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Name: Moshpit81


Region/Timezone: UTC


Language: English/Swedish


What type of Organization are you looking for?  Military/Pirate/PvP


Desired role(s) you wish to play in-game: Not 100%...... yet... <_<


Roleplay interest? Nawh!


Other: Mature, Social aka Jolly fun bunch...


Preferred contact method: Forum PM/Steam


Name: ErikolaiX


Region/Timezone: GMT+1


Language: English


What type of Organization are you looking for? Mining/industry/trading should be a core part of the org. It should be competitive and make rivals. It should have at least 50 active members and want to grow, but it shouldn't already be an established megacorp. Most members should be 18+ years old.


Desired role(s) you wish to play in-game: I'm new to the game and will be a miner for now. But I want flexibility. I'll inevitably evolve into other roles as well.


Roleplay interest? No.


Other: Mature language and humor/memes should preferably be a part of the culture.


Preferred contact method: Discord (same username).

  • 3 weeks later...

IGN: Xolz5524


Region/Timezone: Switzerland GMT +1


Language: French/German/English


What type of Organization are you looking for? an organization that's gives me Materials to build for them.


Desired role(s) you wish to play in-game: Builder, look at my creations: 

https://du-creators.org/makers/Aproz Inc./ship/Ares RT-1

https://du-creators.org/makers/Aproz Inc./ship/Amon KXQ

https://du-creators.org/makers/Aproz Inc./ship/Cargo-X1


and Explorer, Pirate, Trader


Preferred contact method: PM me on discord : Aproz #7439




Name: Sidrat


Region/Timezone: GMT


Language: English


What type of Organization are you looking for? I am looking for an organization that can specialise in everything and focuses on enabling their members to have fun.


Desired role(s) you wish to play in-game: Myself.  I tried being someone else for a while, but the ID card expired so I had to give that up.  I would enjoy group activity if I had friends, I do enjoy discussing and planning spreadsheets to min/max the industrial experience - although in beta things can change rapidly, so I tend to work on spreadsheets when the data is less prone to change.


Roleplay interest? I can roleplay something fierce.  I was once described as having a face for radio and a voice for mime so what more could you hope for in a Character.


Other: The group should be laid back but focused on their goals and aims.  Contradictory much?  No  - it should like all great games respect peoples free time and not pressure to stick around or let an absence of individuals hold them back.  I guess it should be about the fun of the adventure no matter where it's heading at that particular moment.


Preferred contact method: Here

  • 3 months later...

Name: Crewnem


Region/Timezone: CT


Language: English


What type of Organization are you looking for?  Military/Pirate/Trade Coalition


Desired role(s) you wish to play in-game: Miner, Trader, Soldier


Other: Discord  Crewnem#0358 I'm a former EVE player I played for  5+years and had multiple accounts was in TEST alliance. I have recently been playing Space Engineers and Satisfactory


Preferred contact method: Discord  Crewnem#0358

  • 3 months later...



Name: Sweeperkaas


Region/Timezone: GMT+2


Language: English


What type of Organization are you looking for? Trade Coalition, mining production, don't mind PvP but want to first focus on production mining


Desired role(s) you wish to play in-game: Miner, Trader, Production, PvP a bit at a later stage (Once I'm comfortable with the game)


Roleplay interest? Well really has few factors to that. Again most likely only after I'm used the game


Other: I'm currently fishing for a group before I intend to officially get into the game. Well trying my luck here with hopefully finding a chill group. Would be nice to have peeps to play with after working day, it's good to let of some steam for me


Preferred contact method: Discord Sweeperkaas#1501 can find me on DU discord

  • 2 months later...



Name: war4peace


Region/Timezone: 07:00 AM through 9:00 PM GMT (on and off, not playing full 14h a day, obviously)


Language: English/Romanian


What type of Organization are you looking for? Mining/Industry/Trade/General fun, laid back organization


Desired role(s) you wish to play in-game: I have been playing space-based games since late 1990, and I always picked the industry/Mining/Trade/Transportation roles.


Roleplay interest? Not really


Other: I would like to participate to clan projects and initiatives within the game, such as mega constructions, mining endeavors, etc.


Preferred contact method: Discord: war4peace#6700. https://discord.gg/g5b63UCGhw

  • 8 months later...



Name: VanCamp


Region/Timezone: GMT/GMT+1


Language: Danish and English


What type of Organization are you looking for? Mining, building, trading, hauling etc. 


Desired role(s) you wish to play in-game: Miner and hauler.


Roleplay interest?


Other: One that doesn't expect 24/7 online time. I got a family and work, so my online times changes a lot. A place where it's okay to be new, and have loads of questions :)


Preferred contact method: Forum PM

  • 3 months later...



Name: EtherBunny


Region/Timezone: GMT -6


Language: English


What type of Organization are you looking for? An active one? One that helps new ones figure things out


Desired role(s) you wish to play in-game: I like PvP but I'm not all that great at it. In Eve I enjoyed and excelled at logistics, both in battle and as a jf & carrier pilot


Roleplay interest? I'll try anything twice....at the very minimum


Other: I wanna stay up till the wee hours, even though I have an early day the next morning just because it was as much fun screwing around as I have had in the past playing Eve, Solar Empire, and even WoW.


Preferred contact method: Let me dust off the Discord, TeamSpeak...is that even a thing any longer? Anyweezer, here's fine until I get comms back, been a minute

  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...



Name: Meltro


Region/Timezone: GMT -5:00  (CDT/CST)


Language: English, a little German


What type of Organization are you looking for? Industrial/Mining/Construction


Desired role(s) you wish to play in-game: Captain of Industry, Construction Foreman, occasional Soldier


Roleplay interest? N/A


Other: Veteran of EVE Online, Space Engineers, Satisfactory, Factorio, and plenty of other related games. I've had extensive PvP experience, however I'm planning to be quite a bit more laid back this time around


Preferred contact method: Forum PM or ingame contact if I'm around, frequently idling while working from home so it might take me a minute to respond

  • 3 months later...

Name: Zukii1


Region/Timezone: EU, Sweden so UTC+1


Language: English and Swedish


What type of Organization are you looking for? Mostly I'm interested in a new organization where we all could start together (ish) and help each other out or atleast recently started organizations aswell :) 


Desired role(s) you wish to play in-game: I'm planning to go for Industry/Miner with a slice of pve/pvp.


Roleplay interest?: There is some roleplay interest yeah but I'm not a full on RPer


Other: Like I said above preferably an organization that ain't too big. I like "small" ish groups of people that stick together.


Preferred contact method: Discord Zukii#0042 .

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