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Alpha Team Vanguard
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Everything posted by ATMLVE

  1. There are certainly ways to regulate what people could put in their sound emitting elements. However, even if what they put is clean and legal, it could still be abused, get annoying, obnoxious, etc.. My personal opinion is that allowing people to emit music or sounds of their choice is more trouble than it's worth.
  2. Yeah sorry man, but non-player controlled constructs will be limited if existent at all, sacrificed for smooth gameplay for everyone. As for downloading music and letting anyone play whatever music or sounds they want... Not a great idea, people will spam it with undesirable things.
  3. Thinks are getting tense here, but I think everyone's arguing on the same side. We all agree that a manned and crewed capital ship is superior to the same capital ship manned by a single person. Archonius is merely stating that he wants hard facts, numbers, and details on these things, which there really aren't at this time. No one's convincing anyone of anything more at this point.
  4. Welcome! I'm doing great. Finishing up my semester today! I'm from Pennsylvania. Hope you enjoy the forums!


    Dead Space 3 style hand weapons would be awesome. I used to spend tons of time at the bench trying out all sorts of different weapon combinations... The weapon making and animations they did were my favorite parts of the whole game! Unfortunately, I don't see NQ going so in depth with handgun mechanics. It doesn't really seem to fit the style of the game; combat will generally be between constructs, and it's definitely not meant to be a shooter. Still, it'd be neat! But again, I don't see personal weapons ever going very deep. Just my guess of course.
  6. I was going to mention that another bonus to having multiple people on board a ship might be to have them able to make repairs on the spot, but I didn't mention it because I don't feel like a player would be able to replace critical system faster than they're being destroyed by an enemy, plus the player might themself be destroyed if they're near sensitive systems. I apologize for getting across the message that I think an unmanned ship is a match for a manned ship of otherwise equal strength; I don't believe it will be. I was merely making a case for unmanned ships in and of themselves, and their effectiveness; and not just their effectiveness, but the reasons why one might decide to man one on their own in the first place. In the one ship building timelapsey video from NQ, at the end they showed what seemed to be the player driving the ship, in 3rd person view. That's all I was going off of for that. I suppose there's a well enough chance they won't put it in the actual game.
  7. *snip* I agree on some points. What you're saying is absolutely true, but for real life. The US Navy does indeed put more than one person on board their battleships. However, within a game, a lot will be automated, or enhanced by having the properties that a video game has. Things like weapons firing can be automated. Put your bridge at the center of the ship, then go into 3rd person mode and you can see where and how far away the enemy is. This is many things all in one; this person can drive the ship, see other enemies and gauge their relative distance, see how much damage they have, and also they can see how much damage they themself are taking. Monitoring systems like fuel, energy, and ammo wouldn't be a huge problem if you take more than you need, although having someone regulate things where they need to go could certainly help. Your thoughts are indeed valid for real-world applications, where loss means the literal loss of your life and the weakening of the forces fighting those trying to hurt what you have. There could, too, be a one-man battleship in the real world. But the risk associated with something like that, the cost of the loss, makes it not applicable. But within this game, which absolutely wishes to be in-depth, I still don't think it will always need to be necessary to have so much insurance at every possible post.
  8. Yeah I agree with Anasasi, it would have to be either specific tracks put in the game by NQ, or a system where you could only request a personal track if your organization was big enough and then that track would have to be approved. Otherwise... Well it's the internet. Anyone can imagine the sorts of music and audio that internet people might play in their space, given freedom. I suppose if there was an in game music editor with a few tools, it wouldn't end up being too bad. Not to mention that it will be hard to quantify where an organization's space specifically starts and ends. Not sure how those mechanics will work yet, beyond TUs.
  9. Thanks for the suggestion, and welcome to the forums! My first thoughts on this is that I think it's a bit of a stretch to ask for specifically programmed games within the game (what you're suggesting makes me think of GTA V, I remember getting into a game of darts with a friend and we couldn't figure out how to win or lose, or even leave the game, was funny). It just doesn't seem to fit the style the developers seem to be going for. Now, players can certainly try and make things like this happen. It might have to be something like Tabletop Simulator, a game where you have the pieces and the physics engine, but it's up to the participants to play by the rules- so the game doesn't have the rules of chess programmed in it, but rather it give you physics and a chess board and chess pieces and you can do what you want with that. Scripting will be a thing too, which could help with smaller games within the large one. Dual Universe will be player driven and there will be a lot of tools and freedom, so it could definitely happen! Custom GUIs will be a thing too, so you might even be able to make full fledged virtual versions of the games you're suggestion, in community buildings that could become pretty popular.
  10. Stunning work! Thank you for this Aetherios. Happy holidays to you too, thank you for your continued hard work for this great organization!
  11. Yeah, you can always try and sell it for a little less than you bought it, to come away with something. Although, considering this circumstance of yours has only just come up, you never know what might randomly come up again later that might allow you to play it! I'd say keep it. EVE online has been around for a very long time. I suspect this game will as well; even if you can't play for the next five years, after those five years are up you can still join and maybe look pretty elite/legendary with your kickstarter gear! It's all up to you, but I'd say keep it.
  12. Very true, they could be in the game without finishing their technology or mechanics. There could simply be placeholder gas giants for later! That's a good idea.
  13. The "technology" behind resurrection nodes is that when you die, the universe switches the position of your dead body with a the position of your living body which happens to be in a completely identical universe, except that your body is in a resurrection node. The losing skills might still make sense with that, but I think the fairness of that would depend on how long it takes to get those skills in the first place. Perhaps just losing experience would be more appropriate, or losing a level in just one category of your skill tree. I think losing a level in all categories is a bit harsh; it might make things frustrating for people new to the game, who are both not powerful and not experienced, as they may be more prone to death. And if you look deep into video games in general, nobody likes to lose progress they worked hard to get. It turns them off towards playing to get it back. I do very much agree that there should be a penalty for death, beyond just losing what you have in your inventory, which means nothing to someone who wants to go on a suicide trolling run as they'll simply leave everything valuable behind. But I'll leave that up to the developers to decide, as they are currently the only ones who know how everything works.
  14. Our planet Mercury has an extremely long day. It takes so long for the sun's light to get all the way around the planet that Mercury was once believed to be tidelocked. As per your question/suggestion regarding the game, we can't know for sure until we know exactly how planets will end up working in the game. Depends on if they're completely fixed, if they're fixed in space but rotate about an axis, or if they orbit the sun and rotate about an axis. However, no matter what, I would imagine that day length in DU would change with the solar system.
  15. I don't think there are too many details about specialty planets like this yet. Water is something that will be in the game at some point, and I can't imagine there wouldn't also be ice, so a water world is certainly a possibility, though the amount of processing power required for an entire planet of water might be undesirable. As for gas giants, that is unknown at this point. Would definitely be cool to have them in the game, especially if some of them had rings... I would love to land on a moon and look up and see a beautiful crescent world with huge rings hanging in the sky. It's a possibility that has giants could have an upper atmosphere of fluid similar to water (as in, the mechanics, not the substance) so that you could put habitats in them or fly in and mine them. At a certain point below the surface of the upper atmosphere, the pressure would be too great and your ship would be crushed no matter what (in reality, of course, there's not actually anything generated below a certain point). Would add another area of expertise to the game! Maybe a fuel type only able to be made from harvesting the atmosphere of gas giants. Which, of course, you'd need special skills and equipment to do.
  16. ATMLVE


    Since you already seem to know what a blueprint is, I'm guessing this idea has differences from blueprints. Can you specify what the main difference is? From what I'm gathering, you're suggesting an attainable item, from which a construct can be built but only if the player possesses it in their inventory?
  17. If you want ship ideas, I would totally check out this website. You can put it any combination of any characters and it will generate a ship based on that, which is a seed. Put in absolutely nothing, and you get a random ship every time. But, whats more fun is to put in text, and see what ship it generates, because you can put in that same text later and it will generate the same ship. I've found it neat for inspiration, and there are definitely some super awesome ones that can generate, but unfortunately I can't think of any right now. Anyway, try it out: http://ship.shapewright.com/ http://ship.shapewright.com/?name=ATMLVE http://ship.shapewright.com/?name=Dual+Universe I've put in 100+ characters in the name field before and it will still use every character as a seed to generate a new ship; and the same ship every time for that seed. I think the number of ships it can generate is limited only by how many characters you're willing to type in.
  18. Really like it all Aetherios! Excellent work. Your efforts and dedication show, as always. Thank you.
  19. This may be an overall genuine concern, but I think it's socially impossible for everyone in a society to get along. There will always be conflict, especially in a game; people will create conflict for no reason other than for there to be conflict. While it may seem like all the big corporations are creating "alliances" right now... Of course they are. What are they going to do, declare war two years before release? When the game actually comes out and the corporations that are around get built up and strong, I don't think people will be so quick to be friendly. I made a topic about this on these forums a while back, and I forgot about it until your post just now, so thanks for bringing it up. Making "end game items" is definitely something I see being an easy mistake to make that could hurt this game. Your minecraft example is perfect, once you have easily replaceable full diamond everything, whats really the point anymore? Might as well start over with a new world.
  20. ATMLVE

    Defunct Probes

    Well they could have been sent in the general directions the Arkships were being sent, with the intent of broadcasting their finds to the Arkships. But anyway, the Arkships got pretty far in 10,000 years, whos to say the probes didn't get farther?
  21. I think at whatever time you activate the subscription, you have something like 30 days to play from there. So its not like you automatically have two months the day the game comes out, then that's it... That would pretty dumb, and totally unacceptable.
  22. Indeed, thank you Lethys. It is merely to point out failures in other games that DU is vulnerable to but can avoid.
  23. This is suspiciously similar text. I'm no mod, but if I was this would warrant a minor investigation.
  24. I mean if we're being technical on the relativity, then accelerating at 1g for 24 years would make you surpass the speed of light, which is not only impossible but then your trip time would be infinite with respect to the planetary reference frame... And that's just too long.
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