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    Pleione got a reaction from Zarcata in SHEDDING LIGHT ON A NOVAQUARK INTERNAL DISCUSSION - discussion thread   
    Sincerely appreciate you checking in and letting us know!  Any ETA on when a decision will be made?
  2. Like
    Pleione reacted to Grouvie in SHEDDING LIGHT ON A NOVAQUARK INTERNAL DISCUSSION - discussion thread   
    In my opinion all information given is way too superficial and vague.
    I consider myself a long-time player and I vehemently support a full wipe. BUT NOT at the current moment.

    How is the more polished version of the game supposed to be? When can it be expected? What kind of features do you want to implement until it is polished enough for previous mistakes to not happen again? It is hard to estimate the pros and cons of a wipe without any information.

    What will industry look like after removing Schematics again? Will machines have some kind of durability? Will some energy concept be implemented in the near future? How do you want to implement a decay of not only ship parts, but industry and more? How do you plan to implement these things in the currrent state of the game when often random problems occur and a ticket is needed to resolve problems, without any insight being possible into why something happened. When are those things supposed to happen? Taking into account the current update time frames any bigger update is still far away and even then polishing and bug fixing should be the big priority.
    You already rule this out yourself. I do not think there is any further comment needed here.
    So this seems to be the clear option you prefer.
    I do not see a point in giving out quanta that then would hopefully be worthless for the beginning.
    I'd hate to see my talent points go, but I would not have too big of a problem with it, if there were some kind of compensation for the time already spent playing/ maybe even paying. For example DACs.

    Why does the ability to auto-align the preview of a construct seem to be so far down the line. It is a long requested feature.
    The same also could be said about editing blueprint contents. Whether it is the kind of honeycomb or different kind of engines... Why can constructs not be easily disassembled back into a container with one click? Why are aphelia missions (one big part for the economy failure) even a thing in a player driven game? The same goes for taxes on tiles, the new space market and many other things. Why are there no player driven solutions, approaches or proposals to manage the economy? Instead of a space market you could give us the tools to build a market like this ourselves.

    Those are just a few points of all the things you should improve, polish and take into account before you can even think about wiping the game or making any other incisive change to it. In its current state it is too far from being finished or balanced and a wipe now would just restart the sequence of things that lead to the current situation.
  3. Like
    Pleione reacted to blazemonger in SHEDDING LIGHT ON A NOVAQUARK INTERNAL DISCUSSION - discussion thread   
    If you would try and make this case relating to NQ once they wipe .. you will be laughed out of court faster than you could say WIPE
    You are not in any way "financially injured", certainly not in the context of this quote, if NQ decided to wipe, even if they did a full  wipe. The T&C for the game, which you agreed to as you signed up and which woudl superceed any comments made by individual NQ staff, leave it entirely for NQ to do as they deem is needed, including a full wipe.

    The conditions for lifting safe zones around planets has been pretty well defined and the required state of the game has not yet been met. The big blue ball around Alioth/Madis/Thades was a direct result of the warmongering and "we wil lcome and kick over your sandcasteles as soon as we can" talk that happened prior to and earlu into beta. DU is not a PVP game and the devs rightly will/have/should protect the game against that part  of it becoming all emcompassing and going everywhere.

    Basically, the trigger happy crowd jump the gun and by doing so shackled themselves.
    The whole loop this relates to is extremely under developed and really is one of the big pointers the game is really still knee deep in alpha.. Unfortunately I doubt NQ will ever get back to fixing this as they will not have the time to do so and the game will not be around long enough to justify it
    NQ's original idea was good but because their inability to really build the rest of the gam efrom there and their horrid planning and financial management led to this being all but a shell of what it was menat to be and again, I can't see them find opportunity to ever recover from that.
    The game has no hooks or logic to support NPCs, any and all "content" NQ creates is entirely static.  JC thought he could literayy just build a box and dump sand in it to then see massive amount sof players come and buils the game for him. Many of us have told NQ that was a pipedream from very ealy on and obviously, NQ did not listen or care.
    In EVE, PVE content and NPC activity lies at the core of everything that happens in the game, it is the well from which all player activitie flows. For DU to even have a basic form of that woudl probably require a massive rewrite fo the core game, something which simply wil lnot happen.
    Here again, NQ has no gamedesign skillset, they created a technical solution which has no gameplay value in RDMS. A relational mechanic which defines Neutral, Friend or Foe woudl be a very basic thing to have but again, it's not something NQ seems to consider or be able to come up with.
    Fair, Frankly, if I look at the siege mechanic Frozenbyte is designing for STarBAse, it is simple, effective and clear. You initiate the attack, the defender sets the time for the attck to commence. If you manage to capture the defeated defenders get he opportunity to take it back and if they can't it's yours and a safezone is re-established.
    It's really not hard and while DU lacks many of the intricate parts of what EVE and also StarBAse do, at least they can get close enough to make the mechanic work, interesting and worthwile. But again, I do not think the game will be around long wnough for it to flesh out.
    I believe part off why NQ never really aggressively pursued expliots is because it was _always_ the plan to wipe come release.
    You need imagination to create lore and events. And unfortunately NQ has yet to show a sense of that.
    DU is still alpha, it is a collection of mechanics with no glue and no substance.
    NQ ran out of ideas, lost their vision and ha sno funding. They are stuck and al lthey have is hope that pushing a release and rushing to it triggers in influx of players big enough to survive long enough to get to the next expansion.
  4. Like
    Pleione reacted to MarcusBrutus in SHEDDING LIGHT ON A NOVAQUARK INTERNAL DISCUSSION - discussion thread   
    I'm fine with wiping everything except talent points.  Quanta, schematics, and even blueprints would be fine with me, personally. If everything including talent points are wiped with no means of compensation, that's borderline fraud for people who paid for subs this whole time, and I won't support a company who treats its customers that way. Just my two cents.
  5. Like
    Pleione reacted to ABitCrazy in SHEDDING LIGHT ON A NOVAQUARK INTERNAL DISCUSSION - discussion thread   
    I think NQ should quickly sort this out , GO or NO GO... announce asap.  Everyday I login to the game and ask my self, maybe things I am doing just being wiped..  Should I continue building my new base after relocation?  should I just sell everything ? .. damn make it quick NQ
  6. Like
    Pleione reacted to blazemonger in SHEDDING LIGHT ON A NOVAQUARK INTERNAL DISCUSSION - discussion thread   
    I certainly think it will be interesting to start "fresh" with talent points and blueprints maintained.
    I actually can see a good few veteran players bond together and start buildinging actual communities around them, including new players which is eexactly what the game needs, instead of the high and mightly towers of wealth and "I have it all" that exists today. ANd that in itself is well worth a wipe IMO.
  7. Like
    Pleione reacted to Msoul in SHEDDING LIGHT ON A NOVAQUARK INTERNAL DISCUSSION - discussion thread   
    Blazemonger has been here a long time and when he asserts something as factual then you can be fairly sure he has a reasonable basis for doing so. While our opinions may differ on many topics, his dedication to truth and precise wording has earned my respect.
    You may not agree with what he has to say but that does not make it wrong. Please take the time to consider those statements and the context by which they were written more carefully. I was also present during the time they were made and no such guarantee was ever implied. I would even go so far as to argue that, had NQ made such an absolute promise never to wipe, many early backers would have called it reckless. At best it can be interpreted as "we will not wipe unless necessary". Thus the question we should be debating is whether a wipe is necessary not whether it is permitted.
  8. Like
    Pleione reacted to Wolfram in SHEDDING LIGHT ON A NOVAQUARK INTERNAL DISCUSSION - discussion thread   
    Honestly, I really hope that, no matter what decision NQ takes, from now on they take exploits more seriously. This is what pretty much left us on this shitty state of needing a wipe, in first place.
    Mission implementation was a mistake, sure, and they really seem to be fixing it with Athena, which is cool, but stuff such as the "flash blueprint sale" of last year really deserved a rollback, and sure it was something simple NQ could have done, rolling back the world in a few minutes or just removing those items. Now, talking real exploits, such as item duplication, infinite container range, those who actively use them should face harsher sanctions, either by having their assets removed or being banned (along with their alts too, to prevent laundering). Why has it taken so long while in cases such as Market 15, where the offsense was much smaller, NQ took action so fast?
    Anyways, I'm okay with wiping the whole world back to zero for release, maybe just leave some talent points in our accounts as a "reward" for our time in beta or something, but please, NQ, take action when players abuse exploits. It's not fun for anyone and this WILL have lots of consequences when mechanics such as Territory Warfare come up.
  9. Like
    Pleione reacted to Distinct Mint in SHEDDING LIGHT ON A NOVAQUARK INTERNAL DISCUSSION - discussion thread   
    Why do people think that anything about a wipe is related to "fairness" (of new versus veteran players)?
    A wipe is purely marketing to sell subs at Launch, nothing more.
    This is why your "fairness" arguments are just going round in circles, because they don't hold up.
    Be informed, people!
  10. Like
    Pleione reacted to Torsten in SHEDDING LIGHT ON A NOVAQUARK INTERNAL DISCUSSION - discussion thread   
    I haven't been playing much recently since the removal of  planet mining as there hasn't really been anything interesting for me to do, but here are some of my thoughts:
    If you remove schematics, what do you intended to replace it with? You added schematics to prevent players from easily making mega factories. If you remove them, how would you intend to do that? What would prevent every player/org from making everything themselves? And if they do, what would be bought/sold on the market? I never played this game to build fancy stuff. I played it for the mining and industry aspects. I'm one of the guys that wants to make mega factories
    Actually, let me flip this around. Let me tell you what would help keeping me as a subscriber in a post wipe scenario.
    Let me build factories. I want to make giant factories making everything. I love going down the rabbit hole and make spreadsheets and custom programs for calculations etc Let me go mining in peace. I'm one of the players that actually enjoyed planetary mining. Sometimes I just want to do something very monotonous to take my mind off other things and mining did that for me. But so does Farming Simulator. Asteroids are great and all, but last I gave them a go they are just a rat race where there are not enough asteroids to go around. For this to be a thing for me, I'd like to be able to find an asteroid and happily mining it without anyone else showing up.  Something I can do with my org as a group (that is not building, racing or PVPing). Regularly rotate the planet ore seeds. I simply hate that someone can find the "best" tile and then simply keep mining it forever. Just give it a jolt every 3 months or so. Shake things up a bit Probably more, but I've spent enough time trying to figure out what to write. Now lets talk about things that would make me finally quit for good
    Any type of wipe includes my talent points will 100% remove my accounts (and my money) from the game. If you defeat my sunk cost fallacy, it makes it very easy to make a clean break. 
    MAYBE if I got to keep every single current point in a pool that is returned to me as bonus XP along with normal XP I could be swayed. Maybe. Forcing me into any kind of PVP. I don't mind PvP, but I don't want to do PvP. I don't play this game for PvP and I never will  
    To summarize, what would be important to me in a wipe scenario:
    Talent points >>>> Economy/Wallet/Territory > Blueprints
  11. Like
    Pleione reacted to Skilo in SHEDDING LIGHT ON A NOVAQUARK INTERNAL DISCUSSION - discussion thread   
    I've been playing Dual almoust since alpha started and i, for one, have always been in favor of a wipe
    But i'm not 100% against the schematics. The problem with them was the way you placed them on the game ... that was  soooooo bad!!!!
    In a wipe if you keep the schematics from start people will adjust to it. 
    That being said ... full wipe with extra points/tallents/quantas for your backers regardless of current status ingame, how many quantas we have, etc
  12. Like
    Pleione reacted to blazemonger in SHEDDING LIGHT ON A NOVAQUARK INTERNAL DISCUSSION - discussion thread   
    I do not get this post at all as it really does nothing as far as answering any of the questions. It is a PR/marketing answer which really does not help at all. As NQ plans to release the game in a few months, it would be _really_ bad if NQ has not yet made this decision and is working towards release with that choice in mind.
    It also makes things more convoluted and complex as in reality NQ has only two options:
    No wipe
    Not the prefrred option for me for most of the reasons explained in the post and in general I believe it woudl hurt the game long run and cretainly at  release.
    But I could live with  it if it happened
    Partial wipe
    Players get to keep blueprints and accrued points are retunred to the talent pool, world is wiped
    This I prefer to happen, it maintains the benefit for existing players in tha tey wil be able to jumpstart a new world with their tal;ents to be reassigtned as wanted
    It also allows players who used beta accounts to change their choices if the wipe happens shortly before release.
    A full wipe wil not be an option as NQ has charges people to play and taking away that time by removing any benefits from that woudl be at best unethical. A parallel server is just a very, very silly idea as NQ hardly has the resources to afford one cluster, let alone two
  13. Like
    Pleione got a reaction from VandelayIndustries in Checking in...   
    Wasn't there some talk long ago about new tech only applying to new planets?  A wipe would allow them to create a consistent environment.  I can't see them going "Ok - we are production now, but the original solar system is using an older tech to the new one..."
  14. Like
    Pleione reacted to Zeddrick in Checking in...   
    I think at this point delay and inaction has put the game in a "damned if they do, damned if they don't" type of situation WRT a wipe.  Really the game has been going for too long to wipe it at this point.  Some of us have been playing continuously since the start of beta, not used any exploits and a wipe would represent the deletion of thousands of hours of effort.  On the other hand the long beta and generally being slow to correct mistakes (or just not bothering to address some of them at all, *cough*schematics*cough*) have resulted in quite a lot of imbalance in the economy and a lot of people who feel like they don't want to play unless everything is reset back to a level playing field.

    The OP here clearly won't play unless there's a wipe.  Personally I have been playing for a long time and have a lot of hours invested in the game.  Wiping would erase all the things I've done.  There are other games I'm interested in playing and I don't think I will bother to do another playthrough of this one from the beginning if it wipes (particularly since I think the first part of the game is less interesting now without the planet mining and industry gameplay loops) so I will probably stop playing at the point where a wipe happens.
    So they're damned either way really but the longer it goes on the worse it will be.  IMO the best answer is to stop delaying, communicate the long term plan and if there is going to be a wipe do it *right now* so the problems don't keep on getting worse.  For those of us who will quit there's no point stringing us along for another 6 months, let us go do something else now and let the ones waiting in the sidelines come in and play instead.  Or go the other way, let them go do something else and let us play properly without holding back in fear of our work getting deleted.  
  15. Like
    Pleione reacted to blazemonger in Checking in...   
    There is many who left once it became clear the game has been polluted with the fallout of exploits left unhandled, with clear and disrupting bugs and issues that, to be fully resolved, really call for a wipe.
    Those saying it is not something NQ is considering very clearly have not been paying attention, besides it making perfect sense to do so, let us once more and very clearly take not that yes, there is ONE mention of a "no wipe" situation in a press release from around beta but EVERYTHING ELSE NQ has said about it has both left the option firmly on the table and has never set any conditions for it not to happen. 
    A wipe will make sense in that it will be required to eliminate the remnants of accounts that will leave the game and not return once the game launches, it will also offer an opportunity for NQ to market an option to sell post release subscriptions to those who have a beta key.
    So far, NQ has very nicely kept up with the timeline towards release I have often talked about. So here's what I expect to come next..
    Athena arrives first half of June (late spring as it is announced) The next patch, with mostly polish, fixes and some minor additions to the game will follow first half of September (end of summer) after which NQ will feature freeze.  Second half of October NQ will announce release for late fall, which will be first half of December and a full wipe 2-4 weeks before the planned release date. On this wipe, beta keys will be invalidated, those with DAC on their account will be able to participate in the head start following that wipe and on to release while for other players (and probably in general), the option will be offered to buy a 3, 6 or 12 month subscription which will include a staggered entry into the head start period.
      Just speculative obviously, but I can see this be an entirely possible and viable timeline..
  16. Like
    Pleione reacted to blundertwink in Checking in...   
    Being respectful isn't optional. Antagonizing someone isn't allowed. 
    The first two rules of this forum are: 
    Be respectful and courteous Communicate constructively If you can't do that, you shouldn't be posting here. 
  17. Like
    Pleione reacted to blundertwink in Checking in...   
    This community has become so much meaner...it's pointless and petty. 
    Someone stating that they'd rather not return unless there's a wipe isn't "demanding" anything. It's stating their opinion, which they have every right to. 
    This sort of rhetoric is really not helpful -- twisting a simple and commonly expressed opinion into a "demand" so that you can frame someone you don't know as "selfish" is not productive communication. 
  18. Like
    Pleione got a reaction from Celestis in DEVBLOG: THE FUTURE OF DU - Part 3 - Discussion Thread   
    I originally wanted to make a "Stargate Universe" class ship - something that might take a month to fly to a new star system, but had everything on it needed to build a stargate to that system.  Of course, that goal had to change:
    1st they disabled industry on dynamic cores - ok, can still build a huge cargo ship that could then setup shop on a space station, having the basics with it.
    Then they pushed "Galaxy" out from 1st half 2020 to "post production"
    Finally they added schematics, which could only be bought at bots.  The cost of those schematics shut me down.
  19. Like
    Pleione got a reaction from Aaron Cain in DEVBLOG: THE FUTURE OF DU - Part 3 - Discussion Thread   
    I waiting, knowing it may never happen, for a wipe and a backing off of schematics as they currently exist.  I'd at least like the illusion that a solo player can have a meaningful experience in the game.
    Sorry, but a vision of spending a few years to become the universes best Advanced LED manufacturer is not exciting to me.
  20. Like
    Pleione reacted to DrFrigoPorco in DEVBLOG: THE FUTURE OF DU - Part 3 - Discussion Thread   
    I'll say it again....THIS GAME NEEDS PvE...DESPERATELY! PvP has failed. Now it's a resource gathering/building game. PvE is badly needed!
  21. Like
    Pleione reacted to Aaron Cain in DEVBLOG: THE FUTURE OF DU - Part 3 - Discussion Thread   
    Well you would expect a bug that is there for almost two years to be atleast fixed as it is kinda gamebreaking for the individual who's AGG fails due to the bug.
  22. Like
    Pleione reacted to TAM3105 in DEVBLOG: THE FUTURE OF DU - Part 3 - Discussion Thread   
    I hope that the game develops in a balanced way. Players who don't like PVP should also be able to mine all ores, but these should be deeper and in larger areas than in the PVP zone. Otherwise it will quickly become boring.
  23. Like
    Pleione reacted to blazemonger in DEVBLOG: THE FUTURE OF DU - Part 3 - Discussion Thread   
    you forgot the /s here
    I think you are well aware that what is posted now is not even close to getting implemented yet and while NQ may try and get the mission system out before summer for real this time, everything else will not show up until september or later.
    I'd really like to hear form NQ that hey are pushing out the planned release date from end of 2021 by at least a year and actually plan for and dedicate time on fixing the core problems the game and the server tech have.. You know the thing that some of us have been asking them for about two years now to do. IF NQ continues to force feed a release of the game by end of 2021.. it wil not end well.
    I have a suspicion this marketing/PR push was planned already and no one thought to hold off until the current CEO has actually been able to establish whether the company will be viable enough to get a new lease on existence with fresh investment money. It just feels like some inside NQ are oblivious to the situation the company is in and just push on with their plans.
    I hope NQ find enough to justify further investment and I hope that in the process he will cut the fat and get rid of some of the ballast that is weighing the company down. I'd expect we'll get more clarity in a week or two but for now.. what happens next is entirely unsure, no matter how hard some in NQ seem to want to try and make it appear everything is fine..
  24. Like
    Pleione reacted to Dhara in DEVBLOG: THE FUTURE OF DU - Part 3 - Discussion Thread   
    Why, exactly, will you be broadcasting asteroids that players spend time, quanta and resources to find themselves out to all the pirates so they can come take it? Wouldn't it be only fair to require pirates to spend some time, quanta and resources to find US?
    Please reconsider this decision.
  25. Like
    Pleione reacted to Taziar in DEVBLOG: THE FUTURE OF DU - Part 3 - Discussion Thread   
    Not sure exactly how they are finding the fun. 
    Surface mining is currently tedious as hell, and an  ugly blight on the planet) that feels like a mobile mini-game without the game part.  Nearly featureless ground spammed with a sea of various colored rocks you have to click on, with no creatures or threats of any kind.  Doubling down on that seems an odd choice unless you completely rework how it is done, and not simply making it more lucrative. It is currently a gameplay loop nobody wants or uses beyond the first few hours.
    Ground mining is tedious as hell and feels like the first couple of hours of Space Engineers... before you build cool machines to help you mine and start having fun.  Your fix is to... plop down an auto-mining machine?  This will give us easier Quanta, but kinda makes one of the few gameplay loops in the game redundant.  Why not make it fun instead of automatic?  So we will have automatic leveling, automatic mining, where is the draw to play?  Where is the fun?
    Asteroid Mining is new, so I have no idea of the mechanics.  But IF it is just the ground mining moved to an asteroid then there will be no net gain for miners. It could be good for PVP, assuming the risk is worth the reward, but that is a tough balance to achieve, as too little value and people won't do it, and too much value and the economy will be flooded by off-hours miners and/or dominated by orgs who simply have sheer number advantage to insta-delete any threats. There is at least potential with this one.  
    PVP... Not my thing so I don't have too much to say. While I like Arena PVP combat (or other skill based PVP), most open world PvP is actually PvV (Players vs Victim), which doesn't interest me, though some people love ganking so this might add some fun for them.
    The graphics definitely do need an update but is really the least of this games issues.  So meh?
    Overall, I don't see many additions of fun for most players.  Slightly less tedium due to easier quanta, but not much in the way of actually adding fun (Asteroid mining mechanics being an unknown).  PVP is really the only thing I see getting a possible fun boost, but PVP is one of the hardest things for an Indie game to sustain.  Most Indie PVP fails hard because there is a minimum active population required otherwise it simply dies.  Something indie games with smaller player bases struggle with.
    Overall nothing really bad, but nothing all that impressive either.
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