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• For players who haven’t set any headquarters, five headquarters have been automatically assigned based on the highest number of static constructs on the territory.


Is NQ saying that they just decided to remove the option to claim territories from inactive players by automatically assigning the tiles withe most constructs as HQ without any interaction by the said player?


That's bascially removing a core argument they hav eused as to why taxation of tiles is a thing that is good.


Would be nice to hear some clarification on this one too

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This is to protect all the legacy constructs and tiles around the world.

This is a one-time action.
And this is honestly even one of my preferred solutions to the problem, of figuring out, how to a) clean up the landscape, and b) don't beat up old players, which might come back eventually.

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1 hour ago, Jake Arver said:

Is NQ saying that they just decided to remove the option to claim territories from inactive players by automatically assigning the tiles withe most constructs as HQ without any interaction by the said player?

That depends on the definition of "players". If it is limited to active subs only than it is actually the best solution. It is the very purpose of HQ tiles to protect property of inactive players. But it would be fools play to include canceled subs.

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1 hour ago, Jake Arver said:

That's bascially removing a core argument they hav eused as to why taxation of tiles is a thing that is good.


I dont think taxation was implemented because of abandoned territories. 


I think taxation was implemented to moderate automining. 

Also to have some base for a future territory warfare, where paid territories have some kind of protection against pvp. 

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If I understand this correctly:

NQ gambled that they could threaten non playing (paying) players that if they didnt come back they would lose everything.

The gamble failed as only a few came back.

So NQ said OK, you called our bluff and they threw in their hand.

So, they are going to let people keep their stuff in the hopes they come back when the game gets out of alpha.

This is also the strongest indication that there will not be a full wipe when we leave alpha.  Even though I think its probably essential for the game.

It also shows that NQ really has no plan that looks further than a week ahead.

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10 minutes ago, Underhook said:

If I understand this correctly:

NQ gambled that they could threaten non playing (paying) players that if they didnt come back they would lose everything.

I dont think you are understanding it correctly. 


I think taxation was never aimed at abandoned territories or players. 

100% about balancing/moderating automining. 


After the announcement they realized the consequences for abandoned territories and created a fix. 

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5 minutes ago, Underhook said:

NQ gambled that they could threaten non playing (paying) players that if they didnt come back they would lose everything.

If that would have been the plan than they would have included a glaring warning into the last Project Update mail. All NQ did before and after Demeter reather looks like they have no plan at all.

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8 minutes ago, Underhook said:

If I understand this correctly:

NQ gambled that they could threaten non playing (paying) players that if they didnt come back they would lose everything.

The gamble failed as only a few came back.

So NQ said OK, you called our bluff and they threw in their hand.

So, they are going to let people keep their stuff in the hopes they come back when the game gets out of alpha.

This is also the strongest indication that there will not be a full wipe when we leave alpha.  Even though I think its probably essential for the game.

It also shows that NQ really has no plan that looks further than a week ahead.

This exactly! Many including myself refused to come back despite the threat of losing everything but it seems, cooler heads at NQ finally woke up and confirmed at the same time that the bluff had little effect. 


Oddly enough I was hoping to lose all this stuff so I could put this game to bed in my mind. 

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52 minutes ago, Maxim Kammerer said:

That depends on the definition of "players". If it is limited to active subs only than it is actually the best solution. It is the very purpose of HQ tiles to protect property of inactive players. But it would be fools play to include canceled subs.


Deckard said in DUscord that this applies across all accounts, active and inactive


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A quick note:


While its 100% legit for anyone to talk about the impact of NQ's decision, it is not ok to say that NQ intended this or that. Unless we have direct prof. 


What i mean is.


Its ok for any player to say "I felt threatened by the automatic abandoning of territories" 

Because this is a feeling you own. Its yours to state as a fact. 


But its not Ok to say "NQ wanted to threaten players with the automatic abandoning of territories" 

Because what NQ intended to do is not yours to state as a fact. 


Saying that NQ intended to threaten players can be considured an insulting accusation. 

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I agree with Underhook and think NQ panicked when they saw exactly how many inactive titles there are. I mean, they just announced that they had to stagger the server update of tiles to be able to handle them..


Even around DS6 which probably are the most coveted tiles in the entire game, there are close to 50% of inactive tiles. And it only gets worse from there.

So if suddenly more then half (by a large margin it would seem) of the tiles in the game are released, that is a big PR problem showing exactly how few players there are left.


And if would also ruin any resemblance of balance left in the game, since there would be HUGE amounts of free resources for the remaining players.

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8 minutes ago, Maxim Kammerer said:

Well, that makes no sense at all - unless NQ already decided to wipe with release.

Yes and no. 


Yes, i think a wipe has already been decided. 


No, it would still make sense even without a wipe.

Currently, being beta and with all the issues around the game not being interesting, NQ has not activated any real "abandoned subscription" measures.

But I fully expect those measures to be implemented at release. 


But a "abandoned subscription" is an account without a valid DAC for several months. 


If someone keeps paying the DACs for their account, their stuff will never be deleted/abandoned. 

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8 minutes ago, joaocordeiro said:

But its not Ok to say "NQ wanted to threaten players with the automatic abandoning of territories" 

Because what NQ intended to do is not yours to state as a fact. 


Saying that NQ intended to threaten players can be considured an insulting accusation. 

Nope.. NQ is an organization, so as long as you make it clear that you are stating an opinion and not facts it should be fine. But if you replaced NQ with a specific person in NQ, then I would agree.


And I guess we are all guilty if that with regards to JC for example.

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1 minute ago, CptLoRes said:

Nope.. NQ is an organization. But if you replaced NQ with a specific person in NQ, then I would agree.

Dont see the difference. 


Whats the difference between accusing one single person of ill intentions or accusing a group of people? 


If you have no inside knowledge of the factors that lead to the decision, its still an unfounded accusation l. 

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10 minutes ago, CptLoRes said:

So basically as long as I play my cards close to my chest, I can do whatever I want and not be accused of any wrong doing?




Just like you can say "i was shot" and explain the pain it created, but you can't say "you shot me" without prof. 


Its about removing the accusation from the equation. 

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1 hour ago, Maxim Kammerer said:

If that would have been the plan than they would have included a glaring warning into the last Project Update mail. All NQ did before and after Demeter reather looks like they have no plan at all.

didnt warnings go out?  I thought they were supposed to get emails, at least once somebody made a territory claim.

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30 minutes ago, joaocordeiro said:

Whats the difference between accusing one single person of ill intentions or accusing a group of people? 


We really can't hold any one person working at NQ to account for some of the blunders the have made and will make. That is for them internally to sort out.

We can say that NQ has made these blunders as a company without indicating anyone in person, I see nothing wrong with that.


Also, no one is saying anyone has "ill intentions" at NQ. Making mistakes, even repeatedly, is not having "ill intentions".

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8 minutes ago, Jake Arver said:


That, and will take bets on it, I am sure they have.


I dont get it.  If they were going to wipe (which up until now I thought they would), why would they bother protecting players stuff its its just going to be wiped anyway.  To me, there actions are saying they have decided not to wipe.  Then again, give them a week and they could change their mind again.

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