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  1. Like
    Code24 reacted to yamamushi in Freedom? How about No: -Kuritho   
    Couldn't have said it better myself. 
    I will say that I play sandbox games so that I can make my own choices and have the freedom to do what I want, not so that I can sit down and have a second job with even more bureaucracy than my real-life one. Too many organizations act like they are giant corporations with needless bureaucracy and that just turns the game into a series of arbitrary rules that suck both the fun and freedom away.
    I would much rather just play with a small group of friends than be stuck in a role that I dislike because I have to get x-number of people to sign off on allowing me to do something else with my character. I'm paying the subscription on my account (well technically not because I have a lifetime sub, but same difference), nobody gets to tell me what I am doing at any given moment, I should have the freedom to make those choices on my own. 
    Too many people are acting like "Freedom" is something you have to earn, and forgetting that all of us have already earned it by simply backing/subscribing to the game.
    I am also pessimistic about organizations assigning leadership roles before the game is playable. Leadership to me is something that someone earns by proving themselves through their actions in-game, not something that they get simply because they were first in line. If you want me to look up to this person as the "Fleet Admiral" that's great and all, but what has that person actually done to show they are really competent at that job? In Eve a new Fleet Commander both needed the necessary skills to manage a fleet of a given size AND they needed the hands-on training from more experienced Fleet Commanders to actually know how to effectively manage one. 
    DU is in a completely different ballpark, and it's unfair to assume that skills in one game are necessarily going to carry over. So what you knew how to manage a fleet in Eve? When combat is first-person based and the mechanics are completely different than almost any other game out there, what does "Experience" really mean? The closest thing I can think of would be Star Citizen, and even that is a poor example until 3.0 drops.
    That being said, I don't think numbers will really dictate success in Dual Universe either. It's all pretty meaningless if you have poor leadership and your smaller enemy knows what they are doing and is more tight-knit in their tactics, has nobody ever heard of the Spartans? 
    It's no big secret I quit TU several months ago over this exact problem. I wanted to recruit someone into my part of the organization, and they told me I had to get permission from someone else who was much newer than me to the group. I didn't know this person, I didn't particularly care for the way this person talked to or about other people, and in no way whatsoever did that person show that they were someone I should trust with that kind of decision-making process. 
    It seemed more like they got that position out of an arbitrary "First come first serve" decision process. So I decided to quit because I'm not going to put up with arbitrary bureaucracy managed by people I have no trust in simply because they want some artificial semblance of power in a game that isn't even playable yet.
    I am quite aware of the drama storm that a certain org-leader threw out privately because the published Dual Universe Lore guidelines didn't match up with the backstory they decided to write for their organization despite NQ telling everyone not to yet, and wanted the official lore changed to suit them because "Theirs was better". Don't tell me that wasn't about feeling like there was a loss of power happening. Yet this is a person people are entrusting their time to. (Oh I have screenshots, I'm just not going to throw them under the bus publicly here, they know who they are)
    It's one of the primary reasons I don't believe that many of the "large" organizations will be around post-launch (or even very far into Alpha).
    For all those reasons and more, I refuse to be part of pretty much any organization in almost any capacity until someone can prove to me they are worth trusting with my time (and money). Otherwise, I fear I'm going to feel like a slave to people I'll end up having no respect for.
    I've put a lot of money into Dual Universe, not only into Kickstarter but in -many- other ways, I'm not going to throw all of that away on people who have Little Prince Syndrome. 
  2. Like
    Code24 reacted to yamamushi in What prevents DAC Pay-2-Win?   
    Supply and demand. The more dacs being sold on the market the cheaper they will become.
    Also the skill system being time based prevents someone from immediately jumping into a battleship and just flying off by buying and selling dacs.
    Eve used to be a good example of how an in game subscription item could beasily implemented in a non p2w way, however now that you can buy skill points in Eve that's all out the window.
    Let us hope they never sell skill points in DU, or it will certainly become p2w.
  3. Like
    Code24 got a reaction from Kurock in [CSYN Contest] Picture this - The Poll [CLOSED]   
    Well i'm bringing the Ganymede. 
  4. Like
    Code24 reacted to Levaritie in The great sleepy one.   
    (introduction huh.. uh..)
    Hi I am Levaritie! The great and all mighty and all powerfull keeper of knowlege..... waa I actualy said that, I want to crawl in a hole.
    Wel actualy I am just a reader of fantasy novels. lately I have discovered the addiction that is light novels and web novels from japan.
    I have been looking at this game for a few months now I believe since august I cant remember. since I pleged to the game I had to make a Account, wich lat me to the though "maybe I should introduce my self" so I figured why not. 
    I am typicaly rather avoiding of crowded places, actualy any human being that has eyes.
    But from time to time I to crave for social interaction at those times I can be quite fun to hang out with.
    The rest of the time I am reading or either play games or write my own stories.
    If one where to ask why did you plege for Dual Universe, wel I have have hopes for Dual Universe + space is cool.
    I have emotional/psychological problems from time to time I refer to as "A meltdown" so if I dispear its probly that.
    Thats about all you need to know about me I guess.
    If it wasnt clear I like reading books.. so.. build libraries in your ships!
    Uh.. Lets get along!
  5. Like
    Code24 reacted to Zorodek in Tenacity Gaming aka Tenacity Defence Fleet   
    - Greetings from Tenacity Gaming Community -

    Tenacity is an ever growing community of like minded players who are essentially sick of toxic individuals, Tenacity offers a great community of people who are willing to help if they can, we play many games, such as League of Legends, World of Warships, Squad, Masters of Orion, Space Engineers, Minecraft, Rocket league and many many more.
    Tenacity hold Regular giveaways on their Curse Server: >Tenacity Curse Server<
    And on their Streaming channels: Tenacity TV
    Tenacity Defence Force

    =TDF= is What will represent Tenacity in Dual Universe: Tenacity Organization Page
    We have a group of members already registered to us on Dual's Community, we are posting now to open our doors to any and all friendly pilots out there who want to join our ranks.
    TDF has some simple starting ideas of exploration and expansion, however we do not wish to border ourselves with what TDF will do until the game is much closer to fruition, when we have more of an understanding of 'What' we can do.
    For the time being tenacity runs a nice Space Engineers server: World is names : TDF - Moons and Roids (even though there are planets now) and the Server Name: TenacityGaming.com 
    Server is only down when updating, or catastrophically monolithic destructive circumstances
    Tenacity Gaming has a 16+ Policy
    Mature Community so expect mature humour.
    Everybody is welcome providing you are a decent human being. 
    Thank you for reading my post,
    Legate; Tenacity Defence Force
  6. Like
    Code24 reacted to Cybrex in Small Cheer to Cybrex   
  7. Like
    Code24 reacted to Anaximander in Guild/Clan wars   
    The combat is not FPS based, it's a mixture of lock and fire, with motion being the key in avodiance. It's an emulation of FPS mechanics, unlike an FPS' simulated means (bulelt flying through the air can be intercepted in flight and hitting someone else if they get in its path , that's NOT DU's combat).
    The game is NOT focused around combat, it's Minecraft meeting EVE online. Combat is a part of it, but not it's centerpiece. So  there's no actualy reason for large scale battles to ensue. You can go to another planet, with up to 10 or 20 possible planets at the starting system alone. So no, you don't have to start fightign right out of the gate.
    Technically, there's nothing preventing a ship from firing down on a planet. Howver, if you aim for cities, then you'll be met with possible Protection Bubbles that need strike forces to take down, or a arbitrary timer for them to go down (which hopefully, the devs may reconsider, but that's my opinion). Once those protections go down, then you can coerce the opposition into surrenderign or just fire rocks down on them until there's no city left.
    What you define as "exciting" in Planetside 2, varies from person to person. I mainly played infiltrator and piloted a Light PPA scythe. my version of excitmeent is not the same as you may expect as a heavy assault or light assault or w/e. However, the combined arms ascpect is presen in DU, at least, iff the 650000 Euro goal is met and the Construct V Construct aspect is in the game at launch That means hovertanks, fighter jets, etc. all being used on some fights, same lock & fire mechanism involved.
    However, given that ships could possibly be raining rocks from above, then I guess the fights can be quite exciting, with people on ships acting as killstreaks right out of CoD.
  8. Like
    Code24 reacted to Kongou in On duty, Off Duty RDMS/Tags/Org powers   
    Hello, for organisations It would be nice if the legates could create an option for players to either engage their affiliation with an organisation into ON-Duty mode or OFF-Duty mode.
    Something similar to how faction loyalty in star wars galaxies worked.
    In this idea, players could switch to ON duty, and be recognized as a participating member of an organization. Including any reputation they have or other benefits or downsides.
    In OFF duty mode players would no longer be represented by that organisation. They would become recognized by their personal reputation. When switching from on duty to off duty it could take ten to fifteen minutes for the effect to take place in order to prevent rapid abuse or switching between modes.
    Organisations can decide how this will affect them or their certain roles with additional tags and parameters. It would be nice that for player made ranks we have a sufficiently powerful tool or range of options for deciding how different types of things affect each rank.

    Possibly and org would decide that ranks higher up ones or even all ranks would require that players be in on duty mode all the time.
    Have to pay to go from on to off duty.

    Of course these are more things that can be achieved by applying certain tag's or conditions to ranks .. maybe I'm not entirely sure how the system is setup...

    Thank you reader.
  9. Like
    Code24 reacted to CyberCrunch in AI for President! (a coders dream)   
    (EDIT 30.05.17: Further development on the original proposal is suspended, as there were no players willing to join this kind of organization... But for reference I will not remove anything said in the original post)
    (EDIT 28.12.17: After joining ODY, I'd still like to promote the core idea of this proposal. My new goal is to create separate standalone open-source-projects which are loosely inspired by AI, just without the whole organization idea. Players will be able to repurpose these programs for their own use. I only wish for my programs to assist players in their everyday DU activities. For more information refere to the new project list at the end of this post.)
    ================================================== Original Post ===================================================

    Dual Universe is the perfect setting for a little social experiment. I love boundless sandbox games, like this one, as they really promote creative gameplay.
    An often reoccurring theme in science fiction is the dream of a perfect society...
    I strongly believe that the only way to get closer to that vision is to create an artificial intelligence especially dedicated to take all important governmental decisions of a society. All mistakes that happen in a society because of human errors could be prevented!
    So what would be better opportunity to test this statement, than to actually play around with this idea in a game? Nothing can go wrong here!
    As you might've guessed this is an organization proposal, even though I don't have a name yet. I think a sort of research institute would be quite fitting.
    But this can be decided later by vote of the members. The name is actually not that important.
    Most important is how the AI is actually going to work. The ultimate goal is that the decisions of the AI are as reasonable as the decisions a human leader makes. Luckily DU is still quite limited (relative to reality) according to the possible decisions an organization can make. Therefore only simple programs are needed to get to the "right" decisions.
    Also important to note is that the purpose is not to micromanage everything the player does, but to only give high level supervision like a real government. So the players will still have private ownership and private sub-organizations e.g. a security service.
    How it works
    I've already set up a core framework for the AI based on a Discord Chatbot written in Python 3.5. A direct integration into DU will probably be very difficult as external programs are often used for cheating, and I hope NQ is well secured against this.
    However some abstract information of the game given through Discord are all that's necessary to make reasonable decisions.
    The easiest tasks for decision making are reactive decisions. In most cases there is only one correct reaction to a problem, which can be programmed by simple if/else statements.
    In the following picture I've tried to visualize how several aspects of the game could be handled by the AI: (sorry for the plain appearance, it's only a placeholder which will be replaced with the actual features of the AI)

    These are only some examples that came to my mind, and not necessarily the most important ones!
    What I'm really eager to see is how the AI will manage more vague decision processes, e.g. who is a trustworthy ally and who not (like indicated in the 1st picture). This will no longer only be an If/Else decision. The AI will need to adapt its decisions based on previous experience (so called "reinforcement learning"). Therefore I integrated the machine learning library "tensorflow" which is basically the brain behind all Google AI projects. They actually just open sourced it last year! This library is probably a little overpowered for the current tasks, but I'm sure we will use it more in the future!
    On the economic side the AI will automatically create jobs based on the needs of the organization and pay for every accomplished task.
    Another important factor would be the spatial awareness and building functionalities. Buildings and infrastructure should be build using predefined blueprints and functionalities, so the AI knows exactly what infrastructure is available. To keep the program simple everything in the world is reduced to an object-type (e.g. city/ mine/ military outpost) which has specific attributes (e.g. storage capacity/ defense turrets/ position).
    Each of this information has to be kept up-to-date by the players.
    Security Issues
    And in here lies a weak spot of this system. Our enemies and griefers will probably try to harm the AI by feeding it false-information, and thereby causing false reactions. So only trusted Members should have access to change critical information... However this will turn to a more and more time consuming task, as the overall information in DU continues to grow. Hopefully we'll find an alternative solution for this in the future.
    The decisions regarding the further progress of this project will be made by the programmers which are participating in the development of the AI. We could form a sort of democratic "Coders Council" in game, which will also decide on matters where AI is not able to make meaningful decisions. However the AI will always be the official leader of this organization, also for roleplaying purposes.
    Apropos roleplay: I created a little backstory that would fit quite well to the great DU lore. (read here: https://devblog.dualthegame.com/2016/11/16/official-lore-bible/ )
    "During the anti-AI-riots in the year 2145 there were still people who supported the sentient AIs. A group of scientists thought the fear of AI was only caused by human ignorance of their thought-structure. Certainly the phenomenal advancements of the AIs were scary, and made them seem acting strange, but only because the humans could not catch up with their development.
    During that time it was too late to stop this overhasty destruction of all AI. The scientists had to go underground and swear to rebuild AI, but this time without letting their mental abilities run out of control. They tried to hide forbidden AI technology, but the [UMF] soon discovered their hideouts and purged every bit of knowledge that was left. The whole mankind was under continuous oppression by the [UMF], right until the Great Exodus.
    But even though all technology was lost, the idea survived. A few scientists of the secret society decided to found a research institute on Alioth dedicated to rebuild an AI from scratch. This time they would be more cautious. Even though they admire Aphelia as she is the only (proto) AI on Alioth, they also fear her because she might be programmed by the [UMF] to make sure the colonists will follow the AI ban that is officially still in place on Alioth." (to be continued)
    Development Participation
    This stuff has probably never been done before, so it's very likely that it might not work out as planned.
    But if you like to develop your own AI, or you'd like to see a leader who is online 24/7    you should join us!
    It's also no problem if you are already member of another organization. I uploaded the AI on GitHub as open source project, so you can use it for your own organization as well. I welcome everyone who is willing to contribute to the project:

    I skipped a lot of details of the development, so if you want to know more feel free to contact me. Maybe it would be helpful to even open a new thread on this forum exclusively for the programming part.
    I'm probably more into programming than into the actual playing, but I'm sure there are some like minded coders/engineers who would also like to see this happen!

    I invite everyone to test out the AI on this public test server. Currently most functions are still placeholders, but you can try to do some Smalltalk with the AI.
    The first thing that actually works is you can register yourself to its database, and the AI will remember you when the game launches.
    Link removed!  (discord-bot has been shut down)
    I've got the feeling this is already getting to long, so I'll try to update this section further while the project continues.
    (EDIT 08.01.17: added overview)
    Chatbot Feature Overview
    Input Interfaces: Discord messages, Teamspeak PMs, Console commands, RSS feeds
    Output Capabilities: Discord messages, Teamspeak Text-/Voice-chat
    Economic Management: Keep track of resources, and assign players to specific tasks, according to their job-preference
    Entertainment Features: Conversational Chatbot, TTS of the DU Lore, TTS of input text
    (EDIT 28.12.17: Restructured Project List)
    ================================================== Project Overview ===================================================
    Web interface for management of Dual Universe organizations:  https://github.com/CyberCrunch/DU_AI_Cloud
    Dual Universe themed tts-chatbot to assist players ingame:   https://github.com/CyberCrunch/DU_AI_Adjutant
    A post regarding these new projects will follow soon...
  10. Like
    Code24 reacted to EmperorToch in [CSYN Contest] Picture this [CLOSED]   
    Heres mine! Sorry its a bit late i been very busy! This is kind of a teaser for our Super Solar Dreadnought Design! Make sure to keep an eye out for it on the community page  
  11. Like
    Code24 reacted to Lights in Remove User Post Counts from the Off Topic Subforum   
    Lol i got so much shit for that because people thouggt i was trying to boost my post count it pissed me off XD yes, why let me get super quick post counts by writing time consuming replies either consuming it by a long reply or a well thought reply. I was just having alot of coffee and free time that weekend XD
    On the topic though, we shoukd just keep our likes meter and not our post meter in my opinion
  12. Like
    Code24 reacted to Ben Fargo in Hollow Tool   
    One feature I would like to have when building is a hollow tool.  The program I have been using to design concepts for my ship has this and I have found it very useful.
    Basically, it removes all voxels from the interior of a shape, leaving the outside surface as an empty shell.  It does this even with complex shapes created by adding and subtracting simpler ones together.
    This would be very useful in Dual Universe, since eliminating any unnecessary voxels would reduce the resource need to build a construct.
  13. Like
    Code24 reacted to Lord_Void in A Long Introduction Long Overdue   
    I've been around here now for quite some time (something like 4ish months), but it occurred to me recently that I have yet to properly introduce myself. So I thought I would finally take the time to do so. This is going to be long and probably sound self-congratulatory, so sorry in advance. I will start with a quick little summary for those who don't want to read the whole thing.
    My name is Lord_Void (or Lord Void, depending), but pretty much everyone just calls me Void. I came to this community during the kick starter, early in September of 2016. As I looked around the community I liked what I saw, and loved the potential for the game, so I introduced some of my friends to the game. This group became Evil Inc. Eventually, we decided to join Band of Outlaws and have been a member ever since. I have made friends with many members of BOO and am extremely proud to have been made one of the Pirate Lords tasked with managing the group and serving our members. I myself am a software developer by trade, with an avid interest in history and linguistics. I currently reside in Southern California, US. I have been gaming since I was a young child, with experience in WOW, EVE, COD, Battlefield, a number of MOBAs, the Civ series, EU4, Chess, Shogi, the elder scrolls, Total War, The Witcher, and Wargame (the list goes on, but you get the idea.)
    I look forward to being involved in the Politics of this game, as well as recording the history and playing in the markets. I consider myself pretty friendly and open, so feel free to message me whenever for whatever. I'm always open for playing some games, or having a good discussion. Also, I would like to add, while through the course of this game I have acquired, and will likely continue to acquire, a number of "rivals" whether they be in the form of people or organizations, I consider those rivalries as part of the game, nothing more. To the people behind the screens I say: if you are a member of this community, you are my friend. Period. 
    That's the short version. If you're just perusing you can stop there, but if you'd like to read on and can forgive my prolixity, I'm going to go a bit more in-depth, with particular focus on the events and works which shaped my way of thinking.
    I was born and raised in Southern California, and at a young age I took to computers for both gaming and programming. By the time high school rolled around those two fields constituted almost the entirety of my interests. I was pretty well read for my age, having been raised on the works of Asimov, Frank Herbert, Tolkien, and Robert Heinlein, plus a number of other assorted titles. Upon entering high school, I encountered several developments which would (and still do) shape my life and thinking. First of all, I encountered and read several book series which would provide a foundation for future growth. The first of the foundational series was the (coincidentally named) Foundation series by Isaac Asimov which centered around a fictional science in the distant future that combined many different fields of study in order to predict the broad trends of the future. This series stoked an interest in using historical information and political/economic analysis in order to try and predict the future course of events, an interest which continues and I hope to apply to DU. The second series was the ever-funny "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" which aside from providing a wonderful read, imbued in me a slightly ridiculous sense of humor. The third was less a series, and more a collection of books: unabridged English translations of all of Jules Verne's books which imparted the vision of the old style gentleman scholar, and handy-man adventurer. In addition to these literary acquisitions (as well as many others not listed), I was begrudgingly pressed into studying Spanish by the requirements of my school system. Over time, after about 3 years of study, I began to appreciate the ability to communicate in another language and even picked up some Russian (admittedly minor, I hope to take a few years to truly learn it someday).
    I decided to continue studying Spanish past the requirements of the school system and upon graduation departed to study at the Universidad de Salamanca in Spain. While there, I came across the unabridged Spanish translations of the very same Jules Verne books I had previously read, so I again traversed his corpus. I completed my coursework there and headed back to the United States. I then studied at Montana State University, attracted by both the Computer Science Department's faculty as well as by the near total contrast to my southern Californian upbringing. It was here that I received a major challenge to my existing world view. While I had always considered myself staunchly liberal growing up, a left-wing democrat to the core, the liberal ideology I encountered at MSU seemed poisoned by cognitive isolationism and more interested in categorizing ideas as heretical than actually engaging with them. Thus, with my world view in tatters and seeking answers, I retreated into the school's library and began to assemble a new world view for myself. I read as much as I could of both classical texts and more modern works, searching for counter-points to every book and having many debates with people I encountered. I eventually settled on a set of ideas that seemed to be both internally and externally consistent and provided plenty of rooms to expand and change over time, which I shall continue to refine till the day I die. I now consider myself (to put it in general terms) economically/politically conservative and socially liberal, with a strong libertarian undertone. After finishing my time in Montana I decided to move back to southern California.
    It was some time after this that I was bedridden for about a month following a surgery, and came across the book "China: A History" by John Keay, which I devoured. It rekindled my interest in history in addition to the economic and political theory I was mostly reading and again modified my world view. Where I had previously looked at mostly European or Eurocentric history, I now began to see the value of studying other regions and then comparing them against other regions. I added to my library a number of histories on China as well as classical Chinese texts. I decided to take a course in East Asian History at the local community college and was not disappointed. I learned how to read Korean script (more for purposes of transliteration rather than direct comprehension) and added some classical Japanese literature to my repertoire. I resolved to study Mandarin as well, so as to gain a better insight into the culture, as well as increase my ability to communicate with people in varying parts of the world. I took a break from historical study to spend some time realizing my childhood dream of becoming the rugged gentleman-adventurer like in the Verne books. I took a wilderness survival course and took training in wilderness medicine, earning the certifications necessary to become a Wilderness First Responder, so that I might participate in a local search and rescue team, as well as lead my friends on backpacking trips. Returning from that, I began my Mandarin study (and French, because why not? I'm starting to peck away at Verne's books again, this time in original French) as well as taking another course on Middle Eastern History. I continued collecting and consuming histories of various regions, slowly filling in the blank spots. While I certainly do not know everything, nor even most things if one is to look at the sheer mass of knowledge available, I consider myself to be a sort of 'historical generalist', having a wide breadth of knowledge even if it proves shallow in some areas.
    I am realizing now that this is starting to read a lot more like a biography than an introduction, and I apologize for that, but I am getting to my point.
    All throughout the previous wall of text, I played EVE. I played under a variety of names and characters, stopping and starting over the years. In the most recent iteration of this cycle, I played as a director of an up and coming little indy corp. This was the origin of the Void persona. I flew with that group for several months, taking them through wars and adventures until we eventually joined up with an old alliance out in Solitude. That went well for a few months, until a war broke the back of that already withering alliance. All of us, all of my friends, scattered in various directions with some heading to lowsec and others back to the highsec mainland. I headed off into nullsec where I was picked up by my beloved TEST Alliance. During this time I marveled at the complexity of the world of EVE and its history. I read "Empires of EVE" by Andrew Groen and bemoaned the fact that I hadn't been there since the beginning. I wished that I could have been there in the beginning, to help shape the world or at least to see the pivotal changes as they occurred. It was like all of the real world history that I had read, and all of the politically and economic theory I had studied was embodied in the comparatively fast paced world of internet spaceships. It was a separate world that could be compared to our real one as the various regions can be compared against each other. I promised myself that if I ever had an opportunity to get in on the beginning of something great like that, I would. That I would throw myself into it.
    When I first saw Dual Universe I thought it looked stupid. I really did. I thought it looked like a cheap EVE knock-off and didn't give it a second glance. This must have been the first advertising campaign before the kick starter, or even before the forums existed, in those pre-historic times you occasionally hear some of the oldest members of our community speak of. In short, I ignored it and carried on in EVE. It was only when the kick starter came and I again saw the ads for the game that I realized my mistake. This was a chance to get in on the beginning, not to mention that upon closer inspection the game mechanics showed a lot of potential. This was a game I would enjoy playing. I quickly signed up. I showed a number of my friends and together we formed Evil Inc. We resolved to remain independent and build our own empire, handling everything from industry and trade to warfare and exploring, with me as the CEO (Chief Evil Officer), but over time we realized that this was not the best path to take, especially not this early in the game's life. We also realized that we had a bit of an image problem. Coming from the dark, sarcastic humor of TEST, and the dry ridiculousness of Hitchhiker's Guide, the somewhat over-serious tone that most organizations had (and still have) contrasted sharply with our experience in EVE. Surely, we figured, others must feel the same and will be drawn to a group that can provide the proper mix or sarcasm and intellect. So we decided to take the opposite approach that most groups in DU took: instead of declaring we are the good guys who are going to preserve order and peace, we advertised ourselves as the bad guys, the "evil" ones, and this image would contrast with our actual supportive and good natured reality. The sarcasm was supposed to be self-evident (there is even a tv trope listed as "Evil, inc.", look it up), but sadly I think many people missed that. In the end it doesn't really matter though. We decided that the best way to proceed would be to join up with one of the existing groups in Dual Universe. As the CEO I talked with many people from various groups: Cinderfall Syndicate, Terran Union, Band of Outlaws, The Empire, and several others. They were all very nice and made us feel very welcome. We were even leaning heavily towards joining the Terran Union. But in the end, Cybrex won us over with his personality and organizational vision, as well as his EVE background. We joined BOO and as previously stated I now have the honor of being one of the Pirate Lords, working to serve BOO. Evil Inc. is now mostly a group devoted to financial services and scholarship, and sits awaiting Alpha and Beta to kick off.
    As my time here as progressed, I have had the privilege of watching many changes occur in the community. Some might call these inconsequential, but even the slightest happenings here in this historical epoch, which I have personally taken to calling "The Great Debate", will have large ramifications later on post-release. This is why I went through the long-winded tail of my love affair with history and social sciences (somewhat literally as my lovely lady is a sociologist lol). I wanted to introduce myself to you all, and I believe the part of me that will be most manifest here is my interest in humanity, in the past and its relationship with the future. Plus, (all this other stuff aside) videogames are incredibly fun, which is the real reason we are all here. In this light, I have been working on compiling a history of the community and will be maintaining this record as time goes on. A number of people have already been kind enough to lend their perspectives to this work, and I thank them for it. Even this far from Alpha, I feel like this community has given me enough content to make my pledge worth it.
    So there we have, my overly long and far too detailed introduction.
    Thank you all and Happy Holidays!
    Fly Safe o7
  14. Like
    Code24 reacted to DarkNovation in [CSYN Contest] Picture this [CLOSED]   
    I doubt ill get this finished before the ending time but here is progress on my utility freighter

  15. Like
    Code24 got a reaction from Papa in [CSYN Contest] Picture this [CLOSED]   
    ODS Ganymede, prototype and lead ship of the Ganymede Class Assault Frigate, operating ahead flank propulsion during mobility trials near the Haedus Terminal shipyards, Alioth system. In concert are a flight of Valgard Class space superiority fighters, tasked with monitoring the test and gathering telemetry for later analysis. The trial was a success, and the Ganymede Class went on to become a mainstay sub-capital combat ship within several ODY affiliated entities. The vessel represented a significant evolution of compact, lightweight structural design and armor doctrine
    Here is my submission. This was a lot of fun to make, and my first Blender project so I'm glad this contest gave me an excuse to learn it. 
    Credit to Sgt.Toothpaste for helping me out by making the particle effects for the engine trails and adding a colorful description. 
  16. Like
    Code24 got a reaction from Terawa in [CSYN Contest] Picture this [CLOSED]   
    ODS Ganymede, prototype and lead ship of the Ganymede Class Assault Frigate, operating ahead flank propulsion during mobility trials near the Haedus Terminal shipyards, Alioth system. In concert are a flight of Valgard Class space superiority fighters, tasked with monitoring the test and gathering telemetry for later analysis. The trial was a success, and the Ganymede Class went on to become a mainstay sub-capital combat ship within several ODY affiliated entities. The vessel represented a significant evolution of compact, lightweight structural design and armor doctrine
    Here is my submission. This was a lot of fun to make, and my first Blender project so I'm glad this contest gave me an excuse to learn it. 
    Credit to Sgt.Toothpaste for helping me out by making the particle effects for the engine trails and adding a colorful description. 
  17. Like
    Code24 got a reaction from ShinyMagnemite in [CSYN Contest] Picture this [CLOSED]   
    ODS Ganymede, prototype and lead ship of the Ganymede Class Assault Frigate, operating ahead flank propulsion during mobility trials near the Haedus Terminal shipyards, Alioth system. In concert are a flight of Valgard Class space superiority fighters, tasked with monitoring the test and gathering telemetry for later analysis. The trial was a success, and the Ganymede Class went on to become a mainstay sub-capital combat ship within several ODY affiliated entities. The vessel represented a significant evolution of compact, lightweight structural design and armor doctrine
    Here is my submission. This was a lot of fun to make, and my first Blender project so I'm glad this contest gave me an excuse to learn it. 
    Credit to Sgt.Toothpaste for helping me out by making the particle effects for the engine trails and adding a colorful description. 
  18. Like
    Code24 reacted to loz117 in [CSYN Contest] Picture this [CLOSED]   
    posting for a friend who wanted to take part
  19. Like
    Code24 got a reaction from ForlornFoe in [CSYN Contest] Picture this [CLOSED]   
    ODS Ganymede, prototype and lead ship of the Ganymede Class Assault Frigate, operating ahead flank propulsion during mobility trials near the Haedus Terminal shipyards, Alioth system. In concert are a flight of Valgard Class space superiority fighters, tasked with monitoring the test and gathering telemetry for later analysis. The trial was a success, and the Ganymede Class went on to become a mainstay sub-capital combat ship within several ODY affiliated entities. The vessel represented a significant evolution of compact, lightweight structural design and armor doctrine
    Here is my submission. This was a lot of fun to make, and my first Blender project so I'm glad this contest gave me an excuse to learn it. 
    Credit to Sgt.Toothpaste for helping me out by making the particle effects for the engine trails and adding a colorful description. 
  20. Like
    Code24 got a reaction from Kurock in [CSYN Contest] Picture this [CLOSED]   
    ODS Ganymede, prototype and lead ship of the Ganymede Class Assault Frigate, operating ahead flank propulsion during mobility trials near the Haedus Terminal shipyards, Alioth system. In concert are a flight of Valgard Class space superiority fighters, tasked with monitoring the test and gathering telemetry for later analysis. The trial was a success, and the Ganymede Class went on to become a mainstay sub-capital combat ship within several ODY affiliated entities. The vessel represented a significant evolution of compact, lightweight structural design and armor doctrine
    Here is my submission. This was a lot of fun to make, and my first Blender project so I'm glad this contest gave me an excuse to learn it. 
    Credit to Sgt.Toothpaste for helping me out by making the particle effects for the engine trails and adding a colorful description. 
  21. Like
    Code24 got a reaction from Ben Fargo in [CSYN Contest] Picture this [CLOSED]   
    ODS Ganymede, prototype and lead ship of the Ganymede Class Assault Frigate, operating ahead flank propulsion during mobility trials near the Haedus Terminal shipyards, Alioth system. In concert are a flight of Valgard Class space superiority fighters, tasked with monitoring the test and gathering telemetry for later analysis. The trial was a success, and the Ganymede Class went on to become a mainstay sub-capital combat ship within several ODY affiliated entities. The vessel represented a significant evolution of compact, lightweight structural design and armor doctrine
    Here is my submission. This was a lot of fun to make, and my first Blender project so I'm glad this contest gave me an excuse to learn it. 
    Credit to Sgt.Toothpaste for helping me out by making the particle effects for the engine trails and adding a colorful description. 
  22. Like
    Code24 got a reaction from MrFlanders in Objective Driveyards - Aerospace Corporation [Recruiting]   
    English                     All                         78

    Objective Driveyards is a corporate-state established in the evolving world of Dual Universe. We aim to design ships that combine elegance and efficiency with a readiness for the cold-blooded nature of interstellar warfare. We will bring an array of premier spacecraft to the marketplace: battle-tested by our navy and refined by an organized team of engineers and designers.





    The Corporation relies on teamwork and structure to succeed, and thus operates as a meritocracy. The corporation is led by the CEO and a Council of three directors. Corporate assets are divided into three main branches; each responsible for a major aspect of Corporate operations and manned by specialists with appropriate skills. Each branch is independent to a degree but ultimately answer to the Council.
    CEO - Code24

    Objective Dynamics

    Leader: Head Technocrat, Croomar
    The scientific branch of the Corporation, lead by a head Technocrat. This branch develops tech, designs blueprints, programs systems, conducts exploration, and tech mining. Blueprints can be designed on contract to be sold to other factions, or strictly for corporate use.
    Researcher - Develops new designs and blueprints to be tested and refined.
    Explorer - Lone wolf pilots looking to explore under a Corporate Charter.
    Programmer - Specialist skilled in scripting advanced systems with LUA 

    Objective Industries
    Leader: Director of Industry, BliitzTheFox
    The circulatory and digestive system of the Corporation, controlled by a Director who is part of the Corporate Council. This branch is responsible for mining and refining raw materials, manufacturing components and equipment, and ultimately constructing ships. While the Navy controls most of the Corporate fleet, Indi Ops controls most of the Corporate shipyards. Ships and equipment produced by this branch are first researched and designed by the R&D branch. Indi Ops can also manufacture hulls and equipment to be sold on contract to other factions.
    Miner - Raw resource extraction.
    Technician - Refining and manufacturing.
    Engineer - Industrial construction/development.
    Shipwright - Shipyard operation, starship construction.
    Marketer - Promotes and sells products, conducts market research

    Objective Navy
    Leader: Stategos, Sgt.Toothpaste
    As the military branch, the Navy is responsible for protecting Corporate interests from external threats. The Navy is lead by the Strategos, one of the members of the Corporate Council and the highest ranking officer within the fleet. The Navy controls the majority of the Corporate Fleet and draws from Corporate personnel with skills particular to any and all aspects of combat. These roles can include:
    Pilot - Pilot specializing in either strike craft or larger warships.
    Commander - Officer in command of a large, crewed warship.
    Crew - Entry level warship crew, manning the critical stations on larger vessels.
    Security - Infantry unit skilled in ground combat.
    Combat Engineer - Field engineer skilled in building/repairing constructs in combat situations.
    Recon - *Redacted*

    Objective Driveyards is seeking the top talent in Dual Universe to make our team stronger.
    Play DU in small, focused teams that are agile, efficient and focused on excellence. Cement your role in the future of ODY, and submit an application on our website today. If you are interested in one or more of the roles described above, but still have questions, contact one of the Corporate Council members.
    Means of Voice Communication
    Application on both website and community portal
    Complete a short interview with a recruiter
    Age: 16 +

    Follow us:

    Learn More
  23. Like
    Code24 got a reaction from Dominar in [CSYN Contest] Picture this [CLOSED]   
    ODS Ganymede, prototype and lead ship of the Ganymede Class Assault Frigate, operating ahead flank propulsion during mobility trials near the Haedus Terminal shipyards, Alioth system. In concert are a flight of Valgard Class space superiority fighters, tasked with monitoring the test and gathering telemetry for later analysis. The trial was a success, and the Ganymede Class went on to become a mainstay sub-capital combat ship within several ODY affiliated entities. The vessel represented a significant evolution of compact, lightweight structural design and armor doctrine
    Here is my submission. This was a lot of fun to make, and my first Blender project so I'm glad this contest gave me an excuse to learn it. 
    Credit to Sgt.Toothpaste for helping me out by making the particle effects for the engine trails and adding a colorful description. 
  24. Like
    Code24 reacted to HUNTINGverse in Let's leave the year 2016!   
    Let's leave the year 2016 and i'm ready for ...


    a new year full of expectations, excitement and the first opening for some user of dual universe. Woo! To the new year 2017.


  25. Like
    Code24 got a reaction from Astrophil in Objective Driveyards - Aerospace Corporation [Recruiting]   
    English                     All                         78

    Objective Driveyards is a corporate-state established in the evolving world of Dual Universe. We aim to design ships that combine elegance and efficiency with a readiness for the cold-blooded nature of interstellar warfare. We will bring an array of premier spacecraft to the marketplace: battle-tested by our navy and refined by an organized team of engineers and designers.





    The Corporation relies on teamwork and structure to succeed, and thus operates as a meritocracy. The corporation is led by the CEO and a Council of three directors. Corporate assets are divided into three main branches; each responsible for a major aspect of Corporate operations and manned by specialists with appropriate skills. Each branch is independent to a degree but ultimately answer to the Council.
    CEO - Code24

    Objective Dynamics

    Leader: Head Technocrat, Croomar
    The scientific branch of the Corporation, lead by a head Technocrat. This branch develops tech, designs blueprints, programs systems, conducts exploration, and tech mining. Blueprints can be designed on contract to be sold to other factions, or strictly for corporate use.
    Researcher - Develops new designs and blueprints to be tested and refined.
    Explorer - Lone wolf pilots looking to explore under a Corporate Charter.
    Programmer - Specialist skilled in scripting advanced systems with LUA 

    Objective Industries
    Leader: Director of Industry, BliitzTheFox
    The circulatory and digestive system of the Corporation, controlled by a Director who is part of the Corporate Council. This branch is responsible for mining and refining raw materials, manufacturing components and equipment, and ultimately constructing ships. While the Navy controls most of the Corporate fleet, Indi Ops controls most of the Corporate shipyards. Ships and equipment produced by this branch are first researched and designed by the R&D branch. Indi Ops can also manufacture hulls and equipment to be sold on contract to other factions.
    Miner - Raw resource extraction.
    Technician - Refining and manufacturing.
    Engineer - Industrial construction/development.
    Shipwright - Shipyard operation, starship construction.
    Marketer - Promotes and sells products, conducts market research

    Objective Navy
    Leader: Stategos, Sgt.Toothpaste
    As the military branch, the Navy is responsible for protecting Corporate interests from external threats. The Navy is lead by the Strategos, one of the members of the Corporate Council and the highest ranking officer within the fleet. The Navy controls the majority of the Corporate Fleet and draws from Corporate personnel with skills particular to any and all aspects of combat. These roles can include:
    Pilot - Pilot specializing in either strike craft or larger warships.
    Commander - Officer in command of a large, crewed warship.
    Crew - Entry level warship crew, manning the critical stations on larger vessels.
    Security - Infantry unit skilled in ground combat.
    Combat Engineer - Field engineer skilled in building/repairing constructs in combat situations.
    Recon - *Redacted*

    Objective Driveyards is seeking the top talent in Dual Universe to make our team stronger.
    Play DU in small, focused teams that are agile, efficient and focused on excellence. Cement your role in the future of ODY, and submit an application on our website today. If you are interested in one or more of the roles described above, but still have questions, contact one of the Corporate Council members.
    Means of Voice Communication
    Application on both website and community portal
    Complete a short interview with a recruiter
    Age: 16 +

    Follow us:

    Learn More
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