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Alpha Tester
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Posts posted by Megabosslord

  1. On 10/21/2022 at 8:03 PM, Koffye said:

    delivery "very soon"

    Sadly, for all my beta customers asking when my store will be back up, I can't just say "very soon".

    (PSA: Anyone looking to buy my stuff again, the store will go up when NQ fix BP snapping - so you'd have to ask them.)

  2. 11 hours ago, sHuRuLuNi said:





    I do get you. It's just it seems everybody else is only interested in numbers and figures (Excel) and not fun.

    Game loop is this: you mine (grind) to maybe sell ore and make money, or create stuff (elements) and make money.
    Then you can mine more and make more money.


    And that's it.


    Whoever thinks this is "fun" ought to question his psyche.


    Also, that people seriously do not see the problem with a SPACE GAME, which has SPACE and PLANETS, but which are completely unnecessary (for the current game loop you do not need any of those) - is beyond me.


    It is a sad state of affairs when in the forum of a SPACE GAME all topics you can read are as follows:
    - "How can I link the machine XY to factory element ABC?"
    - "Which Tier of ore is on planet XY?"
    - "Do I need an XXL container to haul ore from ABC?"
    - "How can I improve refinery efficiency?"

    - "Can someone give me the coords to Asteroid ABC which has T3 ore?"
    - "How many charges do I need to calibrate the Autominder Tier 69!?"

    - "Come take part in this weeks PVP EVENT! SCHEDULED FOR HH:MM" ..... SCHEDULED .... FFS


    It is indubitably obvious that this game was planned and designed by PROGRAMMERS and NOT GAME DESIGNERS.
    These people have NO FREAKING IDEA what entertainment is, what fun is, what a GAME is. No wonder the original Founder has a background in Robotics -- because the bloody game plays as if it was developed by and for robots, and not actual human beings.


    I can see them when they were planning to create this: "Let's make a SPACE GAME ... And in this game, let's then make a bunch of planets - preferably as bland as possible, and let's make it possible for players to make ships - which they will use to transport ore or maybe steal ore from a poor sap - of course ore, what else is there?, and let's make the players learn a programming language so that they can program stuff and make stuff more EFFICIENT .... mmmm NUMBERRRRRRRRS - that will be fun!"
    "But, Sir, people might not find such a game entertaining ... what about NPCs, Quests, Aliens, Lore, A PURPOSE TO ANYTHING?"
    "Ah, blablabla ... who cares -- let's put some grand sentences in the game description, like, SPACE EXPLORATION, DISTANT SOLAR SYSTEM, NEW CIVILIZATION, BUILDING, VOXELS, MILLIONS OF PLAYERS ON ONE SERVER - how does that sound?"
    "I must admit Sir, that sounds superb .... but, none of us is a game designer ... how can we achieve all that?"
    "Ahhh, don't worry Jean-Pierre, players will do our job!"
    "Sir, you truly are a genius!"



    You missed the part where - after a core group of loyal players carve out a cruel existence in a loveless world of spreadsheets and grind - they periodically smash what we've built.

  3. That unobtanium woulda been super handy in the first week. Its just sitting there. On the other side of a thin red line. Grrr:




    NQ should just put a bunch of STUs on the market for 5m ea already - with a buy limit of 1 per player. Then give all the Contributors who didn't get one on launch, the 5m. Cos inflation. That way those who missed out can choose to just keep the cash now, and other players who want to try Sanctuary can get in on the action. Problem solved.

  4. On 10/17/2022 at 10:57 PM, Ninator said:

    They are already snapping together. Tried that yesterday. I put down two mining outposts next to each other. And when you align the borders , then suddenly they snap perfectly together. The mechanism works differently than expected. Its not like you can place one construct on top of the other and then move with cursor keys. No. Instead you have to carefully align the borders manually, and when they are close, they snap.

    Nope. Look closer. It's possible to get so close on a XS core it looks okay at first, but it's not. On a larger core the alignment is harder, and the misalignment multiplied by the projection angle leaving cracks in walls, floors and ceilings: 


    [EDIT: Don't make me show you a L core. We never got 'quick destruct' either, meaning they're a pain in the neck to tear down.]

  5. On 10/13/2022 at 7:00 AM, Daphne Jones said:

    Too late to avoid it being a slap in the face... but I could go for stopping after ten slaps in the face.


    BTW, I did finally get a response to my ticket on this, but it was just "we're working on it." Too little too late.

    3 weeks later, they're still "working on it": https://discord.com/channels/184691218184273920/307084295531659266/1032410850339848193 

  6. 5 hours ago, Honvik said:

    One thing i've noticed is it is so much busier now that we have less planets.  I'm not sure the reason to replace them back in without any planet bonus system.  its adding more dead worlds actually costing system resources!


    Just wondering what people think?

    It only feels busier because it was so dead for 6 mths once wipe rumours started. You'll remember early beta was this busy, maybe busier. We definitely need new planets with better ore spawns to drive migration and sustain activity once the markets become saturated with player-made components on diminishing margins. A 'gold rush' to a new planet will be the only way to reinject life into the game in a few months, in the absence of any other major new content.

  7. Still waiting on my STU too. It would have been a lot more useful at launch, but still useful now for some easy natron and rent-free mining units. More to the point though, NQs constant habit of promising things, not delivering, then just quietly hoping we’ll forget really has to stop. They did it with Demeter and the wipe. They’re doing it now with blueprint snapping and STUs. It’s gotten to the point we can’t believe anything they say - and no indication they intend to change.


  8. On 10/10/2022 at 2:02 PM, Daphne Jones said:

    Yep. NQ managed to FUBAR and SNAFU in the same release. Good job.


    Not only do I not have my STU, but they haven't even acknowledged the two tickets I've filed about it. Maybe I should start filing a new ticket every hour until they do.

    It doesn't take 2 weeks to figure out who got a STU and who didn't, unless they're not really trying.

  9. On 10/11/2022 at 5:22 PM, Jinxed said:

    what is there actually left to play and strive for other than building?

    We don't even have building to strive for. Our structures were wiped. Our BPs can't be placed again because they reneged on core snapping and stealth nerfed building height. NQ have repeatedly griefed us on even this. 

  10. 4 hours ago, Msoul said:

    This appears to be more of a rant than actual feedback. Furthermore it contains numerous instances of slander towards the developers. Based on this I can only conclude that your target audience was not NQ but the playerbase. Why then address the playerbase in this manner? From my perspective, this appears to be a blatant attempt to get the community to riot. I do hope that was not the intention here but if you were trying to strong arm NQ into addressing your personal list of gripes by riling up the community then I am truly disappointed.


    With that said, here are my brief comments on the major points of your post: 

    1. Your verdict on the T2 distribution on Alioth is premature and your belief that changes to the resource distribution should be made public is not one that I share. In fact I think the devs already reached a fair compromise when they decided to list the ores available on each planet/moon as opposed to leaving it to the playerbase to discover. 
    2. Antigrav generators were designed with the 1km altitude restriction to limit their effectiveness. The AGG towers were a player made solution to mitigate this downside not an intended gameplay mechanic. Regardless, the only thing NQ has said is that the 1000m limit is a thing now. The exact details have not been uncovered by players. For all we know the limit could be referenced from the tallest point of natural terrain or maybe it even varies in value from planet to planet. This is still the age of discovery and some brave pioneer needs to climb up there and check. If it turns out that AGG towers are no longer viable then politely raise the issue so the devs are aware and can decide whether or not they want to correct it. Also keep in mind that this a bit of a controversial topic as not everyone is fond of the AGG towers. 
    3. The missing STUs was an unforeseen issue and is being investigated.
    4. HTML screens being phased out was officially announced on numerous occasions prior to launch and was even part of the PTS release candidate. Also as Kurock pointed out, there is an option under your game settings to re-enable said feature for those who have still not mitigated to the new system.
    5. The devs already provided advanced notice that blueprint snapping was going to be included in a future update after the launch. 

    There is nothing wrong with airing your complaints but if you want to actually help improve the game then I strongly recommend dropping the tone and instead providing constructive feedback with actual suggestions for improvement. This will encourage others to do the same and the subsequent interactions will transform ideas into effective solutions.


    You missed the point on most of this. 

    - Removing Malachite from Alioth (leaving scant T2) isn’t a ‘belief’. 

    - Bricking AGG platforms, if intentional,  is even more a stealth nerf.

    - It doesn’t take 2 wks to figure out who your contributors are and whether they got their STU. 


    - Read it again. Forcing players to go re-enable HTML in settings solves nothing. 

    - Exactly. They said it would be done for launch, took our money, then kicked it down the road. Your point?


    As for the audience for this post, I’d love to think devs actually listen but 3 yrs of evidence now suggests otherwise.

    There are several things here most players won’t have discovered yet, and in the absence of clear comms from NQ, no comprehensive change logs, information scattered across a variety of streams, I’m trying to save fellow players from wasting days making the same disappointing discoveries. 

  11. Let's set aside for a moment that wiping beta player constructs at launch was always unfair, given past commitments. NQ have now heaped insult on injury with a number of stealth nerfs at launch:


    Alioth T2 Distribution: 

    I did 80 territory scans on Alioth at a ~3 tile spacing and found zero T2. None at all. Zip. Nada. No T2 - after spending 3 days building the XL assembler and scanner. This is a broken gameplay loop. Combined with the removal of Malachite from Alioth, the stealth nerf of ore distribution on Alioth resulted in a week of wasted effort. Forcing effort with no payoff is not gameplay. 


    If NQ had been transparent with us before launch, said they were going to nerf T2 on Alioth, I wouldn't have wasted that critical week. I would also have rebuilt my base before launch so the BP wasn't made of 500,000M3 of Copper. Now, to deploy my BP I have to swap copper for another honeycomb, and then go back and untangle where the new material has blended with the same material already in the BP. More rework, on top of the wasted time.


    1000m Build Height: 

    This was self-evidently dumb. By choosing a 1000m cap instead of 1128m, it's impossible to build a 1000m AGG pad without placing your foundation core at an exactly multiple of 128m (since you won't be able to place the top core if there is less than a 128m gap.) Even then, you can put nothing on your 1000m pad, no elements, no structure. And you have to either use smaller cores for your top layer (increasing server load) or build your base from the top core, down - which means tall temporary scaffold structures first to place top cores and work back down - while others complain about griefing the entire time. 


    A large number of pre-launch bases had AGG pads at or slightly above 1000m. All these pre-launch base BPs are now bricked.


    This misstep demonstrates a fundamental ignorance of their game's own mechanics by devs, and poor understandng of players. To make matters worse, the change wasn't even included in patch notes. The only place it was mentioned - just wks before launch - was in 'Ask Aphelia #12. Few players had any opportunity to fix their builds before launch. This mistake (1000m vs 1128m) would easily have been picked up if players had been warned.


    In summary, not only did NQ reneg on prior commitments to honour our builds in their 'persistent' universe - the only compensation being retained blueprints - they went on to stealth nerf the BPs we kept. 


    [EDIT: Because this rule is not yet being enforced, and it is still possible to place a core above 1000m, this will create even more pain for players uncertain or unaware of the rule - should NQ decide to delete structures after they are built. And for as long as the rule is unclear, it is impossible to safely place the foundations of a tall structure.]




    Missing STUs for 'Contributors' (and Surface Natron):

    By making Sanctuary the only place with surface natron near Alioth, Alpha contributors already had a significant advantage at launch - since natron is needed to make many popular elements: screens, lights etc.. NQ then messed up further, by jacking up the distribution of STUs meaning only some Contributors received them. ~10 days later, this still has not been fixed. This means a small number of players, purely by chance, have the only access to surface natron near Alioth.


    HTML/SVG nerf and Indiscriminate LUA Changes: 

    The disabling of HTML screens was long rumoured, but took so long to be done it appeared to have been abandoned. Waiting till launch to tell players all SVGs and HTML are also now bricked is also poor form and counter-productive. Because a large number of ship BPs from pre-launch contain screens using HTML, and virtually every factory monitoring set-up, any player flying these ships or running these factories, will now simply go to settings and re-enable HTML, to be able to play the game - undermining the point of the exercise to phase out HTML, and prolonging the inevitable pain and frustration when it is finally done. This pain is now unavoidable given the original misstep of building a new API with zero compatibility with HTML/SVG. (The new API should always have been implemented in a way to minimise the effort of reworking existing content for players - rather than forcing ground up rebuilds of all screens. Better still, existing content should ideally have been ported on behalf of players.)


    Combine this with the frivolous renaming of a number of LUA cmds, additional rework has also been created for players to reimplement scripts written before launch - for no apparent reason. 


    STILL No Static BP Placement Snapping!: 

    We asked for this in the Alpha Trello 3 yrs ago. It was poorly implemented on day one - snapping new cores only. Hundreds of players have asked for it to be fixed for static BPs over the years. It never made sense that new cores snap into place, but static BPs work of a bizarre raycast that doesn't even align with the player camera and - annoyingly - nudges by 2 voxels instead of 1. This feature was already long overdue, but now made more critical since it is essential to redeploying any mult-core construct after the wipe. Finally... finally, it was coming! In the launch livestream it was promised for launch here, at timecode 35:38:


    Instead, we now learn this was skipped, rendering all multi-core static construct blueprints useless. 




    - Forcing players to constantly rework their builds is not gameplay.

    - Reworking existing content is a poor proxy for new gameplay loops.

    - Player input is invaluable. 

    - Last minute, uncommunicated changes rarely if ever have a positive outcome.  


    The culture at NQ of disregarding the time and effort of players, and lack of consideration of impacts on our gameplay, is worrisome. More worrisome, is the tendency to continuously rework existing content - mechanics, terrain, boolean noise - rather than develop significant new features, many of these features requested years ago. NQ are still missing the winning strategy of successful 'player generated content' franchises like Minecraft, where the focus of the first several years was on adding new gameplay loops - as opposed to continuously reworking existing ones. Reworking existing content decays player satisfaction by forcing the constant rework of our own builds. And making changes by stealth only magnifies the problem.


    Until this is understood, the future of this franchise is fraught. 

  12. 22 hours ago, Bociwen said:

    Well, my  old ticket said "this week" which has now past, I would like to see this resolved quickly.  I assume Sanc spots ("nice" ones) have been snatched, but I'm not really going to bother playing until I at least log in to what I should have had on day 1.

    Yeah, because the only surface natron is on Sanctuary, it's been significant setback not receiving the promised STU. 

  13. 15 hours ago, Zarcata said:

    Pure player markets are probably more of a nightmare than a wish that absolutely has to be realised. I don't necessarily need them, it's enough for me to bring my goods to the marketplace, list them there and, if I have a need, buy something from the market again straight away.
    What more do I want as a player? Especially since it is probably one of the safest ways compared to a player-controlled market.

    What could be done, however, is to pay the tax revenues of the markets to players or organisations if they are elected in a political system (area officials, planetary representatives, etc.) Provided that an election system with political possibilities would be introduced in DualUniverse. (I know it in a small form as an example from the game: Archeage).


    The 'reverse dispenser' that has been coming Soon™ for years - and receives goods and returns payment - would have been far more helpful. Not only could you effectively put up a 'buy' order at your own facility and have multiple players come and fill it, but even better, if it also accepted blueprints, we could have used BPs as tokens to make pay-outs for games, competitions, salaries, interest on loans, insurance claims, org dividends, maybe even an in-game share market. Huge missed opportunity.

  14. 15 hours ago, An0ubiS said:

    My two cents about what you could do for the long-term players and supporters: How about an application process for magic BPs, like you did for the digging process after the terrain reset?


    And another idea: give us VOXEL-only magic BPs, deleting every single element by creation; that way, we at least could keep our creations (plus, add the long-awaited BP snap feature for a decent rebuilding process).


    Give players an opportunity to rebuild without loosing everything. That way, you could prevent people from stockpiling stuff, by previewing. Nobody would affect the economy in any way (plus, what Megabosslord said about preventing people from selling anything stored in magic BPs - problem solved).


    I know, this would mean additional work for you NQ guys, but ... isn't that what we've been paying for, among other things? (some with multiple alt accounts + subscription, and even as backers) 🤷‍♂️

    There are loads of ways NQ could have kept the ‘magic BP’ promise. Make them: 

    - One-time-use with no removal of parts/honeycomb, or deletion on removal 

    - Manual request as above

    - 1 repair ‘life’ left on elements

    - Honeycomb only

    - Static and space only 

    But that’s not the whole problem. It’s the pretending they never promised it that’s even more concerning: Stage-managing us instead of just being honest. And muting those who remind them of it on Discord. 

  15. 1 hour ago, Zarcata said:

    I have no reddit, no twitter, no snapchat, no tinder etc. I limit myself to the game account and the forum, as well as discord, since ingame conversations are poor in many games.

    Should I now register on every third-party site just to post my opinion there again? NO, I don't want to.

    What upsets me much more is that NQ keeps changing the media where news is revealed. NQ can answer questions and provide answers in the forum. Why should a player wait weeks for an answer and hope that NPC-Aphelia might address and answer them in the next podcast, especially since some answers are insufficient and you have further questions?

    On Facebook, all sorts of things are posted, but there is never an answer to questions from "customers or interested parties".

    I used to like the Discord, but I just got banned for sharing a NQ forum post - despite it not being about the Alpha, and the NDA having been lifted 2 yrs ago: 


  16. 41 minutes ago, ThePilgrim said:

    I have a single 92 million talent point character. It is the only character I played since Beta day 1. No alts. I invested my time heavily in this character, the ships I built and my base on Sanctuary. And I loved playing. Now, I can understand the quanta reset, though what they are offering is insulting and kinda useless if you don’t start with it. The reset of territories, loss of ships? Ok, understand that…I have my blueprints...but they will be useless without my talents and a reasonable starting Quanta. I personally see no benefit to the idea of everyone starting out the same…quite the opposite. When I started I was inspired by the constructs (not just experience) of all the veteran players, it kept me in the game. This was a paid Beta, I never expected a reset of talent points, and kinda feel like it is a breach of contract between player and dev. Seriously, I was looking forward to starting as an advanced player, I earned it. There were months when I logged on daily but could not play (working an ER during the pandemic first wave in NYC was a no fun)...just to invest in this future day of launch and the coolness of being a veteran player with cool stuff and experience around all the noobs...when I actually had time to really play. I loved this game when I started, the potential was amazing and still don’t see anything like it in potential out there. But the loss of talent points I think is the last straw for me and Dual Universe. Talent points were the one thing no exploit could influence. No matter how good the game may turn out to be, I have lost my trust in the Devs, am a bit disappointed, and a bit all around upset.



    The reasons for the wipe are so vague:

    - They want to do another terrain reset, fine, no reason not to give the promised 'magic BPs' or just reset the terrain like last time, and let us decide whether to move/rebuild.

    - They want to declutter the world of abandoned constructs? As above. Not a reason to stop active players from rebuilding, and not give us 'magic BPs'. (Plus, the clutter only happened because they gave everyone HQ tiles even if they were unsubbed.)

    - They think new players prefer to start on an empty world? Speculation, and flawed - per your comments above. Also, making it painful for active players to rebuild only costs active players.

    - They want to fix exploits? NQ-Deckard is on record previously saying exploits were all corrected and a tiny part of the economy. 


    There's no stated reason that goes to the reversal on 'magic BPs'. The only other possible logic is the fear players will stockpile mats/elements in 'magic BPs' which could easily have been addressed by vaporising anything removed from their "one-time-use 'Packaged blueprints'" so it can't be resold. At least explain why they couldn't keep their word, rather than all the obfuscation.

  17. I've said it before... but the decision to favour a hypothetical group of possible new players, over the existing loyal player base, is madness. With no 'sticky' collateral in-game to keep current players committed, the loss of existing players will likely outnumber the tourists who come post-wipe - just like every other game that wiped ever. It's possibly worse for NQ with the compounding factors (A) that they'd previously committed to avoid this, and retain constructs, and (B) they're wiping 2 1/2 yrs of gameplay for some players, which I'm pretty sure is an unprecedented long interval for a wipe in any IP, ever. There will be an initial buzz, the some new players will move on, and many existing players who try again will quickly lose motivation to rebuild everything they'd already built. 

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