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Everything posted by Lethys

  1. Regardless of where the noobzone is....at some point the server tech has to work anyway for hundreds of constructs otherwise this "civilazation" will be very, very small...
  2. That was asked years ago already but they decided it's better to just have a hole.....
  3. Just google dual universe Roadmap and you'll see xD
  4. Ava (avatar vs avatar) is in the Roadmap and will come After release. So YES it is coming, despite ppl not knowing better and spreading fake news
  5. Dunno, reminds me of that xD Good for you I guess. Would never pay any extra for design tho, only for function. If the devs push in that direction then so be it. Don't have anything against designer ships but to me it doesn't matter at all
  6. So what. "Not intended use" is not equal to bannable offence. Still doesn't mean anything as long as its not explicitly stated by NQ that it's forbidden. They really should grow some balls and rewrite that eula
  7. Don't care for Design or beauty. A ship has to fulfill a task and it needs to do that job well. Min/max ftw with all allowed exploits and to circumvent restrictions. If that means cubes, fine. Idc. Would never ever buy a well designed ship if a cube does the job 5% better. And I'm not a guy running around like a little kid "uuuuuuuuhhhh That's a beautiful ship" and being impressed by such. To me if doesn't matter at all
  8. Don't really understand this either. If I would ever visit that museum it's just a matter of "cool. Nice" and move on while at the same time forgetting what was shown. Pretty useless to me too, but thats the same with all bases too. It's nice and all but pretty useless
  9. And what about personal accounts? Are those allowed for NQ Staff?
  10. It IS a stretch to assume that. Everything needs to be clearly stated and written in the eula or tos otherwise it's fair game. If NQ doesn't give any feedback on this whatsoever, ppl will just continue to do it. Players assuming that smth falls under exploiting or not is never a good idea because this is solely up to NQ to decide. That's exactly why I said for years that NQ needs to revisit the eula and clearly state what they deem an exploit and what isn't one. Especially now in beta
  11. thing is tho, the server has to work with a few hundred ships around - otherwise cities won't be a thing and this massive mmo with "millions of players" won't happen
  12. It's hilarious how "gtfo from starter areas" is still a thing. Keep hearing that Phrase for years (yup, had those lags for years) now and still find it very useless. If DU doesn't even work with some hundred speeders then massive battles nor cities won't and can't happen. GL having "millions of players".
  13. Jo, Gravitation wirkt klarerweise auf dein Schiff ein. Es wird zum Planeten hin beschleunigt und du landest auf einer kreisbahn die entweder stabil ist (orbit) oder dich wieder ins All entlässt (hyperbolischer orbit). Aber du gewinnst nix dadurch wie in ksp (gravity assist)
  14. Nope, keine echten orbits. Gibt keine hohmann transfers und keine gravity Assists. Nein, flieg wo und wie du willst. Du kannst auch komplett stillstehen und bremsen auf 0. Stationen sind immer fix und werden wohl nie einen planetenn umkreisen. Das wär zuviel last für den server - ständig den Orbit zu checken ob irgendwas im Weg ist und blockiert. Station als waypoint. Da die eh immer fix im Raum an denselben Koordinaten ist (genau wie Planeten, die umkreisen die Sonne auch nicht), ists relativ einfach
  15. Actually earned more the last months. No need for a car and thus gasoline cost is 0, but still get 90% of my earnings. Social system ftw
  16. 1 and 2 - has to work anyway, otherwise servertech failed and NQ will not have their wet dream of "million of ppl playing on a single shard" 3 - have 64gb ram too and it lags af. While it might be a bit of an issue for some ppl with 8gb or smth, it's not common that ppl have problems because of that 4 - some ppl (like me) CAN'T be wired. And for many ppl 50mbit is all they get. If DU needs more than that, then they exclude 80% of ppl 5 - if ppl dont try that then they're lazy. But Half of the ppl I helped had login problems AND did everything right.
  17. DU was always advertised as ffa pvp game where you can be attacked at any time. Nothing wrong or unintended here if every 10th ship is destroyed
  18. You still need to inject quanta into the game. Since the 100k per day per Player was never tested, we don't know if thats enough of a faucet. I doubt it
  19. Plus, if this is a soft launch, ppl with a beta key miss out on days to weeks of training time for skills which will cause an uproar because NQ wasn't able to provide the keys in time
  20. What a boring game this would be if nothing ever gets destroyed and if the world outside the safezone doesn't feel dangerous. It was always advertised as a game where pvp can happen at all time, anywhere except in the safezones. Deal with it and don't try to change it now because you don't like pvp and obviously never bothered to inform yourself what DU is
  21. Proving my point then, thanks
  22. If 7 bucks per month is "a LOT MORE EXPENSIVE" for anyone then they shouldn't play a video game with a sub anyway. Cause you know, sub will stay
  23. I would wait and see what the general public thinks of it. It may be a bit more expensive then but at least you know what to expect
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