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GraXXoR got a reaction from Lasersmith in Multi Monitors Option
Elite dangerous has an API that streams all in game data, any third-party tool can query that data and create Applications, information displays or other interactive elements based on that data.
Some tools even create an HTML server based on the data so that you can access the data on your tablet via standard browser.
The elite dangerous third-party ecosystem is truly remarkable.
GraXXoR got a reaction from Lasersmith in Better ground modification.
The original videos show square planetary voxel manipulation.
it was changed to spherical later on.
my theory was that if people could build cool non-turd-like constructs with planetary voxels, they wpuld, and then there would endless terraforming and server load.
of course they never guessed how much mining we would do in any case.
GraXXoR got a reaction from Koffye in Anti-cheat don't serve his purpose
This game never even made it to beta in anything other than name. For all intents and purposes this game is still in Alpha.
NQ be like: "Ummm... sure, territory warfare is a concept we've talked about... Roadmap? LOL.. Where we are going we don't need roads.... We might introduce power requirements at some point possibly... Sorry not sorry the collision detection broke all your ships... again... We are the Metaverse company... Avatar PvP? Yeah, nah... LOL... In the meantime, have a pointless floating robot and purple voxels... 3D Blog tool goes brrrrrr.... Oh noes, you're going to have to refactor your Lua just a couple more times now... promise.... Wipe? What? No, we'll not be wiping again... But can't exactly promise we won't have to wipe again... "
GraXXoR got a reaction from le_souriceau in Anti-cheat don't serve his purpose
This game never even made it to beta in anything other than name. For all intents and purposes this game is still in Alpha.
NQ be like: "Ummm... sure, territory warfare is a concept we've talked about... Roadmap? LOL.. Where we are going we don't need roads.... We might introduce power requirements at some point possibly... Sorry not sorry the collision detection broke all your ships... again... We are the Metaverse company... Avatar PvP? Yeah, nah... LOL... In the meantime, have a pointless floating robot and purple voxels... 3D Blog tool goes brrrrrr.... Oh noes, you're going to have to refactor your Lua just a couple more times now... promise.... Wipe? What? No, we'll not be wiping again... But can't exactly promise we won't have to wipe again... "
GraXXoR got a reaction from Aaron Cain in Anti-cheat don't serve his purpose
This game never even made it to beta in anything other than name. For all intents and purposes this game is still in Alpha.
NQ be like: "Ummm... sure, territory warfare is a concept we've talked about... Roadmap? LOL.. Where we are going we don't need roads.... We might introduce power requirements at some point possibly... Sorry not sorry the collision detection broke all your ships... again... We are the Metaverse company... Avatar PvP? Yeah, nah... LOL... In the meantime, have a pointless floating robot and purple voxels... 3D Blog tool goes brrrrrr.... Oh noes, you're going to have to refactor your Lua just a couple more times now... promise.... Wipe? What? No, we'll not be wiping again... But can't exactly promise we won't have to wipe again... "
GraXXoR got a reaction from Castanietzsche in DU is Going Free to Play...?
今更?!! As we say in Japan, "Ima sara?"..... Oh, so *now* we're down to a double digit player base they are talking about monetization?
Another one we use in situations like this is...
後の祭り! Ato no matsuri..... meaning, "the festival is already over..."
Microtransactions with the current population is going to be pretty much the death throes of DU. There is no way MTs can raise useful amounts of cash with these numbers. Unless MTs stands for Mega Transactions.
GraXXoR got a reaction from Aaron Cain in Stacking element detector is *still* a steaming pile of trash
This game only really has ship building and sales as a full game loop.
NQ could at least make sure all the tools work to an acceptable level.
GraXXoR got a reaction from CptLoRes in Anti-cheat don't serve his purpose
This game never even made it to beta in anything other than name. For all intents and purposes this game is still in Alpha.
NQ be like: "Ummm... sure, territory warfare is a concept we've talked about... Roadmap? LOL.. Where we are going we don't need roads.... We might introduce power requirements at some point possibly... Sorry not sorry the collision detection broke all your ships... again... We are the Metaverse company... Avatar PvP? Yeah, nah... LOL... In the meantime, have a pointless floating robot and purple voxels... 3D Blog tool goes brrrrrr.... Oh noes, you're going to have to refactor your Lua just a couple more times now... promise.... Wipe? What? No, we'll not be wiping again... But can't exactly promise we won't have to wipe again... "
GraXXoR got a reaction from TonyTones in DU is Going Free to Play...?
今更?!! As we say in Japan, "Ima sara?"..... Oh, so *now* we're down to a double digit player base they are talking about monetization?
Another one we use in situations like this is...
後の祭り! Ato no matsuri..... meaning, "the festival is already over..."
Microtransactions with the current population is going to be pretty much the death throes of DU. There is no way MTs can raise useful amounts of cash with these numbers. Unless MTs stands for Mega Transactions.
GraXXoR reacted to Zeddrick in Stacking element detector is *still* a steaming pile of trash
Yeah, when you can't even have someone build and sell a ship and have someone buy it and use it without issues that's a huge fail for the game.
GraXXoR got a reaction from Captain Hills in Will DU ever be optimized? Can you please fix the LAG?
The servers are overloaded due to the influx of new players.
GraXXoR got a reaction from le_souriceau in DU is Going Free to Play...?
今更?!! As we say in Japan, "Ima sara?"..... Oh, so *now* we're down to a double digit player base they are talking about monetization?
Another one we use in situations like this is...
後の祭り! Ato no matsuri..... meaning, "the festival is already over..."
Microtransactions with the current population is going to be pretty much the death throes of DU. There is no way MTs can raise useful amounts of cash with these numbers. Unless MTs stands for Mega Transactions.
GraXXoR reacted to blundertwink in DU is Going Free to Play...?
I agree completely, which is why I believe that DU is going free to play...or at the very least dropping the sub in favor of an initial purchase price plus IAPs.
The barrier to entry for a sub is remarkably high today. Consumers don't view it the same as merely buying a $15 game -- and I think most people understand why, especially with the glut of subscription products across every vertical.
I think the idea that more people would try DU if there was no sub or initial commitment is valid. As with everything, success depends on the implementation.
I can easily see how it would lead to new players, but will those new players be engaged long enough to buy IAPs? The end result might be a wealth of rapidly churning new players that increase costs without leading to more revenue.
This is why they're looking for an actual specialist in monetization design...to try to manipulate that math such that it's a sure win and to make sure KPIs are carefully tracked.
Which means bad things for DU's design, most likely...there can be no "permanently safe" bases in a FTP model. But then, we all knew that wasn't sustainable since they day they announced the revamped FTUE.
GraXXoR reacted to CptLoRes in Will DU ever be optimized? Can you please fix the LAG?
To be fair that was an insider joke, and he appears to be a new player.
GraXXoR got a reaction from Mordgier in DU is Going Free to Play...?
今更?!! As we say in Japan, "Ima sara?"..... Oh, so *now* we're down to a double digit player base they are talking about monetization?
Another one we use in situations like this is...
後の祭り! Ato no matsuri..... meaning, "the festival is already over..."
Microtransactions with the current population is going to be pretty much the death throes of DU. There is no way MTs can raise useful amounts of cash with these numbers. Unless MTs stands for Mega Transactions.
GraXXoR got a reaction from CptLoRes in Will DU ever be optimized? Can you please fix the LAG?
The servers are overloaded due to the influx of new players.
GraXXoR got a reaction from sHuRuLuNi in Will DU ever be optimized? Can you please fix the LAG?
The servers are overloaded due to the influx of new players.
GraXXoR got a reaction from blundertwink in DU is Going Free to Play...?
今更?!! As we say in Japan, "Ima sara?"..... Oh, so *now* we're down to a double digit player base they are talking about monetization?
Another one we use in situations like this is...
後の祭り! Ato no matsuri..... meaning, "the festival is already over..."
Microtransactions with the current population is going to be pretty much the death throes of DU. There is no way MTs can raise useful amounts of cash with these numbers. Unless MTs stands for Mega Transactions.
GraXXoR reacted to le_souriceau in number of players connected
Yeah, I meant that its not new info (obviously), just wanted to emphasize, that DU future is now not about actually DU, but how it can be integrated in something else.
I think what they can do realisticly (beyond all metablablabla) -- is to create some sort system from DU tech, allowing people to run their own servers or kinda rooms, boosted with access to dev tools of building terrain and other stuff, ability to add new assets of all sorts, etc. Likely even monetize content (with commision).
So, overall, it can end up like Second Life on ultra-steroids.
Tricky question tho is the same -- how to balance costs.
GraXXoR reacted to Owl_Superb in Tweak Speed-Limit
The speed changes were another nail in the coffin of DU for me. There is no rationale to having mass-speed relationship, neither in physics nor in the game's lore or appreciable need. It could have all been handled with mass/acceleration - the "old school" way. More mass - less acceleration, less mass - more acceleration. Sure you couldn't outrun anything that's already heading in a direction at max speed, but as soon as you turned you'd gain lots of distance away from a heavy weight pursuer.
In a way, the clipped element debacle was the nerf way to go around something that could have been solved with buffs. Devs could have added more OP high-tier engines to satiate the need for speed, at the appropriate (high) cost, instead of messing with everyone's constructs even if they don't PvP. The turn rates also go nerfed for PvP reasons but affected 100% of people. This is all the examples of the wrong direction the devs took, and lets be really honest here - the only reason fast PvP ships were needed was to chase down the multi-mission haulers who weren't interested in PvP and rob them blind.
GraXXoR reacted to Yoarii in update 1.3
The maintenance unit is not a replacement for the hand-tool. That said, the times are a bit too long and they should really be based on the actual amount that is to be repaired or deconstructed, not on core size imho.
And yes, the "set schematics container" menu needs to be moved from its current place.
GraXXoR reacted to Aaron Cain in Move the schematics container link to Advanced
So we get a perfect update for a system nobody needs (schematics) nobody wants (schematics) and now it kills full automated factories.
Sorry but that is just too funny to actually take serious.
Good thing nobody listened when the players that now stopped playing told here that schematics should be canned.
Good thing NQ came up with an even more chaotic way of dealing with schematics then we already had.
Good thing that the old schematics, buy once use always, were changed with the improved, buy all the time, dont forget to copy an make them pay mwawawawawawawaw versions.
DU and NQ are making my day once again, and i dont even Need an active subscription. because better as this forum, DU will never get in entertainment value under this leadership.
Thank you for this glorious feeling
GraXXoR reacted to CptLoRes in Stacking element detector is *still* a steaming pile of trash
The stacking 'detector' was the last straw that made me stop playing in beta, and the wipe was why I never returned.
GraXXoR reacted to Aaron Cain in Stacking element detector is *still* a steaming pile of trash
You mean the 12 players will be gratefull
I feel your pain btw!!!!!
GraXXoR reacted to Aaron Cain in Will DU ever be optimized? Can you please fix the LAG?
Rofl, You made my day