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Posts posted by Kurock

  1. 13 hours ago, Shadow said:


    But is NQ didn't, he would still have access to NDA'd information.


    I'd be happy to update the post with another solution if you have one.


    The first line is less of an issue since once under NDA, always under NDA.


    As for the second... My suggestion is NQ lets us know when they remove someone. How practical that is, is another matter ;)

  2. Raising security awareness is good and the OP makes good points


    However there are two minor things:

    i) Calling an authentication token a "secret", is disingenuous. If the best practices listed in 2 are followed, it is useless to anyone else. Usually authentication tokens also have a limited shelf life i.e. a time limit in which they can be used, but this extra security is not warranted in this case imo.

    ii) Regarding 6: before a bot was made to automate giving roles, adding the role was a manual process. Removing the role is still a manual process, so nothing has changed there.  Polling a thousand+ accounts every few minutes/hour because someone *might* have changed their backer status seems overkill. Also thanks to the "hide backer status" feature, there can also be false positives. I am certain there are other solutions to this.

  3. 1 minute ago, wizardoftrash said:

    A person hit by a ship missile or a discintegration cannon should not need to be double-tapped.

    Allow me to quote myself:

    1 hour ago, Kurock said:


    Potential DU knock-out game mechanic

    For massive damage, like from a ships gigantic cannon, or face-planting into a planet at 200+km/h, a instant trip to the resurrection node makes sense. In other cases e.g. small arms fire and not too far falls, instead the players avatar could be knocked out instead. 



  4. 43 minutes ago, Dxeo said:

    ...However, in a big war the KO mechanic would be incredibly annoying, if someone receives fatal damage, they should die...

    If you want to ensure someone stays down after being dropped/KO'd... we call that the "double tap".  Can't deliver it?  Then I would say that person is not truly defeated.


    I purposefully didn't go into limited time stacking KO/death debuffs.  But they are definitely viable here.

  5. Before we can start with the KO mechanic, here is a quick recap of the current death mechanic in Dual Universe


    What happens when you die, what do you lose?
    When you die, you respawn at the nearest resurrection node, which is by default the Arkship. See our devblog about resurrection nodes to learn more. Now, when that happens, you loose all the content of your inventory, because things don't teleport themselves in Dual Universe. Your inventory becomes a virtual container at the place where you died, so you can try to get back there and recollect it, if nobody else has taken it!

    As death penalties go, financial loss, full body looting and location displacement are only beaten in harshness by perma-death (which thankfully, DU does not have).

    Other MMOs have death prevention mechanics. For example, Guild Wars 2 has a weakened downed state where the player character can crawl back from the brink of death or get a last shot in before collapsing.  Albion Online and the future Chronicles of Elyria both have (sometimes) knock out states where the player character is incapacitated rather that outright dying.


    Potential DU knock-out game mechanic

    For massive damage, like from a ships gigantic cannon, or face-planting into a planet at 200+km/h, a instant trip to the resurrection node makes sense. In other cases e.g. small arms fire and not too far falls, instead the players avatar could be knocked out instead. 

    While KO'd

    • The player cannot act or move. Potentially even looking around would be limited.
    • The player always has the option to force a respawn. 
    • The amount of time spent in a KO state could depend on many factors, such as damage taken, armor, skills, time since last KO etc. 
    • The players avatar can be looted for a smaller subset of items they are carrying e.g. weapons held in hand.
    • Potentially limited bloodshot vision. This aids in deciding whether to hit that respawn button or not.
    • After the time is up (could be a 20 seconds to minutes) the avatar can get up again with minimal health and potentially a limited time debuff.


    Why a KO mechanic?

    Incapacitation gives more options:  

    • A pirate boarding party that just wants goods, can incapacitate, take their pick and leave the tree to bear fruit for them again later.
    • There is also a chance that friends may be near enough to protect the KO'd avatar and get them back on their feet.
    • The player stays in the action a little longer (even if it is just to accept a coup de grâce from the enemy)
    • Penalties (be it RP or with a reputation system) could be heavier for killing rather than incapacitating.


    Would you like to see a KO mechanic in DU? Do you have suggestions on how you would prefer it to work?  Comment below. :)


    Edit: This thread also has some interesting suggestions for incapacitation:  



    Further watching/reading:

    DU Kickstarter Ask Me Anything (Part 3): https://board.dualthegame.com/index.php?/topic/10215-kickstarter-ama-event-third-last-part/
    DU Devblog Ressurrection Node Mechanics: https://devblog.dualthegame.com/2014/10/10/resurrection-node-mechanics/
    Albion Online KO/Death penalty https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5xk2VfcWvN8
    Exploring MMO death mechanics: https://www.engadget.com/2014/01/15/mmo-mechanics-exploring-death-mechanics/
    MMO Death Penalties: https://www.engadget.com/2011/03/24/the-perfect-ten-death-penalties/ and http://massivelyop.com/2016/03/05/massively-ops-guide-to-death-penalties/

  6. logo.png


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  7. Any system that allows payment of RL money for an in-game advantage has the potential to become p2w. Am I worried that this will happen in DU? No. Simply because NQ listens to its players and the players that have posted in this topic would be among the first to point out anything that may negatively effect the game. (Just be a little nicer about it guys ;) )

  8. 1) I don't pay for that type of company.  On a more serious note, the level of interaction for an in-game service can range from fulfilling a job board (next to no interaction) to full voice chats between the interested parties.  I would expect the low risk, more mundane services to go the first route, while the high risk, difficult services to go more towards the last.  But in the end, it is personal preference.


    2) As a service it would be prudent to either get paid in installments or have some collateral in case of non-payment.  This is easy for delivery runs as the cargo itself could be the collateral.  Other services will have to be looked at on a case by case basis.  The biggest factor, for me at least, is the ability to spread the word on which people to not do business with.  And of course there are always bounties.


    3) Collateral which covers the cost of the shipped goods is one way to do this.  The down side is, of course courier, scams. Care should be taken on both sides.


    4) I'll allow it provided gambling cannot be exploited by the gambler nor the "house". This very much depends on how the LUA programs will be handled in DU (editable by people running them etc.)  It may not be possible to have standalone gambling machines. In that case a player will have to fill the role of dealer/cashier.  (If you are interested in gambling or any other in game games, feel free to drop by DICE.)


    5) Reliability is how often that service provider successfully completes his service.  A string of happy customers is a great way to boost trust in a service provider.  Reliability builds trust, but trust must be obtained first in order to gain that reliability label. How do you first build trust then?  I'll leave that to your imagination.

  9. 16 minutes ago, Lethys said:

    It's about people who DON'T BUY THE SUB. 

    Calm, Lethy, calm. Are the forum pixels that aggravating? xD

    1 hour ago, NanoDot said:

    Paying for advantage is an inseparable part of mainstream online gaming, and it's not going away.


    I've stopped worrying about it. I play the game to the best of my ability, and if I don't enjoy it, I stop.

    I agree with the last sentiment: We are here to have fun. If it's not fun, what is the point?

  10. @Phaethonas Please define what you would call "winning" in a sandbox MMO and please define what you mean by p2w (pay to win).


    But why? Isn't it obvious? No, it isn't obvious as there is no one recognized definition of what "p2w" means. But everyone knows it's "bad" and having a game labeled as "p2w" is a sure fire way of losing players. This is the point of the OP.


    To reiterate, some consider a p2w game to be any game where you can gain an advantage by paying RL money. There is no denying that in EVE (and DU) there *is* an advantage to be had by paying some RL money for PLEX/DAC. Otherwise there would be little point in purchasing them in the first place.

    I feel that definition is incomplete. To me a p2w game is one that you can pay RL money to gain an advantage that could *not* be gotten otherwise (like by playing the game) in a reasonable amount of time.


    While I agree, the DAC system is not perfect, it does what it was meant to:

    • Allow players with less time to trade RL money for Quanta generated by those that do.
    • Reward dedicated players with free subscription (by trading their Quanta for a DAC)
    • RL money that would have gone to gold farmers goes to NQ instead.

    Perhaps regulating the DAC market in a way hidden from players so as not to inflate prices is a good idea, happily that decision lies with NQ.



  11. The previous example does not constitute p2w to me. An organisation recouping losses faster by using DAC's does not give that organisation an advantage that can not also be gained in game by having players actually play the game.


    The suggested fixes, while commendable for being off the top of the head, need a bit more thought: 

    A, B. Limit DAC purchases per month. This can be taken two ways. One is the limit is per player which will prevent little as alts can be created with ease. The other is NQ only releases X number of DACs for purchase each month. This will raise the cost of DAC as they become a very limited resource, being bought up as soon as there is quota available. Those that get them first will have an advantage over everyone that did not get them in time. Nevermind that this decreases the effectiveness of one of the principle reasons for having DACs: to curb IRL blackmarket purchases of in game money. 

    C. Tax the DACs. Would this not mean the quanta price will increase to compensate for this tax?

    D. Regulating DAC's in circulation. Similar to A and B.

    E. Delay on DAC to Quanta conversion. This is an interesting one. There will always be people willing to buy DAC, though with a bit more effort/ time a better price could be found for the same number of DACs.  Putting an artificial delay on a DAC purchase could mean a player does not get his subscription paid in time as the DAC "clears". I can see player brokers appearing to circumvent the delay in quanta payment (for a small fee of course), so again this would not have the desired effect.


    Of course, these are just off the top of my head and I am no economist.

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