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Alpha Tester
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Posts posted by GraXXoR

  1. @UnclePaulie “Betas aren’t for everyone.” Condescending, much?


    How about ditching the passive-aggressive and just saying it like it is: this game’s new direction is not for everyone. 

    That was always a risk I’m 100% prepared to take every time I back a project. As a kickstarter/ Indiegogo backer who has also backed independent projects to the tune of >$25,000 over the last seven years, with virtually no failures so far, I’m well aware of what a beta is, thank you very much. 

    I backed this game initially but have not put another dollar into it beyond the two contributer packs (gold or whatever they were called) back in 2016/2017 or something.  

    I found this game fun and have probably got my money’s worth (about 1000 hours played for less than $1000 is a bargain in my book)


    so I’m quite happy to say to DU: “Thanks for the fun. Good luck and maybe see you again if things turn out how I want and envisaged.”


    Finally, considering every single game I’ve ever played since I got my first proper gaming PC rig in 2013 I first played as an alpha or a beta (without exception) I’d say you are dead wrong. 

  2. I think I might just come back to DU when there is a fully functioning civilization in place. Because building one sure as hell sounds a lot like a job now and not much like a game I’d choose to pay to play. 

    Mine more so you can buy less. Sell to those who control the markets for a pittance. Then Rely on bots to sell magical slave potions at exorbitant prices to power the Ars Industria controlled by the mega corps. 

    sound like the plot to the movie Brazil... or just real life in a few years’ time. And we all know how much fun that’ll be. 

    jeezus the Bladerunner phrase “More real than real” just got really real. 

  3. 2 hours ago, BiGEdge said:

    This patch helps to boost the Trading, so that people trade more and mine less.

    Trade what? The way I see it that many players... I mean majority of players, will be forced to sell ore to pay for things others make.

    What other thing could they possibly do to generate income.

    Sure, there will be some mid tier orgs that will only make a few things but since we know now that industry will cost many times the final product's value to create, they will obviously need MANY TIMES more customers to generate profits.

    Where will those vast numbers of customers suddenly get their money from? Mining T5?  Oh wait, that's all gone.
    Mining T4? Nope.. T3... Only if they can get out of the safe zone..

    Oh wait, for that they need to build or buy a ship capable of defending themselves or be warp capable.
    So now they have to afford to be able to buy a ship in the first place...

    How are they going to do that? 




    The Civilization just got that much further away.
    People were already quitting because mining was becoming a boring, painful  task suited only to those of certain mindsets... or substance habits ?...  And now they are magnifying the least attractive aspect of their game...

    Good luck with that.

  4. 4 hours ago, PuPpEt said:

    All those changes will need a wipe obviously, or the already big disparity will grow exponentially.

    It will grow anyway. A wipe will just delay the disparity by a few weeks.



    I mentioned this further back in this thread...


    there’s only two things we need to ask ourselves:


    1) will these changes increase the amount of time we spend doing things we like or things we dislike?


    2) will this increase our freedom within the game to do more and experience the sandbox to its fullest extent?


    if the player answers “no” to both the above, then we can say the game is no longer suitable for the player 

  5. 4 hours ago, Majestic said:

    This is going to stop me playing I think, I am part of a large ish ORG but I have been enjoying being self sufficient. 



    It's in danger of becoming less of a space Sandbox and more of an Economy Simulator 2.0.

    An economy simulator where THE ENTIRE ECONOMY is based on intangible guardian god-bots that provide magic slave-potions endowed with human knowledge in exchange for delivering slavery to the masses. 

    what kind of economy are they simulating, exactly?

  6. 3 hours ago, blazemonger said:

    The fact NQ considers the Linked container range a "problem they need to address" because using the range to collect ore while mining is "not intended behavior"

    So here we have out next big nerf.. NQ will bring the max range for linked containers down to a point they no longer are usable in mining.. say 250-300 meters tops


    They better give me my 2 million skill points back if they do. 

  7. 6 hours ago, blazemonger said:

    So T1 schematics will go for 100K a piece.. damn..

    That will be fun


    The big orgs are already reconfiguring their industry to produce high tier stuff as running production lines will keep running post patch as JC said.. SO as long as they feed in ore, they bypass the whole change.. 


    Great way to go about this NQ..



    What the actual.... are NQ playing at? Un f...ing believable.... No way...  this can’t be true!!! Can it? Are there any citations?... I mean seriously.

    The whole point of this is to BALANCE THE UNIVERSE (their words) and instead according to this, they are permanently unbalancing it and giving a massive, wet hand job to all the mega orgs....


    —- edit: ok. it seems the machines stop after the current batch is complete and won’t restart without slave potions. 


  8. Ok, so I reread the devblog...

    And realise I didn't misread it in an angry rage-frenzy the first time...

    Basically all they have done is added a cost multiplier to the factory units by way of proxy so as to avoid having to wipe mega org mega factories.
    Which will exactly achieve the following according economics 101

    1) Manufacturers ALWAYS pass cost increases on to the consumers.


    2) If you are a consumer (i.e. not in a mega org),  you better mine the fuck out of everything everywhere if you want to to have enough to buy stuff from the markets...


    6 minutes ago, Bobbie said:

    Also I'd probably like to be able to respec my talent points, because I'm a solo player with a generalized manufacturer alt, and with these updates that will no longer be a viable playstyle. And I'm sure there will be lots of people in a similar boat, now or later in beta, where they spent their talents points in ways that will no longer be viable after a major redesign like this.

    Better just put every SP you have into advanced mining and inventory control... Since ores values are now basically deflated by some unknown factor and they are running out, to boot.


  9. 2 minutes ago, MicoPopenay said:

    If you are going to implement this kind of system (a lot like EVE online IMHO see https://wiki.eveuniversity.org/Research) you need to release the Research Facility and the buying / selling of researched schematics at the same time otherwise this is just a nerf and not actually changing the gameplay in any tangible way.

    Just one more in a long line of "content gates"... and "time gates"  And in this case... "Org Membership Gates" as in it puts more power in the hands of the orgs and moves gameplay away from the sole traders, lone wolves and mini-org players, forcing them to grind more to support the big orgs rather than their own playstyles.

  10. 19 minutes ago, blazemonger said:

    And it started.. Warp drives entirely sold out.. Thanks NQ..

    Wow, for completely different reasons I just plunked 1.5Mℏ on a Warp Drive yesterday. LOL... Lucky?... I guess... 

    At the end of the day, these are all that matter:

    Will I be able to do MORE of what I want to do with my time in game?
    Will each activity I do in game become more enjoyable?


    And finally, most importantly:

    Will these changes make the game more or less fun for me to play?

  11. 17 minutes ago, AtroKahn said:

    I think it an excellent idea. I buy stuff now off the market because of the convenience. Once you incorporate played owed markets this will create opportunities for everyone to "git gud" at doing something they enjoy.

    Git Gud? You mean, like Mining Bauxite... Or Mining Chromite... Or Mining Acanthite... Hmm... Lots of variety of things to Git Gud at... 

  12. 2 minutes ago, kulkija said:

    Do you have source for this.
    If that happen in makes this even worse.

    No real life examples alply for that.

    Modern production machinery operates be using reusable software.

    Also if Schematic is the expensive part it makes investment disposable, it really does not happen in real world... can this go any worse...

    It really does seem like they just pulled this out of there arses after a couple of bottles of Chardonnay.... Although, I don't see anything about a consumable schematic.

  13. If you make T0 available... Stone, rocks, marble, brick, slate, wood, glass, concrete for almost free to compensate for the insane about of grind you are going to be forcing on people... remember, there are no artifacts, relics or research to pay with when the Org Cartels charge through the roof for everything. You can ONLY earn by mining...

    Think you'll make bank by selling ships? Think again, theyll cost millions to make because the org cartels will be the only ones now capable of filling the markets and the chumps will have to mine their arses off for hours just to pay the Org tax...

    At the least, if they keep T1 somewhat as it is now: i.e. no stupid blueprints... er.. I mean schematics... Then maybe I'm ok with this... I came into this game for the endless building possibilities... But if I am now forced to "play" ten hours of rock dentist just to pay to make some conglomerate rich, well, that's a bit too close to the real life I'm trying to avoid by playing a computer game in the first place...

    A big, massive steaming fly strewn NOPE from me.

  14. This is probably one of the worst systems I've ever seen implemented into a game.. Was is designed by a child?

    WHY THE HELL are you making Bots the cornerstone of civilization again.. IT GOES AGAINST EVERYTHING you said about a player driven universe.

    How about making the schematics researchable with skills then let players sell schematic loaded factories to other players....

    NO MORE BOTS, Please... They ruin everything.

  15. Wow. Today, the server has been flakey a.f.  Kicked every 15 minutes or so. Pending ops and failed ops requiring complete app shutdown and restart -not just exiting to menu but all the way to the desktop!- to clear. 

    Wonder what the problem is... it’s not an influx of players, I’m fairly sure of that.  

  16. Pirates are scum. Full stop. Their entire gameplay style is designed to profit off of others’ hard work in a non-mutually-beneficial way. 

    TBH, they are only just above the bottom feeders that are the gankers, griefers and murder hobos.


    still the game does need to provide them with a measured and meaningful way to play that doesn’t just end in complete destruction of their mark. 

    like legitimate cargo dumping leaving a trail of canisters and tractor beams capable of canister recovery... just off the top of my head. 

    anything would be an improvement on the current state. 

  17. Because we’re in beta, this is a problem due to accounts not expiring. 

    In the future, I imagine people will pay only as long as they actually play. So if they abandon the game and quit their subscription, their assets should become forfeit and salvageable. 

    this will likely solve the platform detritus issues people are having. 

  18. 52 minutes ago, Underhook said:

    It seems to me that you have invented a new currency that only works in your system.

    Your description of RP's could be the exact same description as quanta.

    Personalised factory just means that it does not offer as much as a market.  

    The horrible marketing makes me want to throw up. 

    That said the game is supposed to switch to player run markets at some stage so well done.  I imagine that player run or org run markets will become necessary in the future as market owners begin to refuse service to certain competitor orgs.

    If a game makes you throw up, I suggest you take a step back, get some air and reevaluate your lifestyle choices.  Smh. 

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