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I tried searching for this topic and didn't find anything but I have been thinking of this for awhile now. When I first started playing, community was everything. Helped me advance faster and helped me get started in the aspects of the game i was interested in. After playing for a few months I found the game a bit too easy and i can now do most things by myself and not need an org at all if i wanted to play by myself. The org no longer really benefits my game play other than to provide a community to talk to, which is great on its own and I would never leave it. I have been thinking about how the org game play in this game is missing something to make it really worth while to play with an org. So I had thought about Org talents. As an individual, I can train up talents to produce fuel at high efficiency after just a few weeks of playing and some mining talents to help me collect my own resources. Schematics are cheap enough and machines are not bad either to buy from players / markets. To produces a few 100k fuel a day does not take much time at all to train talents for. This is just one example of how easy it is to start producing on your own for better profits. What if organizations can extend the talents for players by offering a talent training system that essentially brings you from a level 5 max for a talent to level 10. These talents from the org should be very long to train so that one org cannot specialize in all branches so make them a too powerful of an org. Over time this will happen though as over years of playing every org will likely be good at everything talent wise. A player who is super legate of multiple orgs can only train one org talent tree at a time to keep from one player having may sub orgs to train at once to keep from a single player being too powerful as well. I think that this could add a great benefit to the game and for organizations.
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We are Chem Dogs. Tldr; join our discord and get to know us. Here at Chem Dogs we believe firmly in letting our members creativity grow and expand their knowledge in the depths of Dual Universe. Chem Dogs lets our members choose how they live within dual universe and contribute towards the organization. From mining to fighting we support your style. If you want to be part of a community first and organization second look no further. At the leadership level we believe in opening pathways for promotions within the organization. Dedication is recognized and rewarded. We also believe firmly in having fun, whether that is our giveaways, competitions or organization activities. Like any successful organization communication among our members is paramount that's why we offer an active discord community to hold conversation and make friendships that organically develop beyond someone that you just play with once and awhile. If this sounds like something you are interested in joining our community, comment here or join our discord! Chem Dogs Rank structure. - Istanicas Co Founder of Chem Dogs.
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I understand that some of you are angry at NQ for the latest patch and other various shenanigans. In a way, I agree with you; i'm not picking any sides here. But this criticism has turned into toxicity. Some people believe that it is acceptable to pick apart and beat Novaquark with hate instead of calmly and kindly giving helpful advice on how to make the game improve. Some people believe whenever someone comments a different opinion about the 0.23 update it is their primary objective to thrash back and pour salt on them because 'no one can say nice things about the update'. Some people believe that since the game has turned out slightly different from what they expected they must alert and discourage everyone from playing the game because it is a 'scam*'. Some people believe that just because their experience is ruined they must ruin it for everyone else. And some people just jump on the salt bandwagon even if they have never set up an industry unit in their life. I will repeat what I just said. I am NOT saying that 0.23 was either a good or bad of an update. If you hate it, that's fine. But people like this are becoming a large excrement deposit on the Dual Universe community. You might have heard that recently a forum conversation got out of hand when an individual exposed a LinkedIn profile of an NQ employee. That is flat out unacceptable. If you are one of the people like this, instead of beating this game and its 50 employees down, just LEAVE. This game would be much better without people like you anyway. * I have watched the trailers many times now. in my disgustingly baist opinion it's not. (sacré bleu!) misleading? maybe slightly. But let's be honest here, for games that require player interaction, they all are. Take a look at the Starbase trailer for example. Just like Dual's trailer, they both include massive fight sequences, which take up half of the trailer runtime. Sure they are technically possible, but definitely aren't ever gonna happen apart from the rare few events and such. I know that I will get a wave of salt from this post, just like my previous ones. so please be civil. I won't be responding to any of the people that are hating for the sake of hating or people saying the game is bad without giving at least a bit of constructive criticism. If you feel so inclined, just shout at a wall instead.
Hi y'all, DU players, NQ staff, visitors... Did you ever think to cooperate with your worst rivals ? A strange idea nah ? What if there was something far more important than grabbing a few kilo-tons of resources or playing the one with the biggest (ship) ? Something like, for example, the construction of stellar gates to travel from galaxies to galaxies, or the annihilation of a meteorite that would threaten to destroy Alioth, or again, the development of a terraforming technology (not the tool every player can already enjoy) to create new planets ... Of course, accomplishing these goals should be proportionately more difficult* and complex * than what the game already offers or will offer when released, in single player gameplay, or within an organization ... and should take several months or even years to be set up (which should give developers time to work calmly?). * Difficult due to the amount of resources that it would require and the investment at all levels of its implementation and complex due to the logistical resources to be implemented, the possibility of specific parts and elements to be produced, specific buildings to be constructed ... ... There could be so many reasons to create long- or medium-term accomplishments and to stimulate massive cooperation between DU players... I imagine that to ensure the sustainability of such MEGA objectives, it would have to consist of almost obligatory civilizational steps and unlockers of new functionalities, in-game contents or even territories to explore ... In addition, to avoid the multiplication of disparate initiatives, it would have to be managed by the NQ team or, at least an in-game representative, such as the Alephia organization. Morover, to motivate the players all the more, they should be regularly rewarded for their investment and offer them in-game services as far as possible and reasonable (protection for example?). Finally, I think it's a very good idea because it would put the player at the heart of the game by making him responsible for its sustainability and its posibilities. It remains to be seen whether this is as interesting for other players and dev team as it sounds to me ; Sufficient to make new players want or to motivate former players to continue playing ? and therefore to pay a subscription and therefore to make this game live economically ... Well, thanks for reading ! Whish you all to have fun on DU ! --- P.S. : If your r interested into the industry in DU, u coul be interested by my overall synthetic diagram of the inDUstry :
Entstanden aus der Anziehungskraft von Zusammenhalt und Miteinander... dies ist Black Hole Sun. Ausbeutung und Verrat formte und fügte uns zusammen. Wir werden zeigen, dass es auch einen anderen Weg gibt eine starke Gemeinschaft zu bilden. Lerne uns kennen... lerne, was es heisst, ein Teil des Ganzen zu sein und erfahre wie gegenseitige Unterstützung und Freiheit in unserer Gemeinschaft gelebt wird. Entfalte dich selbst und werde nicht durch Zwänge geknebelt, nur weil DU die Ziele anderer unterstützen sollst. Hier bist DU im Mittelpunkt und nicht machthungrige, geldgierige möchtegern Anführer. Komme zu Black Hole Sun, der einzig wahre Weg. ...Black Hole Sun... because gravity suxx Veteranen bieten euch Unterstützung für einen guten Start in DU. Resourcen, eure Schiffe, Knowhow, Cluster... Ausgebildet werden: Miner Industriespezialisten Static Designer Dynamic Designer Piloten Trader Terraformer
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With Beta now out for several weeks, I have been inundated with requests about my simple way to plan factory production lines, that I had shown off during the games Alpha. Needless to say, since the Beta release, I have been hard at work as a Community Helper and also as the Super Legate of my Guild. But alas, I have finally found some free time to sit down and share a way to make the Industry designing of DU go from Hellish to Simple! First off: Firstly I just want to say that this method I will be sharing does NOT replace building calculators, but instead works in tangent with them. A crafting calculator may well tell you all the numbers you need, but it doesn't help organise it all. That is where this will come in to play. Also it is important that I credit Juvenious, who initially inspired me to make this and showcase it off in Alpha, which garnered more attention than I ever thought possible, and would like to thank him for his encouragement and help in laying out the ground work. Be sure to visit his Discord *HERE* where he is collecting / making up further standards to help simplify tasks. So what is it? The idea was to create a unique set of shapes, that represent one of the industrial factory units in the game, whilst keeping them simple, elegant and familiar in some way to their related task. Then they are placed into a Legend, something that shows you their representation, along with other information as how to interpret the diagrams fully and easily. In essence, we get this, the SL Factory Standard Legend: As you can see, a lot of the shapes will either look like a basic silhouette of the industry unit they represent or have some other relation to their purpose. The colour coding is also a massive addition to helping keep things simple, as it then allows you to categorise the industrial units together, helping you keep track of the production line in game, with the colours & their order chosen to mimic that of popular MMO games item grades. * Please note: The Tier system for the Standard is different to that of the one shown in game. Simply put, the differences are: - In DU, the level of components and subcomponents is broken down into: Intermediary -> Complex -> Functional -> Exceptional. With there being Basic, Uncommon, Advanced, Rare & Exotic tiers. - In the Standard, it is broken down simply by what the requirements are of the component. i.e. Al-Fe Alloy would be Tier 1, as it requires just Pure to make, which is Tier 0. A Warp Cell would be Tier 5, as the highest tier subcomponent needed to make them, is a Tier 4. Basic, Uncommon etc can be seen as a Grade of item, but does not hold any weight in the Legend or diagrams. This is all very well, but how can I get it? So to get started, you will want to head over to which is completely free and does not need an account. All your documents are saved in real time, to your Google Drive. The other thing you will need is a copy of the Standard Legend I have created. Luckily, I can easily share this with you on here through an XML file that can be imported into the website, allowing you full access to all the shapes and their formatting that I use. The Legend has gone under several updates already and may change to improve functionality so do keep checking back. SL Standard 1.5.xml * There is currently an issue with downloading attachments on Forums. You can PM me or visit: Novean Institute of Standards discord Planet DU To upload the XML file, you will want to follow this image below: (Please note: Select Device if you downloaded the XML file) This is all great, but how do you use it, exactly? Once you have the XML file uploaded, a blank page waiting for you to start populating, the next thing you're going to want to do is start putting down the relevant icons needed for each individual, unique blueprint that is required, and group them into the Tier colouring system. Once this is done, simply link the icons together, to show where they need to feed into. This may sound simple... But it could still be absolutely hell, with a plate of spaghetti in the middle. So here's an example: So as you can see above, this is how anyone without talents would want to make TCUs for themselves. For individuals, you could simply remove one of the Assembly Line M units and half the numbers to be able to make 1 TCU for your personal endeavours. There are some simple, but profound guidelines I follow when making diagrams which I can share with you. These are: 1) Never cross over any lines. If you find yourself boxed in, put the supply in later on, with the containers name for reference to the source. i.e. "Tier 1C" 2) Ensure that your lines always feed from left to right. This will stop any confusion in what is feeding into where. An exception can be seen in the image above, where a feed is coming from Tier 3A, up and looping into the Uncommon Power Transformer, which is fine as the only other connections its joining onto are from other containers, which a container cannot feed into another container without the help of a transfer unit. And we can see there is no transfer unit on the diagram. 3) Always name your containers and keep track of how many links they need to output to. If you find you are over the limit of 10 links out, look into either splitting up your base production to feed into a 2nd container, use a transfer unit for a 2nd container and/or increase your talents to reduce the build times, resulting in needing less industry units for efficiency. So? What are you waiting for? Get drawing! Practice makes perfect, after all And speaking of such, if you have any feedback or issues with this post, the XML file itself or have any other concerns or questions, please post them here without reservation! -Soulinks
Phoenix G.C. WE BRAKE FOR NOBODY!!! „Der erbitterte Kampf in den Weiten des Weltalls erreicht ein neues Zeitalter. Das nackte Überleben und der Kampf um Ressourcen erreichen einen neuen Höhepunkt. Sei mit dabei, um eine neue Ordnung zu schaffen. Richte deinen Blick nach vorne, denn dort ist die Zukunft!!!!“ Wir sind eine Heimat für diejenigen Spieler, die eine dauerhafte, vernünftige Community und ein Zuhause suchen. Unsere Mitglieder können gemeinsam mit einer erfahrenen Leitung auf viele Jahre Spielerfahrung zurückgreifen. Teamplay und gemeinsamer Spaß am Spiel stehen immer im Vordergrund. Real Life geht immer vor doch ohne Beteiligung wird es kein Wachstum geben. - Ihr werdet bei uns keine lästigen Online-Pflichten finden doch die Teilnahme an dem Aufbau ist ein Ziel wovon alle Profitieren können. - Gemeinsam setzen wir uns Ziele, die wir mit vollem Einsatz auch realisieren werden. - Teamspeak ist unser Zuhause und wird aktiv genutzt. - Für Allianzen denen Gleichberechtigung unter einander kein Fremdwort ist stehen wir gern zu Verfügung. Deine einzige grenze ist die Vorstellungskraft. Lass Sie uns doch gemeinsam überwinden. Haben wir dein Interesse geweckt und du möchtest mehr erfahren?? Gerne kannst du mich Arocx0 oder auch gerne Asmodeos inGame oder auch in unserem Discord anschreiben.
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EDIT: Maps by date: Shockeray's Dual Universe Community Map 1.1.1 6-25-17 Shockeray's Dual Universe Community Map 1.1.2 7-7-17 Shockeray's Dual Universe Community Map 1.1.3 7-20-17 Shockeray's Dual Universe Community Map 1.1.4 8-1-17 Shockeray's Dual Universe Community Map 1.1.5 8-19-17 Shockeray's Dual Universe Community Map 1.1.6 9-16-17 Shockeray's Dual Universe Community Map 1.1.7 9-27-17 Shockeray's Dual Universe Community Map 1.1.8 10-2-17 Shockeray's Dual Universe Community Map 1.1.9 10-21-17 Shockeray's Dual Universe Community Map 1.1.10 11-11-17 Shockeray's Dual Universe Community Map 1.2.1 12-04-17 Shockeray's Dual Universe Community Map 1.2.2 02-24-18 Shockeray's Dual Universe Community Map 1.2.3 04-18-18 Shockeray's Dual Universe Community Map 1.2.4 06-05-18 (newer images found in the last pages of this board) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello everyone, this is Shockeray, GM of Soul Nebula. After waiting for an updated version of the original community map to show itself on the forums for a long time, I finally took it on myself to create my own up-to-date version. After a lot of original set up, my method now requires little time and almost non-existent server strain, allowing me to refresh it many times a day if there ever was a reason to. Due to my limited knowledge of this type of undertaking, TheGreatSardini helped me with the start up. Unless I missed one, this map should contain every organization with at least two members. (Although Graph Commons may not be the best available method of displaying this node map, it is the best that I have found available to the public.) Shockeray's Dual Universe Community Map 1.1.1 6-25-17 And for those who can't load the page, I have attached a completely oversized screengrab below which will give you the general idea.
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Veteran owned and operated, politically incorrect and pro free speech, memelords extraordinaire, The Dark Star Imperium is a meritocratic empire. Meritocratic means is that if you put in the effort, you WILL advance in the ranks as we are a community built on teamwork. Strength that is defined by each member’s ability to work for the common goal as a group whilst also maintaining independence, autonomy, resourcefulness and honing their individual skill. Those who would take the time and effort to help others no matter the cause, that is what it is to be a part of a community / a family and not just some "Org". We specialize in faction PvP, engineering, and tech with all sections having countless veteran players across many similar games and Sci-Fi themed clans. However, we employ players of all playstyles such as Industrialists, Designers, Engineers, Merchants, Economists and even those who are more casual or love meta gaming. Our philosophy on all aspects is going above and beyond the competition by overwhelming levels. Strength not just in numbers, but in skill. Engineering feats not just in usefulness but with complexity. Since our arrival in Dual Universe we've strived to set the bar high in many aspects of the community. In doing so we've gained friends, made enemies and even achieved the emulation of those mimicking practices we've begun. We've faced skepticism, drama and even attacks on our community yet here we are despite it all proving our endurance and resolve. We always put our members and community first, we expect the best, and we give the best. Service guarantees citizenship! Please feel free to contact myself "Firestorm#2981" on Discord or check out any of the following links. Keep in mind if you do intend on joining our community we do require every new member to go through a one on one voice interview with one of our recruiters or community heads. Anyways have a good day and best of luck! Opportunity Awaits Discord Dual Universe: Org Page Recruitment Questionnaire Achievements & Awards DU - Imperium Lore Wiki
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Hallo zusammen, wir von Spielerfreunde haben nun auch für - Dual Universe - einen deutschen Community Discord für euch als Anlaufstelle erstellt! Hier erfahrt ihr aktuelle Neuigkeiten von und über Dual Universe, könnt auf unserem Discord nach Mitspielern/Clans/Gilden suchen und euch auch mit anderen Gamern über euer vielleicht neues Lieblingsspiel austrauschen! Wir bieten euch eine profesionelle Anlaufstelle für Probleme aller Art, sowie eine aktive Moderation und Events in naher Zukunft Aber auch eigene Ideen und das aktive Mitwirken sehen wir sehr gerne. Werde heute noch Teil der deutschen Community:
bonjour , je suis genoshif comme j` ai vu beaucoup de poste sur les raisons de la langue anglaise sur dual universe , après m`être renseigner et pour respecter principalement la clause NDA ( Non Divulgation Agrément ) , j`ai créer ce petit site sur wixe afin de rassemblement la communauté francophone de dual universe pour ne pas trop poser de problème sur ce forum-ci au niveau linguistique . site dans lequel ( une fois que la NDA ne sera plus d`actualité bien sur ) je posterai des tuto vidéo en français une fois que le jeux sera accessible a tous , le temps que novaquark trouve un peut de temps pour sortie le jeux sous différente langue comme ils l`ont préciser l`ors des conférence . aussi si ce site comporte un élément qui viole les droit de novaquark , ce n est pas volontaire je vous demanderai donc de me le préciser via ce topic ou directement via le site . ce site ne vous engage en rien et sert simplement de point de ralliement a la communauté française voulant en faire partie et jouer ensemble l`ors de la sortie officiel du jeux . voici le lien pour les éventuel intéresser :
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(This post will get updated with personell needs from time to time) Want to be a part of a close knit team that shares your interests and focus in Dual Universe? Bladesin Mercenary Corporation is building more squads! We need a total of [46] new people in Bladesin! | Quality people over Quality players, you want a social group to play with? Hardcore gamers that are online all day every day? Then come over to our discord server. | We are a politically neutral Para Military group. We do mercenary and freelance work for the ones in need of an extra hand. Does it interest you to be a part of a small, tight-knit group? We provide it. Do you want a space free of toxicity? We provide it. Do you want to be challenged as a gamer and a person? We will do that. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What will you get? -Adapted training for your in-game role -A team/squad of people to play with within your division -Full support in your endeavours, in game and in life -A space free of discrimination, sexism, elitism, where you can be yourself -As we are still very much a growing organisation and Community, a lot of seats are open, down the line you have a high chance of filling one out. If you are fit for it. -Community Game sessions (some of which are streamed on Twitch) Tons of awesome fun and laughter with amazing people with brilliant minds, a great sense of humor and the biggest hearts ever seen. | What Divisions and regions need you as reinforcements right now? -Crafting and Science (Building and coding) NA: 4 players -Mining and Gathering (Prospecting and mining) EU:3 Players NA:6 players -Logistics (transport and storage management) EU: 1 Players NA: 1 Player -Military ( Ground troops and Pilots) EU: 4 Players NA: 9 Players -Trade (Profit driving Trade and rare resource procurement) EU: 2 Players NA: 2 players -Communications (recruitment, contracting and content creation) EU: 6 Players NA: 12 Players What is expected of you? - You will automatically join the Gaming Community Bladesin Gaming - Follow our Codex - As you join you read the Codex Summary, and after you've been accepted you are expected to learn the whole thing over time and do everything you can to live up to what it means to be a Bladesinner. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [COME TO OUR DISCORD TO JOIN] | Bladesin Trivia What kind of people are we? | A mix and match of gamers that are also entrepeneurs, soldiers, teachers, streamers, dreamers, students and so on. We share a common desire for a hospitable online community that takes care of each other instead of hurting each other. Mutual respect and a clear chain of command drives us forwards. We have extremely high standards of behaviour and if they are not met, there is a chance you will be asked to leave becuase of it, the reason for this is simple: - We provide a certain type of enviroment online for our members, toxicity of any kind is met with a 0 tolerance policy. - We welcome all decent human beings, we dont care what gender identity you have, sexuality, disabilities, alt life styles, none of that matters to us in any other way than we accept you for wh oyou are, as long as it does not hurt others by its nature. Trauma is met with respect here. | Honor - Duty - Dedication | These three words are our mantra, however you live life outside of Bladesin, with us, this is what we do. Honor Not to be confused with pride. Honour is a standard of behaviour that means you don’t humiliate others, you don’t demean them. At the same time, you stay true to your values and your integrity. You don't let others trample you or what you stand for. Duty If you say you will do something, you do it. You follow the chain of command and you do your best to be a useful member of Bladesin. In exchange, Bladesin does its best to be useful to you. That is Duty in Bladesin. Dedication Commit to Bladesins agenda as a member, be active, inside and outside of games. Always do your best, be loyal and in exchange, you will have the same from Bladesin. That is what Dedication is in Bladesin. This means you aspire to inspire. That is Honor in Bladesin | For more in depth explanations, please refer to our Codex which is found in our Discord Yu can also go to our Website to learn more about us.
dark star imperium Dark Star imperium / Firestorm
Firestorm posted a topic in Org Updates & Announcements
Hello and greetings I’m Firestorm and a am a part of the Dark Star Imperium, a relatively new DU org that was formed by over eight large orgs who consist of friends and enemies alike from a game called “Space Engineers”. We have been contemplating a switch to DU for over a year now and decided now was a good time to start laying the ground work for our org. So far in just four days we made it to org page four and are steadily climbing. We are focused on PvP but we are a well rounded org that intends to be not only PvP but also self sufficient in all sectors. Alliances are being made, treaties, trade deals are being brokered and people are enrolling for Citizenship with the Imperium. We look forward to doing business with you all and maybe, just maybe we will see YOU! In Dual Universe - Firestorm Vice Head of the Dark Star Imperium -
"Big Dreamers shoot for open sky" , just a few thoughts that these lyrics make me think of - I know DU is a special one - some see a clone where I see the light - an indie team fighting to do whats right Post something positive, whatever it may be. Post cool, positive things, here. Similar to this or not, if you please.
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Hello fellow inhabitants of Dual Universe. I am looking for an Organization to join that intends to have a serious approach and mindset for Dual Universe. Some of you may know me, and already know what I am capable of doing. For those of you who don't know me, I'd like to change that. If by chance you wish to inquire more, or are interested in a 1 on 1 conversation, please feel free to send me a message, or contact me on my provided discord username below. Thank you. - My intention is to become a cutting edge developer in constructs, and a prominent industrialist who knows how to handle business. - I have extensive experience in management, general Dual Universe information, as well as various other skills that, upon request, can be discussed. - The interest I have towards an organization is that it's goals are very apparent, lofty, yet obtainable. In attempting to avoid causing your eyes to glaze over, here is a short LFO info list: Region/Timezone: EST, US Language: English What type of Organization I am looking for: Anything that can put me to good use, more can be inquired upon in a private conversation. Desired role(s) I wish to play in-game: To be fair, I don't intend to be a grunt or a line member forever, so with that I'd like to be able to stay incredibly busy without becoming a drone. Role-play interest: Of course, though I'm not limited to it I am capable of doing RP activities. Other: I'd like to add that even though I may not accept your invitation, I am more than happy to be able to create ties with you and your group should it be in, or out of Dual Universe. So please even if you're not trying to extend an invitation and just want to chat and get to know me, I'd be more than happy to oblige. Contact Methods: If you don't want to message me here on the Dual Universe forums then please add Assimilate#6625 on discord. If you've made it this far, I appreciate the read and your time. As the community grows, I feel it's important that ties be made early on and I hope that this post can be used to inform, or guide people on taking the time to create ties with other players, and organization. Should you just wish to chat with me, I can offer some advise and help guide new members in our large community on their way to finding the right organization for them. So once again, I appreciate your time and I look forward to stepping into Dual Universe with each and every member of this community.
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4µ%£¨41µ4%µ14¨£/.41µ% 4105816 %M1%651µ5¨151%µ5115%1µ101011 ................................. Current Decryption ............................................................ LOADING ............................................................ Tries translation Eufenitian/old french to primary english: actived Français en conclusion (ci-dessous) ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Message from DeltasofFR. > Hello community! How are you today? I have a suggestion about DevBlog, called "DevDiary & Pre-Alpha Teaser" Problem: The blog is a little abandon, OUTDATED. The last news is from October 2017. Issue: it would be great if we had a regular news channel ° - To make minimum one article every month ° - To be inventive, talk about the game himself or Novaquark Team. Details: 1°: Write one article minimum every month to retain players or curious visitors, the DevBlog must be "the appointment of month", one moment unavoidable for all. We are living in a busy world, people want be fast, eat fast, travel fast, etc... DevBlog would like be one platform for read easily about Dual Univers. Even the player who does not have the time should want to go take a look, just to see:"What's happen in DU?" 2°: I don't tell to Novaquark how to make her job, ^^, heheheh. But If we don't have content, we can make a little interview of 5 minutes about one developer. Just transcribed his story, not video needed. DevBlog can talk about: - Gameplay - Lore/Story - Concept art - About Novaquark philosophy. (inteview?) - About developer, her point of view, etc... (interview?) - Events (in-game/IRL) - etc... Players/visitors must know: - Where Dual Universe was going. (Past) - Where Dual Universe is going. (Present) - Where Dual Universe will going. (Futur) It's almost a roadmap, almost, not really a roadmap. Example: I suggest to see World Adrift and Squad games, 2 team differents, World adrift have a little team of dev and Squad have a little team of dev dispatcher in World (not in same place :s) The Squad News - News every month (more or less) The World Adrift News - News every weeks and one video every week Commentary: My point of view, Dual Universe is a Pre-Alpha, we cannot compare it to anothers games. I am not telling to Novaquark Team to be like World adrift or Squad team. Dual Universe is Dual universe. The work to make this project is really huge, I am not saying:" It's easy, just do it". My proposals do not ask to do it immediately, each game needs to progress at its own pace. Doing this with a regular news channel makes the player trust on DU. I'm not an expert, and I'm just joining the community recently, maybe I don't have legitimacy to talk about that. I know it's not easy, the game is only at its beginning. But we believe on you! The Idea of this topic, about DEvBlog, is to make the game alive in subconscious of people. I am not talking about players of DU only, but others too. All players, patrons people,etc... Trust on his project. Trust can go down or climb with time. What that, journalists, investors and randoms people can talk more about the game and invest on it! More me, I talk only for me, but sometime, I connect to my PC and I haven't time to read FORUM, try to find the good topic, etc... Only for read news. I start my computer, I go in one Website Hardware, I look fast, and leave my desk. Thank you for your understanding, goodbye DeltasofFR ________________________________________________________ "For a better World" SC End of transmission, au revoir _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Traduction français, l'idée de base et de dire que le contenue du blog des développeurs manquent trop de contenu, qu'ils pourraient améliorer sa, sa apporterait plus de lisibilité au projet, de faire des articles régulièrement minimum mensuelle pour que sa soit un rendez incontournable. Et j'ai un peu aborder le contenu de celui-ci, en somme sa devrait parler de la situation du jeu (mais sa on le sait tous xD). A la fin, mes commentaires avec mon point de vue, où j'explique qu'au final, sa profiterais a tout le monde.
Haven By Luminous Previously known as The Blue Moon Tavern What is Haven? Haven is a project brought to you by Luminous. Its goal and purpose are to provide a haven for everyone from all types of organizations. With a planned physical in-game location in the form of a tavern, Haven plans to provide many services ranging from job boards to your favourite voxel shaped snacks! Whether you're here to hang or spread the word about your organization, Haven is the right place for you. How do I join? Haven is open to all, simply navigate to our discord. Is Haven a political entity? No, Haven is an absolute neutral zone. Where will the physical in-game location be? Currently, the first planned location is Tortuga. Legacy forum post
Hi guys, Time for launching the community vote for NovaWrimo 2017! Rules are the same than for the 2016 edition. Starting from today, you can vote with the pole in this thread until April, 3rd at 06:59 AM UTC. Only one vote is allowed per person, regardless of the number of accounts he/she owns. To be convenient, I gathered the links to the eligible stories here: "Bastille" by Kurock "Life After Death" by Velenka "Right to Exist" by stig92 "A Day of Optimism" by Dwarf3d "Black and Teal" by Zamarus Our staff review of these entries is still in progress and we'll update you on this asap! The original announcement is still available here. Thanks to the writers for entering! Have a good read! Cheers, Nomad
Join the Bladesin Mercenary Corporation! Are you looking for an Organization that allows any play style? Then look no further! We are here! We want more members in our community, and if you are looking for a place that has zero tolerance for toxicity of any kind, BMC is the one! Currently we have open positions in these Divisions: - Crafting and Science - Mining and Gathering - Trading - Communications - Logistics - Military We are aiming to make a huge gaming community, with Dual Universe in the forefront! If you are interested go to our Community Page Or our Discord and send us a message!
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Project Hyperlink A Luminous initiative What is Project Hyperlink? Project Hyperlink is an initiative started by Luminous in an effort to create an open forum for org leaders to discuss issues and share projects, without the hassle of joining a billion servers or creating infinite DM groups. In essence, it's a discord for the users who suffer from fiftyplusdiscorditis, we've created this in an effort to cure this ailment and bring efficient communication into the picture for organisations. Interested? This next section will be relevant to you then. What are the requirements for joining? An org must at least have 10 members on the community site, or pass the quality standard. An org must agree to the guidelines written below. Project Hyperlink Guidelines An org can have a maximum of 3 representatives including the org leader. An org can bring up any topic for discussion. An org can share projects in the dedicated channels. An org leader/representative cannot officially represent multiple subsidiaries and the whole. They can either represent the whole, or one of the subsidiaries. (They can still speak on their behalf unofficially) Project Hyperlink is moderated by Luminous staff. The guidelines above also apply to Luminous with the exception of the representative limit. How are orgs added to this server? Orgs can be added through Luminous, DM Dxeo#1776 or Soarnir#1776 on discord, or head on over to the Luminous discord found on our community page here.
So i just got done reading some of the threads on the forums, about people wanting to do things like be entrapeneurs (i hope i spelled that right), create their own country, or even construct ships in order to make money. After reading these threads I'm both amazed and intimidated by the community being built around this game. So many people know what they are talking about and how best to start with their goals and I'm here, not even sure how to do any of this! Wow, like i said i am both amazed and intimidated, but who knows this could be a good learning experience for how industry, politics, and economics work. Can't wait to jump in and see what's what!
(am i in the correct board?) (if this isin't i blame the DU discord :u) So I've made a discord server, not one for an org or anything like that but for 3D models and designs to let other people use in any future builds, sure DU isint coming for a while, but when it does people are going to want to build something, and not everyone has the time to go around the web everywhere, so the discord server is where people can post 3D concepts, or interior designs, for the sake of inspriation, or to directly copy a ship design Justifications Dual universe isin't out for a while but people may want to design ships before release, or are uncreative, etc Sure there will be an in game shop but what if someone wants to design something out of the game, when thier bored and dont want to launch dual universe? Finding inspiration can take a long time, but when people make crazy shit that time can lower How it can be done, simplified alot 1)Get anything that can make and export any sort of 3d file, even a game work (I use starmade) 2)Create object 3)Export 4)The exported file will have textures and stuff, and a folder, zip that 5)Upload to sketchfab or whatever else you use 6)Post link in the appropriate discord channel Server link: Criticism and telling me off for rule breaking by accident is welcome
Hi everyone! As the rules for the Community Portal were a bit unclear on some aspects, we are going to update: - The "Create a Dual Universe Account" page. - The "Create a New Organization" page. Here are the texts that will be displayed soon on these pages: --------------------------------------------------------------- New Text for the “Create a Dual Universe Account” page: ( ) Warning: By creating a Dual Universe account, you accept and agree to follow the terms and conditions available here. A reminder of the essential rules: Account names may not contain any copyrighted material (names, places, Etc) Account names may not contain any material, references, words, or descriptions deemed offensive by the Community Team. You agree to post only your own original content or content which you have been given explicit, express permission to post by the creator or the copyright holder. Do not copy content from copyrighted universes. Do not spam or post content that could be offensive in any way. The community team may, at its sole discretion and without warning, remove any content, account, and/or organization it deems to be offensive, inappropriate, in violation of these rules, or for any other reason they deem necessary or appropriate. --------------------------------------------------------------- New Text for “Create a New Organization” page: ( ) Warning: By creating an Organization, you accept and agree to follow the terms and conditions available here. A reminder of the essential rules: Organizations may not contain copyright names or other materials. Organization names may not contain any material, references, words, or descriptions deemed offensive by the Community Team You agree to post only your own original content or content which you have been given explicit, express permission to post by the creator or the copyright holder. Do not copy content from copyrighted universes. Do not spam or post content that could be offensive in any way. Organizations created for the only purpose of offending, provoking, or insulting others will not be tolerated. Creating multiple ‘fake’ or ‘sock puppet’ accounts for the purposes of inflating the Organization’s size in order to appear in the list of the biggest organizations, or for any other reason, is strictly prohibited. The community team may, at its sole discretion and without warning, remove any content, account, and/or organization it deems to be offensive, inappropriate, in violation of these rules, or for any other reason they deem necessary or appropriate. Pre-Alpha stage: Organizations created here are a provisional step towards building your organizations in-game. As the game is in development the features and systems in place will evolve and are subject to change over time. Once the game launches the organizations, the members and the information held here will be synchronised with the game world. The organization structure will be composed of Members and Legates with different roles and/or responsibilities. For more information about Dual Universe Organizations and what they will become in the future, check out the Devblog! A “Legate” status is currently NOT reversible (it is planned to be reversible at some point though), so choose your legates wisely! What you do here matters, so be careful what you promise! --------------------------------------------------------------- Best Regards, Nyzaltar.
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