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Alpha Tester
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    Sapphire Founder
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  1. My largest concern about this game is the opportunities that griefers will have. I hate pvp, doesn't matter what game it is, FPS, RTS, MMO doesn't matter. I detest the concept on a fundamental level. I plan on building ships, I already have designs for required dozens of players to use efficiently. I also want to build space stations and shipyards. I have absolutely zero interest in participating in any combat, all i want to do is build. I like the idea of "arena zones" that are specifically for combat. Otherwise players like myself will be griefed endlessly by the more disreputable members of the community. Sanctuary zones need to be more common and easier to make use of.
  2. you're talkin about a jump tube/elevator/turbo lift, could be useful
  3. Rails could be used for many things, bay doors, recessed weaponry, bulk catapults for fighter launching and even ship transformation. Rails can do a lot.
  4. https://community.dualthegame.com/organization/aegis-foundation#tab-members Come join the Aegis Foundation, were looking for all types of players
  5. Starmade rails are good, but Hopefully the DU devs can streamline em, all those logic blocks are just in the way, better to drop 1 logic block, open it, and program it for the system. https://www.twitch.tv/videos/176819848 got to the 14:03 mark, the number of logic and rail blocks required to do this were insane and not because of how many rails it moves along, it's because of how many things have to be changed to make it work and each change needs a mirror so for each block change there are at minimum 2 states and that could be 2-8 logic blocks per state.
  6. I understand that BUILDING a colossal structure will and should take a ton of resources, I have no problem with that, i'm talking about designing one, VERY different. Make a toggle, modified from how Starmade does it. Creative mode on, -You have access to unlimited resources -The project is yours -Those with permission have freedom to work on it while they are also in creative mode -While in creative mode it cannot be used to fight in pvp, it will deal no damage to enemy ships -It cannot be used to mine or gather resources -Weapons fire will only damage base terrain such as untouched asteroids -When exiting creative mode you port back to where you entered it so it can't be used for travel -The only thing that can be transferred off of the project is the blue print. -Can only have 1 project active at a time Creative mode off, normal EDIT: Just realized I double posted serves my brain for working in 2 directions at once.
  7. What if there was a creative mode server, and a standard play server, the only thing you could trade between them are blueprints?
  8. I hope not. Apple is a blight to technology across the world and should be destroyed. From Mac to IPhone they've done nothing but steal and corrupt technology for profit. They are the worst type of company, right up there with Wal-Mart and exxon.
  9. Thanx for the heads up. I don't plan to import, DU has a much easier to define system then something like minecraft when it comes to construction. I plan on recapturing the plans ive made 1 ship at a time by replicating them to scale, then refining them. I really hope that a creative tool is something that would be implemented soon after launch if it won't be ready for it.
  10. Hello, I know it's been said before but I feel it kind of needs to be rehashed. We need to have some kind of construction simulator that doesn't require resources. Building anything larger than a fighter just isn't practical any other way. With thoughts towards larger ships like 5-10 man corvettes, destroyers, frigates and cargo haulers, those kinds of ships would take eons to farm material for and were not even talking about battleships, carriers or cruisers that are substantially larger. As a ship designer, I feel this is an incredibly important point. For years I've used minecraft of all things to design ships, and it works, but I could never imagine designing ships like this one without having unlimited resources for design. The resources spent on mistakes and correction alone are massive. This is the largest ship i've built but I have a MUCH larger ship in mind i'd like to try and make one day, but its crazy big, 13.6miles x 7.5miles x 6.2 miles by plan. I doubt i'll ever attempt that design in this game, but i'd like to see it one day. These are a few of the ships I DO want to make in this game. Centurion Trident Maelstrom Valenroth these are just a few of the ships I have in mind, Like I said I have 2 dozen designs, and i'm only 1 person. I still work on them, watch me here if you want. but my point is, i'm sure many other designers feel this way and feel that the lack of a creative mode would be game breaking.
  11. like tshirts and the other stuff mentioned for the pledges, anyone know when they are supposed to be sent?
  12. Lack of resources would turn a 1 week project into a 1-3 month project depending on rarity, I am all for a creative mode for design, but requiring the actual resources to build. I have nearly 2 dozen ship designs planned out a ready to go. Instead of it taking a year to get them out it'd take like 10. The design aspect of the game is what I am drawn too and requiring resources just to design would be a major blow to the game IMO. You don't need resources in real life to create a blue print, why should we in-game?
  13. Wardonis


    Have they announced what the fuel will be made from and how we will acquire it?
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