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Alpha Team Vanguard
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Everything posted by The_War_Doctor

  1. Welcome sir. And your English is just fine sir
  2. I believe you are able to use a "workshop" so to speak while creating. while not addressing your desire to be offline I do belive it lets you not waste resources and lets you be away from the populace edit: ill look through dev blogs later if someone doesn't know which devblog it is off hand
  3. from a hardware perspective they aren't much different than budget laptops lol. but regardless. my current pc is outdated by about 10 years so till I get a new one
  4. Welcome to the forums, and to answer your question you didn't miss it there isn't an answer yet whether or not it will be sold through steam or not
  5. exactly. the way i see NQ handling this game is hands off as much as possible. give us the tools and let us decide. go to a pirate city expect to be scam or be scammed. go to a reputable trade alliances city expect to get a deal. or atleast i hope it works that way, hell it could be reverse
  6. possible solution. implement a jailing system or a trading ban system run by players of a sector. where the org or player who run the sector you are trading in can revoke your right to trade or not
  7. I wanna be aqua man. let me talk to the space whales!!
  8. the only mod "support" I can think of being for this game is gui mods and reskins on the client side. similar to the old WoW mods dispersed by curse before bliz put that to a stop.
  9. Its already been confirmed that players will be able to sell blueprints to other players.
  10. challenge accepted lol. im going to figure out the code to make it bigger on the inside lol......or ill just make a giant 5km by 5km by 11km police box lol
  11. I agree. In game scamming should be allowed. sure look down on it or frown upon it if you like. You cant have a game that allows a player free reign to play as (s)he wishes, which could mean playing as a pirate. You cant have a pirate group then expect that a scammer is going to be punished. to me a scammer and a pirate aren't much different. Now if a scammer is trying to gain access to your account that's obviously very different but scamming you for in game currency or goods to me is expected of a game where there is player to player trading taking place.
  12. I have to agree with captain in regards to npcs. I don't want there to be npc's past animals. at least not at first. maybe that could be an update down the road for the game. I definitely don't want npc's, if they are implemented, to have an effect on the economy unless you can hire them to run a shop for you then I feel that would be fine. My logic for our ability to come across the ruins of an ancient civ but not come across another sentient species is this. We know that we traveled on the arc ship for 10k years. In this time its not unforeseeable that any alien species wouldn't have died out in the area we are now in. That being said I feel the only way npcs can be implemented later is if they are somehow uplifted to fit into some lore of the game.
  13. and they both take place in space but yeah. iv preordered nms and im looking forward to it. but I never once even thought about nms and du being the same.
  14. i plan to make the outlaw star ship to fit with my avatar lol http://img06.deviantart.net/28d8/i/2007/091/7/9/outlaw_star_mod_wip_by_lordharshmage.png
  15. to give an unbiased answer. im answering first then going back to read everyone elses response. what peaked my interest about this game was that it was emergent game play where everything is created and run by the players. I love the idea of such a free MMO game such as this. Im highly fascinated in seeing how the game grows as the years go by with the emergent game play. I foresee the starting area becoming a sprawling mega city that i hope to leave and never return to for a year or two.
  16. i just want to point out that i visited your forums and because you use the same forum site as DUA im already logged in....and im kind of freaked out by this.
  17. damnit i have options? also i just started playing a mech battle game called hawkin on ps4
  18. while this is may or may not be true. true f2p games flounder and die or they go for the p2w model. which while the game may be a more profitable model the games sorely lack in any real content. as long as the devs keep the whales happy they dont give two whole shits about the players. when a game company is actually passionate about their game and wish to push its boundaries and actually spend the money on more than cutting themselves a big check then p2p is definitely a better business model and game model. From what i understand being a game designer is more about passion than profit. if you wanted to make a profit there is better fields in the computer industry than making video games. if you dont like it dont pay, dont play. wont hurt my feelings and based on the fact all your posts are basicly in this thread right here i have a suspicion your another troll or someone who plays alot of mobile gaming and actually has the excess funds to play a p2w game, which is fine if true, to each their own. however i like a even footing for all. that means no convenience shops or any of that bs. i know more games that have lasted longer than any f2p game that i could name. Runescape while technically a free game has most its content locked behind a monthly sub that has gone from 5 dollars to over 10 and its been an active regularly updated game for 15+ years now. WoW is still a juggernaut when it comes to mmo's. i only quit cause like yama said it got to dumbed down for me and it wasnt a challenge games like guild wars and such were fun for the first maybe few months. and honestly had they been a sub i would have spent the same money as i did as it being a b2p. servers are not cheap to maintain. employees have to be paid. but i can almost guarantee that if you asked every member of NQ why they do it. they wouldnt tell you for money
  19. between now and release i expect of lot of tweaks to the game. even from alpha to beta to live there will be alot of changes. its 2016 and this game wont be released in its full format till 2018. Hopefully by then i have a rig set up to do vr and a vr head set
  20. well given that the game is a ways out its hard to say atm. however I would feel that anything in the 900 series will work fine for most games on a min setting. the witcher is a killer single game for gpu, its hard to push that thing to its max setting and its min is the old 600 series edit: im referring to witcher 3 btw
  21. id be pretty damn bitter if someone stole my forum name as its the name I use for other things aswell lol
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