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Posts posted by Novean-32184

  1. While the whole "broadcast the position throughout he universe"  is a terrible idea in itself, it is not hard to work around. You can just fly to the asteroid with material for an XS construct, including storage, in your pocket, exit your cheap ship in space in case you get locked up and "fall/walk" to the asteroid without the risk of being shot, once on the asteroid dig a hole and set up the "base" underground.. scan and start mining. Wait for the hype to blow over and pirates to move to the next location to then bring in an alt with a ship to transport the ore to and be on your way. There is no AvA combat and no fall damage so as soon as you are out of your ship, you are basically untouchable.


    The point here, I guess, is that NQ is still building a game on a broken core with lots of holes and incomplete loops.

  2. @NQ-Deckard .. Some additional questions ..


    1. Will asteroid voxels be destructible or if not,  would weapons pass through them (no LoS requirement for targeting)?

    2. Will it be possible to place a static construct on asteroids?

    3. Can constructs placed on an asteroid be weaponised?

    4. Do asteroids despawn once mined?

  3. Quote

    8. Will asteroid mechanics still put a huge red arrow over your head by broadcasting the position through the universe, removing any need for PvPers to put effort into finding those who go out and find asteroids?

    To clarify, some asteroids will be in the PvP zone and some won’t. Asteroids in the PvP zone will have higher chances of including higher-tier ore and, as such, will be more valuable. But asteroids in safe zones should be worth your while, too. 


    There will be a countdown between the time an asteroid is discovered by a player and the moment when its location is broadcast to other players. (Currently, the gap is four hours but this may change once we get feedback from players.) It shouldn’t be enough to completely deplete an asteroid of all its ore, but it should be enough to mine all the good stuff first. Once the location is publicized, it’s up to you if you want to stick around to finish mining the asteroid or move away before the pirates show up. 


    We think this will provide interesting collaboration mechanics (mining while others protect the miners, for example) and, yes, additional PvP opportunities. We don’t think it will become an easy targeting system for pirates, though, as there’s no guarantee miners will still be on site by the time they arrive after learning of an asteroid location. 


    Just answering YES would have been sufficient here.. No need for putting is so many words to try and hide the actual answer.


    I am wondering WHY this choice is made, what makes you think it is needed for PVP players to be handed potential targets without the need for effort or investment? It makes no sense at all. What this means is that PVP players can just sit and wait until an asteroid location is "broadcast" and then go there to maroon anyone still mining and possibly catch anyone coming to see is there is any left overs.. No skill or investment required to shoot a stationary miner's ship to bits while they are mining and leave them stranded.


    I know it will be dead easy to work around this mechanic. The point is though that it is just so ill conceived to hand potential targets to players with no requirement to put in any effort. This feels like an attempt to force feed content.


  4. On 7/2/2021 at 9:25 AM, Eternal said:

    Have you played Rust? That thing is a survival player-driven PVP multiplayer. On that experiment, it is clear that games like that is the same as Eve and this game.


    You do realize that you are basically showing that you are just looking at any of these games through the same subjective filter, applying what you believe to be the case to end up with the result you expect right?


    You also show that your idea of what a game is about is very narrow and you are pretty much choosing to ignore anything that falls outside of your personal view of a game, regardless of how intrinsic and valuable those other things may be to the game.

    In short; you are part of the problem in this regard, not part of the solution, or the truth even.

  5. 20 hours ago, HangerHangar said:

    (You really didn’t think those massive immovable oversized container “ships” under markets, were part of normal gameplay did you?)


    Indeed, and the fact these contraptions are allowed to remain in place while their function is immediately questionable should tell you something about the understanding and control (or lack thereof) NQ has regarding their own game and the core exploits it still has.



    13 hours ago, Zeddrick said:

    I wonder if NQ have logs which would allow them to go back in time and observe this kind of thing. 

    If they don't then their game design is inherently flawed..

  6. On 6/30/2021 at 7:51 AM, Eternal said:

    It is socialism, to put it simply, because "what is mine is mine, what is yours is also mine".


    Which is where you fail.. Socialism is a system in which everyone "chips in" to benefit the whole. As in (for example) everyone pays a relative small amount (proportional to their ability to do so) towards health care which in return allows affordable (note: not free) healthcare to be available to everyone.


    It sounds like your definition of socialism is more referring to totalitarianism and yes, I would be saying that the latter certainly is applicable to a number of orgs in DU.



    13 hours ago, CptLoRes said:

    I think NQ/JC knew what they wanted to build, but they had no idea how to..

    I honestly think that JC's vision was mostly based on a fantasy on how what many perceive as "being" EVE at a high level could be made to work in the context of a fully editable and player controlled universe. He never understood, or was willing to learn, about the intricate stuff going on in EVE that makes what you see in the big stories happen. And he drove the game into the abyss by some very short sighted and ill conceived ideas on "how to fix things".


    While it remains to be seen how this will pan out, it does seem that this has changed, although there is probably a lot of left over ballast that will need to be disposed of before NQ can really start making progress..



    Outside of the existing less than optimal implementation of monitor settings:

    • Available resolution based on what the OS gives you, not what the monitor(s) support(s)
    • Scaling is not ignored for the same reason
    • No option to select which monitor to display on
    • Standard system options to redirect (and open) on another monitor are ignored (SHIFT-WINDOWS-ARROWLEFT). Redirect works but restart returns to main screen


    DU works pretty much as expected on the initial insiders build with no real issues.

  8. I would think that shields without power/energy management are like spanning the cart before the horse.

    1. So what about power management
    2. As mentioned, mining .. Will it move away from digging entirely as previous devblogs have suggested?
    3. Will going there also imply a voxel reset on planets?
    4. How will no more digging impact mechanics like the flattening tool?
    5. When will we get an answer to the question why animated elements only have a 30meter viewing distance?
    6. Will asteroid mechanics still put a huge red arrow over your head by broadcasting the position through the universe, removing any need for peeveepee players to put effort into finding those who go out and find asteroids?



    At first glance it seems cool.. right? Yeah it does.


    Looking closer though, there is some major exploits and limitations that make this whole GFN  adventure a big potential miss.


    GFN is a great service, it works really well for games which can work pretty much in what I'd compare to "console mode". And by that I mean games which do not really require a lot of different inputs outside of direct keyboard/mouse ones.


    • The biggest issue here is probably the lack of copy/paste from desktop. You can't update or add autoconf scripts to seats, you can't paste in Lua on programming boards as you have no access to right click > paste options. This is a massive limitation for the game.
    • On the other hand there is the "problem" that GFN will allow players to log in several alts on the same physical computer and easily script actions between them without NQ ever even being able to notice. So-called "PVP" playstyles, involving beacon alts logged of on targets or "mass alts" with huge amounts of heavy materials in the crafting queue become trivial to implement and use for a single person.



    Meanwhile, options many have used before which do not have any of these limitations or problems and offer a full and rich playstyle, literally as if you are playing on your physical computer, have been pretty much discarded. Yes, I am referring to Shadow here. 

    One can only assume the money NVIDIA may have offered was sweet enough to possibly sabotage other streaming platforms which actually are much better suited to offer the same solution. Not saying that happened, but seeing DU on GFN literally removed the excuse NQ used as to why suddenly DU stopped working on Shadow and they never even tried to fix it even when from what I've seen, many have offered detailed and specific information as to why DU crashes on that platform.

  10. In general, the arm/hand tool is way to prominent and takes up a massive amount of your FOV. The way Space engineers does this is so much better and more efficient. It seems to me it should be just as easy to have a non intrusive glove visible with a small screen on the back showing the active tool and a design implying the nano former is emitting whatever is does from the finger tops of the glove or .. maybe.. ..even better.. have an Iron man style emitter in the inside of the hand.


    It's not that hard to actually come up with a better solution, provided you actually understand what you are designing and have the creativity to make that work. 


  11. I think ROI from an investor's perspective is years away and may never happen if NQ does not take drastic measures. I read the single announcement around the CEO change and while it is at best vague and as it turns out not entirely truthful as JC actually left the company entirely from what I understand Pann posted on Discord, it says (but are they?) the investors are in it for the long haul. Problem is the 22M NQ collected from them is probably gone by now so new funding is needed.

    The introduction of energy management is actually good for the game as a whole but the issue I see is that NQ is pretty much in a development cycle which is far more based on an Alpha state of game dev than beta which they labelled the game as. Making deep and sweeping changes like they are really has no place in beta. I gave the whole energy thing some thought and I do not really see how they are going to introduce that without either forcing massive moves by org to be able to to continue their level of operation or (partially) wipe. Reducing the core count for orgs may also be a prelude to the energy introduction and result in both cost reduction on the server side as well as orgs reverting core ownership which then makes a move easier once energy comes in.

    The thing I guess is that their could well be an actual plan behind all this but with NQ not really being as open and transparent as I think they should be (and really claimed they would be). Both energy and power management will have respective massive impact on static and dynamic construct application in many ways. It will be interesting to see how NQ will handle this as it is very easy to see a number of ways in which they can bork the introduction of these like they did with schematics while any of these mechanics by themselves are actually good ones.


    I've been back in the game for a week or two now and it's just unfortunate that DU has not actually progressed beyond "having a lot of potential" for well over a year now, as I would really have preferred to start seeing some of that potential become a reality or at least be a solid light at the end of the tunnel. I remember the jolt of lightning the voxel meshing was when it arrived little over a year ago, it relit the flame for many of us as it showed an instant leap forward in a big way. from there however it feels like all that NQ has been doing is add "pretty" and frankly overdoing most of it (what's with all the VFX now.. it is massively distracting and out of place in the overall design), changes to cut cost as server expenses went through the roof and very little substance.

    As it stands, I'll probably set the game aside again, hoping it gets better over the next year or so.

  12. 52 minutes ago, Haunty said:

    Overall I think they've been going in the right direction this year by optimizing and unraveling past mistakes before adding major content.


    I think it is more a forced exercise of cost cutting to get the expenses to a level where they can start budgeting for a possible funding round with a reasonable chance of getting to the finish line this time. a rough estimate for me would be they'll need another 10-15M, allowing them to run without revenue for another 2-3 years and being able to get he game to a point where it can handle the player numbers they need for it to become self sufficient.

    Guestimating monthly operating cost of around 350K (which I think is on the optimistic side for a company the size of NQ and their running cost for the game), that means they'll need at least 50K consistent subscribers to barely stay alive. But I do expect that sub cost will go up to $/€10-12 from 7 early next year at the latest which would make 50K subs a bit more comfortable. Add to that the need to start showing ROI for investors, eventually needing 80-100K subs is more likely..


    Problem is that it is rather obvious that he game currently will not get close to being able to support those player numbers.

  13. It's interesting that many think a CEO is actually driving the feature set of the game. The CEO is first and foremost responsible for keeping the company afloat. And adding features at this point would be the last thing to achieve that. Driving the relevant teams to get the performance of the game core to a point where it can support the numbers of players needed to stay alive as a company would be what would/should concern a CEO I'd guess.

    You can't build features on a core that is not able to support them.




    I came back to the game and found not much changed since 0.23 really. All I am seeing is effort to drive cost down. The "org changes" do not seem any different and mainly seem to be meant to drive core count down.


    My question here is, how does this translate to the game needing tens of thousands of subscribing players to work? I mean, will NQ go for "1 core per player, 5 max with talents" and call it a success? It feels to me that in all this, there is no thought into how the need for these drastic reductions will play into the actual requirements as far as player base for the game to ever be viable and bring in enough revenue.


    The NQ announcement around this is entirely omitting any sort of validation/reasoning for the changes but in light of what has happened so far, I think the assumption this is another cost cutting action (or at best an attempt to squeeze as much performance as possible out of the bandwidth available) at the core is not unreasonable.


    I was hoping for the game to be in a better place by now but it seems it has not really progressed much since last year.




    Despite what mr Tazer is claiming, there is no jurisdiction over Talemai at this time. Claims to that end are at best premature and without merit.


    We have established a presence on the planet and will be building out our protective operations over the next weeks. Mining organizations looking to join us for support and safety from any illegitimate claims of  jurisdiction or control will be welcome. Attempts to  enforce any claims or right which are not recognized will be met with the appropriate response. A taskforce is being dispatched to patrol the currently existing safezone around Talemai and a presence in space will be established to safeguard the right of passage for those groups aligning with us.






    The Helios branch of the New Eden AMARR empire has established former business relations with the independent miner groups. We do not recognize the authority of Waste Management, OSHA, UMU or RockHoppas.


    We will support and protect mining operations on and around Talemai as needed and will stand ready to protect your operations from this illegitimate claim. Please contact us for more information. you may reach out to me through this forum. and we will shortly be providing an independent support platform.



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