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Alpha Tester
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Everything posted by Kuritho

  1. Kuritho

    DU Memes

    *slow, awkward clapping*
  2. Canadians. Sorry for the sorryiness. Sorry!
  3. Please beat the living shit out of every corp. It'll be cool. (Kuritho is not responsible for any actions that may have occurred when following this script of ill-advised advice.)
  4. So, what you mean is that when you're close to a planet, you become part of the planet's sphere basically?
  5. Terra Union is too big. Terra is a word for Earth. Who made the Earth? Aliens. Terra Union = Alien Lizards
  6. Honestly, I completely support Caeraes. Somewhat 'famous' people (Not to name and shame, but most have commented in a disapproving way) have created many alts. I mean, hey. Its not hurting anyone, except for spot number #16
  7. *exhales* You just basically took the entire "bling" out of the game.
  8. *buys insurance* *throws rock at ship* "GIVE ME A NEW GODDAMN SHIP" *replaces hole and has a new ship* We can't have that happen.
  9. But, like, why though. It IS helping you and everything. In almost no way is it hurting you. Only benefits. "I'd like to have a few alts, Mr. Cybersex."
  10. But I mean seriously. Its literally a few bullets and you simply cannot leave survivors. When there are survivors, there are people who will follow you and hunt you down with their escape pods. Plus, I mean... Its fun to kill (and get killed).
  11. Halo is much better as everything it has is much more memorable. As pengo said, most of Star War's ships are triangular, spherical, or in an arrow fashion. I never liked StarWars. It is neat, but it died out quite the time ago.
  12. Even better would be the heat and radiation from the star slowly melt constructs (degrade them? Make them less efficient?) and the cold/dark side to make them run better at the cost of the planet being dark.
  13. Now I wonder how expeditions will be made if there are not enough features for factions and stuff at launch. How much would people pay for a trip to the moon? Can we charge real money?
  14. So basically you mean that... Space Exploration is going to cost a lot? Why can't we just build a tower of dirt? The Holy Tower of Dirt. To Infinity and Beyond!
  15. What I heard the entire song: NAYYYYHAANA. *unintelligible screaming* NYTAYYHHHAYAN
  16. First Problem: Nobody to enforce in a galactic scale. Solution: Don't enforce it at a galactic scale. Second Problem: "My corporation doesn't have security!11!1!" Solution: Leave the corporation and join like, the Vanguard/Terran Union. Tertiary Problem: "Which zones will be safe?" Answer: The ones that have great advantages.
  17. So basically a hibernation habitat?
  18. Who is he/she? I am bad with memory.
  19. Turrets will be scripted by players but will have a default script NQ will provide. And since scripts have to have a friendly player near it, this will cause a few problems with your response (Assuming NQ doesn't make turrets activate when an enemy is near) so shielding will be used as Aetherios and Begogian said.
  20. Short Answer: No. Long(ish) Answer: This will basically make the game very boring. This will allow corporations to basically never get attacked and will turn the game in a to a grindfest. There WILL be markets controlled by a powerful faction to prevent wars and battles and little skirmishes. TL:DR, Bad Idea.
  21. That raises the question: What kind of controversial subjects will rise? Will we have unique words for different beliefs and opinions? Minimum wage? Taxes based on wealth?
  22. Annnnnd I inadvertently put the thread off-topic. Sorry. But with the Insurgent ship, isn't that sort of ironic considering your a private military corporation? Are you guys a sort-of Rebellion?
  23. I dig this topic! --------- I believe that drills should "degrade" metals and resources (assuming there is high-quality, low-quality- pristine, ect) so that mining by hand is more efficient. I think that just outright destroying materials would be a bit too much.
  24. I'm just going to sit down and cry at that statement.
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