You are going to hurt script development. Logging is essential. I understand your concern about using logs in real-time, but limit it to that. Preventing logging completely is not your option.
- Linking screens is not easy for non-developers. You are hurting our ability to support others. You should also understand that usually accessing logs happen post-mortem - after something strange happened. Setting up screens is then too late. Links are also very scarce resource.
- You can lock logfiles exclusively with deny-read. This prevents other processes reading logs in real-time but they will be available after game is closed. This is one-liner fix and safe.
- Implementing copy to clipboard from Lua chat is easy and safe. But if this is only option, the stored log must be longer than now.
This is the end of discussion from my part. If you decide to cripple script development, i'll just move on elsewhere.