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Alpha Team Vanguard
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Everything posted by Shynras

  1. They did that just to incentivize players to spend their plexes for cosmetics. Devs sell more stuff, players get the option to buy cosmetics with plexes (and since you can buy plexes ingame with the game currency, you can actually buy cosmetics with ingame currency). Another consequence that this patch will have, is the rise in price of plexes, that may be annoying for f2p players. I think that overall it's a nice change, mostly because gives everyone access to the shop, but doesn't really affect me so i don't care, if i want something i buy it anyway.
  2. Or you can draw your tunnels on paper
  3. 1- Speed is something that needs to be balanced both for gameplay and immersion, so I'd like better a bigger engine than road element 2- A road element it's too specific for 1 purpose only (not even that useful or important in a game like DU), at best should be an element that has various uses on different gameplay aspects. 3- Rails for trains could actually be more useful. A train could me more efficient than a hovercraft energy wise, reach high speed, but with the downside of having a predefined road. Other than that, rails could be used for various purposes, including constructs with movable parts.
  4. Those units are elements, aka predefined blocks. They're static, but at the same time i guess you can place them on a grid that can move (like a ship). They will probably not require any mantainance, but of course energy and materials to work. Example of a factory unit and a foundry: http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/dual-universe/images/0/08/Dual_Universe_industrial_unit_foundry.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/640?cb=20161020200150 https://hydra-media.cursecdn.com/dualuniverse.gamepedia.com/thumb/d/d7/Factory.jpg/800px-Factory.jpg?version=1e88b1a01ee3bacfaad6638d2f2bc176
  5. In the last video JC said that we'll be able to customize our own widgets for constructs in HTML & CSS. If you want a quick, interactive (and fun?) way to learn at least the basics, i suggest you to try this: https://www.codecademy.com/ , it does have some well done tutorials, easy to understand even for someone with no experience. I'm not related to that website, i'm not even sure i can post it so feel free to remove this post if it's the case, but it has been helpful to me so i'll share that with you.
  6. Why? There's no need for that, each community/organization will call themselves and others as they please.
  7. I think there'll be something like that, since NQ cares about immersion, I doubt they want cubic ships flying around.
  8. Shynras


    @Lethality If you take minecraft, it's like if you have to move the block "chest" from your house into your ship, instead of moving the "virtual items" from the inventory of your house's chest to the inventory of your ship's chest. That's it. @Captain I'm not confused, there are anchor elements in DU: http://dualuniverse.gamepedia.com/Anchor_Units I know that the platform video was to show something else, my example was to give a better image of how the gameplay could develop.
  9. NPCs takes a long time to develop, I don't think there'll be much for release, maybe 4-5 creatures just for aesthetic. This is a sandbox, PVE is not just killing mobs, there'll be plenty of activities to do. Yes, most activities will probably have a risk associated, but that's how the game works.
  10. Shynras


    we do know that it will be possible to carry ships inside other ships, anchoring them with an anchor element. So those are already physical elements. I was just wandering, what if we can move stuff like cargo containers or batteries prof a construct to another? To have a reference, look at the video that shows devs on a platform element, floating mid air thanks to thrusters. I imagine, before a trip, people using platforms or other ways to move those elements inside a ship to store ammo, fuel, energy, resources and various supply.
  11. Shynras


    Usually in most games, you move items from an inventory to another easily, because they're not physically in the world. What I would like to see in DU, is a mix of "virtual items" and "real items". Examples: -You have 1 kg of iron that you want to move into your ship cargo. You can store in in your personal inventory, move to the ship, and click-drag the iron into the cargo inventory (like in most games). -You have 10 ton of iron that you want to move into your ship cargo. Since your personal inventory is limited, you're likely going to use some kind of conveyor system -You want to recharge your ship batteries. Usually would work like that: there's a physical element fixed into your ship called "battery", and a virtual item called "battery _%"; the battery element doesn't move, you would need to charge the virtual item using another element in your base, and then move it into your ship element "battery" by using your virtual inventory. What if instead we are able to move directly the "battery" element? Like if the nanoformer is able to detach an element from a grid, and let you replace it into another grid, mantaining all its specifics like energy amount % (battery), items stored (cargo), and so on. This would greatly improve the gameplay aspects, and the depth. This would create gameplay for: -ship mantainance -ship loading infrastructure -physical cargo (imagine you want to sell like 100 already built batteries) -ship design (ease to access to battery slots or other) -combat (if a pirate is fighting vs a cargo with physical elements, he has to be careful to not break his loot) -more Why someone would want to move an already built battery instead of building a new one: building time, recharge time, etc... it just need to be more convenient, anything can be balanced. I'm not saying that anything has to be a physical item that exists in the gameworld, but just a few elements.
  12. You're allowed to build giant penis ships only, anything else will be evaporated.
  13. -When you log off your ship doesnt disappear To protect it while you're offline, you need to set up a territory control unit. To avoid people moving their claim continuosly, there'll probably be a price to pay when you place one that you can't recover when you remove he claim If inventories will have mass, moving with you all your stuff would be costly both in terms of fuel consumption and in terms of ship's performances It will be possible but very inefficient, probably realistically viable with a small ship only
  14. They mentioned here'll be maybe a certain number of preset textures to choose from. You can't upload any because they want to mantain the graphic style and don't want legitimately to check for penis and other wierd stuff for each single image. you can manipulate voxels already, and they will probably add more ways to do it in the future. you shouldnt be able to give voxels functionality because it would unbalance and break the game. We have elements for that, and those will be scriptable and customizable up to a certain point.
  15. Probably there'll be some basic scripts for people unable to write code
  16. I know that if the night is too dark it could be annoying, but a little darker imho would be better, if you consider that you'll place lights all over your base and ships, it should be fine.
  17. A 2:33 long video is a lot of good stuff, i didn't expect that.
  18. I think most people would like better to have some kind of window voxel at release, even with colour/blur/deformation, than nothing xD A transparent voxel could always be added later
  19. Completely transparent blocks with no blur, deformation or colour would be annoying and break immersion : invisible walls, constructs... would be a problem in pvp. There's always the need for a little colour on the glass at least.
  20. Depends on how script will be handled by the game. If you're the owner of a multicrew ship and you log off, the remaining people will be able to fly it (scripts included, if they have them). Not sure how NQ will implement that, but there may be a way to trade scripts in-game (because it would be quite annoying to do it otherwise). And if that's the case, you could just add inside the taxi the element that let's you download scripts, to make it available for everyone that wants to use that service. Ofc the ship would fall if the scripts ends while it's in air, you just need to provide a platform to land both at the start/end of the trip. In case a client crash or disconnect while flying and the ship falls midflight, there'll probably be a way to automate that process too, as long as the client comes back online. But still depends on how many options NQ will give us (because too many would break the game).
  21. Uber is a famous irl transport company, you shouldn't pick that name
  22. i think this was already asked, probably in the AMA ,and i think the answer was positive, but i`m not sure 100% (prob not at release)
  23. If you're a miner and you research the skill tree for the mining stuff, you will likely not be able to craft various other stuff from other trees, that are still useful to you. Then you'll need currency, and you'll sell resources.
  24. I'm excited that someone is finally making the game I've always wanted.
  25. They don't have to create a map, npcs, quests, creatures or other time consuming stuff. The game right now is probably enjoyable enough for many, so I'm pretty sure we'll have an alpha in june or before. Actually I think they could have something ready for March, because initially the alpha date was "1st quarter 2017", and they probably added a couple of months to be sure. So my guess is late april/early may
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