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    STEALTH7 got a reaction from yamamushi in Hello Folks!   
    It probably will but not with spreadsheets, pointing/clicking everything, and TPO (should have clarified better)....I don't mind deep/complex but I don't care for the spreadsheet stuff.  For me DU gives me what I want with FPP, Space Legs, and I don't have to be a permanent pilot with most of my adventure happening from a ship/menus so I'll embrace however complex it is whereas EVE can't reward me with the things I want.
  2. Like
    STEALTH7 reacted to Thokan in Eating, drinking and breathing   
    As stated above several times - it adds nothing to the game. Only a certain few, a minority, get some roleplaying, immersion kicks out of it.
    The only reason this is a debate is because, generally, the people looking for immersion and roleplay aspects are overrepresented in indie, crowdfunded, pre-launch game forums. It won't be the case when the game launches later on.
  3. Like
    STEALTH7 reacted to SerErris in Eating, drinking and breathing   
    Hmm ... I consider the base requirements of any human being as fulfilled ... I do not see any value in doing it. The maximum I would consider is that the base of your living is costing you money every month. But that would then run you bankrupt and you can consider the monthly fee for the game as exactly that.
    So I also fall into the department of "I do not want to do things in games like eat or drink" for no other reason than to create an economy around it.
    For having a food industry, you can simply create a food sink (like space stations) that have food demand and then someone will start a farming career to make their living. Having everyone to eat is in my eyes not getting any addition to the gameplay. Creating artificial penalties for not eating or drinking is just a self justification why you have to eat in the first place. In real world you have to eat otherwise you die. It is for many many people just that and is driving a lot of their day to day routine. 
    In first world is of cause needed to eat - however the focus is shifted and the question of eating is more like - do I shop something today, or do I eat out. That is all the concern we have and it is for many people in this worlds something they would even left out, if they could.
    The point of Maslov is exactly, that if you do not have to care about food anymore, you will turn your focus on the next step. 
    So I do not think to much on food in real live - i definately do not want to click on "eat" button in a game for no benefit.
  4. Like
    STEALTH7 got a reaction from Lethys in The generic "Some questions about this game"-topic   
    This right here is my mentality as well!  I currently play EGS (real close to buying the Patron Pack here) because it's the only space game out with all aspects of space that I want  but the combat versus AI really adds nothing to the game.  The actual fun part of the game is PvP Combat but it's very limited in EGS just given the game structure.  No fleet combat, no real infantry battles, not much but a few small vessel versus small vessel battles mostly.
  5. Like
    STEALTH7 reacted to Lethys in The generic "Some questions about this game"-topic   
    Only smaller animals, but no "threats" for now
    There are no "classic" NPCs at all in Du. There are no aliens, no quests, No missions, No pve, no NPCs which give quests or can be hunted. Everything comes from other players. So you would need other players to man your guns. Maybe (! Still undecided !) NQ allows for turrets to be automated for static (bases, forts, stations,...) Constructs but not for dynamic (ships) constructs
    Those market "NPCs" are bots in fact. Same as a discord bot with no real (ingame) appearence in the game.
    To me this is the exact reason why i bought into the game. Pve and NPCs always get boring really quickly for me. At some point it's only rinse and repeat boring and dull things. PvP or Player created content is always changing and new - that's why Du got me
  6. Like
    STEALTH7 reacted to Hades in The generic "Some questions about this game"-topic   
    Lethys pretty much nailed everything right on the head.
    As for the bit in subscriptions:
    DU isn’t just a paycheck for NQ, there is some real passion behind the game from these developers.  If there’s a way to save their game from closing, I imagine they will take it.
    I personally don’t think it will be an issue for quite some time, but that is all speculation.
    A game doesn’t always need a billion players behind it to remain afloat.  The DACs and potential cosmetics will help keep the game kicking, even if the player base is rather small.
  7. Like
    STEALTH7 reacted to NQ-Nyzaltar in DevBlog: Arkship Security, or where does PvP start?   
    Well... Basically, you won't have much incentive to build a big wall/dome around the Arkship.
    Because we are talking about kilometers here, and you won't be able to keep integrity of such thing on this scale: 
    - If you just build a wall/dome around the Arkship, on the planet, then the wall doesn't belong to you as a construct. It's just materials deployed around the Arkship Safe Area that can be collected again by any other player.
    - Assuming you did succeed to create such dome (which would requires  many building zones to circle around the Arkship Safe Area), players will be able to attack the walls and it will be problematic to guard the walls on several kilometers.
    - Players will be able to dig under your walls.
    - Advanced players will be able to use teleport technologies.
    - The players trapped behind these walls or this dome will be most likely new players, with no money to tax.
    - Powerful player alliances might not agree with someone who wants to "emprison" new players.
    So for these many reasons, it seems a bit ridiculous to even try this action, with no chance of success/profit when it involves some much resources.
    Some players will probably try, before realizing it's not worth the effort.
    Best Regards,
  8. Like
    STEALTH7 reacted to Hughesy in RolePlaying, My hopes and Dreams from this game.   
    I agree, having no punishments can cause a big difference in behavior of some people when they play games like this. 
    I do believe though, that in DU there is still punishment. The people who have this behavior (going round eliminating people) are most likely going to be targeted and regarded as high-value targets by governments in colonies or large planet civilizations or even bounty hunters seeking a profit. This will discourage them to commit their crimes as they will gain a very high reputation, which if you are a pirate or murderer, will only result in the destruction of their possessions (ships, possessions on the character). This alone is a big punishment because it is apparent that ships are VERY costly to produce not to mention that you will maintain your rep even after death.
    So I'm pretty sure people preying on other players isn't going to be a big issue, you might have the occasional encounter with a person who is bent on destruction but life is full of unexpected encounters, and that is something that we will have to just accept as this game makes up for this problem in so many other areas. 
    I haven't had the opportunity to experience this game yet but from what I have seen the devs have thought thoroughly about how everything from the RP side to game mechanics is going to work. Hopefully, they reach the full potential of this game and make a space MMO like nothing ever seen before.
  9. Like
    STEALTH7 reacted to DevisDevine in RolePlaying, My hopes and Dreams from this game.   
    Welcome, I am not sure how much of the Dev blogs you have read to get an understanding of the overall game. 
    While RPing is expected, and can take many forms, but I dont think you will get this. I'm sure for flat out harrassment there will be some sort of system in place, but I hope the take Eves viewpoint an are passive about most thing. I am sick of these games that cater to the 12 year old and must create a 'safe space' for evey time they get but hurt from something.
     If I cant attack someone just because they are RPing a scenario, then I would just always be RPing a scenario where no one kills me. Or maybe I was roleplaying a scenario where I attacked your escort, whos RP takes precedence then? The game will be a single persistent universe, meaning everyone is present in one world. While you can create what ever scenario you wish and RP it as you choose, you cannot expect others to follow along with it. Unless you have the military might to stop them, others can and will kill you or blow up your ships. 
    Now there will be the pvp free zone around the Ark, here you will at least be free from someone killing you and blowing up your stuff. 
  10. Like
    STEALTH7 reacted to CoreVamore in Hello Folks!   
    So true, DU will be soooooo much more. Cant wait to build my first vehicle
    (knowing my luck it will fall from the sky like a rock lol)
  11. Like
    STEALTH7 reacted to Violet in DU Memes   
  12. Like
    STEALTH7 got a reaction from Mod-Mercutio in Hello Folks!   
    Well new here, been watching the game from a distance (YouTube) and hoping it'll be the game I've been looking for. I wish I had more to go by but with the NDA (understandable) I can't do $180 to get into the weekly test.  I can see myself getting into the Alpha 1 phase and hoping it's coming very soon.  I've been dying for an open world space game but all the current ones are failing in one part or another whereas DU seems to be the one that'll have everything I've ever wanted.  I've played the following:

    EVE:   Too complex and I don't care for the "spreadsheet in space" style though it has the MMO aspect of things I want with factions, one universe, etc.
    NMS: Just not enough for me, more of a nice SP Space game with COOP possibilities now
    SE:  I'm not the building type and unfortunately even with the new MP update the game strains too much to really have anything but a very LIMITED MP experience w/ empty planets
    SC:   Well, it seems to offer everything I would want but........we all know what's currently going on over there.
    EGS:   So far my current favorite only because I can fly ships OTHERS have built, it has a star system, it has the most people for MP that's playable and not spreadsheets. It also has space legs and          planetary exploration, and factions (well limited since the max player count is 200). It also has PvP and PvE, though only problem...it's also limited player wise and it does currently strain in any                decent size combat  (anything over 4-5 ships fighting and the lag is bad)
    So here I am eagerly awaiting DU because it seems that it'll be coming with the right mix of things!
  13. Like
    STEALTH7 reacted to Kurock in What makes this game stand out?   
    This kind of misses the point. This is an sandbox MMO.  The "end goal" is what you decide it to be.  Many people can't/won't/prefer not to decide that for themselves which is why theme-park MMO's exist.
    The people that build the sandcastles are not necessarily the same people that kick them over. If a place can be attacked it will be.  (Allowance has been made for those builders that  just want to build their own buildings on sanctuary moons and safe zones, but these areas have no resources so someone still has got to go out there.)
    And that is fine. DU is *not* for everyone.  If someone says a specific game is for everyone I will show you a liar. Perhaps you prefer tough survival games like the Stalker series.  DU won't scratch that itch.  Others may like fast-paced FPS games.  DU won't scratch that itch to the same degree either. I could start pointing at all the features in DU that don't exist in EGS but this is futile if those features are not what you are looking for.
    What DU offers, among others, is exploration, mining, manufacture, construction, PvP combat, trade, politics and boat loads of voxels all in a neat single shard MMO box.
    My point is, look at what DU is and decide for yourself whether this is the game you are looking for. No one on some forums can decide for you.
    Edit: Forgot trade. Mustn't forget trade.
  14. Like
    STEALTH7 reacted to Warden in What makes this game stand out?   
    There is no set end goal; most (end) goals are subjective either way. In short, it is what people make out of it. I think the big hype is just that: People being in control of their (and others) destinies. You struggle and get to a point, then try to hold it and work from there. Or you lose things and rinse and repeat.
    Just like in life there is no real "end goal". You just do things (or try to) until you perish. The big key difference here to some or many other games is that you are not limited in your approaches or in scale. That's the general "benefit" of sandbox games on average: You can build anything you can imagine while interacting with others with the same powers. Other games end eventually in their respective plots or things you can do. This, of course, also has subjective cons. The sheer size or possibilities are "too much" for certain people, and there are no "scripted" events or very scripted plots with lots of action and storytelling, like in a movie.
    I would say that average "life" in DU would be more drawn out, with lots of politics or business and a slower pace - until notable wars happen.
    I also doubt people will later passively sit around all the time, there will be enough power struggles between groups due to ideology, indifferences, simple mistakes that turned into rivalries, influence, more power (in terms of claimed areas and / or resources) and a lot more.
    Will it be "grindy"? Depending on what people classify grindy as, sure. But that's the thing: It's like life again. You go through chores and hard work or tough events and circumstances, or sometimes plain repetitive, boring, monotone ones, and on the other hand there are usually special moments in life, accomplishments, victories, achievements, progress, meeting new people, having a good times. You may obtain certain skills, positions, reputations - or lose them.
    It can really be a like a second life or a very interactive, unscripted game in an online environment where the players are the driving factor. Some like it, some dislike it. Some find it very exciting or special, others just shrug.
    No matter what your stance is:
    There will be a lot to DU.
    Other than that, time will tell if people can motivate themselves in larger projects or long-term strategy over the span of years. I suppose this works in EvE, so I think we will see similar things happen in DU.
  15. Like
    STEALTH7 reacted to MookMcMook in What makes this game stand out?   
    You're merely talking about "Skill Abstraction" systems.
    The design emphasis of mmoRPGs very much is orientated around some peculiar notion that the CHARACTER (hero's journey completely ripped to shreds btw) is the centre of the universe "so to speak". Look at the designs. Or if that does not appeal, just put it that these mmoRPGs designs have much much more in common with each other than they do with DU, DU being an outlier to the extent it should have a different categorization merely through relative divergence.
    It's for this reason that these "worlds" have been such low interaction environments: As @BlorgonSlayer has been saying there's a cost associated to MMO scale and this very much is the cost of these mmoRPG designs: They're dead worlds or ghost towns. For some financial reason devs of mmos have assumed that each player is predominantly a power-projection of the player's ego. It's a limited and limiting design. The real potential is in networks of players within a highly interactive virtual world building construct... combining what computers do very well networking and data:-
    Physical systems -> logic -> player conceptual basis of the preceding -> Virtual World simulation game systems eg social tiers: combat, trade, politics and so on... these large systems then generate the necessary emergence.
    RPG is just a genre trope afterall in video-games it's not a fixed thing: ""Stats of chars is wot players H-M like in the market"" I say complete BS. Bartle did an interesting analysis recently: What things DON'T players like in games and that's partly how you end up with various genres. Fair enough: What about beyond that though? What creates new experiences via making video-games?
  16. Like
    STEALTH7 reacted to blazemonger in What makes this game stand out?   
    Love Empyrion, but this claim is at best pretentious. You have no actual control over the core planet design. Also the scale is much, much smaller. You can easily walk around a planet in Empyrion, I'd suggest you try this in DU  ..  I always have a chuckle when I read the claims regarding the seed in Empyrion when it really only determines where the resources are.
    Empyrion has a lot to offer on paper, but it's all very shallow and the immersion is minimal. It's much closer to SE than it is to DU. Really DU will be much closer to EVE without the huge battles and fleets but with the control players have over the actual game and how it evolves. To me SC is really going nowhere very fast and ED is bacially Trucking Simulator in Space, quite fun actually but that's about it.
    For me, DU holds a lot of promise of which we  will need to see how well it translates into an actual game.
  17. Like
    STEALTH7 reacted to Shadow in What makes this game stand out?   
    Don't forget large scale PvP which only EvE provides at the moment.
    Jokes aside, DU may launch before Star Citizen too.
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    STEALTH7 reacted to Hotwingz in What makes this game stand out?   
    Minor correction, star citizens server structure does not even compare to DU. It splits the world in instances, with a maximum of 40 players per instance. I'm not sure if this is currently in the game or still on their to do list. This might improve over time but they can't do what DU will do or what EVE does. 
  19. Like
    STEALTH7 reacted to blazemonger in Do you play EVE Online?   
    While probably the closest to DU in building, Empyrion is on a much smaller scale (even after alpa8 expansion) and the voxel engine is not as deep. Emperion is realy more a survival co-op at best and much closer to Space Engineers than DU.
  20. Like
    STEALTH7 reacted to Archonious in Do you play EVE Online?   
    Do not play. And do not like it.
    Do not understand what could be same between DU and EVE at all (if to speak about gameplay, not communication).
  21. Like
    STEALTH7 reacted to Danvain in Do you play EVE Online?   
    I played Eve for a couple of years and loved it...but I want something better.  I don't want every important resource to be gank fest central.  I don't want to see 50 players in relatively cheap ships roam all over high security areas and take out any ship they please. (Even though I did some of this myself)  I don't want to see anything that resembles gate camping.  I don't want AFK mining to be a thing.  I don't want anything in the game to be AFKable.  I want to search for resources, not have a predetermined place where we all go to get the things we need.  I want venturing out of a safe zone to become more safe the further you are outside of it because it is unlikely that anyone would have traveled in the exact same direction as you.  I want a real economy where everything you find has some value.  I want rare things to reflect how rare they are in their market price.  I want a person attacking and the person defending to have an equal chance at winning.  If the defender is asleep at the wheel...he should lose.  If he's paying attention, he should be able to escape or defend in such a way that the aggressor doesn't automatically win.
    I want a lot of things.  Mostly, I want the game to become an extension of my soul.  Something that I can play as much as possible and never get burnt out.  I guess I want the perfect game. 
  22. Like
    STEALTH7 reacted to Dygz_Briarthorn in Do you play EVE Online?   
    I am anti-Eve.
    Wouldn't touch it with a 10ly pole.
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