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Posted (edited)

If you're looking to join a group/organization within Dual Universe, please feel free to post here with the following template to make it easier for yourself and other organizations to find a home for you. Just copy/paste the template further down the post and fill in with your own information. 







• Please Copy & Paste the data below this area and make a reply, edit the reply with your own details!


I would also highly recommend browsing the community portal as well to browse the various organizations in Dual Universe - https://community.dualthegame.com/







Name: your username


Region/Timezone: preferably expressed in UTC or GMT


Language: English/German/French etc...


What type of Organization are you looking for? E.G. Military/Pirate/Trade Coalition etc...


Desired role(s) you wish to play in-game: E.G. Explorer, Pirate, Miner, Soldier, Mercenary, Trader  etc..


Roleplay interest?


Other: Anything else you're looking for in a guild?


Preferred contact method: Put your PM reference (Discord/Forum PM/Steam/Skype etc...)








• Once you have found an Organization, please can you edit your post to reflect as such. This way, we Moderators can hide your post so you will not be contacted any further by recruiters.







• Please do NOT advertise your Organization here, the Private Message system is a perfect tool for talking 1 to 1 with someone looking for a Organization from the choices below!

• Please do NOT idle chat here, this includes having a discussion, again Private Messages is the best solution or create a thread about it!

• Please KEEP this area civil, it's not a place to do battle on the Internet, in-game is a perfect place for that!








Mod team


Edited by Mod-Mercutio

Name: Ralt / Matt


Region/Timezone: West Coast US, but play any time


Language: English


What type of Organization are you looking for? An organized one that I can contribute to and learn from 


Desired role(s) you wish to play in-game: All of the above? I like mining, building, flying, fighting.


Roleplay interest? Very mild, but I'm always kinda playing a character when gaming.


Other: I just love MMO's and hoping to love this one as well.


Preferred contact: Here, or Discord Ralt#3718


  • 4 weeks later...

Name: 74656b


Region/Timezone: UTC-8 (Pacific Standard)


Language: English


What type of Organization are you looking for? Open


Desired role(s) you wish to play in-game: Pirate, Miner, Merc


Roleplay interest? Why not


Other: Mature, Benevolent Dictatorship 


Preferred contact method: Discord

  • 7 months later...

Name: Iamteed


Region/Timezone: CST (UTC-5)


Language: English


What type of Organization are you looking for? Anything


Desired role(s) you wish to play in-game: E.G. Explorer, Miner, Soldier, Pirate


Roleplay interest? 


Other: Helpful, knowledgeable, mature


Preferred contact method: Discord TedTheFirst#7142

  • 1 month later...
  • 2 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Name: Sinister


Region/Timezone: Random Times, Whenever I can, EST


Language: English


What type of Organization are you looking for? Pirate, Smugglers, Large Org


Desired role(s) you wish to play in-game: Pirate, Smuggler, Pilot, Industrial 


Roleplay interest? Sure, Alittle when I might feel like it


Other:  Just a group of people that I can have fun with playing the game, Also people who are interesting in PVP aspects and shaking up the sandbox while holding our own little fort. 


Preferred contact method: Discord: Sinister#1859

  • 4 months later...

Name: Poomonster


Region/Timezone: US Central 


Language: English


What type of Organization are you looking for? Trade/building/ interested in pvp as well.


Desired role(s) you wish to play in-game: open to any role the game provides. Higher priority into learning blueprints


Roleplay interest? Interested in events


Other: Fun people and a good community


Preferred contact method: PM and discord. Discord name is Poomonster

  • 1 month later...

Name: golden86652




Region/Timezone: US East




Language: English and/or French 




What type of Organization are you looking for? Anything "legal" 




Desired role(s) you wish to play in-game: Engineer; I can design, code, and build. 




Roleplay interest: not necessary, but not unwelcome 




Other: I'm looking for something serious, but with the understanding that irl comes first. I'll do just about any role solo or in a team. 




Preferred contact method: Forum is best, but you can also find me under the same UN in the official discord

  • 1 month later...

Name: Singularium


Region/Timezone: EST


Language: English/Korean


What type of Organization are you looking for? PVP/Trade


Desired role(s) you wish to play in-game: Trader/Merc


Roleplay interest? Ew


Other: Anything else you're looking for in a guild? nothing big but dedicated and organized, solid.


Preferred contact method: Discord: BDOAddict#2042




Name: Suyal


Region/Timezone: UTC-5


Language: Spanish and English


What type of Organization are you looking for? A little bit of everything, focus in Trade and Intelligence.


Desired role(s) you wish to play in-game: Front Liner, Trader and Explorer, but I'm good playing multiple roles.


Roleplay interest? Not so much, but I can do that for fleet play or war playing, etc.


Other: I'm looking for a guild that focus in atract interest from all type of players and building a nice comunity, i'm from Latin America and would love to be in a guild that encourages contact with spanish-talkers players, in fact, I can volunteer to atract and help them into the guild.


Preferred contact method: Discord Suyal#8494

  • 2 weeks later...


Name: Sweetdeal


Region/Timezone: GMT


Language: German


What type of Organization are you looking for? A chilled one, where you are not gonna be the resource grinder bitch ;)


Desired role(s) you wish to play in-game: Explorer / Miner


Roleplay interest?


Other: Active Guild, which has active players with a lot of time :)


Preferred contact method: PM for now.

  • 2 weeks later...

Name: IotaOne


Region/Timezone: PST / +7 UTC


Language: English


What type of Organization are you looking for? Co-op, mature group/older gamer, organized but not overbearing. :P


Desired role(s) you wish to play in-game: Mining, Soldier/Pilot


Roleplay interest? 


Other: Larger guild, veteran players from Alpha.


Preferred contact method: SHAZAM#1142


Name: LunaticWoda


Region/Timezone: AST (AZ time we swap between PST and MST)


Language: English


What type of Organization are you looking for? Military or Industry however will be wanting to build a lot have some great ideas for bases and ships


Desired role(s) you wish to play in-game: Miner/Trader 


Roleplay interest? Not really a focus of mine


Other: Must be an active guild discord and would prefer a guild thats aged 21+ I personally cannot stand "squeakers" as I like to call em


Preferred contact method: Can message me on here or in-game


LFO - Any


Name: esmatty


Region/Timezone: BST/GMT *UK*


Language: English


What type of Organization are you looking for? Open for any and all suggestions


Desired role(s) you wish to play in-game: Yet to get hands on yet but I am usually in the logistical side of things


Roleplay interest? Depends. Lighthearted is fine but I do like to have fun.


Other: I currently run an Elite dangerous group of 1500+ members and also help with many other communities in moderation/management and recruitment roles (can provide this information later) if you wish. Easy to talk to, relaxed, doors always open type of person. However, not afraid to step in.


Preferred contact method: esmatty#3712 < Discord. You'll find me on steam under the same name


Name: Valhalla


Region/Timezone: -6 GMT (Central USA time)


Language: English


What type of Organization are you looking for? Pvp/Industry, with more of a lean on pvp. (12 year eve online vet)


Desired role(s) you wish to play in-game: Pvp combat/Mining/Empire Building


Roleplay interest? Not really.


Other: Would prefer a larger organization, but anything over 40+ active players is fine.


Preferred contact method: Forum PM or Discord is fine. Discord: Valhallis#8663

  • 2 weeks later...

Name: ZeeRohSum


Region/Timezone: EST / UTC -5


Language: English


What type of Organization are you looking for? A group that doesnt focus on just one thing., I want to try it all. Friends to build with, interest in fighting and conquest, ability to handle production lines, all of it.


Desired role(s) you wish to play in-game: Any, I've been a director/lieutenant in other games groups for a while now. I like being able to help a group grow strong, but I dont have much experience in DU yet.


Roleplay interest? Meh, maybe could be convinced but not the plan


Other: Not too big, I like helping groups grow, not interested in joining a big 50 man group that has everything ironed out already. But also needs a leader who is serious about making their group successful. Put the work in and ill give you my all


Preferred contact method: Discord: Zee#4301    or forum PM here. 



Look forward to flying with you!



Name: your username


Region/Timezone: 1 pm to 3 am UTC


Language: English


What type of Organization are you looking for?  Military/Pirate/Trade Coalition are all fine with me


Desired role(s) you wish to play in-game: Miner,Builder,Hauler, and maybe pvp once I get a feel of the game


Roleplay interest: Not at the moment but maybe later if I enjoy the game mpre


Other: A group that active and helps new players like me


Preferred contact method: Forum PM



Name: Ahurra


Region/Timezone:  GMT +1 Sweden


Language: English/Swedish/Farsi


What type of Organization are you looking for? Trade Coalition


Desired role(s) you wish to play in-game: Explorer, Pirate, Miner, Soldier, Mercenary, Trader


Roleplay interest? I played the market  in EVE and one of the few trillionaire .  When i  decided to join a corp, i stayed with the group and now friend for  years.
Right now i have completed all the tutorials and have set up a static core outside district 6 .


Other: Loyalty from leadership


Preferred contact method: Discord

6 hours ago, Guest Ahurra said:

Name: Ahurra


Region/Timezone:  GMT +1 Sweden


Language: English/Swedish/Farsi


What type of Organization are you looking for? Trade Coalition


Desired role(s) you wish to play in-game: Explorer, Pirate, Miner, Soldier, Mercenary, Trader


Roleplay interest? I played the market  in EVE and one of the few trillionaire .  When i  decided to join a corp, i stayed with the group and now friend for  years.
Right now i have completed all the tutorials and have set up a static core outside district 6 .


Other: Loyalty from leadership


Preferred contact method: Discord

What is your contact name on discord? We don’t have many players operating out of NA time zones but I’m hoping to get an English speaking EU group up and running so we have around the clock presence.

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