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  1. Like
    Mr_Kamikaze reacted to Lord_Void in UNIVERSAL CONCEPT   
    Hello and welcome to the forums! It seems you do have a few misconceptions, which is okay! We are here to help! Like was mentioned above, everyone starts in the exact same location, so the problem in the beginning will probably how to get away from people. While the universe is procedurally generated (and therefore theoretically infinite) it is only as big as the section which players have mapped. Players must build stargates to get to other solar systems, a process which may take months. As a result, the universe will start small and expand over time. 
    There will only be one server which everyone plays on at the same time. It will be BIG, but interacting with other people will be a very very common occurrence. I hope I managed to answer some of your questions. Feel free to ask any more questions you have and we will do our best to answer them all. Also, I would recommend checking out the dev diaries and FAQs.
  2. Like
    Mr_Kamikaze reacted to CommanderLouiz in UNIVERSAL CONCEPT   
    Hey retired Samurai. I can tell you're new, because if you weren't, you would know that everyone spawns at the arkship.
    While yes, eventually people will be able to respawn at ressurection nodes, that won't eliminate social interaction at all.
    In addition to that, at the start, we will only be able to reach a few planets. We won't be able to expand until certain advances are made.
    Basically, we won't have any trouble finding each other.
  3. Like
    Mr_Kamikaze reacted to mrjacobean in Suggestion : Sudoku for Decyphering / Hacking minigames.   
    The same can be said of building a construct. Some people are minecraft veterans who build these massive structures that look amazing, and then there are people who build floating cubes. There needs to be an element where real world skills come into play with hacking being maths and building being... whatever that is. Want to find out how to do it, learn it. If you can play the game, you can access the internet. If you don't want to, hire someone who can. 
  4. Like
    Mr_Kamikaze reacted to Volkier in Build Solid - Photo Tools   
    It's ok, don't worry. I've got a google diploma and run my own cult, so I'm legit / qualified and whatnot. Your children are safe with me.....
  5. Like
    Mr_Kamikaze reacted to Cybrex in BOO - Band of Outlaws   
    Figured it was time to get an actual logo that properly represented our ever growing community, so enjoy.

  6. Like
    Mr_Kamikaze reacted to NQ-Nyzaltar in FR ?   
    Exceptionally, here is a post mainly in French to answer the following questions:
    1) Why no info in French on the forum?
    2) Why no communication in French from a French studio?
    3) Is Novaquark waiting for official release before making a French version of the game?
    4) Why no articles in the French press?
    5) Does JC want to give a better reputation to video games in France?
    1) Why no info in French on the forum?
    Pourquoi  n'y a-t'il aucune information disponible en français sur le forum ?
    La principale raison est une question de budget temps. Nous restons une petite équipe et il nous faut donc choisir nos combats.
    Bien que le français soit la langue natale de beaucoup de membres de l'équipe Novaquark, il faut bien être conscient que devoir écrire un texte en anglais et en français cela prend... 2 fois plus de temps. Même si le temps passé à traduire est presque égal à zéro pour quelqu'un de raisonnablement bilingue, il n'en reste pas moins qu'il faut deux fois plus de temps pour écrire des textes en deux langues différentes, qu'il faut relire pour corriger les tournures de phrase bancales et les fautes d'orthographe. Ceci étant dit, certains pourraient se demander pourquoi ne pas écrire tous les textes en français au lieu de les écrire en anglais dans ce cas. Même si certains instituts de recherche prédisent une explosion démographique de la Francophonie à l'horizon de 2060, il n'en reste pas moins que nous vivons dans le présent, et qu'aujourd'hui, les faits indiquent les choses suivantes:
    Dual Universe a vocation à construire une communauté internationale.
    Ce faisant, il est logique de choisir la langue qui est la plus utilisée lorsqu'il s'agit de communiquer entre différentes communautés linguistiques.
    Outre le fait qu'une importante partie de la communauté a pour langue native l'anglais:
    - Il y a plus de joueurs nativement germanophones qui comprendront l'anglais que le français.
    - Il y a plus de joueurs nativement russophones qui comprendront l'anglais que le français.
    - Il y a plus de joueurs nativement polonophones qui comprendront l'anglais que le français.
    - Il y a plus de joueurs nativement hispanophones qui comprendront l'anglais que le français.
    - Il y a plus de joueurs nativement italophones qui comprendront l'anglais que le français.
    ... Et on pourrait continuer cette liste - non exhaustive - pendant longtemps.
    Donc oui, le choix est d'écrire dans la langue que le plus de joueurs à travers le monde seraient à même de comprendre aujourd'hui.
    Et cette langue est indubitablement l'anglais.
    Comme le processus de sélection des modérateurs est bien avancé, lorsque ces derniers seront mis en place, nous envisageons d'ouvrir des sections du forum dédiées aux différentes communautés linguistiques. Le pré-requis sera d'avoir au moins un modérateur parlant la langue en question et qui sache communiquer en anglais de manière raisonnable, de manière à communiquer avec l'équipe (évidemment, pour la section française, ce pré-requis ne sera pas nécessaire). Nous envisageons l'ouverture de telles sections pour l'ouverture de l'Alpha, voire peut-être un peu avant si tout se passe comme prévu. A ce moment-là, en fonction du temps disponible du modérateur et de sa motivation à faire une telle tâche, il est possible que ce dernier puisse aider à la traduction de certains textes/news en français.
    2) Why no communication in French from a French studio?
    Pourquoi n'y a-t'il aucune communication en français de la part d'un studio français ?
    Parce qu'il semblerait contradictoire de communiquer régulièrement en français sur le jeu, alors que nous ne prévoyons pas pour la sortie officielle une version française du jeu. Alors que nous avons déjà quelques remarques régulièrement sur le fait nous ne prévoyons pas de version française pour la sortie du jeu, nous en aurions bien plus si nous communiquions en français sur le jeu sans annoncer de version française. Nous tenons à rester cohérent dans notre démarche.  
    3) Is Novaquark waiting for official release before making a French version of the game?
    Est-ce que Novaquark attend la sortie officielle avant de faire une version française du jeu ?
    Nous concentrons d'abord notre budget (temps et argent) à développer les mécaniques de base d'un jeu complet, et ensuite, une fois que le jeu sera lancé et progressera convenablement, l'équipe s'agrandira et nous nous pencherons sur les versions localisées (la version française étant dans les premières envisagées). Quand nous entamerons cette phase, nous commencerons à communiquer de plus ample manière sur les territoires francophones.
    4) Why no articles in the French press?
    Pourquoi n'y a-t'il pas d'articles sur le jeu dans la presse française ?
    Il n'y a pas beaucoup d'articles sur Dual Universe dans la presse française... mais il y en a quand même quelques-uns !
    Ce n'est pas parce que nous n'avons pas été proactif dans notre communication dans la sphère francophone que nous boudons les journalistes pour autant: notre porte reste bien entendu ouverte à tout journaliste francophone intéressé par notre jeu en développement. 
    Et en voici quelques examples: 
    - Nous avons eu un article de 3 pages consacrées à Dual Universe dans le magazine Canard PC numéro 349, et vous pouvez retrouvez une version en ligne de l'article à cet endroit.
    - Nous avons également eu un article sur Jeuxvideo.com, qui est trouvable ici.
    - Des portails de news comme gameblog.fr ou mmo.jeuxonline.info suivent régulièrement nos avancées dans le développement et font des articles en ligne à ce sujet.
    5) Does JC want to give a better reputation to video games in France?
    Est-ce que JC veut donner une meilleure réputation aux jeux vidéo en France ?
    Il y a un peu de ça. Dans la mesure où Dual Universe proposera aux représentants de l'Humanité (les joueurs) de se retrouver en condition où ils ont des mondes vierges à leur disposition et d'impacter ces mondes par leurs actions, qu'ils seront libres de choisir leur système politique et économique, Dual Universe pourrait aller bien au-delà du simple jeu et devenir une expérience sociale. Evidemment, on ne cherche pas à changer radicalement les mentalités des anciennes générations en France sur les jeux vidéo, mais si on pouvait instiller l'idée que parfois, un jeu peut devenir un loisir honorable, constructif pour des adultes et pas toujours bon qu'à occuper les enfants... Alors l'objectif serait rempli. Cela ne veut en revanche pas dire que l'on investira une masse de temps considérable pour remplir cet objectif. Si cela est réalisable en intervenant de temps à autre, lorsque la situation le permet, tant mieux. Sinon, tant pis. Ceci ne sera jamais quelque chose qui déviera l'équipe de son but premier, développer et lancer le jeu, en respectant au mieux les échéances planifiées.

    Une petite note pour terminer:
    Même si c'est un sujet qui revient de temps à autre, merci d'éviter tout "necroposting" (remonter un sujet sur lequel il n'y a pas eu des réponses depuis des semaines).
    Nous espérons que cette réponse en français servira de référence pour tout nouveau fil de discussion qui pourrait à nouveau poser la question sur l'absence de news en français, aussi bien sur le site que sur le forum (ou dans la presse). Ce fil de discussion sera ensuite épinglé dans la section francophone du forum une fois que celle-ci aura été créée.

  7. Like
    Mr_Kamikaze reacted to NQ-Nyzaltar in Furry Dual Universe players?   
    Hi everyone,
    Just a friendly reminder:
    We respect diversity. However, forum rules also indicate that subjects related to sexuality, religions or real life politics aren't allowed (even in the off topic section).
    The reason is simple: these subjects don't contribute to the discussions about the game and they are quickly a source of conflict in any game community (as this topic showed once more). So please avoid to discuss such thing on the forum in the future.
    On a side note: 
    According to the official lore, there will be no playable furry creatures. Only humans. So, as sad as it may sounds for certains members of the community, don't expect to be able to visually represent such character in-game. We prefer to be clear right from the start, to avoid giving false hopes on that topic.
    This thread is now going to be closed.
    Thank you all for your understanding.
    Best Regards,
  8. Like
    Mr_Kamikaze reacted to NQ-Nyzaltar in March devdiary   
    There is no automatic orbit mode (at least for the moment). Being in orbit of a planet is basically the result of having reached a certain speed (whether by propulsion generated by engines or by inertial speed with engines turned off) while being near a planet in space.
    As there wasn't any answer to your topic, it hasn't been archived.
    Yes, at the end of the video, it's the new Core Unit Design.
    As the 3D Model is nearly finished, with a bit of luck, you will see it in-game in the next DevDiary
    No food system planned at the moment, sorry  
    We wanted to implement tons of cool features for the Official Release, but we had to make tough choices.
    Yes, the switch next to the door was a place holder, not a final version.
  9. Like
    Mr_Kamikaze reacted to Lethys in March devdiary   
    This is really really interesting.
    Sensors (plates, lasers, switches) - awesome stuff can be made
    Escape velocity and orbits (I assume the ship just starts to orbit automatically? Unlike KSP?)
    Very nice update, thank you Nq
  10. Like
    Mr_Kamikaze reacted to NQ-Nyzaltar in HUGE ANNOUNCEMENT   
    Hi everyone,
    Yes, CvC is now officially a thing for the Official Release !!!
    @Kane Hart: while we can understand your confusion about other people than Novaquark's staff able to create topic in this section, this is not a valid reason to reply in an agressive way to other community members. True, Lights may have not posted in the most relevant section. However, you could have mentioned the issue .This small issue is going to be fixed quickly. In the meantime please stay courteous, even in cases where you think someone has done something wrong.
    Best Regards,
  11. Like
    Mr_Kamikaze reacted to NQ-Nyzaltar in Obscured Stretch Goal Guessing   
    Hi everyone!
    To end (sadly) this mystery, the obscured stretch goal was something we planned to have before deciding to stop the stretch goals at the bounty system.
    The reason behind this decision: we want to avoid the feature creep trap, which generally delays a lot the official release of crowdfunded games.
    That doesn't mean we are going to cancel the obscured stretch goal. It's just it won't be implemented for the Official release, and it will just be part of one of the free expansions we will work on after the Official Release. We have a lot of unrevealed stretch goals in the pipeline so you can expect, if all goes well, many expansions in the coming years after the Official Release!  
    Sidenote: the obscured stretch goal is going to disappear with the updated picture of the stretch goals (coming today) on the Crowdfunding Portal.
    Best Regards,
  12. Like
    Mr_Kamikaze reacted to Lord_Void in Obscured Stretch Goal Guessing   
    Personally, if they do anymore stretch goals I think they should be sort of backer reward things. Things like: but 750000 and everyone who backed gets a special avatar skin or new blueprint for a simple ship or something. Maybe hit a million and all the backers get a free DAC or something.
    Stuff that isn't going to take a lot of dev time (to avoid the game getting stuck in perpetual crowd funding) but are still cool and reward those who have backed the game.
  13. Like
    Mr_Kamikaze reacted to NQ-Nyzaltar in Devblog - Organizations: Purpose & Management   
    @Lethys & CaptainTwerkMotor:
    Guys, keep in mind this is "work in progress".
    First, there is a need to prevent anyone to take anything they want on a whim (or else it would turn into nothing else than chaos)
    Once these basic mechanics will be implemented, attention will be given to Piracy gameplay and related game mechanics (which might end with a basic version of hacking implemented, or something else. Too soon to tell at the moment, but we are working on that). Keep also in mind that we will take into account player feedback in the game design.
    Please, be a bit patient on this. We want to discuss with you about all the game mechanics, but we can't present you the whole scope at once, especially this early in the development.
    Best Regards,
  14. Like
    Mr_Kamikaze reacted to NQ-Nunc in Dual Universe Volunteer Forum Moderator Guidelines   
    Dual Universe Volunteer Forum Moderator Guidelines

    The following are the guidelines for the Dual Universe volunteer moderators. They are written with the moderation team in mind, but have been posted in the spirit of transparency so that all community members can see the expectations we have for our volunteers.

    Moderators are Anonymous
    Moderators are given an account with a unique user name. Moderators are not permitted to reveal their real or forum identities to anyone for any reason. That includes friends and other community members. We take this very seriously.

    Moderators are Impartial
    All moderation is done fairly and impartially. Moderators are expected to treat all members of the community the same. This means you may be required to moderate posts and comments from your friends, maybe even your best friend. It’s a difficult thing to be impartial when dealing with friends, but it is imperative that you treat everyone the same and show absolutely no favoritism.

    Moderators Always Remain Calm and Respectful
    As a moderator, you may become the focus of a community member’s anger or frustration. Remember: Be nice. It’s not personal. Even if they are insulting you or making outrageous accusations, be nice. You are simply the target, not the cause (probably) of their anger/frustration. Never respond in kind and never, ever respond out of anger or frustration. This only leads to an endless spiral of anger and nothing is resolved. That said, please know you are not expected to take abuse or be subjected to mistreatment from the community. Abuse of moderators will be addressed by the Community Team.

    Moderators are Here to Help
    Moderators should be as helpful as possible. Even if a question has been asked a hundred times, understand that the person asking it might be new and this is their first interaction with the community. A helpful and welcoming response can turn a curious newbie into an outstanding community member. A curt or unkind response, could turn them away from the community and the game. Always offer the best answer you can, with links if possible. Of course, after answering their question or providing links to the answer, it’s perfectly acceptable to introduce them to the search feature and suggest they check it out the next time they have a question.

    Moderators are Proactive
    When a conflict arises between community members, a good moderator will step in and try to defuse the situation. Sometimes all that’s required is a friendly reminder that we all are passionate about the game and we should respect differing viewpoints. If things get out of hand, then locking or hiding specific posts or possibly the entire thread until a Community Manager can review it is a good option. If you do this, contact a community manager immediately so we can take appropriate action.

    Moderators are Volunteers Not Employees
    We consider our Moderators valuable assets and we are deeply appreciative of the time they dedicate to making the forums a better place. However, it is imperative that moderators, and all members of the community, keep in mind that moderators are not an official Novaquark employee. Moderators should never place themselves in a situation where their comments may be construed as an official statement or position.  Likewise, moderators should never post in a manner that suggests or implies they are a Novaquark employee. Doing so can create serious issues for the moderator and for us.

    Moderators are under NDA
    From time to time Moderators may be provided with information in advance of its public release. You are expected to keep this information in strict confidence and not share it until or unless otherwise instructed, in writing, by Novaquark.

    What can Moderators do?
    The following tools and abilities are available to Moderators:
    Able to see and read all reported posts. Access to the Moderation area and Tools Move threads between sections. Hide specific posts or entire threads. Merge threads.
  15. Like
    Mr_Kamikaze reacted to ATMLVE in Periodic Table of the Elements   
    This is not entirely known at this time. However, in a DevDiary video, a scan was shown that revealed the presence of several ores, all of which are common and very real elements. You can find the list at the bottom of this page (the source is listed, but the info is accurate).
    In the realm of speculation, I have a strong feeling it will be a combination of mostly real and a few fake resources. That would be a logical and realistic approach, but of course, I'm just taking a weighted guess.
  16. Like
    Mr_Kamikaze reacted to NQ-Nyzaltar in Devblog - Organizations: Purpose & Management   
    (Posted Friday 31th of March 2017 on the DevBlog)   
      Hi everyone!  
    Today we are going to talk about the organizations in a more detailed way!
    As usual, keep in mind this is how the organizations are planned to be implemented for the official release of Dual Universe, not for the Alpha. As it is still work in progress, some mechanics might change based on community feedback and/or for technical reasons.  
    For the Alpha (currently planned for September), we will most likely have a basic version similar to what we currently have on the Community Portal*. Veteran MMORPG players will undoubtedly be familiar with the basic concepts of guilds and clans from other games so some of this information might feel like a review to you. However, we wanted to give a complete overview of Organizations so that even players new to Massively Multiplayer games would understand what Organizations are, the benefits of joining one, and why you might choose to create one. If you have friends who like building games but haven’t ventured into MMORPGs yet, then they might be interested in this Blog post.  
    (*we are talking here of the current version on the Community Portal + an update scheduled to add a Super-Legate rank and many changes for Members and Legates rights)
    What exactly is an Organization in Dual Universe?  
    It’s a Moral Entity able to:
    - accumulate “Quanta” (the in-game currency)
    - own Assets (Items and Constructs)
    - gather Player Characters under the same flag for a common goal.
    - create a hierarchy, with ranks and roles for all Player Characters gathered in it.
    - be a member of another Organization, just like a Player Character.
    What are the purpose and benefits of an Organization?  
    - It enables players to accomplish greater goals than what a player could do alone: 
    The ability to pool resources and in-game currency will help a lot.
    - It consolidates the continuity of a long-term project:
    Players can enter and leave an organization without heavily impacting long-term projects supported by the group.
    - It gives a political dimension to the game:
    Rights & Duties can be transferred from one Player to another, and Powers are decided by the Legates through a vote (if the Organization is a democratic one).
    - It legitimizes conflicts between several group of Players: This will enable members of different Organizations to fight between themselves and kill each other, without being the target of reprisal mechanics (like bounty hunting) if a war has been declared between the said Organizations.
    RDMS (Rights & Duties Management System) in an Organization:  
    - Different actions can be done on each Asset: each possible action is defined as a Power.
    - Access to a Power on an Asset is given by a Tag.
    - Each Power has a list of Tags associated to it.
    - Each Player Character has a “wallet” of Tags.
    Here is a quick example illustrating the system:  
    Here we have an Asset having 3 Powers: Use, Sell and Edit. The Organization is composed of 3 Player Characters: Alice, Bob and Warren.
    In this situation:
    - Only Bob can edit the Asset.
    - Only Warren can sell the Asset.
    - All three can use the Asset:
    1) Alice can use the Asset through the Tag “alice”
    2) Bob can use the Asset through the Tag “bob” and “squad1”
    3) Warren can use the Asset through the Tag “squad2”
    But that’s not all: you will be able to create more complex administration rights by creating a hierarchy between Tags!  
    Let’s say “stock_management” is the parent Tag of “ammo_management” and “raw_materials_management”. If a player has the Tag “stock_management” in his wallet of Tags, he will be able to use or manage any of the Organization’s Assets having the Tag “ammo_management” or “raw_materials_management” depending on which powers are associated with those tags.  
    The Rights and Duties Management System is also used to create the Functions. A Function will contain various Tags defining an assignment. Let’s say that Warren gets the Function “President” in the Organization “MyOrg”. Now his Tag Wallet in “MyOrg” looks like as follow:  
    As the President, Warren will have the ability to declare war to another Organization. A Treasurer will manage the Organization bank account , a Gunman will be able to use some (or even all) weapons and military Elements to defend the Organization, etc. Of course, we will provide standard, ready-to-use Functions such as President, Treasurer, Miner, Industrialist, Gunman, and Military Officer to save time and allow players to quickly get their Organization operational.  
    Acting in your name or in the name of an Organization:  
    A Player Character can be a member of several Organizations.
    Therefore knowing whether they are acting on their own behalf or on behalf of an Organization (and which one) is very important. We call “Role” the state where a Player Character represents an Organisation (or just himself). By default, a Player Character has at least the Role where he can represent himself. Under each role, the Player Character has a Tag Wallet. When a Player Character is accepted into an Organization, the Player Character automatically gets an additional Role where he can represent the Organization. While under the Role representing the Organization, all the actions can affect the Organization. For example:  
    - Receive Quanta on behalf of the Organization: Quanta are transferred to the Organization - Craft an Element: the Element is owned by the Organization (not the Player) as a result.
    - Harvesting resources: The resources are owned by the Organization (not the Player) as a result.
    Example: After declaring a war that displeased most of the members in “MyOrg” (which has a democratic system), Warren has been demoted from his function of President and kicked out (Warren, what have you done? You should have consulted your guildmates before doing that!). He has now joined a new organization, “Corpo1”, as a miner and has just discovered he can act in the name of “Corpo1” or act just for himself. In the windows where he could choose his active Role for the time being, it will look a bit like this:
    However, keep in mind this is a simplified view of the Tags: as it will probably become quite common to have the same name for a Tag in different Organizations, the Tags will be “scoped” to avoid conflicts. Let’s say Warren is accepted again in “MyOrg” and gets the Tag “miner”, just like in “Corpo1”. To avoid conflicts, the Tags will be scoped as follow:  
    Political Action (Vote) in an Organization:  
    Only Legates will be able to vote.
    Votes could be used for administrative decisions like:
    - Accepting a new Member in the Organization
    - Excluding a Member from the Organization.
    - Giving a Function to a Member
    - Changing of the Vote rules
    Of course, the list of administrative decisions above is far from exhaustive. A Legate can also give his/her ability to vote to a representative (another Legate)
    Above, the Organization “MyOrg” has 5 Legates: Kim, Bob, Alice, John, Steve. John and Steve give their right to vote to Alice. Alice now counts as 3 votes. However, she will be absent for the next vote so she delegates her right to vote to Kim. Bob also gives his right to vote to Kim as he trusts her completely. In the end Kim will have all the votes so she will be able to make important decisions for the Organization without involving the other Legates. Big responsibility for Kim!  
    We hope this has given you a better grasp of how an Organization will work in Dual Universe. Not all related game mechanics have been explained as it’s still currently in development, so there will be probably a second part later. As always we can’t wait to read your feedback of what we’ve discussed so far!
    The Novaquark team  
  17. Like
    Mr_Kamikaze reacted to Cybrex in So many organisations....   
    The amount of stupidity this forum provides never ceases to amaze me.
    Don't stop though, I need something to read while I drink my coffee and fuck off at work. 
  18. Like
    Mr_Kamikaze reacted to devu in What are the actual chances of this game being any good?   
    To directly answer your question.
    The best chances you can get these days. NQ provided enough information already to convince many of us to get into it. After all disappointments we get from some Alpha titles that put us down this is the 'last man standing'.
    1. Because it's natural progression in games. Almost a dream game for many sci-fi genre sandbox fans. 
    2. They have proved on devblog they know what they talking about.
    3. The videos they share with us backs it all up.
    4. They are honest, not promising miracles. But within technical constrains telling us what is possible or not.
    5. They are passionate about it.
    6. They are dedicated.
    7. They have been backed up by large community. By us. As long as this feedback loop exist chances are rising.
    If they will succeed with this project I see new chapter in MMO voxel based games opening up. Many genres could adapt same mechanics. From fantasy, medieval you name it. One thing proved to be effective over the time. Vision, passion and dedication to the project.
    However, personally I believe we should stay away from direct comparison to games we know. SE, EVE, Minecraft etc. It may only disappoint people, because players coming from these games counting on DU to be an upgrade of it, those will disappointed. They may look for wrong things here, familiar things. It is more like DU will have some of its elements. But you need to get a fresh perspective on it. There is NO voxel based MMO in any form on the market yet. And this fact alone is worth a try. There is no single game when players itself can shape the gameplay to this extend including building game world itself.
  19. Like
    Mr_Kamikaze reacted to Omfgreenhair in What are the actual chances of this game being any good?   
    Nope, it's gonna be terrible, I know this because you can't 360 no scope 420 blaze it. 
    I guess you didn't check the devblog, nor anything else. These people come with hard evidence and don't do halve baked end products. They even pushed the date of Alpha and Beta release just so they can squeeze in the things they promised. That alone already deserves my undying respect and a good investment of my money.
    I don't think your rant is at NQ nor their product. I think your rant is at all the halve baked products already on the market. Unfinished games for fast profit. That's fair and I understand your fears because it's like committing treason to the good faith of gamers that believe in your awesome idea. Believe me that I laughed at NQ's promises and thought it was impossible what they promised. But they delivered proof and so I was sold.

    Though I'm still skeptic at what might be the end result, I'll keep poking them with the "trust the community to solve the social issues" until it shows in their plans. ;D
  20. Like
    Mr_Kamikaze reacted to yamamushi in What are the actual chances of this game being any good?   
    At PAX, briefly, yes. But mostly I've seen JC playing it, and it wasn't scripted gameplay. 
    It's pretty awesome to say "can you go here and do this" and "can you try this?" and he's eager to show it off.
    We were with JC for about 45 minutes before the stream went live talking about the game while he showed us what it was like. 
    There was never a point at which it felt he was hiding anything from us, he showed the game with all the bugs as they were, and explained the technical reasons behind why they are there, like a programmer would talk to another programmer about why something might be wrong. They weren't major bugs that would make one think the massive multiplayer networking couldn't work, they were minor things like water not rendering that were clearly going to be worked on before Alpha. 
    I mean I can't really think of many other game dev's on a project like DU that would just show off everything without saying "oh that isn't done yet so we're not going to go there". It was pretty much the exact opposite, with JC explaining what was next to come on the roadmap when we asked to see things that weren't in place yet and what the game might look like, while also asking us for our opinion on things. 
    Once you see it in person then it all kind of clicks together and you realize it's going to be huge. 
  21. Like
    Mr_Kamikaze reacted to NQ-Nyzaltar in What are the actual chances of this game being any good?   
    Hi Bleep_Bloop and welcome to our forum.
    Not sure if this is the best way to introduce yourself in a positive way, but that's your choice.
    We know our project is ambitious and we don't force anyone to believe the Novaquark team on words alone. We communicate as much as possible on the game development, we show what we can show. We do our best to avoid overpromising things (we stick to what seems to be technically feasible to us) and we try to be as transparent as possible in the development process, then it's up to the players to make their own opinion. 
    If you have a hard time to imagine how a game can contain many planets without being extremely unstable, keep in mind that the game world won't be hosted on just one single hardware server, but hosted on a server cluster. 
    we suggest to look at:
    - This page on our website describing the "single shard" technology: http://www.dualthegame.com/technology
    - This devblog post: https://devblog.dualthegame.com/2014/09/26/a-single-shard-continuous-universe-one-world-no-boundaries/
    - This video explaining visually how the game world is splitted in real time across many servers to keep a global stability and handle the workload proportionally to the number of players gathering in specific areas: 
    After that, if you still have questions, feel free to ask.
    About Brian Fargo:
    You might not like the games delivered by his studio (maybe they don't suit your tastes) but they have been successful and the numbers disagree with your opinion. The fact that you don't like them doesn't mean they are bad. Beside, it would make no sense to compare Wasteland 2/Torment: Tides of Numenera with Dual Universe as they are two completely different types of games (the first ones are rpg solo games with deep storyteling designed by developers in 3D isometric view, the other one is a Massively Multiplayer Online RPG Sandbox in first person view where the story is made by players).
    Best Regards,
  22. Like
    Mr_Kamikaze reacted to Lethys in Will Mechas be possible?   
    Since there will be no hinges/pistons/rotary elements in the release version you can't build them. But NQ looks into that matter for a later update
  23. Like
    Mr_Kamikaze reacted to Hotwingz in Water, Pledges, Connectivity, and Painting Elements!   
    Hi there, those are some questions.
    I'll do my best to answer them and I'm sure other people will add to it.
    Water: Water at the moment is a static block. No flow mechanics, traveling under water seems to not work right now. Maybe a hovercraft can travel over it. Building on water is also not possible right now. At least thats what I understood and I could be wrong.
    Connectivity and Pledges: Since the server tech uses distributed load I can imagine there wont be just 1 connection to europe. I suspect DU will run between several server clusters around the world. In that scenario you would connect to the closest to your location. Again this is from my understanding the technology behind DU.
    After this pledge portal we will get 2 more portals. You will be able to increase your pledge at any given time up until release.
    Painting elements: This will not be possible I think. Elements are static mesh models with a predefined art style. This leads me to speculate you wont be able to paint them. But I could be wrong, NQ does seem to provide as much creative freedom as possible. So maybe this will be a to be announced feature.
    I hope this helps you.
    Anyone, feel free to correct me if needed.
  24. Like
    Mr_Kamikaze got a reaction from Ryzekanzler in The New Empire(International, PvP/PvE, extremely friendly)   
    This Sound like a friendly guild, i hope it go well for it
  25. Like
    Mr_Kamikaze reacted to mrjacobean in The Intrinsic Value of Constructs and Reavers   
    Playing solo does not mean avoiding all human interaction. It just means you want to play by yourself. You would treat the other players as NPCs, get the materials you need from the market and make money by acepting player made contracts (deliver this, get us that, kill them). Sometimes you will have to take the bullet and hire a protection team when going through a nasty area of space or work off some debt by helping the navy take out some pirates, but it is very easy to play solo. Also, safety is overrated, you just need a plan B when all hell breaks loose. 
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