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Alpha Team Vanguard
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Everything posted by Lights

  1. Lights


    Yeah an arranged out war isn't coming anytime close to DU so we should just scrap the idea for now tbh
  2. An addition to this, it should depend on how much energy you have but also what type of weapons are being used against it and at what quantity. So while one turret could attack it for days on end, an armada could wipe it out in hours(for a small shield this is)
  3. To be "Safer" yes you will need to be part of a night org I agree small. Groups should also be able to do so but on a very small scAle. I believe lethys has the same principle in mind we just have different ideas on how to scale it
  4. I think lethys'S and my idea would honestly balance the shields out. Not only will it scale with the organizations dedication to the shields but very inactive players would suffer the CO sequence of their shields failing and being raised allowing for riddance of inactive Land claims
  5. I believe a shield should be as powerful as its pier supply so that large organization S keep it up longer and lonewolves shorter.
  6. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dK7h3HClJ14
  7. I would support that, but men will be men.
  8. You would have to have someoen skillful enough to sort through whats true and false in the mumble jumble
  9. By the way welcome to dual universe
  10. Thanks for the response NQ-Nyzaltar! Hope the team is having a wonderful day
  11. I mean he could have stayed silent and played on cosmic dragons account for free
  12. OMG I'm hooked thanks so much dude
  13. True, but I just meant it in a sense that it would come as a shock and when they try to go back to their planet they are dissapointed by the lack there of
  14. I'm guessing it's like a land tenant where SS can do what they want anywhere as long as while they are on the property they obey the rules of the Land
  15. Yeah sorry about that one sentence leads to another
  16. It would be cool if maybe they had a system to where your radar level gives you the extra information, but its sort of mumble jumble in a sense that it gives mroe info but not info that is easily understood but a dedicated person to it can get alot more info out like how much oxygen the ship has left and what not.
  17. Yes, but some people want different times for different planets and systems by day cycles and stuff, so i decided to contribute some ideas of how this could happen if it did, part of it being deciding on a meridian.
  18. Anythign else confirmed? Or could you just give me the link to it?
  19. yeah but how will you know planetary time as some people suggest. On Earth we can travel around in like 20 minutes now with jets, doesnt mean we dont need clocks anymore.
  20. For example, BOO wants its own planet but everyone will probably keep driving them away from Boo's planet in the name of world peace.
  21. Yeah but what if you establish a planet just for people who don't want rules and another organizations comes and screws that up on a place you worked on maybe for months or years. Just because you don't want to follow a set of laws one group made doesn't mean you should always be running away just to please them.
  22. were not talking about the release per-se just ideas in general
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