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Alpha Team Vanguard
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Everything posted by ATMLVE

  1. I don't think making people pay for it would work too well. I think if someone did that, the array would simply go relatively unused and people would just find other ways to do it for free. After all, there is still the real life internet. Plus, another large org might try and make one for their own use, and if that org also makes people pay for it, then there are two arrays competing and eventually they just end up being free.
  2. The poor guy got different answers from every single poster. How is he supposed to pick any of these with so many to choose from! BTW I use SolidWorks. I guess the best answer is: pick any of them, they're all good. P.S. don't pick SolidWorks for spaceship modeling.
  3. I'll throw in my extra opinion and say that 4K is still pretty new but has been around for long enough. 2 years is a long time in the tech world, and 4K is VERY popular nowadays, so I would think that an issue from two years ago for a newish technology would not still be present now when that technology is so much bigger.
  4. Yeah my main concern in regards to what I was talking about would be moon phases. And for that to happen, at least one of them (the planet or the moon) would have to physically move, so it doesn't look like that is currently an option.
  5. This has been discussed before both as an effect both to deter players who may log in after a year and just jump right into their old ship, but to also allow the possibility of ruins being something that can be discovered (since there won't be any natural ruins). I am personally all for materials collecting wear over time; they would need maintenance, an interesting mechanic, but also it could make materials more diverse. Some materials would be simply stronger than others, achieving less wear over longer periods; and of course they would also need better skills to attain, and be more expensive. There could also be materials which attain much more or much less wear in different biomes, kind of like you say, where the weather matters. ( Speaking of which, I never did get why there are specialized "snowspeeders" on Hoth... Are they just ships adapted for snow? Would they work on Tatooine? Do normal ships not work well on Hoth?)
  6. Yeah I agree, I would prefer more darkness. Give us a flashlight and make us build larger lights, but don't give us night vision. Even cooler would be, if moons orbit planets, having them reflect light onto the surface to provide ambient night light, similar to the difference here on Earth between being out at night during a full moon (quite bright) and being out at night when there is no moon/new moon (typical dark).

    FR ?

    Yeah sorry man, we Americans are pretty stubborn about English... Which sucks by the way. Debris? Thought? Receipt? Common man. By the way, welcome to the forums! I do believe there is some material on Dual Universe in French; a long presentation by JC (the head of NQ) comes to mind. I'll see if I can find it for you. EDIT: Yeah here you go, this video is (I think?) on Dual Universe, and is (probably) in French. I don't speak French, thus I don't actually know. But the projector has Dual Universe on it.
  8. I'll be flying with you, Owl. I personally feel that combat will be something that has to be done, in order to test it with lots of players. Combat will be an important part of the final game, and as such I think it's important that active forum members participate in it at some point, if not at least in a mutually respectful and organized manner.
  9. Right now I don't know if even the devs know what the specs will be... However, at E3, they WERE running the game and the test server on a single laptop, with adequate frames.
  10. ATMLVE

    Cloaking device

    The developers have indeed said they want stealth mode! Not easy to find the source though. https://board.dualthegame.com/index.php?/topic/490-beware-of-the-afk-cloaker/#entry3428 Stealth would definitely be an awesome addition, adding a whole new way to play the game, and also possibly make logging out safer. Also, it would be good for solo players who would like to hide their stuff. Of course there would be negative effects to using it; most likely you would be revealed upon using anything that consumes more than a little bit of energy.
  11. ATMLVE


    That's exactly what the former would say...
  12. I just came across these the other day and was thinking of posting this exact wiki page! That is hilarious. I actually decided I wasn't going to do it though, so I guess I'm glad you did. I just finished the third AMA part today and added it to that archive, which is funny as it had a lot of now obsolete kickstarter questions. Reading through what RightBigToe did, I was extremely impressed by his dedication for transcribing a verbal AMA, and was pleased to find that you too yamamushi also did some transcribing. Great work!
  13. I love starships as much as the next guy, but someone did make a topic with an identical purpose to this in this same section of the forum just a few days ago. https://board.dualthegame.com/index.php?/topic/10713-ideas-and-inspiration-taken-from-movies-and-such/ Thank you though for putting these images together here, they ARE awesome ships!
  14. This sounds cool but I definitely couldn't unless it was super close, which given that all of the options are about 600 miles away, seems highly unlikely! The list is definitely missing a northeast option. Good luck though!
  15. I've been interested in Lua since hearing about how it'll be in DU. Ive looked up some videos on it and have since learned it's a super easy programming language... I've messed with Arduino and PIC so I figured it'd be easiest to learn once there is a game for me to test things in, since otherwise I really have no way to test what I program. Something like this would be awesome, although I'm not sure how you would handle syntax or emulate things happening.
  16. Well you won't find any arguments here! Welcome to the forums! What kind of role are you most looking forward to having in the game? As in, what do you think you'll be doing?
  17. I've never been a fan of people who make straight-up carbon copies of ships someone else has already made; when I see Star Wars ships on the front page of Space Engineers, I remark at the lack of imagination (and I made a workshop page in the game basically advocating against this). However, taking inspiration for ships, which is what a lot of other people do, is a great idea because you can take something cool from one or two ships and then take off with your imagination. There is an awesome collage of ships someone made, again for Space Engineers, which I've looked through before, not only for inspiration but just because all of the screenshots are awesome. I know some people here will enjoy looking through them. Credit where credit is due, I had nothing to do with their creation. You won't be disappointed! Ship Concepts Art Vault Land Vehicles and Constructions Art Vault - both created by users named Maxyall and LeonserGT (the collages of course, the art is from many, many different people, credited at the end) There is also a procedural ship generator I came across before, where you can put in any string of characters as a seed and it will generate a ship for those characters: http://ship.shapewright.com/
  18. I'm searching for it now, can't find it at the moment, but in an interview of sorts JC of NovaQuark said that originally, scripts won't be something accessible through an interface in-game, but rather you'll have to edit it outside of game, then put the code in a specific folder within the games files. This is because creating an interface for the game takes effort and is unnecessary if it can be done without it, so it won't be focused on immediately. So yes, that would be awesome. Especially if there were multiple types of terminals (something like that one Space Engineers mod, if you know what I'm talking about), even though they all have the same functionality. Would love to see this, but as far as official word, it won't come immediately. EDIT: Here we go, this is from a DU Explorers interview on September 17th last year:
  19. I disagree, I think a button is too hand-holdy. You can't expect the game to do everything for you. If you want to dock with a ship while moving, you're going to have to figure out how to do it yourself. It's not 100% necessary, just convenient, which is why I feel it's better left as something you have to figure out. My personal opinion of course! Edit: holy crap, three posts popped up while I was typing this. That's a new record.
  20. I'll answer what has not already been stated; the starting planet, Alioth, has 3 moons. This was mentioned by JC somewhere. He said that they have resources that Alioth does not, better resources. So, the number of moons will almost certainly vary. Also, as asteroids, planets, and constructs are all made out of voxels, the same voxels, it is highly probably that attaching a core unit to an asteroid will allow you to turn it into a ship.
  21. I would say in order to command respect, a large organization would let another org know they are going to attack before they actually do it. If they don't, since they are a large organization everyone will see it and know what happened. Lots of other smaller orgs will see that and may wonder if they are next... That large org will become unpopular and probably make enemies just by treating everyone else with arrogance. So in the best interests of the longevity of a large and powerful organization, I think it would be a smart move and we could probably expect to see that. On the other hand, smaller orgs might not care so much about things like that, and indeed they wouldn't really need to. So yes, I think we could expect to see declarations of war, but more commonly with famously large orgs.
  22. Dude these are fantastic! The little ships moving around in the background of the first few are so subtle but it works so well, and adds a great effect. The others are cool too of course! Awesome job. My only suggestion would be to make them longer/slower so that the loop isn't as obvious.
  23. I added something he did not, along with wording his post in a completely different way, and clarifying the basic point to make it more clear. In any case, my reference to your post a slight joke, as saying that something is both superfluous and unnecessary is both of those things in its own right as the inclusion of the second word defines itself. In addition to a joke, it was also something less friendly than that as your post contributed absolutely nothing to anything except your own post count, something you are notorious for.
  24. In a joking and non-hostile manner, I would love to hear how creating a starship and extracting ore from rock are "quite similar"!
  25. They probably just say that because if they tell people that members of their faction won't always get to do what they want, then no one's going to be interested. I don't really know though. But it is a game after all, and there ARE more serious factions on here. In the real world, such a system would be akin to anarchy, but of course DU is a game meant for fun. Is this post meant to create discussion or alert faction leaders of faults in their systems?
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