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Posts posted by Kurosawa

  1. 3 hours ago, Elitez said:

    The game is not released yet people are saying projecting their insecurities on the forums. lol

    People are projecting their long term experiences with DU / NQ, you might not like them and it might sound negative, but in reality it is feedback for what people think is wrong and should not be taken personal.

    In NQ case that feedback has been ignored for a long time, so it has turned a sour as people again and again are being let down by NQ.

  2. Thank you NQ, doesn't it feel better to get this off you chest.


    Talent points, are the reset and removed or just reset?

    - It is mention there is more on that later, but i failed to hear it, is it later as in another comms?


    How much time is there roughly until reset, days, weeks, months?

    The time frame will tell us how we can play, eg if there is few days left you go all out attacking everyone or other such silly stuff, but with months remaining you just chill and play normally


  3. ---ENG

    While i understand you frustration, you are not entitled to any monetary compensations what so ever. You joined a kickstarter game which is always a gamble, only do that if you are ready to lose.


    As time went on NQ has become more and more untrustworthy so if you have paid for subscriptions that is also entirely on you, no one has forced you to thrown money at NQ.


    Personally i bought the KS lie, but have no intention to sub in any form as DU today is not what was promised in the KS, not even close.


    --- FR

    Bien que je comprenne votre frustration, vous n'avez droit à aucune compensation monétaire. Vous avez rejoint un jeu kickstarter qui est toujours un pari, ne le faites que si vous êtes prêt à perdre.


    Au fil du temps, NQ est devenu de plus en plus méfiant, donc si vous avez payé des abonnements qui vous incombent entièrement, personne ne vous a forcé à jeter de l'argent sur NQ.


    Personnellement, j'ai acheté le mensonge du KS, mais je n'ai aucune intention de me substituer sous quelque forme que ce soit car DU aujourd'hui n'est pas ce qui a été promis dans le KS, même pas proche.

  4. 2 hours ago, DarkEvader said:

    Perhaps feeding could be done by a container unit linked to multiple industry units that consume the same kind of schematics.


    How about the ability to link any number of containers to the core, and allow factories to pull from the core of the construct they are on (no link), that would reduce the massive amount of links not to mention extra containers and transfer units and so on.

    It would also be more in line with what EvE does so NQ should like that.

  5. The "catch up" is a lie, there will always be some that are in front or behind and that is perfectly fine unless you want a wipe every week?


    Adding to the tasty reply from a Distinct Mint, you also do not need or use all skills all the times, meaning if i have 10 skills at lvl 5 and you only having 2 skill at lvl 5, but those 2 are the once we using for X task, then we become equal.



  6. 7 hours ago, Maxim Kammerer said:

    No, it's a mirror of the playerbase that passed a selction process. Players who get used to schematics are much more likely to post in this forum compared to players who left the game due to schematics. Simple as that.

    Darwinism of a sort.


    I always wondered if the effect has a true name, since it is not unique to DU and seen else where as well

  7. As a solo casual player ore is now severely restricted. What i can get my self is in effect limited i can get from MUs on my sanct tile and surface mining, you are not going to get far with just the junk of sanct.


    I think that it is often forgotton in these "discussions" that the remaining players are highly dedicated and often? have multiple accounts. It IS NOT a good representation of the average player that might only login every few days for 1 or 2 hours.


    1 good think MU's brought was calibration jobs, i do not do NPC junk at all, but running jobs for other players was a way to get acceptable credits which in turn could be used for ore.

  8. 1 hour ago, Eternal said:

    Cancel culture indeed! We are not going to discuss politics here as it's not even relevant to the topic. If you take all of it out, you'll see that they provide a satisfactory service as per my experience. Without politics involved, what is the problem with Xsolla?

    Good services does not matter if the companies are a..holes, as a customer and user you should always call-out such behavior, it is called taking ownership and responsibility of where you monies go


  9. 7 hours ago, VandelayIndustries said:


    sure, if there is adequate power supply so you cant stack 300 adjusters, 50 engines, 100 brakes, and...you get the idea.

    There is no energy or power supply ingame, so it remains one of the last free places where you can build what ever the f.. you want and totally disregard the "puritans" that want to dictate how a ship should look and act..


    Should there be energy management ingame, sure in the form of reactors (not linked but pooled for the entire ship) that makes fuel tanks obsolete, add solar panels, power transfers incl direct sale modules, intake container for extra energy charges, gas (sun/gas giant) intake.

    In essence 1 unified system that powers the entire ship and all elements, want more power add more reactors, want to optimize, remove or add better equipment. no need to add 1 million links and all fuel would become energy.

  10. As seen by the exudus of players around 0.23 schematics did not extetnd gameplay,  but rater cut is short.

    It added nothing to gameplay other then a wack a mole mechanic and time sink which in turn remove time from actual desired play.


    For people that can build any thing the game is not over, it has just begun, they can now focus purely on the game with building/pvp/open explorations and so on

  11. 1 hour ago, Zarcata said:

    What was or is so bad about Schematics? Basically, they simply serve as a time lock, so that you do not build the factory within a short time with all the possibilities. So it's purely a time cost. From the player's point of view, does it matter if you have everything after a month or a year? In a sandbox game that you play over many years, it doesn't matter, and these schematics stretch that game content. (After all, there is hardly anything else).
    In the end, the schematics help it to still have the performance after a month of playing. Just think how many mega factories would be standing around if you removed them and how it would eat away at the performance.

    It depends on what you think is fun, as i see it schematics prevent creative and open play, you have to grind the money mill to get any where.

    they are in line with requiring air/food/water, some like it some do not.


    personally i think they added nothing at all to the game, it is a grind for the single purpose of grinding

  12. 4 hours ago, NQ-Ligo said:

    To answer your question, Dual Universe does have Joystick and Hotas support in the true sense of the word.

    Nevertheless, their integration in the gameplay, especially the piloting, requires some adjustments, additions and changes.

    This is something we want to integrate but it will probably only be integrated post-release.

    In that case i think you mean DU has the modules to use HOTAS anda stick but it is not implemented yet.

    Meaning in the true sense, DU does not support HOTAS and Sticks.


    never thye less good to see more NQ posting lately

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