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So, I was thinking, what if, you can make more or less of your body cybernatics? So, replacing your other arm with robotic arms for example. 


Some key modules:

-Advanced Brain: makes skill training quicker

-Caloric converter: turns food into energy useable by implants

-Energy converter: turns energy into calories

-Backup Life Support: backup systems to replace failing organs from combat(or something) to prevent dying long enough to get to safety


Biology route

-Needs organic food

-not as much endurance

-more fragile


Cybernetics route

-Needs expansive repair materials and energy cells

-Drugs Performance-enhancers doesn't work as well

-Needs skills to implant/use


Please be respectful and post your suggestions here!  :)


I would say it's a possibility. However, food or other forms of energy for characters will not be a mechanic at the time of the games official release. It is only a potential possibility at all at this time. In any case, I think the characters are already pretty augmented already; they do have matter manipulators built into their arms after all!


Personally though I feel that any augments like this would just be put into the armor category, which Twerk actually just made a topic on. So all of the benefits and drawbacks (aside from the food, as explained earlier) could be implemented into a decently in-depth armor system.


I think the real backfire for implants, should be that they have an erergy tax on you. 

I.e. you add cybernetic legs and / or implants. Your sprinting increased by 15%, but your energy consumption increased by 5% for sprinting.

This kind of trade-off makes implants kind of a "unique" thing for people.

That being said, there should be tiered implants as well.

If I was to bring EVE into the example, Titan pilots - the 3000 Euro/ USD ships - have implants on their persons that cost more than my battleship of choice - a Rattlesnake. That's because Titan pilots, are not your everyday joe. 

And of course, implants should drop on death. Or at least, damaged heavily and needing repair after the trip withe the RN upon death.

And in the long run, players should have the possibility to go full Cyborg, like our Lord and Savior, Darth Vader of Mos Eisley. Just imagine seeing a guy in a bad ass high-tier power armor, being stacked to the brick with implants. That could create a dynamic scenario where players can become legendary bosses themselves.


So, I was thinking, what if, you can make more or less of your body cybernatics? So, replacing your other arm with robotic arms for example. 


Some key modules:

-Advanced Brain: makes skill training quicker

-Caloric converter: turns food into energy useable by implants

-Energy converter: turns energy into calories

-Backup Life Support: backup systems to replace failing organs from combat(or something) to prevent dying long enough to get to safety


Biology route

-Needs organic food

-not as much endurance

-more fragile


Cybernetics route

-Needs expansive repair materials and energy cells

-Drugs Performance-enhancers doesn't work as well

-Needs skills to implant/use


Please be respectful and post your suggestions here!  :)


Addressing your key modules, not sure if the custom implants would be a progressive inclusion.


The advanced brain would be very unfair down the long road. NQ wants the game to be progressive and a skill based game. They want you to work your way through the game, not get easily boosted. With an implant that speeds up skill training would throw away their entire idea of a long working skill tree.


Energy converters should be from the environment, like sun, heat, water, not food. They don't want to add food till way down the road so converting food to energy would not be added. It would be better seen as an upgrade to your armor/exoskeleton which turns your movements into energy, or the heat from the planet into energy.


I do like the Backup Life Support idea but again more for armor/exoskeleton. Maybe a revival system that gives you another boost. An injection and a shock and you get another "life" depending on how much damage is done to you. If you get shot down and then continue being shot, I don't see this working because you most certainly should be dead, but if you suffer damage and get downed, maybe you get another chance with this revival system. 


Like ATMLV said, a lot of the ideas here would probably be better implemented into a progressive armor system. Maybe for these implants they allow you to move about the world in a unique way. Like a hand implant that allows you to access certain doors or controls when you get near them instead of using a key. A sort of NFC system for your body. It can detect your player based on the implant and grant you access or controls to machines, weapons, ships, and so on.


I'd love to see implants or enhancements. But every bonus you get should be tied to a drawback too. Balances the game and let's people think about their choice.


And as begogian said, the advanced brain is a bad idea


Well, I was thinking, the more implants you have, the more power it takes to keep you alive unless  you get the ones meant to decrease energy usage(but they also have a slight drawback in body performance). I originaly was thinking that the prosthetics/implants would be like power armour without the skill-training hassle and the loss associated with death.


As for the advanced brain, I was thinking you could lose skill training upon death/removal of implant, so you have to do it again.


Well, I was thinking, the more implants you have, the more power it takes to keep you alive unless you get the ones meant to decrease energy usage(but they also have a slight drawback in body performance). I originaly was thinking that the prosthetics/implants would be like power armour without the skill-training hassle and the loss associated with death.


As for the advanced brain, I was thinking you could lose skill training upon death/removal of implant, so you have to do it again.

If you'd get such implants without the need of skills to use them, then it would be a p2w mechanic.


I agree with Lethys. Having implants that don't require skills seems pretty close to a p2w mechanics. People could get DACs for cash and sell it for ingame money (fine) and then buy these implants (which will be presumably expensive) that give them bonuses vs other characters that are just starting out (not fine). 


That said, they idea of having implants is interesting. I'm not entirely sure how they would work, because you can't have them apply bonuses to ships (like in EVE) due to  ships and players not being linked. It seems like they would mostly have to be linked to survival style stats, but DU doesn't have too many of those so it seems a bit limited. At least lore wise. 


If you'd get such implants without the need of skills to use them, then it would be a p2w mechanic.

Well, to be more specific, I meant so you won't be forced to specialize in the implants field.


Well, to be more specific, I meant so you won't be forced to specialize in the implants field.

But that's the whole point of DU and the skill system. To specialize. If you don't add some kind of barrier to those implants then it's p2w, plain and simple


Well, to be more specific, I meant so you won't be forced to specialize in the implants field.

Implants are a form of specialised equipment.


You can't have specialised equipment that requires no training to be used. Especially if they give bonuses like the ones you mentioned.


Implants are a form of specialized equipment.


You can't have specialized equipment that requires no training to be used. Especially if they give bonuses like the ones you mentioned.


I would have to say I agree here...


It wouldn't be unreasonable to have an implant addition that first requires some skill to be trained/learned to use that might enable a theoretical interface with a particular type of armor, or the ability to use a specific kind of tool or resource, but one that totally bypasses the need to learn a particular skill or ability would be a bit of a stretch...


For example... 


If I had an implant that allowed me to not have to carry a slide-rule and a scientific calculator and I could then do the calculations for quantum equations without having to use my hands and just sort of operate the calculator and slide rule functions of the implant without the use of my hands... that would be splendid.... 


BUT - I would still have to have an understanding of quantum equations (i.e. know the math and how it works) FIRST before being able to use said implant in exchange for the standard calculator and slide-rule....   :D


I would have to say I agree here...


It wouldn't be unreasonable to have an implant addition that first requires some skill to be trained/learned to use that might enable a theoretical interface with a particular type of armor, or the ability to use a specific kind of tool or resource, but one that totally bypasses the need to learn a particular skill or ability would be a bit of a stretch...


For example... 


If I had an implant that allowed me to not have to carry a slide-rule and a scientific calculator and I could then do the calculations for quantum equations without having to use my hands and just sort of operate the calculator and slide rule functions of the implant without the use of my hands... that would be splendid.... 


BUT - I would still have to have an understanding of quantum equations (i.e. know the math and how it works) FIRST before being able to use said implant in exchange for the standard calculator and slide-rule....   :D

I don't think that is the most accurate analogy: you could still do arithimatics and stuff on the calculator, so it wouldn't be totally useless. Which is another system I want to bring up FOR ALL TRAINING. I think it would be better for shorter training times to be able to perform a skill, but you have to keep doing the skill to reach your max potential. 


The point here is that for implants, you shouldn't need as much training as powered armor since that is the whole point.


I don't think that is the most accurate analogy: you could still do arithimatics and stuff on the calculator, so it wouldn't be totally useless. Which is another system I want to bring up FOR ALL TRAINING. I think it would be better for shorter training times to be able to perform a skill, but you have to keep doing the skill to reach your max potential. 


The point here is that for implants, you shouldn't need as much training as powered armor since that is the whole point.


I think you missed the boat there... 


The 'point' of 'my' analogy was that no technological device that can be created should lead to a shortcut in acquiring skills to DO things (You are of course entitled to Your own opinion) that I would otherwise have to learn within the conventional mechanics of the game.  


If I can simply plug some sort of implant in and gain a skill or talent that I couldn't previously USE or Exercise without it (or develop without it) and it was something that could be marketed and/or traded on the in-game market it would become a 'pay-to-win' situation which it would appear many are against having in DU.


To boil it down to its simplest terms for you - if its a shortcut that bypasses the learning mechanics of the game to achieve something simply because someone makes it and I can BUY it if I have enough in-game 'credits' (or they decide to 'give' it to me because I'm their 'friend' or 'ally') then it's something that quite a few people do -not- want to see happen. 


I'll reference you to the commentary I made in section #9 of THIS post to reference my commentary on 'NPCs' someone suggested....  


The hope is that the game is going to present the SAME challenges to everyone equally... not make it so you can easily hand your successes off to someone else later without at least the possibility of such having to face the same said challenges. :)


As a tool enhancement, I'm all for implants... as a bypass to skills and learning, I think they'd be a very BAD idea... and that is My Opinion.  It doesn't make yours or mine have any less merit, but your opinion would would appear to lead to a game that would eventually present fewer and fewer challenges for those that come later on (which sounds all too much like I'm repeating myself again.)


Essentially it would have to be a system that was balanced in such a way so as to not present a 'shortcut' to someone that would give an unfair advantage if someone else didn't have it... something that 'changes' game-play (I did get what your original concept was) but while simplifying one aspect of said game-play, it would have to alter the remaining path enough so that everyone is on equal ground.


Ah well...  carry on.


I don't think that is the most accurate analogy: you could still do arithimatics and stuff on the calculator, so it wouldn't be totally useless. Which is another system I want to bring up FOR ALL TRAINING. I think it would be better for shorter training times to be able to perform a skill, but you have to keep doing the skill to reach your max potential. 


The point here is that for implants, you shouldn't need as much training as powered armor since that is the whole point.

No, please, they did that in EVE already. The Devs know already of the skill "boost" you want to suggest and it's not good, it makes the game all about "who has no life". They dropped it in EVE cause it made the game all about grinding - which is the point of the skill training timers - to make grind obsolete.



Implants like in EVE work excellently with the training system - you get minor boosts (think like tattoos in a fantasy MMO) and yo uget raw attribute bonuses.


Attributes dictate how fast you cna learn a skill, depending on the skill's attribute bonus. Combat skills need perception, so having a perception enhancing implant will imporve your training timers. have a set of implants and yo ugot yourself a signgificant boos to training.


Just don't die, cause those implants drop on death or get destroyed. They also need Cybernetics Training to us them, but their bonus is significant to skill training. And hey, if you are the kind of person that prefers stealth over direct combat, you won't die often. Also, don't use implants and then charge into a 3000 people slaughterfest. :|


And on a sidenote here too, an active skill system like skyrim (actively do something to increase your skill) is a very bad choice for a mmo. Only is prone to bots, people running against walls and jumping all day

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