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In the beginning, there were functional elements that make constructs fulfill their various functions.  But what about purely decorative elements?  I am not talking about player made elements that were previously alluded to (like a pretty staircase etc)


I mean naturally occurring elements such as plants, flowers, small trees and shrubberies.  Things that occur naturally on planets that could be placed in a construct to make it look... pretty.


And while we are on elements that players cannot create, how about a water spray element so that players can create fountains ;)


How about electronic displays, flags, and pennants flying your orgs (static) logo?


Lets set aside the technical difficulties and whether NQ has the time to implement any of these for now. What other decorative elements would you like to see in the game?

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First rule of being awesome: show don't tell. ;)


Anyway this clip shows the voxel coloring as well as the undo/redo functionality.  (thanks for pointing it out Twerk)



This thread is about ideas for *what* decorative elements you would like to see in DU, not necessarily how likely/when they are to exist.

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First rule of being awesome: show don't tell. ;)


Anyway this clip shows the voxel coloring as well as the undo/redo functionality.  (thanks for pointing it out Twerk)



This thread is about ideas for *what* decorative elements you would like to see in DU, not necessarily how likely/when they are to exist.

I was under the impression you have sen this clip already :P


Since you like building, you should also check on the voxel technology build, where they showcase the copy paste function - pretty standar stuff.

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These are some things I would like to have:

  • Vents, grills, gratings
  • Balusters, brackets, braces
  • Pipes,  tubes (straight and curved)
  • Dials, gauges
  • Circuitry, wires, cables
  • Cushions, pillows
  • Shutters, curtains
  • Bottles, jugs, pots 

When appropriate, these should be designed so they can be placed end-to-end/side-by-side.

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I second, third, and fourth the motion for fountains. It would appear that the technical restraints for accurate and precise water physics would be difficult to overcome, but if we added maybe a pseudo-water material as in Minecraft, or even just particles textured to look like water (for fountains), this would be possible to implement.

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How about shingles and log-type siding for buildings? I know this is going to be the future and all, but who doesn't like a good ol' log cabin!

Maybe pathways too, like brick, flagstone, marble, etc.


Marble is a must.

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I think we will be able to create blocks down to a few cm in size so players should be able to make some very nice decorative things with that resolution if one had the patience/creativity.  Still, I hope they do ship the game with a good menu of pre-made decorative elements.  Even better if you should change the color of the texture of some of these.

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How about shingles and log-type siding for buildings? I know this is going to be the future and all, but who doesn't like a good ol' log cabin!

Maybe pathways too, like brick, flagstone, marble, etc.

I am thinking these are more voxel textures than actual elements themselves. Good suggestions though.


I think we will be able to create blocks down to a few cm in size so players should be able to make some very nice decorative things with that resolution if one had the patience/creativity.  Still, I hope they do ship the game with a good menu of pre-made decorative elements.  Even better if you should change the color of the texture of some of these.

25cm cubes, I believe is the smallest that can be done. This is a bit big for finer decorative elements, like a pot plant, which is why this thread exists. NQ have stated there could be player made decorative elements like the ones you are describing. I like the idea of being able to change the colors of the preset decorative elements.

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i completely agree with this, id love to add some vents or antennae to ships or buildings, and holographic signs/adds where displayed in a concept art from NQ thought it remains to be seen if this will reaobe added. id find it EXTREMELY helpful with immersion

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Personally I love the idea of fountains, and my goal is to be able to create an actual stone castle. Also I really, really, really want to be able to do landscaping with vegetation such as potted plants. I assume I will be able to build artificial lakes and ponds, that combined with fountains a castle and perfectly groomed trees and bushes would be amazing. (Leaving feasibility aside)

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Imagine musical fountains! Choreographed fountains would certainly be a hit for cities and a major attraction for any planet! It shouldn't be that hard to actually autonomously program the fountain nozzles - the only difficulties lie in importing music (which is a smaller problem - fountains would still look cool without music) and water physics (larger problem - it would be a lot of server strain, especially with moving water nozzles).


There's always hope though! 

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