
  9. It's already pay to win. More accounts means doubling up on missions and more mining calibration charges so more quanta per day selling the ores, etc.
  10. Not really seeing what's broken/buggy here. The mining unit is working fine. Your calibration is at 71%, you need to calibrate again when possible to bring it to 100%.
  11. Are you trolling? If not, your post is grossly offensive and attention-seeking.
  12. I landed several times at Market 12 earlier. Archaegeo, I think you're making an issue out of nothing.
  13. Does it show orbital info? Looking into alternatives now that Arch has quit the game.
  14. Did you set it as HQ? I can still do industry on my unpaid tile.
  15. Same. They say they want a player run economy yet this element seeding completely ruins the concept.
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