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RE: The future of DU

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Hello Novians oh my oh my.... where do we start?
Do we start with .23?


We ask ourselves where does this really go wrong...?
Where does the actions of the server base just not do it....

We are  at this point today.

There have been a lot of you been asking? Is this it? Is this enough?

What are we going to see in the future?

As a small team we have less and less interest going on into the game


There is really "less" meaning to playing the game. and i love playing the game.

We will mine then build our stuff, maybe a few designs... then decide thats enough.

The players you that have held on have been waiting along time....


Take our ideas into play.
Take our ideas into manufacturing.
We love the game.

I spent so much time loving the game every day.        Yet every day..... there is less time spent on it.   Every day........  I just wish that the vision of this game is brought   by the players and not just jc.    .    so.  a future to this game is a dream i wish could be.



Lets keep this an open forum where we can tell NQ what to do and where to go.


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Great ideas coming here. Great ideas. I have a few. Along with some of our org members.
Trying to get back into focus. Cant play this game without a few drinks anymore. lol. Then we end up here I guess. But since im not incompletely inebriated completely yet lets focus on some topics.

1: PVP

  1.  Lets start by saying looking at a screen with a box is not the most fun experience.  We all know that PvP has to be redone completely.  Somewhere down the line NQ decided this was some how ideal.  Multiple people manning ships understandable.  PvP Needs to COMPLETELY be redone. Period.  
    * Reality: In a highly advanced civ game with these technology's to warp through system etc. One person is the only man needed. Period. I was a fan of Stargate (SG1/Atlantis)etc. universe was meh. but.... One person should be able to control a whole ship in theory.  1 manning a ship shouldn't be easy.  You have to adjust shields, hull integrity, angles and maneuvers.  Imo I think this can be easily solved by giving relays to certain systems and when those certain systems are blown, they are rendered useless.  One manning a ship will get harder and harder, and indefinitely impossible. Part of this system includes adding a complete new cockpit input system-relaying links to new sensors relaying the information to the the new elements inputted into the game.
  2. I want to mention "relays" for a reason.  Meaning when one link is broken via damage to the link the capacity is reduced or the capability of that item is reduced to x.   Later i will probably elaborate but I have a list to go on to.




  • Will touch back on this this.


  1. Exploration is one of the biggest features that I think DU can improve on grabbing a massive player base.   Why? Because 90% of everyone who was halted by .23 or was here from that point can continue on from this injunction.  
  2. This point here is the main point from a player aspect to a company aspect on how you can get your players playing again.
  3. Exploration is exploration. This is something i think that NQ can really thrive on. This idea alone.  I will try to emphasize this point below.
  5. ---- The current solar system. We can start here. Space is vast and there is a wide area unexplored.  (6a#1~Probes). (6a#2~Collision systems). We will evidently see asteriod belts released here soon with mining "Apparently". Evidently there will need to be 6a1 and 6a2 implemented to stop random collisions while through travel.
    -Multiple-regenerative systems of asteroid belts with random movement.  There will be a big implementation of warp beacons in this discussion. However, until we have fractions assigned with alliance with warp beacons this will not be possible. I propose that warp beacons are not able to be salvaged and a are a permanent location by the user.  This will result in a  status of offline or online.  I'm not sure how the current warp beacon phase works right now as i have not obtained one myself.

    -- Exploration : (b~Warp beacons) As seeing that space is vast in expanse warp beacons seem pretty feasible, and necessary.  I'm going to guess now that a construct can be destructed by PvP damage and taken over... in random space. With these low amount of players i would seem that the "indestructible phase" would be allowed at this current time.  So what that comes out to means that any warp beacon for 320milll can be taken over.  I might be wrong but this is how i see it..

    -- Until we see my orgs member proposal of the alliance factors and federation posted and implemented.
  6.  Once we have these features in the picture above. A placement of a warp beacon must be indestructible to their respectable classes..  The element must only be in two status's- Offline or online. ~Relayed by a transmitter. This topic alone I will have to dive deep in. That's because i have to have an equilibrium with Nq's maybe goals.  This could down the line of corporation warfare.
  7. ~ Probes. The idea seems simple enough. I Think NQ could expand and emphasize this exploration phase as a priority, and they should.
  8. Local space scanners

4: Building


  • Features/Elements(4b)
  • Voxelmancy UI (4a)
  1. 4a ~ Voxelmancer User interface. This will be a complicated topic and will take alot of development user effort. I am proposing a UI in game sub side server base or on the same server base(lol? ok nvm other server)..... A completle intergration of another program.  Voxelmancy..... i forget the etx i guess... Anyhow my feathers are tickled!!!
    4ab~ A user program or intergratted into the game which allows a full 3d model obi interactive feature.   In the sense of a .obji file where we can manipulate the features of voxles and create structuers to create our own objis. Maybe even with elements.    I mean you could start by having us being able to replace basic large engine with advanced engine . (They are the same type of material. They are the same shape etc.)  

4b: Building additions


5: Missions/Quests

6: Element mechanic inclusions.

Work in progress....
This will prob take a day or two to fully get all my information here. Thanks for listening.

2/4/21. Last update. Dont say " Dont touch me bro" if i flick your shoe x'D"
~ More suggestionjs/info to follow in the next few days


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1 hour ago, teso91 said:

Work in progress....
This will prob take a day or two to fully get all my information here. Thanks for listening.


I, for one, am eager to see the details of your thoughts. Sounds intriguing so far.

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