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Posts posted by Megaddd

  1. I can't tell you how it currently is, but this kind of geometry could be possible, technically within the voxel engine, if you don't have details that are much smaller than the voxel size. Although in any voxel-based editor, you're gonna be taking your sweet time re-creating those curves and angles without a straight model import.

  2. Will the building in DU be like landmark?

    -Hopefully, depending on whether they give us comparable build tools.


    How hard will it to get land?

    -Likely a group endeavor, so pretty hard, or expensive.


    Will you be able to get your own land?

    -Possibly, with lots of dedication, or cleverness.


    Would pvp people take my land like in Ark?

    -If your territory is worth taking, and you're alone facing superior numbers, most likely, yes.

  3. @Orius

    It's a bit difficult to recommend a box-only voxel editor, as voxels, in general, in games such as LandMark, carry slant information, as such creating angular models like this should be possible:



    With that in mind, I recommend you simply use Blender, or any other free 3D modelling program.

    In Blender, using the 'Remesh' modifier on an object will give you voxel-like behaviour, with the Blocks mode showing you which 'voxels' would be mostly full in box mode: WDKn0Ns.png

    Keep in mind, they've shown in the videos for the player construct voxel-density to be 0.25m, so if your goal is to create game-feasible models, make sure scale your model to fit roughly 4 of these boxes in a single grid line (which you can consider as 1 meter in blender).


    Then flipping the modifier into Smooth or Sharp mode will show you how your Blender model might look recreated in a voxel engine:



    As you can see, my model had very thin detail in the rear, that was smaller than the voxel engine could handle, which means I would have to reduce the detail in that part of the model, or increase the overall model size, increasing how many voxels I have for detail:


  4. 1 hour ago, Lethys said:


    Put containers in Raid0, so you can create your own large storage 'disk' out of many containers on the construct. You can pair different amounts of containers in different ways to create different sized disks.


    This lets you manage a collection of storage elements as a whole, instead of menially flipping through them one-by-one like Minecraft chests.

    Constructs are deconstructed into primordial soup, which can be split and stored between many 'Raided' containers on a construct. Construct projectors and deconstructors can only deploy constructs that are of smaller dimensions than themselves, and deploy time is dependent on construct mass and dimensions.



    Containers and Container Raids should be allocable to market functions, and have rules for what happens with them upon certain market events.



    Container rules that generate courier contracts for items placed within them? Somehow? Maybe?



    All of this makes sense, I fully support this proposal.

  5. If you have a newer Nvidia GPU, I would suggest you use Shadowplay, so you can press a button to save the past 5-20 minutes of action at any time, with pretty decent video quality for the most part (if you set the maximum bit-rate allowed in the settings).


    However if you don't have access to Shadowplay, I suggest recording with OBS. You can configure it to function similar to shadowplay, easy to figure out with google for the most part.


    Once you have your recorded footage you will want to use 'Handbrake' to encode it into a smaller file-size without noticeable loss in video quality. You need to do this if you are recording with Shadowplay as the files are, while compressed with your onboard H264 chip, still massive. However if you're using OBS, you can configure the encoder to already compress the footage to a reasonable size for editing/uploading.


    If you want crystal-clear 1080p footage, use OBS. If you want general gameplay video that's good enough for YouTube and doesn't have a very noticeable impact on your system performance and game-play experience, use ShadowPlay.

  6. If we compare to the only game similar in scope and game-play currently, Eve Online, and this is entirely subject to Lead Game Design at NQ, solo-play will be viable to some extent, but playing with other people is to be vastly more effective than going solo.

  7. Without a monetary commitment, there is nothing stopping people from remote countries on breaching the NDA. It means nothing to get your forum account banned when you haven't put down real money on it. It would not work.


    Currently breaching the NDA means your account will be banned within 15 minutes or less, and all the money put towards supporter packs will be effectively void. This is what effectively enforces the NDA.

  8. What I don't understand is how small-time youtubers with less than a thousand views after a week are getting an hour of face-time with JC. As far as I know he's very busy so this is very surprising. I guess it show's he's making any kind of sacrifices if it contributes to the cause even a little bit. 


    This interviewer was a bit hard to watch, maybe It's just his style, but he seemed very nervous and fidgeting a lot in the presence of JC, and seemed a bit unprofessional. Almost felt like a random bloke watching youtube videos decided to skype JC up on the guise of an interview,  haha. 

  9. This Logic wiring is for very basic usage scenarios where opening a text editor and writing code would be actually less convenient (and more resource intensive).


    What you suggest can all be accomplished with dedicated LUA programmable units which can link multiple inputs and outputs, wherein you can use LUA to customize outputs to your hearts content.


    Good luck in tomorrow's play-test! Have fun for me, will ya? :)

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