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Alpha Team Vanguard
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Everything posted by ATMLVE

  1. Funny that you should bring this up; as Lethys said, the developers have recently posted a DevDiary on this very topic, relating to RDMS (Rights and Duties Management System) which can be found at this link: https://board.dualthegame.com/index.php?/topic/10995-devblog-organizations-purpose-management/ I believe you'll be satisfied with what you find there! We did have a hint that faction logos will be thing; they will be seen either on or in territory control units. As for constructs with specific parts, well an entire construct has an owner which is determined by the core unit. So the different parts of a construct will be owned by the owner of the whole construct. The rights of those different parts of a construct can be given out via the aforementioned RDMS system. They can also be scripted via LUA.
  2. A bit ago a thread was opened up where us forum goers were encouraged to ask questions which JC might answer at the GDC Q&A. I and I'm pretty sure some others posted questions relating to this topic you've posted, but none of the questions were asked at the conference. I can only imagine that NQ has not focused much on these mechanics yet; after all, you really don't even need a 3D map to navigate a galaxy... It just really helps. I mean, nearby stars and all of their information can be constrained simply to a dropdown menu. So I personally think they really haven't sorted stuff like this out yet. In any case, as has already been said, we just don't know yet.
  3. I meant only being notified of the implant is actually being hacked; if a player dies, they won't know whether or not the person that kills them has the ability or desire to steal their RDMS tags. If you're on a spaceship which blows up and a day later some looter goes into the wreckage and hacks your tags, YOU certainly couldn't warn anyone of that, but if there is some form of automatic warning then at least the tag owners have a chance to react.
  4. WEIGH STATION NEXT RIGHT OPEN WHEN FLASHING That was my first thought anyway. What you're suggesting is a logical way of going about it. A little one-man craft shouldn't pay the same as a 5 km long supercarrier, that's just dumb. You can fit thousands of one-man crafts on a supercarrier. However, I think there would be different aspects to take into consideration besides mass, and that is the number of players. You could have two ships that look identical and one has three players on it and a mass of 10 million kg (mostly ore), while the other ship has 200 players on it and a mass of 0.5 kg (lots of players, not much cargo). Should the ship with all the players getting a jump across the galaxy pay a tiny fraction of the cost that the other ship has to pay? I have a feeling there will be a lot of situations where an organization will worry more about the number of people coming through their gate rather than the amount of goods. Along with that, I imagine organizations will work out their own systems as they see fit. They'll give people and other factions that they like discounts, or perhaps offer anyone the chance to have an up-front discount per use; a season pass sort of thing (pay 1000 quanta to use the gate once, pay 9000 quanta to be able to use the gate ten times).
  5. This would be a neat idea, making a stealthy break-in possible; the classic "take out the guard and use is hand to open the door" move. Yeah, it would definitely need a time limit. Perhaps also, if the implant is stolen, then the owners of whatever tags the implant had are notified that an implant has been breached; so they don't know whose it is, they just know they need to 'change the locks'. This would give time for the perpetrator to use the stolen tags, but also give the owners of the tag a chance to react.
  6. Glad to see you here. Hopefully we can get to know you better! And yes I agree, choose an avatar, it helps with familiarity and personality.
  7. This is not entirely known at this time. However, in a DevDiary video, a scan was shown that revealed the presence of several ores, all of which are common and very real elements. You can find the list at the bottom of this page (the source is listed, but the info is accurate). In the realm of speculation, I have a strong feeling it will be a combination of mostly real and a few fake resources. That would be a logical and realistic approach, but of course, I'm just taking a weighted guess.
  8. Hey man no offense intended! Some ideas put into this sub are indeed bad. But many are bad because people put no thought into them. However I remember none of the original posters in particular. And I am actually complimenting your idea because it is a logical and intelligent idea, and shows that you actually understand the lore and it's connections to the game enough to make such a suggestion. I refer to it is bad merely because when a player has items that are rare, they are not going to want to lose them. For a game, it is a bad idea yes, becauae it would make things less fun I feel, but that has nothing to do with the quality of the idea in and of itself. Please keep posting ideas!
  9. Well kudos to you for actually understanding the lore and making a suggestion based off of it! Lots of people make suggestions that make no sense from a lore point of view, which NQ obviously cares a good bit about. As for the suggestion, gotta say I'm not a fan of it. I'm all for losing items as a penalty for death, but heck if I advocate that my rarest items take top priority in being lost. It's very logical. It makes perfect sense. But when you work super hard or pay a bunch of money for some ultra high grade material, and then on your way back home you get get attacked and killed by some territorial 12 year olds who's asteroid belt you inadvertently flew through, you'll look back and say, man that was a bad idea to give to NQ.
  10. Perhaps we are going back and forth about different points; I am referring more to the logistical aspect of logging off and I feel that you're referring to the more technical aspect of it, but correct me if I'm wrong. Seems we have very different viewpoints; you say it creates far more problems than it solves, but I heartily disagree. You could log out on your buddies ship, he sells it to some guy, you log back in a week later on the same ship under a new owner and hijack the ship to steal it back. What's to stop that? A new terminology would be created for people who hide on constructs by simply being logged out. Squatters, or something; they would be infamous in the game. And you yourself just defined a dynamic constructs which, differs from a static construct. I am not suggesting that you wouldn't also need a stasis pod to log out on a static construct, like a planet. But if i were, I would argue that because a dynamic construct is moving, then you need a stasis pod to save your coordinates relative to the construct in which you are flying, because relative to the game world, the coordinate system, and you, are moving. And on a static construct, such as a building or a planet... Well it's not moving of course, so your coordinates are saved relative to that static body, which will never move and always have constant coordinates. However, I would say that you should also need a stasis pod to log out on a static construct. I too enjoy a good discussion; nice to have a civilized conversation about opposite viewpoints, seems to be rare these days.
  11. If these technical details had been "resolved", as you say, then NovaQuark would have told us how logging off would work and there would be no room for discussion. I'm sure there are still some details they haven't worked out. Anyway, welcome to the forums Sullos! Thanks for the great discussion post. First off, the idea of a stasis pod is a good one in my opinion. I am of the mind that players should still retain some physical presence upon logging off, in order that they may not use logging off to "hide". A stasis pod is certainly a great way to do that. However, I do not agree with your reason for wanting it... In my personal opinion it would be cheap to be able to log off and be transported around anywhere while you are offline. With something like stasis pods, this would be unavoidable if someone else is flying the ship. However, flying solo, I think there should be something in place that prevents your ship from drifting too far without a pilot. I remember JC talking about this somewhere, where they didn't want players to log back into the game after a while and find that their ship has drifted a lightyear into interstellar space or something. So I like the idea you are proposing, but I am friendlily (?) opposed to your reason for wanting it. Additionally, as Flastaf said, ships are made from dynamic core units. If you haven't already you can read about them here: https://dualuniverse.gamepedia.com/Core_Units
  12. I think not matter what the solution will be to this problem, it's not going to be perfect. What if you log off on someones ship and they don't want you there? How do they get you out? What if you get on someones ship and log off for a month; who knows if that ship is even owned by the same person when you come back? Is anyone going to be okay with someone coming back after a month onto their ship? I could see the "you're at the same spot on the ship as when you left" mechanic becoming a cheap exploit, pay someone to take you across the galaxy while you're logged off. You just pay some kid in a basement and he flies around for 12 hours while you're at work. You come back the next day, bam you teleported.
  13. ATMLVE


    It has already been stated that all players start at the Arkship. This is for gameplay and lore reasons. Any player that wishes to spawn anywhere else must first physically reach the resurrection node they wish to spawn at. So ideally, an organization WOULD want to do what you are suggestion, but it cannot be done in the WAY that you suggest it. It cannot be automatic.
  14. I've done a lot of work on the games gamepedia wiki, but there aren't any policies for that... I can read over it and see what I can do. A problem with a lot of the gamepedia pages was that lazy people just copy and pasted stuff that JC said and put it into the page, so the formatting was quite inappropriate for a wiki entry. Maybe that's the issue here, maybe not, I'll have to read it.
  15. How in the world did you get yourself a free industry pass? E3 is invite-only... I doubt you're going to find anyone else in our small community that will be attending E3; but hey, who knows!
  16. I think what you're saying is that you want bland planets, but what you want is for them to have interesting terrain. No doubt there will be worlds like that; look at the desert planet in Dual Universe, it has tons and tons of rocks, something No Man's Sky has very few of. The unfortunate reality is that, from what we humans can see, which is mostly moons, most other worlds have very uninteresting terrain. However, DU is of course a game! So aside from that, I personally think its a fair suggestion to request that planets empty of life and atmosphere have a interesting terrain to make up for that. However, I also feel that a mix of all types of worlds should be present, so even worlds that look like our moon should be in the possible generator. So I'm saying your request is certainly valid, I just won't get behind it. Something to remember too is that in NMS there is a lot of planet hopping, with no looking back. In DU, planets will be colonized together by players and stripped of their resources. All you'll have to do is google "coolest Dual Universe planets" and you can find a plethora of interesting worlds to visit; no worries about that crap rock slate planet, leave it behind and spend your time somewhere better. Because in DU, you'll be better off staying put.
  17. Hey twoshell, welcome to the forums! Looking at your profile, you developed dualempire.com; so you're a web developer! Can you tell me more about that site?
  18. Something the developers are going for too is just shear realisticness; in real life of course, traveling between planets takes months. That obviously shouldn't be the case for a game, but it should still take quite a while. I know in Elite: Dangerous, travelling from one end of the galaxy to another can take several real days. That's the feel that I imagine DU is going for; short enough that it's fun, but long enough that you can't and won't just willy-nilly planet hop, allowing the game world to feel pretty big, as space should. (because lets face it, space is really, very, outrageously, obnoxiously big)
  19. Indeed, there are more videos and other bits of information than one would think, as JC likes to talk to everyone interested! Visit the archive in the wiki to find more you may not know about: http://dualuniverse.gamepedia.com/Archive
  20. Welcome to the forums! The complete destruction of planets, by any means, is not something that the developers are interested in allowing to happen. NPCs and aliens, too, are something the developers are trying to stray away from. They want the game to be a civilization simulator, and throwing in a giant NPC creature that destroys the work of players goes against their aim. It would be fun for a typical game, but for what the developers are trying to do, I doubt something like this will make it in to the game.
  21. Fortunately for you, the show is slightly different than the books, on top of the fact that the first season doesn't even cover the entire first book, making the show move at quite a slower pace. ReadAND watch I say! Though if you don't want to read an 8+ book series, I wouldn't worry, the first and maybe second are the only ones I fully enjoyed.
  22. Yeah you know how youtube recommends those random videos, like boiling frogs or the worlds highest oreo dunk, and you wonder how in the world youtube thought you wanted to watch that? For once, youtube actually recommended me a video I wanted to watch. Only an hour old too!
  23. Just stumbled across this awesome video on Dual Universe from IGN. Its a small little interview with JC, contains (I think) new footage.
  24. I love the Expanse! I hate to be that guy but I actually started reading the books a few years ago, reading on average about 1 per year. I binge watched the first season in about a week once and absolutely loved it. It was awesome and a great relief from all the sci fi nowadays that always have to have some odd twist to it... (Like come on, world war II movies are always great, make a war movie but in space, haven't humans proved they don't need aliens to launch an interstellar war?) I am definitely going to watch the second season, probably this summer. I have since stopped reading the books though... After leviathan wakes I couldn't wait to read more. However after the 4th book I am not really interested with the direction it has taken. Still, the series is awesome and oddly unique. Something I will say about the books is how great they are at conveying the realisticness of living in space, always calling attention to the fact that people from Earth have trouble orientating themselves in space, engineers always locking down any equipment not in use because any loose item becomes a dangerous projectile during accelerations. The books constantly call stuff like this out and it really makes you feel that the writers care. Something the show has that the books don't is the awesomeness and intensity of action sequences. The show does a much better job of conveying emotions of course, and making things like battles and gunfights way, way more intriguing.
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