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  1. I don't think it was ever going to be what they thought it would be, but they live and learn, same as the rest of us. If they can produce a good working space game out of it, then they will have brought it back, some way, at least.
  2. Well ! being one of those players that said 'they would have to wipe to succeed' and also one of those that stopped playing a while ago (long while). I will probably come back to see what they give the new release. Lets be fair, DU got into a mess, best way to sort it and go forward is by doing what they have decided to do. It was getting very obvious. Dual Universe had great potential, it may get that potential back having lost it for a long time. I hope and look forward to release as that is the time I will come back and have a good look (fingers crossed). Power to your elbow NQ and lets hope DU can become something really good.
  3. There a quite a few of us that have said from the beginning that a wipe of the game prior to release (or earlier), would be needed to set things up for all players. Happened in ED and worked fine. But a wipe is not going to save DU, just in my opinion. The game is broken, lets be honest. It will release in some state, not sure which state that will be, but much lower in scale than the original idea. It will run for a while until players dry up, possibly quite quickly. Then they will announce that the game can no longer be supported through lack of players and turn it all off.
  4. Even if they wiped it, I don't think I would come back to the game. It will never be what they wanted it to be and also what we wanted it to be. We have to face the fact it probably isn't doable.
  5. I would argue the game is already dead. Everyone I knew that played the game, has gone.
  6. I think the 'game' is more or less dead. It's sad, but there you go, just another game not finished properly. Seems that is the gaming industry now.
  7. It comes of a scientist that thinks he could build a video game. After all, video games are 'easy' to build.... Aren't they.
  8. I hadn't spent much time in Empyrion for a few years. But recently I've been playing it a lot. The game is a little gem in space games, much underated I think. Huge universe that you can get lost in. For single players its a dream of a game. Possibly better than Space Engineers, but not as good building wise, but close. DU was never going to live upto the hype, but at least they're still here.
  9. Oh, I see. Not good then.
  10. Can't you just 'ctrl + c' then 'ctrl + v'. ?
  11. Must admit I love voxel games. Putting time into Empyrion again after latest patch, not bad, been a while.
  12. Unfortunately, but what I believe is happening now is.. they're thinking of an exit strategy..
  13. Yeah I see your point. In Space Engineers it's very easy to change your skybox to any of the thousands (probably) available. I prefer no skybox in SE. I have the asteroid PG set to high, so the space has lots of things I can actually visit, feels very real to me. Thereagain, I haven't been to space to check. Make it moddable.
  14. For the sake of the game 'yes'. For me and my game-play, not really. But it needs to be here or the game won't really succeed as a space mmo.
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