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Aaron Cain

Alpha Tester
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Everything posted by Aaron Cain

  1. not managers, there should be a Quality assurance team doing the tests, and a team to do the releases. test should be independent from managers developers or anyone who is connected to the actual work on the stuff. Thatis a simple thing in normal production, development and research environments. if the one doing it, getting credits for it, and releasing it is one and the same person, yeah you get what you ask for.... The development whent wrong when they stopped listening to the testers and started telling "we will fix that later" "we think that will be no issue" "later when we have..." and it ended with patches forced although testers kept telling, dont do it. And finally, if NQ was honest and just did what they told they would do with people breaking rules yeah then there would still be a community that believed in them, now the community knows rules are only for some, patches are thrown in without giving a shit what testers say and reporting issues on stuff like crowded markets or other lag inducing stuff is just neglected. What should happen? Get those fingers out your ears, the mud out of your eyes and actually listen to the players testing it, and use independent testers to actually make hours doing the boring shit in stead of just copy pasting stuff to test things. Who ever came up with the idea that people who want to play a space civilization simulation game want to spend 99% of their time doing boring shit to be able to actually play 1%. Now burn me down i will be disappointed if that does not happen.
  2. I will be banned if i give my honest opinion and an actual solution for the current state of DU.
  3. Just hope we get our money back if this goes down, would be pretty shitty if the investor gets the money and the backers get shit. But thats how this little corrupted earth works
  4. So why did people pay for beta, do they get their money back?
  5. What a messy post. No idea what happened or if it was an exploid or not But that doesnt even matter. There is not a single person who exploided DU who has been banned. And if this time is the first time then Please, read back and ban all others and also all Known goldsellers. But as said before, NQ probably wont do anything, whatever happened.
  6. @Vasten You have earned a standing Ovation And when you grow a bit more you will find out even more about the pitfall of 0.23 and the reason a lot of people raged over the schematics debacle where some players bought them for 10% of actual price
  7. Limit, sort of middle name by now for DU D "limit and restricted" U even the real world doesnt have this many restrictions but apparently the one designing Life didnt feel like that, even added Life 2.0 after you finished endgame that has even less restrictions apparently
  8. Let me guess, again nobody was banned. the problem here is not the rules but the way they use them. some people are more then others in NQ eyes and this is a result. You cannot have rules only applying to some, anyone should know that
  9. Same here, But well CATS and Tranquility will continue even if we were down to only 1 person. Just because of the ideal behind it but the schematics almost killed off all players and the different rules for some players killed the rest. Always feel free to crash around our toko at sanctuary 3. the only reason we did not move to an other planet was because the schematics debacle came right in the middle of our preparations.
  10. not only SC, The issue with DU and the release date is not the actual date but what will be delivered and how far has it drifted from both kickstarter and early promotion materials. At the moment there is a pretty gap in it. Having no option "Building civilization" in the Poll says something. The promoted Build your unrestricted dreams, think big, starbases the size of a moon, were nice advertisement lines but looks like that was all. the solution to not use 2 km cores or larger is to place about 40 space cores together, and thats not even close to a moon. Cities are not coming of the ground, the only city i ever saw in DU was during alpha and Lagg city, that was the only true concept of a city where independent people were building and living together. For me its not PVP that i want to see back, its the possibility to actually build your dreams with no limit but nature itself. what use is there for player driven markets if the players do not gather anywhere. When i designed the flying space city i read through all the dev topics, release notes, kickstarer and other info the wiki that was present at that time, vids, and with those i concluded it was indeed possible to build that dream of a space city with the size and defense of a battlestar and the function of Babylon 5 and possible small industry. All through Alpha this dream was possible untill the time the restrictions, we were not supposed to get, kicked in. restrictions to give meaning to static constructs and ground warfare...you know the thing we will not get on about 80% of the planets, so my question is also, why the restrictions in the first place and why even keep them. Would also be a nice incentive for PvP and defense-PvP if people were actually building large scale industrial ships, and frankly we already have those anno 2021 on earth so how is it possible that we lose that insight while flying to a new solar system. Even the enterprice and the galactica have onboard industry, maybe small, but its there. Restrictions started to lead us to this point in DU-time with the best one in scematics. Why the choise was for a quanty drain instead of an actual development goal and build in research and development for those scematics still makes me wonder. But its still possible to do so, sadly i dont think i or anyone here will ever be asked how we see these ideas working in DU.
  11. i did not even know about this poll untill i read it here, logging in now
  12. With those low numbers lag is already making some zones unplayable and it influences PvP and other stuff so no idea how this can be seen by anyone as great performance.
  13. Ingame chat sucks there is no way to keep an eye on all or any channel, using Discord while playing DU kinda is crash sensitive and does not work on touch to speak, other options seem to have problems with speak and screen sharing too.
  14. All suggestions will be ignored, but a simple Hangar system should be no issue to add. The only thing is, its exploidable in PvP or unusable and then extra coding is needed to add PvP space into the hangar calculations.
  15. That would be funny, if it indeed is with the client then the game is kinda swiss cheese for people who actually want to missbehave and use that system for their own good
  16. Oooh Nice, Well done GraXXoR. Was it the building next to me? I saw it was Gone Good to hear stories like this! Sadly i think about 90% of my friends and players i used to play with are in looooong slumber.
  17. To be honest, when we still had the DU news and the community page there was alot more verbal PvP then there is now ingame. I have been at the brink of war already about 5 times in the community page times, but now? There is not even a reason to call people out to war, there is nothing worth fighting over. Territories? No, blind grinding ores can be done on any tile. The only reason i would go to Pvp is to piss others off by shouting down their beloved ships as there are no rewards in doing so. This game is farther away from building civilization then it has ever been. Builders Mostly dont build for function or society and those that did stopped after 0.23. all the nice ships and bases we see in twitter, fb, community highlights, all have nothing to do with civilization but with individual building skills. I build a full industrial&officebuilding bursting with life till 0.23, a city block that gathered other builders, same story. If wewant to go back to the civilization building game, we might need a step or 7 back and see what is really stopping this game. PvP is not even close to being in the top 5 although it should also be fixed as civilizations need war to flourish
  18. What mechanics, since 0.23 the only thing left to do in DU is mining and selling, and mining and selling.......and mining and selling. Anyone who still is building is doing it for esthetics probably and no other reason, 0.23 did exactly what was intended, delay progress as much as possible, just dont think it was intended to do it like this, kill off most of the population and features so that only mining and selling remain as viable options to play DU
  19. That would really be some sort of f*ckover for all those who invested heavely on their sanctuary plots, and also because those STU still cannot be removed. even though some of us will have 3 or more STU it will still be a loss if you need to abandon the old one
  20. Yeah indeed, sorry i was not clearer on what talents i refered to. At the beginning its best to do all the primary cargo and nanoformer talents to get you started asap. BT where did you land on Sanc? if your near district 3 and need help, just call on discord (you can find me there )
  21. also remember that you can teleport from alioth district to district (for 1 to9) and that is the fastest way to travel to all markets. Go to alioth with the shuttle, then go to desired market, teleport back to starting point, take shuttle back to sanc. moon.
  22. Only reward a mission could offer that is interesting to players is the rare ores. the ones money cant buy
  23. frankly what works best at start is just buy stuff Or look at the nanocrafter and go over your plot gathering tier 1 ores and at the same time craft stuff for a first small base. that way you will have a small running base in less then 1 hr. If you want it to look good, forget it for now and make the proper stuff to be able to hoard more ores. And sadly on sanctuary picking up surface ores is almost as efficient as mining, so do not bother to do any mining in the first hour.
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