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Posts posted by Kongou

  1. You silly Mellivora Capensis-es, we're still good for the party @ Tortuga at six right?


    I still want to put a shady csyn hub on tortuga, get some of that pirate business flowing into the cinder market.


    Oh heck I rambled and was going to explain the entire syndicate, but nobody here wants to hear that. Good job on the art.

  2. Remember everyone out there. When the good guys that promise you everything turn bad, the syndicate will still be here keeping itself on track, protecting its members freedom, and fighting for whats important you. We'll do what dark things need to be done in order to make your' gameplay the best it can be, we arent pretending to be good guys nor are we bad guys there is just what is the right thing to do.


    Tired of getting calls in the middle of the night to sign in and fight for some unimportant space rock? Come join the JSDF - Joint Syndicate Defence Force, and help us alleviate this problem. Perhaps you would rather focus on building, well thats fine well have many engineering projects and there are many member orgs who would love to have your help. There's also the magistrate, help keep balance and harmony within and outside of the cinderfall syndicate.

    No role inhibits you from living the full experience of any other role, come join up directly or seek out a member org today!



    a non-du conceptual art by Roberto, non profit usage, check out the artist for yourself http://robertorobert.blogspot.com/

  3. Well said, I dont play overwatch seriously I just play a few rounds once in a while for fun. But I'd have never touched it at all if it had gone the F2P path.


    It's quite enjoyable knowing I can just log on and dont feel any pressure to buy a bunch of stuff in order to think I'm getting the full experience of the game. Its a real wonder that people nowadays are willing to play half a game as long as they wrongly imagine they are only paying for the parts of the game they want to pay for.


    Dual Universe will be great

  4. Hello everyone, reinforcing some points here.


    I'm looking for people who will be interested in filling leadership roles within the Cinderfall Syndicate. The Syndicate is more than a guild, its more than an alliance of guilds, we are providing the single largest international collective of major organisations, but now Astrophil and I need some help to keep things operating smoothly.


    Namely I am looking for players who would like to be a part of this massive effort. In order to achieve this I'm looking towards the players in cinderfall operating a bit like Jedi.

    I need you to have a focus on maintaining balance in a universe that so often tips to one side or the other. Embrace the light and the dark, the everything and the nothing.


    We're looking for Magistrate Council members, the uppermost level leaders, you must be very wise and very leadership oriented. We'll need help planning and running cinderfall and other organisations that benefit us. A Major leader position equivalent to that of a guild leader, but remember modesty, harmony, balance, you must be able to work well with Astro and I and be a good person.


    'Marshals' a vague term for now, well need some people beneath the Council to help administrate tasks, these people might be sorts of Admirals / Generals or so forth.


    'Lieutenants' a vague term for now, the support officers for the 'Marshals'.


    Masters, the various players who have excelled in varied fields of gameplay. If you prove you can be respectful and adhere to the rules of Cinderfall you can achieve this rank, invite new players in, mentor new or existing players.


    We have many other roles open as well. I operate Walküren-Lün, a manufacturing operation that we will staff with cinderfall members, TU citizens, and possibly a few CSYN member orgs citizens will be able to help.


    The JSDF (Joint Syndicate Defence Force) We have engineering and military operations that will have pop up positions from time to time as tasks dictate.


    Really we have it all, its so difficult to focus on one specific area because of the scope of the international efforts. Come help be apart of the premier civilized organisation, the Cinderfall Syndicate.

  5. Its all good, you want free to play? Ok Im out, no money from me. I've been waiting for years for a game worth playing that embraces a return to the subscription.


    If all the free to play games out there were so great why arent we off playing them right now? Why dont you have any memorable friends or have any love for playing those games? Why did you in the end abandon them and go banging the war dums asking for more free stuff somewhere else?


    Is it possible those developers dont listen to their community, they dont develop actual game content, the people youre playing with have no money and no integrity. Not only are the spineless creeps but they lack coordination to push buttons on their keyboards and cant complete basic dungeons as a group. Well thats ok, they devs will just let you all swipe that credit card to get over the difficult stuff.


    No wait everyone. I think instead of using the single shard technology that JC and Devs developed over the past few years isnt what we should do at ALL!

    Lets make it like second life, well make private people run their own servers. The cost to licence the software from NQ will be set at $10,000 dollars a year.

    Now youll also need a cloud capable server from a major provider, that wont be cheap looks like it costs about $1,200 dollars a month for a basic setup.

    $24,400 a year to run your own private piece of the single shard dual universe game! HELL YEA FREE TO PLAY!


    Now maybe you didnt want to setup your own slice of life and will just bum off of NQ's free space and make them handle all your character data.


    So now you can log into the game, yep didnt have to buy a boxed copy! SO FREE!

    Next up, if you want to wear anything other than the basic starter clothes. its 15$ for a shirt, 15$ for pants, 10$ for shoes, 5$ for hats, gloves, and other accessories.

    so about 60-70$ to deck your character out with clothing.

    You can make a second character, but to unlock a second character slot that will be 25$ per


    All right, by golly, you got into the game, and you aren't totally naked anymore. I mean, you weren't forced to pay but you did anyway. so you spent 60$ in the cash shop in month one. but you arent done yet.

    To leave Alioth youll have to pay $35 to instantly learn rocketry$ or You can pay 15$ to unlock a tech tree that trains over time but that will take 5 months to train, sorry the learning speed is reduced for players that dont pay a subscription.


    So you think. hmm do i want to pay 35$ or wait 5 months and get griefed on Alioth and quit the game?

    So you pay 35$

    Month 1 expenditure. 95$, but its ok, its ok, nobody FORCED you to pay this.




    I could go on like this forever, but do you all get the point yet?

  6. Ive goten so much hate for my vitoc suggestion.


    And I mean, everyone from eve knows dont use what you cant afford to lose.


    but there could be people out there with like 1.5 billion value in implants or something they dont want to lose, so they might be more willing to make a deal to mine on your ship for an hour or two in exchange to be kicked off on a space dock naked somewhere.

  7. No to the single purchase, not paying 799.99 USD for the complete value of buying the game with no subscription ever.


    No to licencing the software from NQ, no to players renting their own servers or cloudspace and using it to establish areas all of their own.

    definitely not giving said people Admin powers to segregate areas of the game off with hard coded kick's, bans, and other server side enforcement.


    No because who would administrate the game client data, what would happen if a private node went down, player information would be lost.

    No because NQ would make you sign a disclaimer stating you cant alter the Data on your shard and NQ would have to encrypt it with a complicated system to ensure data security so childish shard Admins dont spawn themselves resources somehow.


    Also no because cash shop hats, no no no to cash shop.

    Yes yes yes, subscription. Yes hello, welcome to dual universe.

  8. About the community portal. I would really like to see some sort of control imposed over how much and what sort of content is acceptable for blasting posts with is.

    Im not trying to specifically say anything about anyone, but rather I get tired of hopping in there to see the entire page filled to the brim with Star Wars propaganda. Can you build replica star destroyers or other SW themed things? Im sure it is possible to replicate said ships, to replicate that government, but this is nearly spam anymore.

    Would it be ok for me to just take random pictures of a phoenix and add a few words like. Freedom through Flames!, Burn Brightly!, CA CAAW!
    And spam it everyday just to fill up the featured posts? This daily spam has no relevance to DU, and constant non-DU and non-unique bombardment should be slown or halted.

    Does anybody else have these sentiments?

  9. When the resurrection nodes bring you back from a death, you will have chances to drop items, lose them in the respawn, and potentially lose skill points.


    Although I think it would be really bad if there do end up being purchasable cosmetic items that could be lost in this way, thats just a side note.


    Point is there are these repercussions for death, you can check out what they are thinking here https://board.dualthegame.com/index.php?/topic/20-devblog-resurrection-node-mechanics/?hl=%2Bresurrection+%2Bnode , the resurrection devblog

  10. A necessary feature for implementing the nexus system. Although hopefully as mentioned by Twerk it can be configured with the existing units.

    The plan is to have individual terminals but link their information in game, for various aspects. Be those missions, or market data on the prices in another trade node and so forth

  11. If the game gets big and there ends up being 20 plus gate jumps even if other game content is good that can kill my mood daily until I quit.


    It doesn't feel immersive or massive jumping gate to gate to gate endlessly. It's just tedious repetition and poor design intended to lengthen travel time.

    If it's eve like I may as well go get my Lincoln logs and Legos out instead of crying while I watch and don't play.


    Surly there's better ways, it seems like they're searching for them.

  12. They could allow some levels of mod support. But honestly I'd rather the game not get bogged down by damage meters, and a thousand insignificant ui mods.


    In depth modding is simply not feasible. But also don't you guys get tired of waiting for people to make mods and keep them updated.

    The dev team can't be bothered to keep people's mods in working order with every patch.

  13. There are some nations forming.


    I don't want to speak of anyone else's behalf but csyn is trying to pull off a kind of eu feel though I geuss that's not really a nation in itself. It's tough though we have allot to figure out still. Csyn itself isn't so much an nation or guild itself it's a collective broker.

    Even so I've got a lot to learn and together a tough road ahead.


    I have hopes to work with everyone for making cities in Alioth relative neutral zones after a while and possibly the space stations around it.

  14. The first two I had were big monsters that ate a lot of space. I got really nervous and self conscious about it and worked at making a smaller icon to represent things.


    I kind of like that NQ has not yet moderated it from there end. They're giving us a chance to figure out what to much is, all in all, yes being modest with the signature height is best I agree there.

  15. It's all right, your concerns are valid.


    The conditions of the failing rate of Subscription based games are more to do with market trends and business decisions by companies themselves.
    They sink a ton of money into game development and when various behind the scenes factors are not satisfied with the performance of the product, they pull the plug and demand MORE MONEY!


    Dual universe and Novaquark are specifically avoiding the back room drama, for DU at least, put on by big publishers and stocks bonds and investors, because they don't want to be pressured legally into switching the games payment method.


    This way JC Baillie gets to judge whether or not Dual Universe is successful or not. He might be pleased with 50,000-100,000 active subscribers and consider the project a good long term investment, a big publisher would laugh at that and shut down the servers.


    Another special factor for Dual Universe is the single shard technology, we dont have to worry about Server population collapse and mergers, which always upset a large number of people. In Dual you dont have to fear a low pop server merge and losing your character name, or guild. It lives on, forver as long as JC wills it and JC loves robotics and he loves Novaquark, he hasnt spent half a decade invested on this to turn around and say in his french accent "Yes we tried but we dont care anymore, hell with it."


    Also, being a social pvp sandbox, the generation of content is different than in a regular rollercoaster theme park. In Dual you explore the world, you build your character from the many possible options. You find people interested in things that you are also interested in.

    A game like wild star, you get into the cart and you ride along the tracks the developers make out for you. They tell you what factions you can be in, what weapons you use, what race you can be or cant be. Everything is a pre defined option.


    This game, this game specifically, has potential to break free from the market depression games have experienced. 


    As far as the people that have negative experience, yes it is true, but you cannot capture every fish in the sea no matter how big a net you cast.

  16. Cool cool, Ill let you guys figure out the reformation first, but for sure get ahold of one of us ... other guys, I dont mind us being a Jr partner is a deal to help everyone out. I was just suggesting an idea, I wanted to build a place called wayfar months ago but I never talked about it much.

    I'd happily help with 'project tortuga' or black sheep bay or whatever, hopefully something with a clever name. Maybe Lady Astrum or Ryoko or someone has ideas on what you guys want, I dont mind generating ideas if you poke me.


    Anyway, here's to the formation of BOO, and a friendly bump.


    P.S. A thought came to mind right after i made this and watch the lazy town video a few times, it doesn't fit the theme for me, but for you perhaps you'll like it..


    On Alioth were gonna need ways to get newbies into the game and give em something to do. Heres a buccaneer explorer idea.

    Burried treasure hunting. Send out your veterans to terraform some dirt and bury items or little bits of money that would be relevant for beginners, inside of a limited arena/area, then let them(newbies) lose on the field to duke it out with each other and try to find the treasures.


    Edit for post below. oh I see Ill adjust my posts to reflect that knowledge, ... sorry for the misconcieved notions

  17. I think perhaps he was going more for, you drive up close and then it magic beams over to the other entities cargo containers. not necessarily long distance market transfers.


    I'm really down for this idea, even if the devs dont do it, it follows the basic principles i deal with every day.


    Bring a loaded cargo container to a place, set it down, pick up an empty cargo container next to it.


    If you ran a company in the game that bought a ton of iron, you could contract a logistics company. have them bring their Logistics company cargo containers to your base and set it down in a specific spot, automate a crane to move it to a transfer terminal.

    that first driver will have to leave empty with no container, but the company undoubtedly has more somewhere he can go get.

    when the next guy comes to bring a container, the first cargo pod """should""" be waiting empty, all he has to to is drop it where the iron company wants, and take his empty pod away.


    The contracts are all handled top level, all that driver has to do is worry about getting that raw iron or whatever to the landing pad.


    You are also correct, the tech will come and not everyone will share its secrets. Some of it will be defunct and crash into the landing pads. but eventually someone will get one that works well and itll be worth a lot.

  18. Hua hua hua huaaaa. I need to draw up white villainous mask. It wont fool anyone for obvious reasons, but its necessary for doing the dark deeds Ill have to do to keep as much of society happily skipping along as possible.


    Is it right to spend public funds to sponsor false flag attacks.. maybe not, but in a world with no consequence to death, and hordes of angry citizens all the time.. the lines get pretty gray.


    uhhh... BOO!

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