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Ok, Aegis is cool. The first space market. I love it. But what if there was a XL market 'ship' (it would of course have to be a space core made to look like a ship) that 'warped' to a different and random planet once a week during maintenance? Players could bring their ore and elements up to this market and list them for sale. Eventually, once a month or so, the ship returns to Aegis for a week and players are afforded the opportunity to buy outer planet ore without having to travel for it. Vice versa, as the ship travels from Aegis to outer planets, players operating on those outer planets have a chance to buy goods without having to transport them from the safe zone. This provides a low-risk but very slow and delayed way of transporting resources around the system. With the randomness of the ship market's destinations, players wouldn't be able to easily exploit it to avoid transporting goods entirely. Moreover, goods stored and listed on this market could be taxed, once per week, so that players can't just use it as a permanent mobile storage of material. Just a random idea I had. There may be more problems with it, but I thought it could be a fun thing to have in DU.
Hello Everyone, you may have head about the Anarchy Trade Station in general chat, or not but its a small community project and player trade station this game deserves. Come and join us, get a head start for when the player market elements drop!! We are located direct above Market 6 on Alioth, for convenience and function. The trade station has a few corps that have setup shop already. Indy, home building, ship building, and a few others. We really would like a shipping corp to setup. We are happy to welcome new player homes by the Thades Rendezvous Corporation! They have a new location build built on the trade station for mission runners, shippers, or anyone in general that wants to take full advantage of the stations benefits. MINC will pay for the core and building materials of a shipping corp on the station. Elevator access between market 6 and the station available with 500t lift. Two personnel elevators and a mega loft with 5.7kT lift are under way. VR To Anarchy Markets and take a look. We have a promotional BP give away going on while supplies last for Rez pets. A unique divice that you will use time and time again. Visit for more info! ::pos{0,2,35.8594,101.3426,131998.3594}
The industry market for PPP is nonexistent. There are two main causes: Nobody can make PPP for significantly less, so the prices must be close to what a player with high talents could make themselves [1]. Second, supply is erratic when buying from a market and stable when players make PPP themselves [2]. The solution is to change the industry talents. First, for PPP talents that give a 3% per level bonus, double them to 6% per level [3]. Second, add new talents for parts similar to the "6%" talents (making large batches instead of fractional parts.) Third, limit the number of talents a player can train to 20 in each group: [4] 1. Refining ore to Pures and smelting Products (45; 20 ores + 25 products) 2. Intermediary, Structural and Complex Parts (131 parts) 3. Functional and Exceptional Parts (189 parts) Limiting talents that can be trained means players will need to sell PPP they have talents for and buy the other PPP. The margins of each PPP will compound quickly. It will be much cheaper for players who use the market, and more expensive for players that try to do everything themselves. Giga-Factories, which make everything themselves, will need to use the market as well -- there are simply too many PPP for a group to make them all with level 5 talents. Today a few players and a handful of alts can make all PPP with level 5 talents, but if the number of talents for each player are limited they will need many, many more players to do the same. [5] Solo players and small groups will benefit with a viable market of PPP for them to buy and sell from. Redistributing talent points would be necessary to make this work, both at the start and ongoing. Players must be allowed to change which PPP talents they have so that they can adapt to new groups and changing markets. NQ can place restrictions on how often changes can be made (1 week) and any penalties (I say none). Lastly, PPP and elements will no longer have easily calculated costs, relative to the price of ore. Today we know what an expensive element costs to make, because we know what talents we have at each stage of making PPP. If we are buying many PPP items from the market at differing prices we will need to estimate the cost. Players will raise prices to cover uncertainty, and buy based on need more than price. ~Peabody [1] For example, 65L of Coal makes 45L Carbon. What does it cost to make one liter of Carbon? With no talents: 65 / 45 = 1.444 (44.4% higher than the cost of Coal.) With level 5 talents: 55.25 / 51.75 = 1.067 (6.7% higher than the cost of Coal.) 15% less Coal needed and 15% more Carbon made: (65*0.85) / (45*1.15) This is a ~37.7% difference in cost. In theory Carbon could be sold for ~18% higher price than it costs to make, and bought for ~18% cheaper than the player with no talents could make it. So why is the market empty? Because there are no buyers without talents. **The players focusing on industry have industry talents.** In practice the difference would be more like a player with level 3 talents and a player with level 5 talents. With level 3 talents: 59.15 / 49.05 = 1.205 (20.5% higher than the cost of Coal.) This is a ~13.8% difference in cost. There isn't enough margin to share. [2] PPP that players (currently) make themselves is low or lower in cost than what others can sell PPP for. It's timely, used as soon as available. It doesn't require large amounts of capital to buy PPP ahead of time, and it doesn't need to be transported. The price difference needs to be large enough to overcome all these advantages. [3] Higher talent bonuses of 6% per level, totaling 30% at level 5, instead of 15% today. New level 5 talents: (65*0.70) / (45*1.30), or 45.5 / 58.5 = 0.777 (22.2% LOWER than the cost of Coal.) The margin between level 0 talents and level 5 would be ~66.6%. Enough margin that both buyer and seller can benefit. [4] There are two talents for each Pure and Product. One talent reduces the amount needed and the other talent increases the amount produced. Talents for parts would need similar bonuses. Training 20 talents in each group would allow a player to have both level 5 talents for 10 different PPP items. [5] If NQ were to add new game mechanic forcing players to restart industry machines once a week, Giga-Factories would be an organizational nightmare. There would be no choice but to work in smaller groups.
I did several tutorials and learned how to upgrade my speeder, etc. But, after having my speeder automatically compacted and placed back in my nanopack, I seem unable to re-deploy it. It says "not enough single use blue prints" and "not enough components" even though isn't isn't supposed to require any? Or does it? When trying to deploy, the box is blue, and everything looks good. Strange. Help please!
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For the moment, the district market 6 is the most active one, making this place a black hole for low configs, and generally a bad shopping experience for a lot of players. I don't think regional trading would be a thing when keeping different district markets so close together. Unifying all of the disctricts markets by having a single hub accessible from the 10 current places would spread parked ships across them, it would allow all players to have a decent experience when shopping. The only advantage I can think of for the current setup is for ads, having only one place to cover is easier than 10. I'm not a trader so if you see some pros for keeping them as is, share it.
Salutations chers voyageurs !Nous recrutons notre équipe pour crée notre propre flotteNaturellement nous recherchons des personnes mâture et investis, avec un minimum de temps de jeux de préférence fin d'après-midi.(Recherches / Aides / affiliation / contrats corpo possibles.)Nous somme un petit groupe d'amis investis dans dual univers que ce soit en jeux et ou en développement(modification/amélioration, créations de scripts).Nous avons commencer a acquérir de bon emplacement de territoire sur différentes lunes et planètes.Plusieurs outils sont à notre disposition pour la communauté.Objectifs principaux :UpdateTransportsMinageEvénements en corporationet bien d'autre !Territoires acquis:Territoires Market (Lune de ion,Lune Alioth,Alioth)Qg Principal Alioth Market (3km) zone trés agréable a vivre autour d'autres compagnons de voyage Français.Zone non lag.D'autres Projet seront a réaliser biensure.Objectifs secondaire:Prendre une part sur le réseau marketAcquérir de bon emplacement de territoire+ D'infos contactez @! Appo#4375 sur DiscordLa team G N S vous remercie d'avoir pris connaissances de nos motivations, à très bientôt.
some help NQ to develop a better way for the game to be player driven game play, so here it is. add a industry unit that does research of schematics, it does not require any resources only time like the talent tree. this idea will allow players to sell schematics and the market will flow between players rather than getting suck into NQ wallet which doesnt get used, because the ore is only getting used to sell to the bots you have and not for building anything by players which is destroying the game. it was a great idea at the time but now you are still losing players every day. back to the research unit, place the schematic for the unit itself on the market so people can buy and build it, allow the unit to see all the schematics available so players can choose to use the schematics or sell them to other players, that way the in game money circulates. allow players to have multiple of these so they can research different things they want to build or sell. obviously have different time scales for each schematic that it can make. Finally the last point and most important point is this allows for NQ to add new items to the game without having to put the new item on all planets and markets for a price, you just add it to the units list of schematics and the players will start researching it.
- 23 replies
Pirates Lack cargo scanners, scanners should be able to scan cargo and display a text only break down of items on screen somewhere. Why? Why the heck would you damage a ship that has limited lives on its items, but what about the cargo? Players can toss cargo... Cargo "Trashed" from any container/person, should spawn a container specific to the size of the cargo. ( This SHOULD have been done already, or should be in 0.25 patch ) Now players can "Avoid" a destroyed ship by jettisoning cargo Or you can try to get away Or some-ones trolling and just wants to wreck your day. Additions welcome! :3 I am just trying to be constructive here.
JC you and NQ have made a wonderful virtual world. You are great programmers and us lesser programmers are in awe and aspire to be like you. JC you and NQ are not economists, your programmers. Stop beating the market with your programmer hammers and hire an economist already. Theres no shame in doing this.
I'm going to dive into several topics here. In addition to organizing this post like a book. Use CTRL + F to find the topic you're interested in reading. Note: Some carebears are going to complain about it but yes, this is going to go down the route of PVP and will touch a little on how this can help the markets in game so deal with it: Energy Management Concept, taking a page from another game (because this game took pages from multiple games already) Armored Core How energy management works on the fly Parts Weapons Energy Consumption The RedZone Cooldowns, Boosters and backups How it can apply to PVP ship combat in DU The Core XS ships Small Ships Medium ships Large Ships XL ships when? XXL ships... probably never at this rate. Batteries Generators Magnetic Nuclear Advanced Magnetic (slightly made up) Fusion Fission Cold Fusion Gravatron (this is made up ... it's a game) Thoramine (Finally a use for it??) Tachyon Zero Point Energy Backup Generators Overdrive Generators/Engines/Components Coolant Elements Auxiliary Coolant Elements Weapon application Instantaneous Usage over time How it can be applied to Buildings in DU The Core The introduction of game built Power plants Coal Hydro Nuclear Fusion Fission Cold Fusion Zero Point Energy Backup Generators Batteries/Power provisions for Base turrets Tiles How it applies to the markets The Starting Value The Starting Price How may change over time The limitations that would make ACTUAL sense Usage over time Instantaneous usage Red Zone awareness Coolant Mechanics Regeneration mechanics Auxiliary mechanics Additional elements to help balance energy management from the start Generators Primary and Auxiliary Generators Backup Generators Coolant pumps & Injectors Water Coolant Rods Emergency kill/cutoff switches (lua) Other ways that basically will hurt/push DU to dwindling Excessive limitation examples Not listening until AFTER the fact Pride Listening to carebears (yes, I hate them because they kill games that have tons of potential) ===================================================================================================================================================================== 1. Energy Management Concept, taking a page from another game (because this game took pages from multiple games already) Out of all the games I've ever played, this one, Armored Core executed Energy Management and power consumption flawlessly on playerstation 1 and into future games on Playerstation 4, Xbox and CPU. Their approach should act as a halmark and in fact, flavors of it are seen in other games such as Halo and Mech Warrior just to name a few. Armored Core Description: The game Armored Core is multi-series multi-console game that started on PlayStation. Set way into the future where corporations control everything. You are called a Raven who will embark on your journey through various sorties (missions) to take down some evil corp or antagonist Raven pilot. It features a mechanised robot you control and manage and fully customize thus sending the player down a route of awareness for how they wish to build their AC (Armored Core). How energy management works on the fly Parts As you've seen in the video the game features numerous parts for the AC which allows for full customization. Each part offers their own list of benefits and natural drawbacks that the player needs to consider in their playstyle. All parts consume some sort of energy when in use or passively. For example Light arms for a quick sniper focused AC would consume a small amount of energy passively and have good accuracy for sniper/singleshot weapons. However, would be horrible when taking a direct hit or attempting to use rapid fire weapons like machine guns that are too heavy for it to manage or carry. Weapons Similar to arms, legs, tank chassis, core/chests ect. Weapons also have the different types of energy consumption. Passive, Instantaneous and none. Passive would be for things like laser swords that are active and out. Or a high range/high sensitivity scanner to search for cloaked targets when active and in use. Instantaneous would be when a handheld laser cannon, or shoulder mounted laser/railgun is charging and/or fired. None would be for when a regular mechanical bolt-action rifle or machine gun (requiring NO energy) is fired. Energy Consumption For Armored Core Energy is typically indicated via your bar shown above. Where the green and red are your available energy but the red is known as your red zone. The RedZone The redzone, as previously mentioned, is your avialable energy remaining however when you exhaust all of it then you need to wait for your core and generators and coolant to all work together to regenerate your energy. While your suit is regenerating energy your suit draws power from the auxillery generators to keep you moving, however you're unable to attack, fly/boost in any direction or do anything outside of walking around to avoid getting hit. Cooldowns, Boosters and backups The game features a number of boosters backups and cooldowns ect. or other ways to assist with your power management to ensure you're able to stay active in the fight for as long as possible. 2. How it can apply to PVP ship combat in DU The Core - It should be known that the Core of a vessel is what provides the main source of power. With that the various sized ships can pull energy and use it to however it was designed. XS ships All ships should be able to produce enough power to allow them to function in a minimal capacity. For extra small ships they should be able to do more than enough work so that new players can still build themselves up on Alioth or even on Sanctuary. For the more experienced players and PVPers we should be able to add in batteries and even an XS generator to power the ship and have enough energy regeneration for the ship to do scouting, or long hauling runs or even dog-fight. However, they should also have a built in issue where sometimes the redzone may be just a bit to much on their meter and may sometimes require assitance in some way. Small Ships This is typically where the novice level solo player ends up. Small core ships should be able to produce a healthy supply of power for w/e the ship is built for. The use of backup generators or batteries should help aid the ship both passively and instantaneously when weapons or boosters are required to get out of hairy situations. For PVPers these are typically known as gunboats, however since small sized ships cannot use medium sized weapons. This ship is practically pointless for PVP. Even with the silhouette mechanics. Medium ships... getting tired A more thorough outline is mentioned in the Part 2 for Energy Management. Just search for the respective section. It's been recently updated. Large Ships ... getting tired A more thorough outline is mentioned in the Part 2 for Energy Management. Just search for the respective section. It's been recently updated. XL ships when?... A more thorough outline is mentioned in the Part 2 for Energy Management. Just search for the respective section. It's been recently updated. XXL ships... probably never at this rate.... I've given up hope... Batteries Batteries would be a way to store power for the ship meant as either for backups when all else fails or for temporary overdrive to fatten your ship's max energy. The additional energy batteries would provide would be temporary and once used the canister can be widthdrawn from it's battery outlet (new element alert) and placed in a separate outlet to be recharged. One time use batteries should NOT be a thing because this is the freakin future... let's make it make sense here. Renewable energy sources SHOULD BE INVOLVED BY NOW. If a Sink needs to be added then you can create T1 through T5 batteries. Each tier featuring a set number of recharges before needing to be recycled for parts used to make the batteries. The higher the Tier goes the higher their max energy storage. In addition the tier would also be able to be buffed by talents to increase their number of recharges and max storage. Generators would be able to recharge batteries only when the ship is not being piloted so that way it creates an ability for the ship to somehow sustain itself. Generators - There are a plethora of different kinds of generators real and fake that can be added to the game from T1 to T5 Magnetic - Generator that takes advantage of the Electromagnetic field to create motion and thus energy for the ship. It's much more advanced than your combustable coal engines used in powerplants but still for more efficient and better for the environment. Nuclear - We already know about this... Extremely high amounts of energy, dangerous if pushed too deep into the redzone and can cause a meltdown destroying half the ship, has a decent energy regen rate. Advanced Magnetic (slightly made up) - A more advanced version of Magnetic Gens. with a higher max energy cap but a slower regen. rate and a larger redzone Fusion - Generator type that features a moderate energy cap., low red zone but slow regen rate. Fission - Cousin Gen. Type that features higher energy cap., slightly higher red zone but much better regen rate of energy. Cold Fusion - The best of the Fusion/Fission style gens that has highest energy cap, lowest red zone, but fast yet fidgety regen. rate. (meaning there's times when it will stop recharging for 2 - 5 seconds) Gravatron (this is made up ... it's a game) This Generator is a T3 and T4 generator that takes advantage of the gravitational field of nearby celestial bodies to boost its regenerative abilities. It features an insanely high energy cap. 15 times the cap of nuclear and a very small red zone. However it's regen. is extremely low. This feature would make the generator useful for really long voyages to new systems or hidden pockets of space. (Think Exploration cruisers) Thoramine (Finally a use for it??) - T-5 level generator Tachyon - T-5 level generator Zero Point Energy - T-5 level generator that has almost infinite energy or the highest energy cap, Lowest red zone but no energy regeneration. The Zero Point Energy Gen would instead have a feature that allows the maintainer to "pull" energy from no-where. The maintainer would be able to do this X number of times per hour. Backup Generators As the name suggests these generators would be brought up online when something catastrophic goes wrong to maintain small amounts of power for the ship while it fixes it. Overdrive Generators/Engines/Components Overdrive generators would act as boosters for engines or to increase max energy cap temporarily. Using them would cause wear/damage to the engines but would result in the ship GTFO of a bad situation. Coolant Elements Coolant Pumps ... to cool the generators and the core Coolant Rods... well you get it Auxiliary Coolant Elements For when you need to be more chilled Weapon application Instantaneous All weapons would use a varying amount of instantaneous energy when in use. The cannons, being mostly mechanical, would use the least amount of energy. Missiles would be the 2nd least instantaneous use. Where as Railguns would use the most per volley. Enough for the usage to be noticable but not so much to where the ship can barely function. When we get harpoons and Interdiction.... This would be where they'd get applied as well Usage over time This is mostly applied to lasers, and tractor beams. The larger the laser or tractor beam the larger the usage over time. For tractor beams, the Longer the hold, the more energy is used. The more massive the tethered target, the more energy consumed. This can be slowed down by overdriving your system with your batteries and backup generators for greater output and better effect. However, doing so will severely hinder your ship for a while when you need to regen your energy stores for both the main and backup generators and batteries. None No energy is used when the ship is not being piloted 3. How it can be applied to Buildings in DU The Core - Produces it's own baseline energy for the entire Construct Requires other elements (generators) to boost it's max power for more elements on the construct The introduction of game built Power plants - These power types can help offset the demand for the core on static and space constructs Coal T - 1 Hydro T - 1 & T-2 Nuclear T-2 & T-3 Fusion T-2 & T-3 Fission T3 & T-4 Cold Fusion T4 -T5 Thoramine T5 only Zero Point Energy T5 only Backup Generators For if you mess up somewhere and the power gets knocked out via your own stupidity or via PVP engagements Batteries/Power provisions for Base turrets Batteries can be used to help offset the base's already existing power consumption during combat/defense. Where the turrets will draw from the batteries or side- generators. When the turret's designated power supply is drained it will begin to drain from the primary core just to protect the construct. Tiles Tiles on a planet or moon or asteroid would affect the three basic characteristics of the static cores placed. Max Energy (This would only be an addition) Larger Increase for barren planets Larger increase for Asteroids or moons Smaller increase for Cold planets Smaller Increase for Hotter Planets Energy Regeneration (This could be a +/- to the energy regeneration) Larger regeneration for Hotter planets (This gives hot planets like Sicarri, Sinnon or Madis an increase in land value) Smaller Regeneration for Colder planets Redzone Larger redzones for hotter planets Smaller redzones for colder planets (this gives ice planets an increase in interest value) 4. How it applies to the markets The Starting Value This will help add value to Coal, Hydrogen and Oxygen and create a solid use for Thoramine well before Warp gates are even on the drawing board. Coal would have a relatively low value but it and Hydro and Oxy would begin to gain better uses as well. Thoramine would be worth fighting over on asteroids and selling on the markets. The Starting Price Set the price for T-1 schematics lower but also allow for bots to buy coal to further stir the economy How may change over time People will see reason to engage the markets more on this front because you've created a sound way of doing so for PVE and PVPers 5. The limitations that would make ACTUAL sense Usage over time Start the balance off Low. Don't go setting it on holy shit mode then walking the numbers back because everyone hates the mechanic and claims it doesn't make sense. Start small and work your numbers up. Setting the consumption and limitations excessively high will only curb your community towards playing Starbase and StarCitizen more. Instantaneous usage Most of this has already been explained. but Again, start small. Then adjust from there. Red Zone awareness Coolant Mechanics allow your construct (static and dynamic) to slow the decent towards the redzone. The name of the game is the keep in the green. It's a simple yet complicated balancing act that the player has to manage. Because of this properly executed challenge the player has fun actually trying to balance stuff out on their own. Being aware of your redzone's level will only help with immersion. Regeneration mechanics This literally adds a brand new job for someone on the ship. Where they'd hang out in the power room for most of the ship's trip to ensure everything stays running at the right levels. Think of Scottie on the Enterprise "I'm given her all she's Got Captain!" Auxiliary mechanics This would be on the "Scottie" of the ship to maintain and implement on the ship to ensure the ship can at least be marginally functional when it takes on catastrophic damage or experiences a catastrophic event from space. (Hint Hint: some random waves from a start that sucks out power from the ship or something ridiculous) 6. Additional elements to help balance energy management from the start Generators Primary and Auxiliary Generators Backup Generators - While Generators can be used as backup, these units would be unique and have a considerable advantage over regular generators but will only work if Regular generators are down. Coolant pumps & Injectors Water Coolant Rods Air Emergency kill/cutoff switches (lua) Used through lua to kill the power to a ship 7. Other ways that basically will hurt/push DU to dwindling Excessive limitation examples 0.23 execution. Yes I'm bringing it up again. Because 0.23 should serve as a valuable lesson of what not do to or how NOT to do something... ever again. Overdoing the power consumption - This will limit creativity and drive people away from the game. Again, start small with easy numbers people can work with so they can get used to the idea of power consumption. Limiting the number of weapons on a ship - You've already limited the size of weapons on a ship by core size to curb cubes... which did and didn't work. Setting hard limits on the number of USABLE weapons on a ship through power management will only piss off your community more than needed. AGAIN, start small and work your way up to something that's balanced. Like for example, I'm going to only allow 5 weapons on a Large core ship or 3 weapons on a small or medium core... sorry but I will change my credit card number in a heartbeat if this game takes that route and say good luck. Then pick up Starbase or spend money needlessly on star citizen and encourage all of BOO and even the AC to jump ship. Just FYI, DSI is already hitting us up about playing other games and saying goodbye to DU. Let's not even talk about Youtube and Twitter ect. Not listening until AFTER the fact ATV are full of very knowledgeable intellects. Their input is based on their perspective and from that of your community. Taking their word with a grain of salt will only hurt you vs. taking them seriously. You built the ATV for a reason. Pay attention to it to ensure your success. Pride - "Pride commeth before the fall" This one is mainly for JC. You are highly intelligent and very knowledgeable in many things and have garnered much respect from people, however being too prideful or too hardstanced (overzealous) in any one belief and unwilling to change WILL cause you to lose people. You have a team that have 2nd thoughts about the direction and a community with even more resentment about what you're building here. The question is, are you trying to build a simulator that will see 10-20k ACTIVE people after 10 years time? or one that will see that number 2 years after launch? Listening to carebears (yes, I hate them because they kill games that have tons of potential) The definition of a carebear varies from one PVPer to another. However, at it's core, a carebear is an individual who sees any one game mechanic that doesn't fit their personal narrative of a game (usually PVP focused) and does or says anything they can to cause devs to ruin it for the many.
Currently industrial machines on a non pvp intended landscape have an infinite lifespan. This means that the market for them is only as viable as peoples lack of ownership in them and nothing else, once u get one u have it forever and that... that is unsustainably broken. Id think that a 6-10 week operational lifespan, with machines throwing random errors after thier lifespan stopping production, and requiring either consistent repair or just flat out replacement. This will create a sustainable market for industrial machines ... i think.
How much quanta do we think a DAC will cost? It has been stated DAC will be a in game item so there will be a correlation soon between real money and quanta. How do you think NQ should handle the amount of time it takes a player to make enough quanta to buy a DAC in game? The answer to these questions could help address the divided views about the recent game progression adjustments.
So from my experience so for with the markets has not been great. You can easily try to spend 10-15 min trying to find a location with a good price due to the massive list of markets available. Then once you do find a location you realize that it is a very heavily populated area and start lagging on approach. If you are unlucky you have your entire ship wrecked and have to spend resources to fix it. The point is that there is no way around the really populated markets as that is the best place to buy/sell. This is one of the issues I see is that this is not scalable nor are there any mechanics to avoid the extremely laggy markets. There are also a lot of markets on the planet that aren't even being used at the moment. I am not particularly surprised when we already have 140 of them in the current system. Once the new systems start coming online we could potentially have double the current market count. All of that makes markets not player friendly so many avoid it if they can to just do it themselves. ====Change Proposal==== Unify the markets on the planet so they act as one large one which can be accessed by multiple terminals (aka the current Marketplaces). When you select "set destination" on the planetary network it will set the destination to the terminal that is closest to current position. Simplifies the markets enough that it is more player friendly Allows players to redirect to less populated markets to avoid lag Still allows trading between planets Simplifies the management of trade boxes Increased scalability when introducing new system/planets ====Additional Note==== Once the markets are unified across the planet it would be easy to interduce player controlled Market Terminals. They would be directly connected to the Planet's Market Network and would not have local storage. This will prevent the possibility of item theft. Secondly the user/org controlling the market terminal will get the fees for other players using it along with being able to adjust the rates.
Entstanden aus der Anziehungskraft von Zusammenhalt und Miteinander... dies ist Black Hole Sun. Ausbeutung und Verrat formte und fügte uns zusammen. Wir werden zeigen, dass es auch einen anderen Weg gibt eine starke Gemeinschaft zu bilden. Lerne uns kennen... lerne, was es heisst, ein Teil des Ganzen zu sein und erfahre wie gegenseitige Unterstützung und Freiheit in unserer Gemeinschaft gelebt wird. Entfalte dich selbst und werde nicht durch Zwänge geknebelt, nur weil DU die Ziele anderer unterstützen sollst. Hier bist DU im Mittelpunkt und nicht machthungrige, geldgierige möchtegern Anführer. Komme zu Black Hole Sun, der einzig wahre Weg. ...Black Hole Sun... because gravity suxx Veteranen bieten euch Unterstützung für einen guten Start in DU. Resourcen, eure Schiffe, Knowhow, Cluster... Ausgebildet werden: Miner Industriespezialisten Static Designer Dynamic Designer Piloten Trader Terraformer
- lua script
- explore
- (and 9 more)
(unless I'm missing it somewhere...) After having popped up the Market and made a few purchases from random districts on the planet (and one off planet by accident), I found it really difficult to figure out what I bought, and where its waiting for me to pick it up. Opening the Market from any remote location (just hitting "j"), has no button on the left for a market container... and thus no [horrible] dropdown menu of markets to click dig through (imagine that list when there is more systems!). Ergo, I propose: A new button on the market GUI that is always on the bottom (wether you are at a market terminal, or just opening it remotely), of 'Purchases' (or some clever name). This button would then change the view to a list of all items that are in any market container: Icon Item name Market name Planet/Moon button of "set destination" You would NOT be able to claim or move those items from this view... this view is merely 'informational only', so you can keep track of, and figure out where junk is sitting out there in the universe (system). --- This view then could be expanded with "Shuttling Services", with transfer fees and time to transfer (say, shuttle bought items from Thades market 2 to Alioth district 5 would take 2 hours and %fee based on total mass of item)... then that could be added to this new view.
It would be nice to have the ability to set a price in the market and be notified if there is a buy request that meets or exceeds that price. In addition the ability to track prices over time so you can see what is trully in demand.
what I'm talking about here is essentially being able to trade permissions for specific parts of a construct in exchange for money or whatever. these permissions would have a time limit on them, and (crucially) the person who owned the construct would NOT be able to modify those permissions until the time limit expired. one example of this would be a parking lot/hangar bay in a city. if I wanted to park my ship inside a hangar bay I would purchase the permissions to open and close the main doors, toggle lights, open some storage inside the bay, etc. if I just wanted to stay there for the night then I would only buy 24hrs worth of those permissions. during this period the owner of the building that has the hangar bay would not be able to open the door or toggle the lights or open the storage etc, and would not be able to modify the permissions or delete the construct/elements until the 24 hour period expired. perhaps to enable this some option would have to be enabled in the RDMS settings, as to prevent new players from accidentally selling their homes to random players for 999,999,999 hours for 1 quanta.
My apologies if this is already a thing, but I would like to propose there being a finite limit to the amount of currency in circulation and not an unlimited amount that can be created from player sold items/vehicles/etc. The reason: what breaks most mmo economies is the ability for players to amass wealth without limit, which ultimately causes the currency to be essentially worthless. You can look on the market of nearly any current mmo and see items priced in the millions+ because the majority of players have more currency than they could ever possibly spend. Most mmo's have attempted to compensate for this inevitability by having 'money sinks' or regularly introducing new currencies to keep the market from flooding and prices skyrocketing to absurd levels. However, money sinks and new currencies always fail since they underestimate the speed at which players can amass currency (especially when working together in large numbers). I would like to see a mmo do the right thing and learn from the mistakes of the thousands of mmo's that have failed at this in the past, and the solution is simple: cap the currency.
So, I've been absorbing any information I could find about DU, this post will be about some of the ideas that I have, related to all aspects of this game. Let's get to it, shall we? Now, I've tried to refine my ideas and sort of compile them together but they might still be a mess, I promise I will try to give full ideas only, not bare concepts. The first thing on my list is something that for now will have no use but later could be a vital part of warfare in DU. Player Developed Jamming System by Fernix, I'm working on an acronym. Too many times in too many games space warfare gets limited to a good old slugfest and numbers game, no much space for any flashy tactics or strategy, not much to take into account at all, the equation is more or less like this: more and bigger ships = win. That's pretty much it, you can see it clearly in Eve Online, specifically World War Bee if I'm not mistaken, the Empire got simply overwhelmed because their enemy had trillions upon trillions of ISK from various sources and could dish out more ships than the Empire could kill. This is why diversification of combat on a tactical and strategic level has to be as diverse as possible, sooner or later one alliance will trump all others and WHEN that happens unless half of the people rebel the main empire will have too much of an advantage, any rebellion, be it a regular army uprising, insurgency or a pirate empire, will be crushed by simple numbers if they are not given the possibility to outclass their enemy in a tactical engagement. Now, the jamming system, how would it work? There would be 3 levels of this technology, or 5, depends on how is it done. The communications officer (I will get to this part later) would use a specific "frequency" (aka type in xx, xxx "x" is a random number) and disperse this information throughout the fleet. The enemy vessels would be affected in the following way: 1. Lack of IFF. No vessels would be marked as friendly or as an enemy, just a white symbol showing its position. 2. Any sort of tracking/homing missiles would not work. 3. Any remotely controlled vessels would seize to function. 4. Automated defenses would be of no use since they couldn't select out the enemy ships, switching them to autofire would work but it could potentially kill friendly forces. Now, what would all this accomplish? What is the goal of this? The point here is to allow a technologically superior/better-equipped force to gain an advantage against a numerically superior opponent. This would also force all organizations to use a specific color scheme to avoid friendly-fire as much as possible in case the group gets jammed. Of course, installing jammers on all ships would be VERY expensive so at the start it would force smaller groups to create a ship dedicated to serve as both a jammer and an anti-jammer. Empires could afford to mount low-level jamming system on all of their ships of course, but it would come at a great cost and almost no gain since the number of jammers of the same level would not increase the difficulty for the other side to counter the jamming. And high-tech jammers would be EXPENSIVE. How would it be countered though? I thought about it for some time and then I found a solution, the "comms officer" (simply someone handling this and a communications array) would have the tools to try and decipher the jamming frequency, allowing his side to effectively counter the jamming by simply filtering it out(aka typing in the numbers he got and pressing "enable") How would he do that though? The tools (in his specialized console) would create a specific number of random math problems for him to solve that would lead to the final number being the enemy jamming codes, the higher level of the jammer the higher difficulty and number of equations to solve. Level one could just be simple adding subtracting multiplying and dividing, level two would be that plus square roots and exponentiation, level three would be that PLUS trigonometry, 10-15-20 equations each. They would be automatically generated and it would not only be simple equations but also (on the 3rd level) adding a missing part of the equation or a specific number. After this is handled, the officer would get the enemy jamming frequency, allowing his team to counter it. Recalibrating the jammer would take time and the codes would have to be re-send to the entire fleet. True, 1st and 2nd level would be just annoying but if activated at the right moment it could provide a significant advantage in an important part of the battle, they could be solved by anyone with a calculator BUT it would still take time, during which this could change the course of the battle. The highest jamming tech would require someone who actually know enough math to figure this stuff out or a group of people, whatever you decide. Automated Mining Systems by Fernix. (AMSF for an acronym sounds good, don't ya all think?) What would this be? To put it simply, the galaxy is HUGE, I mean, REALLY huge. And its FILLED with low-level resources like iron, ice, silicon. Basic resources would be crucial to sustaining any organization be it a pirate squadron, big-ass empire or a factory. Basic resources are needed but they are also abundant and it takes a lot of them to build capital ships. If mining guilds were to hire players for mining it would drive the costs of materials so high that even a simple cruiser would be a colossal undertaking for a lot of groups and majority of the players would be forced to use fighter craft for any combat, with light frigates serving as frontline capital ships. The drones would change it all, and I don't mean remotely controlled drones, I mean drones, fully automated. How would it work? Well, a sort of a programmable block (like in Space Engineers) would be required for this, it would allow creating a basic mining algorithm telling the drone what to do and how and where to mine. It, of course, could be modified by the players however they wish so they can use it, sell it or rent tamper-proof drones with this algorithm already in. What would it serve? 1st. Human manpower would be used for deep core mining only since drones would have a hard time doing it, and only for rare resources where they are hard to mine. This would stabilize the economy at usually low-prices for basic resources(excluding wartime), the rare resources would not only be rare but also the price would have the cost of hiring a miner to mine it within it, driving it up, making sure that the most high-tech technologies stay expensive and not available to all. 2. It would encourage piracy and through that, law enforcement. Yea, this is a plus, the further away from civilization the better deposits of rare resources that are untouched, but also more pirates, if a mining guild would try to claim more, its transports could be raided by pirates looking for an easy score. This would force miners to higher protection or pay the pirates off. The level of piracy would impact the economy significantly if the outlaws decided to raid some of the heavier transports en-masse. 3. During wartime, this would be an awesome target. War means the destruction of assets, assets need replacing, hence why during such time resources are more expensive, both factions would be forced to protect its mining operations, from pirates emboldened by the recent losses of warships by one of the sides, from another empire trying to cripple its enemy... this would give us a load of options and allow us to fight proxy wars before the main conflict begins. Galactic Trade Market and trading outposts. Not much to say here, but I do have one point. 1. The GTM outposts have to be separated. What does it mean? Let's say I want to buy some resources, I visit the closest GTM outpost (player-owned station of course with either a docking fee or a trade tax in place, but I will have to think of a way how this can be implemented) and while there are those resources for sale, they are in other GTM outposts far away (it would be based in which outpost the items are sold) so this would force me to go to another system and claim my already bought resources from that station. What would be the purpose of this? Seems like just making it tougher for players doesn't it? Well, you're right, it does. But this is closely tied to how the expansion to new resource-rich systems would work later. When a GTM station has multiple mining operations in range, a lot of small companies would simply look to dump those resources in the closest GTM outpost (which would be linked to the main trading system of course) but this issue has a lot of angles: distance, price, safety, amount of resources, political situation, shipping. Distance: to be frank, some of those outposts will be in the middle of nowhere, it will take a long time to reach them. Price: because it's distant, you would have to lower prices, you would still make a profit if you mine enough but it would be a lot lower than in more civilized and resource-deprived systems. Safety: as the outpost becomes larger, it would draw more people in and might possibly become a part of another organization given its location, it would also be a good spot for pirates since there would be a lot of raiding to do in the area. Amount of resources: new deposits = a lot of resources to mine and process. and sell, more work for people to do. Political situation: during wartime or an economic crisis separation of individual GTM outposts would mean that in many cases the situation is contained to a specific region, not the entire galaxy. Effectively creating a buffer that can be drained before any major crisis hits. For example, 2 major empires rage war, their resources are running out and they need more, they can start buying on the GTM but if they do they will only drain the stockpile from their region of space first, then others, but it will take time, time miners can use to increase production to meet the need for resources. This will also serve as a countermeasure to jackasses buying out the entire stockpile of a specific resource and then for a limited time getting a monopoly on selling it. I've seen this in SWTOR, in 2014 when there were a lot of new players who wanted to buy a lot of player-made components (they were better than npc-vendor stuff) but it required a lot of Rubat crystals, they were easily obtainable but the demand was always relatively high so while getting a set of a dozen or so would cost you more or less 349 credits, you could sell each crystal for 200 credits. One night some genius bought ALL of them on the market, changing the prices from ~ 200-250 to almost 1750 per crystal. It was good business for me because I had a fresh stockpile to sell at a time, but from his later gloating in the chat, I remember that it cost him 3 mil credits to buy all of those rubats and he made 7 mils on selling them. I know, player-driven economy, but dividing up the individual outposts to prevent an immediate flow of resources from one end of the galaxy to another would prevent this sort of thing on a mass scale and allow people to throw resources from other sectors, effectively making that temporary monopoly unviable. After the resources run out in one sector, those empires would have to import, that means logistics and hauling. And pirate attacks, and ambushes by the enemy. Loads of fun. Shipping: don't want to fly across half the galaxy to get resources? Fear not! Hire a shipping company to do it for you! This would also let individual entrepreneurs WITHOUT a group to play with to do something other than mine, invent new stuff, enlist or become a pirate. In the grand galaxy of tens of thousands of players online at the same time, wars and conquests, new inventions and the crisis it would be up to them to restore the price balance throughout the universe and make decent money in the process. Okay, I had much to say here... Communication Systems for individuals and Empires by Fernix. The more players this game has the more chaos there will be, it's up to you to make it a controlled chaos or an anarchy. The Communication Systems are a must-have, plain a simple. I don't only mean chat and voice chat between people but also between ships. How do we achieve this and how would it work? Communications console as a separate prop. Or an integrated for the smaller ships. For larger ships and fleet command stations there would have to be a lot of the specialized comms consoles to handle everything. First, let's look at how normal hailing would look like shall we? Open the console, select a ship you want to hail, an icon will show if they accepted your hail or not (they would get a message on the console that they are being hailed by you) after that you can either send a text or a voice message to them, a data pack(I will get to that later) or a set of coordinates, whatever you want to. You could also encrypt the comms but I will explain it once we get to Fernix's Espionage Revolution. In combat, when you have a carrier for example and fighters have to refuel, this would allow a wing or a squadron or a formation leader to contact a ship and inform them about it and ask them to for example open the hangar. "Hold up Fernix! You can do that on Teamspeak or Discord!" some of you are probably already typing something along those lines. Hah, bullshit. Yes if you a have just a small carrier with a few fighters you can do that. Good luck doing the same with a full battlegroup, nevermind a fleet! "But smaller groups can still stay on their own channels and the CO can simply use the super speaker option to skip channels!" True, but irrelevant, let's say you spot a boarding skiff on a CBDR with a fellowship, have fun switching TS channels in the middle of combat and alt-tabbing all the time while you could just tell you comms operator to contact that ship himself and relay the information. This would essentially create a requirement for a real-life hierarchy and structure like in a normal navy battlegroup. I believe it would be an awesome feature that in many cases could determine the outcome of a battle, it would also mean that empires would use ONLY the best and most active players for their most powerful ships, forcing people to learn and stay active if they want to progress in the ranks, it would also mean that once those players get assigned to the post they wanted for some time already, they will be a lot less likely to quit and more likely to play more, making them even more experienced in their role, making them desirable by many organizations and allowing them to capitalize on their skillset. If you ask me, it would be an awesome thing if being posted at a renown ship would mean that if you decide to leave this faction, you won't have to start up from the bottom because others will WANT you on THEIR capital ships and in command positions because of where and how you worked earlier. Communications meet Spies. Something that is a must-have in a sandbox with empires is an active espionage system. What would that even mean though? 1. You can encrypt all communications AND intercept communications. Pretty simple and basic, as to what communications you could intercept read next points. 2. Keeping in contact with automated outposts. They are supposed to be just that, automated. The players would set how often are they supposed to send a status update, meaning full inventory list and list of contacts or any relayed communications. This would mean of course that if you intercept such communication, even if it is unencrypted, you would know what it has, who owns it and that it is in the area. Also if its full you would know that soon there will be a ship arriving to transport the mined resources to another place, good info for pirates I think. 3. Active spies. Let's make a scenario shall we? Two groups, A and B, both are of equal strength and they hate each other, A has a spy inside B, said spy manages to get access to the comms console and copy a list of mining outposts and their locations. A wipes out all of them in a surprise attack. B is in deep shit now. 4. What could be gathered? Blueprints from the shipyard mainframe, jamming frequencies before the battle, encryption codes for comms, list of active ships, a location of other bases, coordinates for mining outposts. Anything could be downloaded by clicking "copy information" while looking through information on the enemy mainframe. This would require an in-depth computer system in-game but I think it would really be worth it in the long rung. 5. How would it be gathered? Gain access to a console, a comms console, for example, each transponder could be assigned to a specific directory in the comms overlook, sort of a "friend directory" option. From there you could select any set of information and select "copy to data disk". Why like this? Simple, having access to a mainframe without authorization for an hour can be... lethal, and doing screenshots of a list of a hundred outposts ships or blueprints where you would have to select it and check it's coordinates or any info manually... well, have fun getting caught. This would force the player to do either of 3 things: exfil, send it OR a dead drop. Exfil means your mission is over and you lose an asset inside an enemy structure with access to crucial information. Sending means you possibly leave a trail because (ideally) you would have to log-in with your ID or a passcode or whatever and send this to someone, this leaves a trail and you can get caught if someone checks the logs and who was using the console at a time. Dead drops can never reach the intended person or can get compromised by accident. As you can see, this would be a lot of fun. And it could decide a fate of the war before it begins, just like in the real world. This is it for now. If you've read this far, thank you, you earned a right to comment on this and either criticize or agree or make some suggestions using all of this. If you didn't read all of it and don't understand how it is all tied together in a lot of ways, I don't care about your opinion. This is only an idea that would require a lot of players and is mainly focused on the structure of long-term gameplay, something I hope you understand. It's also 5 A.M when I finished writing it and to top it English is not my primary language, so I'm sorry for errors. Fernix
the ability to "hail" a ship by text/voice/live feed of bridge would give the ability to exchange remarks, solve conflicts and open up the possibility of an alliance (yes I got this from star trek )
My proposal to the market system is to have a way to program to set up restricted buying and selling based on players or orgs. So not anyone can do up in your city and out sell you or your org because they are selling for less. So instead of approaching a market terminal and accessing a universal market you access that orgs market. My real concern is creating an easier method of paying employees. The way I would like to do it is say for example I have miners that drop off or at my factory. Instead of both of us being online they can stop at my terminal reserved for them and sell there or to me and I have the ore price set specifically for their payment and I can remove tax.
This is a quick market place question. When selling or buy something from a market stand will it be a universe wide market like for example runescapes grand exchange were you deal with all players. Or will owners of the terminals be able to only sell their products
This will be a proposed solution to a problem that NovaQuark has thus far decided not to create: losing money (that is, in-game currency: Quanta) upon death of a player. Let's dive into it. The Problem If my sources are correct, NovaQuark has stated before that such items as DACs, Blueprints, Territory Control Units, Resurrection Nodes, and Quanta will not be lost upon death. Most of these items I have listed are justifiably non-lose-able; they are highly rare and valuable or, in some cases, unique items that would dramatically affect the total universal supply of these items. However, that last one, Quanta, seems not to belong on that list. Quanta will be as common as dirt, and the entire economy of DU will circulate around it. It is not rare, and it useful purely as a medium of exchange. So it seems to me that, like any other item, at least some percentage of Quanta should be lost by a player if he/she dies/is killed. A further incentive to encourage safe civilization building practices, of course. And a mechanic to facilitate looting of money, which is really the end goal of most looters. After all, in real life, should you be killed or rendered unconscious, any cash you may be carrying is easy pickings. However, you might say, if a player dies of non-PVP causes, doesn't that create a currency sink? If a player were particularly deep-pocketed, it could even have a significant impact on the universal economy. Surely, this is a problem that we are better off avoiding? The Attempt at a Solution Allow me the privilege of tickling your economic fancies. We all know, of course, that NQ plans on implementing market bots/non-player-buy-orders initially, in order to inject some currency into the infant economy of the early game. Now let's take that a step further. A player dies, drops random x% of Quanta. First, to facilitate looting, most of his inventory (including that Quanta) will have dropped. In most looting cases, looters will immediately snatch up these items and continue along their merry ways. If it is a non-PVP death (ex. taking too high of a fall, crashing a spaceship), presumably those items will just disappear after x amount of time. But wait! We can't just have Quanta dropping through a wormhole into another (triple?) universe. Oh the humanity economy! So here is what I propose: instead of vanishing like those other inventory contents, Quanta will be whisked away into one of those nifty market bots that will be present at the beginning of the game to inject currency. These bots will purchase items from sellers on the universal market, thus recirculating the money back into the economy. Extension Of course, this all hinges on NQ's willingness to spend development time on this feature, and how to manage the balance between immersion and practicality (there are no market bots in the real world, but there are institutions installed to regulate the economy). This competes against the benefits of such a feature to the game: reality (it makes sense that you should lose money upon a death, even if temporary), the ability to loot money (for all the pirates and scavengers and outlaws), and indeed, the possibility of banking (who would bank money that is perfectly safe in a wallet, save for interest on deposits?) Therefore, discuss.
This is Elector Cale(wars) bringing up some economics again. Lets say there was a DU mechanic where you could model small objects like a bobble head. You could sell them by producing them on the DU player market for fun and make profit. Instead of modeling with blender and having so much more mechanics to have to add and deal with. Why not make a in game model system similair to blender? Lets say you had 1 block worth of material to sculpt something. If you wanted to sculpt something that was the size of 10 cubes it would take 10 cubes from your invintory. Once one if made you could save it and it could be made with small factory units or it could be super scaled with more materials. Instead of having to use blender, skecthup. or something to that sort and go through the trouble of uploading it through the market. This could also bring more mechanics such as modeling chairs or tables maby even some sort of lighting systems to sculpt or buy. These would be able to be placed for decoration mainly. Some might say its a stupid idea and its usless. In real life toys are usless. Theres no point for toys or bobble heads. We do it for fun, or just to make a profit off of people who like stuff like that. People are doing this Now! People are already modeling various ships for dual later on. You can find them on various posts. If you liked this idea find a Opean Federation post off the community and give them a like! Even follow us on discord. We offer many jobs!