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Alpha Team Vanguard
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Everything posted by yamamushi

  1. I like it, I also like the more-frequent updates If I could make one request, it would be to have rss support on the newsfeed. Otherwise it's awesome
  2. If you want to record video of any type, you should use OBS (studio version): https://obsproject.com/ It's free, open source, and works incredibly well. I've recorded countless hours of not only DU but many other games with it. Don't spend a dime on any recording software because ultimately you're just going to find yourself back at OBS.
  3. 4k support should make it for final release according to the Trello board: https://trello.com/b/Y6WNMd2S/dual-universe-community-suggestions
  4. Your login is case sensitive, double check your username matches your forum name exactly when logging in
  5. Your login on dualthegame.com is case-sensitive, so double check that your username matches the case exactly when logging in
  6. https://trello.com/b/Y6WNMd2S/dual-universe-community-suggestions
  7. I know we have some musicians around here, and surely someone has some recommendations for a good portable midi controller :-) I'm looking for something with a keyboard and is very portable. I have my eyes on picking up an OP-1 and using it as a portable workstation as well as a midi controller, but for the price it is I wanted to see if anyone had suggestions for a cheaper alternative (although I know nothing is going to have all of the features of the OP-1, or people would be buying those instead). So how about it, who has some recommendations for some decent Midi gear? :-)
  8. Yes. We absolutely need an API, it's 2018 and things like that are somewhat expected these days. If NQ wants people to write 3rd party apps for DU, then an API is an absolute must. I don't envision that they will allow us to make buy and sell orders via the API, there's a lot that can go wrong there. A market API may end up being limited such that we can only see prices and basic market information, but it would still be a huge leap forward in terms of what we can do. There's not a whole lot of reasons why they wouldn't give us an API eventually, other than assigning developer resources to develop and maintain it all. I don't think anyone should expect one to be put together by the time the game releases, but going forward after that I think that it's an eventuality. In terms of what I'd like to see people making with such an API, you can look at CryptoCurrency market charts for a good idea of what I think people will end up making: https://cryptowat.ch/ and https://cryptowat.ch/bitfinex/btcusd
  9. There is actually a bugs site that they have, but there's no public access to it (yet?). I would share the link but I don't think they want me doing that. Regardless, it's pretty easy to find if you look hard enough
  10. I voted, but MMORPG.com is a bit of a cesspit. The only MMO's that get any attention there are ones that pay for it, which should be pretty obvious from all of the ads they shove everywhere they can. MassivelyOP actually gives some fair coverage to all sorts of indie titles, whereas MMORPG.com just covers what will make them money (which should be evident by looking through any of their recent articles). I stopped going there years ago.
  11. Blasphemy, everyone knows all internet polls are scientifically accurate! You're obviously new here, but I really don't think you're going to drum up much anti-DU support here.
  12. Have you not considered that the people voting in this poll have played the game? Considering all of the progress NQ has shown time and time again this year, I think they are well deserving of winning this.
  13. It deserves to be on the list far more than Elite Dangerous does, which came out in 2014. Shroud of the Avatar is an old game at this point too (Initially Nov 2014). Pretty sure Adventure Quest 3D came out in 2016 too. Ever Jane is on the list twice. Ashes of Creation isn't out either. Considering their crowdfunding ended in 2017, and people have been playing it, DU most certainly does deserve a spot on the list alongside the others.
  14. It shouldn’t even be on the list, it came out in 2014
  15. It’s not ended they’re throttling the votes, just wait a few minutes and try again
  16. Sorry (but not really sorry) to post this here, but I think it would be a great boost to Dual Universe if everyone would take a few seconds out of their day to vote for it as the top crowdfunded MMO of 2017 in the MassivelyOP poll here: http://massivelyop.com/2017/12/22/massively-ops-best-of-2017-awards-best-indie-or-crowdfunded-mmo/ We're currently sitting at 95 votes with 12% of the total, surely we can do much better than that :-) Not to mention that Elite shouldn't even be on the list considering how many years ago it came out...
  17. In other words, you just made up a bunch of numbers and assumptions. @Falstaf has the correct answer here, nobody knows and the price will fluctuate as the economy in the game matures.
  18. Seems like a temporary issue, I get this page
  19. Just a quick update, DUFM - Dual Universe Radio, is now available on TuneIn so you don't have to use the terribad Android app anymore It will be available for searching in the app within 24 hours, in the meantime, you can view it online here: https://tunein.com/radio/DUFM---Dual-Universe-Radio-s301129/
  20. I think the important thing is that it is functional on Android, I didn't write that one (it came free with the station I'm hosting with) so I don't really have a chance to fix it or make it better. The iOS one, on the other hand, I submitted myself to the app store, and I've heard better reviews (although it does have some scaling issues on smaller screens that I may or may not try to fix). We still need commercials, right now we're running the same 3 ads every so often and it gets really repetitive. I'd like for us to have like 50 ads to be able to cycle through. It would be helpful to get some more people who want to do live broadcasts too, but I think that will just have to grow organically at this point. I am holding off on doing a big publishing announcement until the website is ready because it too is functional but it doesn't really behave the way I envisioned it would yet.
  21. When I got this in my email I misread it as "we'd love to hate you!", and I thought to myself "that's a pretty aggressive recruiting strategy, I like it".
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