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Alpha Tester
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Everything posted by GraXXoR

  1. Lol. One of the main problems I'm getting is that elements randomly show 90% plus obstruction and fail to work at all - usually rear facing engines. When I go into build mode, they glow bright red at first and then over the course of about 10 to 30 seconds dim and go out and the propellor icon disappears from the netlist, If I then pilot my ship, everything works fine. But the next time I log into the game and try to fly my ship without entering build mode, the same elements are temporarily broken again. I have two ships with this behaviour.
  2. I have two ships that say elements are clipping and will be disabled in the future. But int typical NQ flash ion it doesn’t give ANY indication as to which element is clipping with which. This game has shockingly bad UX even for a Balpha.
  3. Quite literally the most obnoxious “feature” I’ve seen any non free to play game introduce.
  4. Technically, though, you can completely ignore the mini game. I’ve read from people who do ignore it. I haven’t collected the ore on either of my hexes for a week now. That’s about 200k of ore that’s just sitting there. at least the mini game requires a modicum of luck and skill. The problem with the ore drops is that to pick it all up I would quite literally have to point my cursor at stationary rocks for an hour. how is that in any way, shape or form, fun? for the ore drops at the very least they need instant pick ups. just click and boom it’s in the bag.
  5. ... craftable in my nanopack? It's T1 but for some reason not available to craft. Very annoying.
  6. Now if taxes were said to be paid to maintain the no fire safe zone, I could kind of understand the canon, but having to pay taxes for a hex in free for all region of space makes less than zero sense. make all hexes outside the safe zone free. THAT would be an incentive for orgs to move out there. although currently there are not even enough remaining players for the core planets let alone spreading them out 1 person per planet.
  7. 1) You can already see the hexes you've scanned by linking to the container with the saved scan data in it, making it your active container and selecting the container from the dropdown menu bottom left of the map. this is a chore though, so it would be better if we could see these map results from the scanner itself, too, without having to mess around with containers and links and stuff. Yes, colour coding the hexes for each tier is a nice idea or otherwise ranking or filtering based on chosen criteria like you can currently do with container contents. 2) yes, a bespoke scanning proficiency skill applicable to the territory scanner would be nice. 3) I would go further to add a click box to filter out all bots sales and purchase orders from search results with a single click. I also want a “what’s cheap here” browse feature that only lists products being sold at lower prices compared to other places. Say, within the cheapest 10% of all listings or something like that. sometimes I just want to browse and see what’s on offer after showboating for three hours. Finally, I would like the search box to actually use “AND” logic between search terms rather than 1980’s style literal string search so that pan black alu or alu panel bla return the expected results rather than having to remember EXACTLY what the product is named. but these are band aids. Because really, player market terminals linked to the central database are what’s actually needed. and for THOSE I’d be willing to pay a rental tax.
  8. There wouldn’t be ghost towns like Freeport or Utopia Station if NQ didn’t keep scaring off the players. Our own modest org was at nearly 50 people as of pre 0.23. Now we are in single digits, if that some days. now that I think of it, does Freeport even still exist after the introduction of taxes… I visited it last year for a couple of hours and saw not a single other player.
  9. the mining mini game is dull but fine. Better if you could skip the animations. However, the fact that over half of the material needs to be immediately sold to bots to make money to put back into the hex it came from is kind of Rube Goldberg-esq if you ask me, though. The “bonus” surface ore collection, on the other hand, is carpel-tunnel-syndrome-inducing level rancid. At the very least you should just be able to pick up the ore rather than wasting time holding a mouse button down for 5 minutes. Even better would be to have the ore added to the next 24h’s collection or even just added to the container immediately or even better, delivered by that stupid invisible drone we see in the mini game. I know NQ want to drag out the minimal content they have to last as long as possible in lieu of real gameplay but still… Someone said you can put 13 weeks of payment into your hex if you need to step away for a bit, but damn that would be 13,000,000 ℏ per hex at current rates! although you could HQ them I guess. I’m not a game designer though so I don’t really have much to offer as alternative beyond patching the manual ore collection.
  10. Personally I hate the shitstain sky of Sanctuary and wish it had a blue sky. But I assumed they were trying to make it as unappealing as physically possible.
  11. Apart from skills I agree. Sure it’s hard to skill up to level five but I just came back to the game after a loooong break since around 0.23 and unneeded mining skills. So I just queued up to L3! In all the mining skills and was 60% through the tree within about a day. Getting to level 3 is less than 1/25th as difficult as level 5 and gives a decent boost. mad for mining units. If you are willing to play the mini “game” 20, 30 or 40 times per day then more power to you. You deserve the income. some people are just more suited to making money than others (like me) who prefers a more casual play style. but I certainly won’t begrudge someone who has the patience for multiple accounts.
  12. very happy to hear about the RDMS screen ui update. I really hope they change the rights dropdown to a simple checkbox list. please also fix the skills queuing list. and remove the massive avatar picture from the centre of the UI. It serves less than zero purpose. also please fix the market place UI. I can’t swap between my linked container and my nanopack when at the market place and Ctrl-i is disabled for some reason. —- Problem is most detritus as I see it is from players from the alpha who don’t pay subs.
  13. Making the post better, and idea is here. Why do people insist on changing the colour of their posts. There is this guy here and one other who insists on using green text. the problem is those don’t colors override any defaults set in the client sometimes making them difficult to read. one person managed to set their text to black. Not good when using dark mode for obvious reasons. How about sticking to the default colour and letting your post stand on its own merits rather than trying to highlight it by changing its colour?
  14. No game to play? There’s far more to do in SC than DU. Hell, there’s more to do in ED than DU right now. only thing DU has the others don’t are voxels and LUA. But as all the murder hoboes say: pretty voxels in the safe zone don’t make a game.
  15. It always amuses me when adults, males (white males, let’s be honest) create cute little dramas in teacups. Never heard of AC or ATOM or Legion until this thread. lots of big talk and macho, pseudo militaristic group names and members spouting strong words when it’s probably double digit active users at best. also the derogatory nature they have towards those who don’t like fighting in a digital computer game means that IMHO, they deserve zero respect in or out of game. If they call non PvPers carebears, the non-PvPers should just label them what they are: sad, lonely men looking to find some compensation release or satisfaction in a computer game, far away from the emasculating reality in which they apparently live.
  16. Surely size increase is to stop S cores from mounting a whole bunch of L weapons, no? now you actually are limited by size of the weapons as to what you can and can’t actually place. is damage commensurate with the size of the weapon? Or is it borked like ailerons’ scale lift to weight factor?
  17. Got four posts in and started to get a few tingles...
  18. The lopsided seating position of the avatar in the char is very annoying when you have a symmetrical ship. it sets off the old OCD in me. I'm not a fan of effortless 3rd person views in MMOs because of immersion reasons. Years ago I added a request for external sensor units or even just using current elements such as radar or weapons to allow an external view. If they were all destroyed, you would loose access to third party view and thus retain the value of good cockpit visibility. I've never used or crafted one, but do armoured windows' shutters actually open and close?
  19. I had a 3900x using the same X570 motherboard (Aorus Master) as I use today and moving to the 5900x has perhaps... maybe... helped smooth things out in gaming... if you have a decent graphics card, the CPU can easily become a bottleneck... The 3000 series is head and shoulders better than the janky 2000 series.... and is absolutely, night and day, guaranteed to give you a fantastic boost over the 1000 series. Not even any question about it. Now the real question is: Is the 5000 series (with current elevated pricing) really worth it over the still excellent and basically current 3000 series? I notice that the 5900x doesn't max out to 100% as often as my 3900x did... But it REALLY shines when doing production work... I'm a photographer and use DXO which is a complete dog, performance-wise... and the 5900X absolutely chews through my workloads... But to be honest, for gaming, the 3600 and above are looking super sweet. They have much of the gaming performance of the 5 series for less than half the cost. If you need the cores for other stuff, though, then I can SERIOUSLY recommend a 3900x CPU now that supply seems to be no longer constrained on these lower tier parts. If you're on an even tighter budget, the 3600x-3800x are all still completely relevant for gaming and productivity. The 5 series is like a sweet little boost to smooth out the edge cases: cherry on the top, a somewhat premium, expensive cherry... And if I were buying now, I would get one of those cheaply priced 3900x (don't get a 3900xt, they are over priced) and put it on a mid range X570 motherboard. The X570 motherboards are really amazingly powerful and you can always upgrade to a 5000 series CPU at a later date... and take full advantage of any current or future PCIE4 hardware.
  20. I’m kinda relieved. I upgraded my ram from 2 to 4 sticks recently and had some instability so I replaced all four sticks with matching ram. my computer had been running fine for a few days but recently started to crash in DU. I thought it could be the RAM. but it’s been fine in Star Citizen and Cities skylines, two other “heavy” games. I have an AMD 5900x.
  21. Exactly... though I doubt that it would come to this unless another player put in a spurious claim... I fixed that last line for you... ?
  22. The ultimate cynic in me nodded furiously at that.... oof! Very interesting, Captain... I can see where you're coming from, though I suspect that is because you likely have more faith remaining in humanity than I do... I'm kinda in the other direction if any game error is handled strictly as worded, it leads to all manner of potential issues... Any time the game behaves in a way it arguably shouldn't.... like placing wings between voxels and hiding their profile to gain an "unfair" speed advantage" or never using diagonal wings to do the same... could be construed as an "offense". at the end of the day, this is a Balpha (Beta by name, alpha by quality)... rules still need to be handled on a case by case basis because the code is shonky af right now and this is not yet anywhere near a complete game.
  23. It's kinda even sadder that this forum now often only generating single-digit daily posts... about the game... rather than vaccines.. that thread got plenty of posts... T_T
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