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Alpha Tester
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Posts posted by Walter

  1. 4 minutes ago, MelTuc said:

    So NQ should I spend the new few weeks selling everything I can to gain as much quanta as I can and then go on a MAD MAN Blueprint buying spree, seems like the only way to perverse my return on investment at the moment is to create, build and buy as many blueprints as possible and just store them in a XLE Container on Sanctuary and wait for the massive wave of NEW PLAYERS to come.

    Keep the BP in your Nanopack just saying 

  2. What cursed day it was, the day I found out about DU and got me stuck in a never ending cycles of wipes, isn't it? 


    After Alpha wipe there was a huge ship from the Prisoner PvP event I was never able to get so much gold to rebuild. When I was finnally able to do so that ship was no more relevant and the realization that builds getting prettier each day and old stuff does not age well made me not wanting it back. 


    Will it happen again with many of my ships that I wont be able to rebuild them due me not capable to put up the same effort I did in Beta? I am talking about all these nights I skipped sleep for getting my plans to work in DU. Also all that IRL stuff I missed for putting hours in DU was for nothing then? Just like this you consider to delete all?


    Putting just one pro for no wipe means you are committed to do a wipe again. If that's the case the only activity left for me to do in DU is save Blueprints until that abomination of a wipe is completed.

  3. 31 minutes ago, VandelayIndustries said:


    Bleed dmg is the worst thing ever.  YOU DONT DICTATE HOW I BUILD MY SHIPS.  This is sandbox and I can put as little or no voxels as I want.  Anyone who pvps knows that no voxel ships die and arent meta.  They think it is, but its not.  And those big multi crew ships you talk about should be in a museum.  Function over form.  How you build your ship to perform is what matters, not whatever stupid window dressing you put on it.  Just because you think some certain ship looks "good" doesnt mean other people do.  Other people might think it looks like dogshit.  You dont balance pvp over "looks".  If you cant understand these simple things then I cant help you.

    Maybe you are one of the few that likes these small cross-section M cores ships to stomp everything and everyone but me, not the only one advocating for a change. The fact is we miss multicrew ships. Also, fact is the current meta makes ship look like the Dogshit you always bring up. That Weapons are ridiculous large doesn't help it.

  4. NQ we built these big multicrew ships we had much fun with. Then came shields and ccs smaller weapons got buffed and then these ships became obsolete.

    Mass to speed is just the final nail in the coffin for Ships that are anyway now just Museum pieces.

    Real balance means for me that shields would bleed DMG and a portion of DPS gets past shield at all times so this would force people to build with voxels and not too small,

    so your speed changes would have an impact.

    As it stands now it would only impact Haulers. Once Aphelia missions for 3 hours now how long will it take?

    I also support the idea of ships shields being size locked to have ship classes.

  5. With CSS and Shields, no one was flying big ships anymore anyway. These speed changes are the final nail in the coffin for us that liked big ships. For the Alien cores, NQ woke my interest. Sadly I think the result will be the same that we had with asteroids. That with plenty of ores from Mining Units people have no real reason to mine asteroids.


    I don't know how hard is to code a few Ai ships that patrol Helios, have some nice loot and the most important part that fire back and be fearsome. Because I like Combat in DU, it is a total 3d Space with retro burn physics something I always wanted and still enjoy. My problem is that I get combat not very often and that is frustrating because me more a fighter type of player than a builder or trader.


    Back to the speed changes. I hope NQ can implement these with not making for us that haul 20kt from time to time, that to a real problem regarding that the speed has to do with mass. My hope for PvP balance was that Shield would let pass lets say 20% of the damage to make that you have to fly a Nano or be busted go away. Also that Element ships grew a bit of voxels. Instead, the game goes in the opposite direction. 

  6. 17 hours ago, blundertwink said:


    Those 4 hours are burning energy (client and server) for no purpose. Besides being a bad mechanic, it's extremely wasteful. 


    If you're going to use the electricity to play a video game, at least you should be playing it instead of AFK (using more energy for other stuff in the meantime...)


    I completely understand that some people have a lot of fun with this mechanic. That's why game design doesn't use "fun" as a term, because it's meaninglessly subjective. 


    If slowboating must be a concept....at the very least players should be allowed to log out, shut down the client, and let the AI take over so that they aren't eating coal for their virtual ship to cross empty space. 


    I don't know why people can't understand that this is an MMO in 2022 and NQ can't design this game like it's still 2001 -- if the only people interested are older ex-Eve players, this game will only face growing churn rates, because this is a demo that will never grow over time.


    It's not about instant gratification or the culture of gaming among the young, it's about market viability and a design that's better suited to a simulation game (single player or small scale MP) versus a sub-based MMO that lives and dies on carefully engineered engagement. 


    DU has enough "waiting" as part of the core game. Wait to travel. Wait to mine. Wait to train skills. At a certain point DU is more of a screensaver than a game and that is a big issue. Travel is just another symptom of this puzzling design philosophy. 

    It is my electricity bill and my Pc  If I want to burn them this way let me be. If there are any eco concerns over this let me say that a Pc of a small guy does not add to it, comparing to the ecological footprint of any rich guy or even the super rich that you need like 1 million of us to be where one of them is destroying climate.

  7. On 2/3/2022 at 2:51 AM, tritan67 said:

    So this is a gripe.... a rant.

    But why are the developers making the cargo runs so slow? 1-4 hours of me just flying in a straight line,

    And because still many people fly in a straight line they get cought.

    And do not ruin missions for the ones that enjoy to fly afk for 4 hours and do something else like cleaning the House in the meantime while being productive in a mmo.

  8. 3 hours ago, Zarcata said:

    I honestly don't understand why players who could have more fun in Eve are clinging to DualUniverse and hoping it will be an Eve copy. Just go to Eve to do PvP, it currently makes more sense at least.

    DualUniverse = voxel building game + other content.
    Eve = PvP game + other content

    So what should builders go for and what should Pvp players go for?

    I dont want to play EVE I want to play DU. And I also want to do PvP in DU because I enjoy do PvP in DU much. I say its a good call to reduce T3, T4 and T5 from MU on planets moons and elimintate safe zone roids.

  9. 1 hour ago, Deleted said:

    I have two ships that say elements are clipping and will be disabled in the future. 

     But int typical NQ flash ion it doesn’t give ANY indication as to which element is clipping with which.


    This game has shockingly bad UX even for a Balpha.

    When you enter build mode in the first tab is an element list put the cursor on the stacked element that will light up red on the ship and you can go move it a bit

  10. 22 minutes ago, Zeddrick said:

    Here is an example (and yes, I know atmo brakes have some other problems but this is a good enough example of the problems here for now).  I have a ship like this:

    That's a set of atmospheric brakes.  Some of them are OK and the others aren't.  I didn't build this ship but it's fairly obvious that the intention here was to put a block of brakes next to each other.  None are overlapping and there isn't any obvious difference between the ones which are working and the ones which aren't.  This isn't a 'janko' ship or anything, just one in which some glitch in the game caused the elements to end up in a position that the game doesn't like now.  I can't see how disabling these elements is in anybody's interest at all.  It won't make my ship behave differently, it just creates work for me to have to shunt the elements off and then back to where they were to get them all to be OK.


    And I have quite a few ships like this.  This ship alone has well over 150 red elements which need this treatment.


    Surely we could de-sensitise the check so that examples of truly overlapping elements are disabled but ones like this, which may overlap on paper but which don't actually really overlap, get allowed.


    We need to change such setups of airbrakes anyway soon, they will be obstructed otherwise the top side of them must be clear

  11. This is one of the changes that players cry much and get reverted. But listen I first was overwhelmed by all my ship's red messages and thought the same, why on earth? If I did no stacking it is like this now. Then I figured out that once you fly the cursor to the marked element that seems stacked it shows red on the ship in build mode where it is and you just move it a bit and then it's ok. So it is not the big deal and I think as a player base we should just fix our constructs for benefit of the game.

  12. I think we reached a new level of ship's ugliness in pvp if this is the new meta I refuse to fly any of these I prefer to be wrecked in my old-style ships designs.
    And I agree with OP on all points except that making one weapon class have a shield pen, all shields should let pass 20% of dmg as shield bleed-thru.



    And these Engines should be 100% obstructed where the logic in this, are we now in Looney Toons? 

  13. 2 hours ago, Wolfram said:

     At least whoever is watching on the other ship has the time to react if some joker decides to place down a XS core, a weapon and core their ship, which is more like griefing than actual PVPing.

    There is no effort at all to install a shield on your ship to avoid being ganked like this. This playstyle is much needed and should be promoted not fought in my opinion.

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