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Aaron Cain

Alpha Tester
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Everything posted by Aaron Cain

  1. You Won!!!! NQ does not listen to anyone on the forum since........ uhm, yeah!!! you won!!!!!!
  2. To the OP, Good Points!!!!! Nice post. keep it up! Nothing to add
  3. That would be a joke if your banned for being negative, Ingame people literally exloided for billions, then schemed the schematics with [censored] knowledge so they made even more billions. Then added that on goldsellerpages. And none of those were banned, you can however be banned if you expose goldsellers or even mention them
  4. If DU is put in seperate servers, just kill it. The only thing DU has over games like SE is the single server and no wipes, introduce one of the two as generic feature and DU is dead. Ingame building and tech is nice but with the lag and time it takes to grow it would lose to other games as SE that has No monthly cost and where you can be in full PVP on day one
  5. sorry to say but logging all alts per day and unlogging in 1 minute makes me more quanta then the mining units.
  6. The ore feature is canned, we dont know what feature is next to reduce lag, industry? Flight? Trees? water?
  7. Or better yet, remove them complete and bring mining back, maybe add mining elements that can be added to ships and just accept the holes in the planets as people will start drilling them anyway. for the list, nice list with good ideas.!!!
  8. They should have never called this phase a beta with so many game changing alterations, features getting canned, features we would nevernevernever get getting installed, stuff like that. Its still alpha in everything but the name. Release it now and you will get what you can expect, total cancellation within a year, bankruptcy of a company. On a good point, it was always said that on release backers could get their money back when delivery of game was not what they hoped it would be.
  9. So in short, Make DU into single shard Space engineers without mods and with much more limitations? Limitations has always been the top part of any patchnote since alpha, this will not change apparently.
  10. The cap is 299 792 458 m / s and based on light speed so that cap is here to stay.
  11. I might have missed something lately in development but DU was on track to indeed push out alot of other games but well, some very logical moves, to the developers, later we have crash landed with the remains of post apocalypic 0.23
  12. you forgot all the exploiders who were left unharmed even after goldseller evidence was reported
  13. Mining outcome is much too low, picking up rocks is much more efficient but kills the urge to play. An expected NQ induced incentive on using the MU with callibration will probably be to stop people from being able to grab surface rocks, I would urge to reconcider as this will really kill off any starter or casual player. To be honest ores per tile are about a factor 10 to 100 to low per hr to make DU pass a year into existence, let alone grow in player numbers, nobody can PvP Or PvE on current materials per day. The only reason people still play is for their ore reserves, give it a month or two and those are gone and we are at breaking point.
  14. Yeah you are right about this, the idea this is a communication/civilization building game is a good base and there are gaming loops to concider for making this work perfectly. And even slow progress would work, but there is a keyword, progress. Most MMO will give you enough to do to get to lvl 20 or 30 without help if you dont want too and enough to do on a daily basis that is actually fun. to be honest stuff like callibration of mining units is fine for when you reach lvl 80 and need to do that quest to get ultra pure tier 4 mats then its an achievement and a goal you worked for all this time, now its basic t1 ore that needs more time to get installed then it is to just mindless grab stuff. And we all know what this will lead to, will the callibration process get better? Noooo grabbing rocks will get limited soon. and it goes on and on here, reason most older players do not give ideas how to make it work is because they already did few hundered times and all was ignored. There is nobody i asked to play this that made it through 1 week, most read the patch notes and saw the Q&A and already left before getting in, rate will be much higher
  15. Good text Warlander. Would be good if they indeed listen instead of laughing away issues. I do get the feeling people at NQ dont see the effect of this all, its not my resume that will look bleak, Its not my job that is on the line if more players drop and DU crashes, my investment is slightly over 250 euros, something i can easily miss when stepping over to something else. Since day one Pre-Alpha the communications issue was known to community but the ideas kept on coming. we even got a nice website to follow progress and what was going to be added and what not, all canned, so it must have been around the last time we were told they do something about communication they actually did, killed the sites where we can actually follow prograss, killed the community page as we would get something much better ingame (where is it then) and stopped communication but threw in videos with as communication "we show your question on the screen" well only if they like it i get the feeling. Frankly the need for communication is overrated and is only needed when shit gets out of control or follows the wrong direction, when good shit happens in general nobody cares much about communication (two way communication, as one sided communication seems to be no problem) The problem here is that there is no logic behind made choices and cost reductions are named technical issues. And all the latest additions, oh sorry, scrapping of features is Beta unworthy, this is alpha stuff that has been done, you are redeveloping basic ground works in a beta game where you ask real money for per time unit. That is a general no-go but well, you went there. Now be brave Square enix style and go back to the drawing board, sink the monster and be brilliant. Final Fantasy 14 was not developed brilliant, nope First itteration Sucked so bad (https://www.looper.com/304287/why-final-fantasy-14-was-such-a-huge-flop-when-it-launched/) players asked the company to sink it, and guess what? They Listened!!! And rebuild it to the epic game it is now: "Square Enix has confirmed that Final Fantasy 14 now has 25 million registered players" Do your math, be wise, be smart, be brilliant and make history, or just struggle some more, kill few more features add new colors to grass and see if that helps
  16. Day one using mining units with calibration: This is a useless system...ok efficientcy sucks, lets grab rocks instead. Day two using mining units, Ok calibration is even worse today as yesterday, grabing rocks doesnt do much either but well, we got something Day tree logging in. Shit noway im going to do this boring stuff every day, cyaaa Logging out, open steam call friends play space engineers, do actual mining, 3 days to build a ship looking epic, fighting in PvP, meating some DSI people who probably didnt know who i was, But had a great time. Day four not logging in Day five not logging in With the implementation of schematics almost all were against and prices were high, But you didnt listen to any of the objections, mass player leaves. Now we get this patch, comments everywhere, players again leaving some after coming back a week or so and the comment list is large. best part about schematics was the solution: But you make alot of cash so buying them is easy, now we dont make anything anymore except the people who do missions. In the end DU became a Do missions for cash and log out Game. Maybe I am missing a point but the whole idea of building civilization together in a MMO should be different then flying alts on a mission solo.
  17. You will be missed! And you got it right on every point, i could even add that exploiders have more rights compared to other players since they are never act upon or are the spoils ever taken away. Even worse, when telling about it or about their RL goldselling you come on a blacklist. I read drastic improvements in the replies but i cannot find any, if scrapping features and people leaving what leads to less lag is seen as an improvement then indeed the improvements are drastic, if itwas intended to talk about the development of DU going into extra speed, introducing new features making it cutting edge and absolutely new and unique in Its kind, I missed that. There is not even a point in writing down ideas and suggestions anymore. All are ignored and good stuff we have will probably be deleted or addressed in a different way to diversify the playing field, what ever that means. I still hope to see a change but chances are grim
  18. good point, it is massively annoying to see all these yellow bubbles that try to push you off.
  19. Good point, ammo should also be realistically weighed.
  20. Nice to see everytime that adding PVP will save DU, but when you look at what caused the most people to leave its the addition of schematics and the way pvp is implemented. Competition Space engeneers and empyrion both have a more suitable pvp system as both are more personal and more skill based. When talking about space pvp i am thinking about stuff like starconflict where you are lucky to live more then 3 minutes per battle if the opposition is good. With regard to PvP, sure there are things that can be added to make DU better, but the first question should be, is it player vs player or organization vs organization that we are intersted in. Ground warfare should be added but there is no real reason to add it with demeter installed, as what would you fight for? Same for ground to air and air to ground, player vs player. It would be nice to be able to sent assassins out in the field but for what reason, there is no gains. DU at the moment is parts and bits with no coherent gameplay, it should have been fit for marvelous roleplaying but thats missing too, grand warfare and revenge would be nice to have with good cause but that also is missing, and witht the new tax system chance of any organization to actually own large portions of planets is also out of the window. It is relative easy to fix most but then still the base for all is kinda dead, the community battles of old are gone and fights between large organizations are raged elsewhere. Mass owned land portions should be possible, fights on borders should be possible, but for that we should go back to the intention of only having sanctuary at the sanctuary planet and let alioth be the battle ground it was intended to be with maybe some safehavens here and there. better to have the tax on alith removed, add shielding or maintenancve on TU units and add something to add the need to actually own large pieces of alioth, and scrap the taxes that prevent this. if taxes are gone and actual warfare can be used to take hexes the situation will in the end stabilize and be better as a whole.
  21. That entirely is the problem of the company who promissed to give out dax to players who invested. The players have a different problem as in, the game is not looking like it was told. even the pets and the free sanctuary STU will be meaningless at this moment. With all the free stuff i should get at release im good for the coming few years with STU for a nice Large city. Still i do not expect the promise to hold, but then again if they break that By law we can all get our money back. So in the end, NQ made contracts with investers (backers) and they need to keep them, their problem if that costs revenue.
  22. With luck game will stay free for them, its a bit of a calculation, the free time given for the features they signed in for minus the scrapped features, that should be extrapolated into alot more free time based on features that stay like player run markets and air to ground pvp, ground to ground pvp, stargates
  23. Its NC Soft all over. I regret the money I invested in an early stage as what we will get is not even getting close to what was told. This is about the same as buying something online for a good deal of money and getting sent a brick. Like most people here i have sent loads of positive posts or ideas in the past, but well i doubt any idea from the community was ever actually added and is still in the game. There was a time JC talked about millions of players and it actually made sense, now with the cost reducing development plan and it looks like indeed the players are the only ones getting the negatives of the cost reductions, the whole kickstarter money asking just feels like a big scam.
  24. Normally a game is developed from small to abit larger to epic, Somehow DU is developed exactely oposit, from epic ideas to scatch this, that, this this, aaand dont forget that, ok and now we have left uhmmm. Ok, can we promote and sell this?
  25. Well Tax is always the lazy ass solution for everything, thats also why incompetent governmentals use taxes for everything. if you cannot develop, or govern, Tax it. Any other way to prevent overuse of hex would be fine but the solution that does nothing to the previous exploiters that can goble up everyones stuff in 2 weeks, its a laugh really. There could have been so much better ways of dealing with this, or just do nothing with it at all. from the start we knew territorial unit placement would be something costly, maintainance probably too, but seeing the amount of hexes per planet and the emptyness on planets with regard to the high taxes per tile that indeed can be done by people doing missions or alot of trading, but steady going casual players can forget it.
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