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With craft being such a huge part of the game, are there any thoughts on things like animated signs as elements, that you could edit to show different vehicles/wares your selling.  Or will this purely be done in a standard market interface and a big list of items/prices?


I want a billboard element that you can upload an image into, animated would be nice but not critical.


Obviously this introduces some avenues for abuse/porn but its such a valuable idea that its worth the cost of having to moderate it a bit.


I want a billboard element that you can upload an image into, animated would be nice but not critical.


Obviously this introduces some avenues for abuse/porn but its such a valuable idea that its worth the cost of having to moderate it a bit.


Just a thought, perhaps you could limit the use of images to screenshots taken in-game in order to mitigate this problem. The player could not upload anything so if there was porn, it would have to be made with voxels.


I like the billboatd idea. Probably make a few of them.  But if implemented I'd suggest putting some limits on how many can be placed within a certain area. 


I played second life for a while and finally quit because the game became so ugly and annoying I couldn't stand to be there.  Mostly it was the griefers who would buy up land next to yours and line the perimeter with offensive or annoying billboard ads.  Mainly they just wanted your land.  Might not be that big of an issue in this game as we players could take those out ourselves, unless of course it happens in a safe zone.


I DO hope that we can have small signs for our shops and diisplay logos and names for our ships. I can already see the little marketplace I want to build and it will need a lot of signs to give it the look I want.  Implementing a simple sign prop or two where we can put in text in a couple different cool fonts might take care of most of that though.


I believe the devs talked about some sort of in game advertising system but i cant remember where, even if you cant upload images or make animated boards, the voxels will still allow you to make words atleast or voxel art.


Having worked with voxels that are about the same size, I can say I will be disappointed if we have to use voxels for signs.  Even the smallest text you can make with them ends up making huge signs. So none of my builds ever had signs because of that.  Looked awful and broke immersion, big time.


I understand if a prop isn't implemented right away.  Of course, the game mechanics need to be tested first, but I would highly suggest the Devs put a prop(s) for this on their to-do-list for the future.  A lot of folks will love them and will use them.  And our settlements won't be cluttered up with giant voxel signs so they will look a LOT nicer.


Don't go and give people ideas lol

But seriously, if someone makes a pornographic picture? Do you know how big it has to be in order to realize that it is porngraphic?

"Oh hey, a sick fuck!"

I'd visit a picture with it tbh.

I could learn artistic skills.


Well with voxels maybe it could be possible to make a sign or logo right on your buildings.


In SWG you could name your houses/buildings with your trade/company name and what you sell for example. Though would need to put a limit on that as with too much text it really looked bad against the landscape.

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