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Alpha Team Vanguard
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Everything posted by devu

  1. Wait for skills, tools that will directly correspond to mining capabilities. It's a perfect opportunity and make sense for this to happen if we really want this to be valuable profession as well. If digging will be too easy and like that for everyone one? Balance of the game, performance of the servers etc.. I simply can't comprehend why you guys assuming otherwise. Sure it's boring, and hell yeah! make it slower, invest into equipment, create variety of it! Stimulate the market! But if you feel is too boring for you, probably you should not be a miner!
  2. Do you think they will go for AWS infrastructure or rather something like OVH?
  3. Correct me if I'm wrong but some of you speculating something along those lines. Google map? Impossible to see entire map of Earth in full details. According to our calculation its a 360 billion tiles 256x256 pixels. It's fake news! Yet we using it on daily basis including overlayed information about traffic real time.
  4. Is not how it works, you don't travel from sector to sector handled by different nodes, its a server that share the load and dynamically assign people based on where they are, Dynamically dividing space. So nobody will travel for glitches ;). 2k of us can be next to ark ship or spread across entire universe doesn't matter. Lets say 20 nodes/100 players each will be assigned to node based on proximity. If this is not good enough you can add more nodes. Spread the load. Indeed the worst case scenario is, when everyone is at the same spot. Because even if smaller groups of people are being handled by different nodes, even if you have less frequent updates of people in visible range but physically handled by another node(s), nodes needs to send all data across. The part you sending it less frequently is clever, because greater delay will happen there anyway. If we will spread and cannot see each other, that's a perfect scenario, because lets say small group of players went to different planet alone. They simply have dedicated node for themselves while still share same universe. Nodes do not have to communicate. Nobody cares if they dig up there or not. (as oppose to SE multiplayer solution ) So... Arkship and surroundings will be a true stress test of what this system is capable of. Once we will start spreading we actually making server life easier.
  5. With multinode server technology able to shut down any node or add dynamically at any time.. I believe there will be no shutdowns even if they need to restart nodes once in a while. Other instances will take a load. But well lets wait just few weeks to see it in practice
  6. SE barely can handle 20 players for longer than a week.. so NO, DU is well ahead As far as damage go, it's a crucial difference how both games handle that, one is designed to handle heavy load another (as I would argue is more realistic) will never make possible for SE to become anything else but casual co-op. Why is not realistic? Because once server begins to feel a load things are shaking jumping and spinning out of control that you are better of without any physics as oppose to unrealistic one.
  7. Hmm, I think @VioletBannana gave you very good explanation to this. And as quick this can be, how well voxelisation and poligonisation can be? Well, here is some old project I came a cross, that guy was using some old Laptop. http://www.atomontage.com/
  8. Looking forward to it for sure. And not as much LUA as HTML possibilities got me interested. Front-end dev by profession But I know for a fact after all day long at work pushing keys, mindless mining or building is so relaxing and tempting.. Will see how it goes
  9. I disagree if I may :). I admired complexity and deepness of EVE once I had a go myself. However when I spoke to many people that shared same conclusion with me. I was looking for greater immersion. Not point the location on the map and pretend you flying. Never see your own character. Immersion was what EVE was lacking from day one. DU will be different only because of voxels. Even if you do not dive deep into game play for some is enough to foul around the planet have fun building something. Eventually they may get interested into deeper parts of game play. They key is to keep this place fun for majority of us. Nobody want to become master of spreadsheet. In fact if you provide some sort of API that you can send orders from 3rd party app, I'm sure people could build some tools and never see any in game visuals at all and it would be still possible to play EVE. It is not going to be a case in DU.
  10. I can see Antioch becoming like a scene from Avatar.. what was it, flying mountains of Pandora?
  11. devu


    Thank your for your kind words, it gives me power to carry on. But no, not going to abandon my faction. It is a driving force behind a tune
  12. And this is a sad thing to me. There is ten of thousands of people pledged to titles like SC or NMS driven by commercials, and just us here, able to recognise the potential of NQ. I didn't have to meet them in person to tell it is a passion driven project. Meeting them would be an only bonus for me. I got all this impression only based on dev blogs alone. And I feel equally with sceptics trying to find a weak spot and compare them to above titles because they totally missing a big picture here.
  13. @killabits I had HUGE concern when I was at secondary school. How to deal with bullies? Well.. it tuned out I had some advantage and used it against them. Those who didn't.. well you had no choice in RL but man up. I just don't get it why online people seeking some protection from outside. Same social patterns apply. Find a group of people you getting along with or you think can give you that protection if you can't deal with it on your own.
  14. As we know, people flocking to DU coming from many sources, We all know Eve group is strong but they have no idea what user generated content is about . I wonder how many of you SE players got your hopes high in SE to the level you want to play with more than 5 players on the map, dreamed about some goals, economy, politics AND smooth voxels for fine tuned designs? Myself, I was modding and running my own server. Got over 4k hours on record (such a waste of time) but gave up on that game long time ago and the only title close to my expectations is DU.
  15. You must be all young and unaware... Oreos and milk at certain age leads to cholesterol level so high, that single troll on this forum can lead to heart attack. It is dangerous stuff kids! . The only good Oreo in this case is the upcoming Android.
  16. yeap, this is the nice-feature-to-have at this stage. Even without it I would be eager to try. I'm sure it will take some time for all of us to master those tools to make something useful anyway.
  17. Zgadzam sie ze na polska kieszen te ceny wygladja kosmicznie, i nie ludzdzie sie ze Alpha/Beta to bedzie grywalna gra. Tutaj mamy do czynienia ze standardowym podejsciem, jak nalazy gry produkowac. Alpha/Beta to stany testowe. Poczytajcie sobie na wikipedii. Nie bede sie produkowal. Wiec jesli ktos chce wydac $120 tylko po to by pobudowac w Alpha i potestowac reszte w Beta z bugami... brzmi nie zbyt zachwycajaco. Beda resety swiata itd... Ale zauwazcie jedna rzecz. Ze kupujac dostep do Alpha/Beta kupujecie DAC. Czyli cos co bedzie mialo wartosc pozniej. Czas gry w miesiacach. To wam nie zginie. To jest inwestycja w przyszlosc jesli tylko wierzysz w projekt. A DAC do wew waluty bedzie dyktowany zasadami rynkowymi wiec powiedzial bym ze kzady DAC kupiony przed premiera jest tani ;). Wiekszosz ludzi ma nadzieje ze wczesniejszy dostep da im mozliwosc zarobienia w grze.. ze ta wiedza da im headstart. Ciezko mi powiedziec na tym etapie, ale tez tak mysle. Zalozylem frakcje z taka dokladnie mysla by frakcja sama sie oplacala. Tylko i wylacznie nie polegam na in-game pieniadzach. One tylko i wylacznie beda potrzebne do samoutrzymania. Ale organizacja glownie skupi sie na surowcach.
  18. well.. it is a matter of time when big hub city emerges and idea of expo that was going around for a while. This group has gone quiet for a while but I believe it is a very good idea in the future. https://discord.gg/W8sghxY
  19. I like your analogy here. I can refrain that with another. I've got advice from composers when I introduced my piece of work to them asking for opinions. Their first question was... do you like your piece yourself? Are you enjoying it? I said.. well not quite what I had in mind but yeah, tune is good. So work on quality of tune, polish it up to the level the thing in your head sounds like you want it. When I did it, and asked again they only said.. if you happy and enjoying it, that's the most important thing! So... going back to subject, conclusion is people with passion can execute the idea for many others to follow. Sure NQ took several games and put it all together but they did it with passion. In fact if many gammers out there faced this title first time the first impression was ... to good to be true. But the greatest impression was... Hell yeah this is the game everyone was dreaming about playing all of this titles. They took it to another level, implemented it... and put it all together. When I was reading devblogs long time ago I could sense a spirit of people passionate about it, it is the ONLY reason i pledged.
  20. Go AMD, for $900 you can get a decent platform to game on. And when comes to GPU 1060/ RX580 should be good enough. Let miners go for newest Vega bonanza. When comes to high end 1080 still makes more sense to go green team. But when comes to CPU RED team hold better value for performance/price ratio
  21. OK.. will jump in on more serious note then. Money is very primitive invention but happened our world operates on this concept and it got to our minds so badly that we simply cannot see anymore that it all comes down to resources. Money is only an artificial thing to transfer a value of one good for another. But ultimately comes down to... resources. So, I wouldn't be worry about money itself. Inflation deflation you guys sounds like you want to be a banks or run some shady economy businesses in DU based on RL scenarios. This is a game after all and will run as a simplified economic model. It all comes down to demand for resources. If you remove yourself for a moment from money situation... people in DU will need resources to build stuff. Either is a death star or little idea for personal craft. They will dictate demand for it. People want it here and now. So the only thing that slowing them down and make them spend money to save time is the fact surveying and mining itself can be slow operation. In infinite universe when it takes 2 days to travel to next body in the solar system and 2 weeks to next solar system when you running out of some resource that definitely will take care of market needs. What people need resources for? To build whatever they can imagine for sure. But those things serve a purpose. Control, power, territory, domination and ultimately leads to war. War is the way to waste resources that leads to.. more demand for it! You need to rebuild, search for new places and this thing can keep going forever. Now, once you are attached to the money.. you are screwed. You will get cough in waves of grater demand or supply waves. But when you are attached to resources itself, in infinite universe... it doesn't matter. You need x amount of steel to build your Y battleship. It is constant. Even if there is 10 players left in DU as long as they willing to play that variable will not change for them. It is for money makers that becomes a problem. Again money is so 21st century, join Homeless! . We don't need money, we need resources.
  22. I had so many ideas for modular designs.. from ships/stations even cities. Hope I can execute those ideas in DU
  23. Right... that was that unexpected part I was talking about
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