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Alpha Team Vanguard
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Everything posted by ATMLVE

  1. Well you know there will be lots of player-made quests in the game? People can give out jobs to people to have them do things for them that either they don't have the time to do or it's too risky for them. So: - Players give the jobs. - As for what kind of jobs, that can't be determined for certain yet, we don't know what kind of system it will be. - The reward, how much they're paid, is of course entirely up to those involved, I don't see why there would be a limit on how much a job can be worth. - I'm not sure what you mean by working for others, not yourself. But that's what this is. - It is not necessarily better, but another option which adds diversity to the economy. If someone wants to do everything themselves, they can do that. But if you don't want to take the risk of going out and mining by yourself, or you have crappy equipment, you can hire someone to do it for you. But you don't want some crappy lazy guy doing the job, you need it done fast, so you find a guy with a great mining ship and good rep, and you know that employing him will work out well for both involved. Similarly, it allows those that want to make a living doing jobs for people, to be able to do that well. If they enjoy trying hard and doing a good job, it'll make them stand out and allow them to get bigger jobs and make more money. Otherwise, they're no more appealing than the next guy, who might make a living double-crossing his employers. And something else, is that maybe an employer decides he wants to get ahead by double-crossing those he gives jobs to. Well a player certainly isn't going to want to take a job from someone with negative rep that says that person tried to steal the cargo from the guy they "paid" to retrieve it! Rep would be important on both sides.
  2. Great suggestion! I really like this idea a lot. This could really make a difference in the game, and allow people that actually desire to do good jobs and help people to stand out above the trolls, or those darn lazy half jobs. The main issue I see, which you addressed, is that it could be abused. I could see a few friends just boosting rep together, i.e. standing on an iron planet and giving each other missions to "retrieve 1 gram of iron". Having past job history (and also importantly, the name of the player that gave that job) listed next to the rep would really help to minimize the boosting method, so I definitely like the "Curriculum Vitae" method you proposed. This is one of the best ideas I've seen proposed on this thread! Also another addition would be a timestamp of when the job was given and completed. This could help to further identify boosters, and also benefit those that do real jobs quickly, allowing employers to see how fast they are!
  3. Read the whole thing. This is awesome! Thank you so much for taking the time to make this up, it's really fantastic. It's a great reference too for people to look at just to know about the game, and answer questions that new people might have. Something you said really stuck out to me, about how the actual physical structure of the ship plays an important role? So you can't build any shape because it has to actually make sense, otherwise itll fail?
  4. Trust me, if I could I would. I have no platforms of influence, my YouTube videos typically get about 10 views in 2 weeks, and I don't use social media. I have a strong feeling that most people on the forums have already backed, and something I want to suggest to those people is that you up your pledge to the next highest level. It makes a difference but usually isn't much more money, considering you already pledged. I have been a little nervous as well about the kickstarter, it seems like it's slowed down. But I'm confident it'll make it in the end; I just have a feeling!
  5. Will it completely engulf you...? I was told that all backers of the game would be consumed at the end of kickstarter, so yes I believe so. As for your other questions, it's too soon to say. Planets torn from the inside out? So just huge asteroids essentially? Asteroids are a possibility. The actual planet entities will not technically be solid spheres though, they'll be pretty hollow. As for supplies scarce on most planets, I would guess not most, although resources will not be renewable (at least I think), so once something is taken, it's gone.
  6. I think something along these lines but static would be a nice addition. If dynamic storms and comets are too much to add, than at the very least static asteroids, particular those making rings around a planet, or an asteroid belt depending on the structure of a solar system, would definitely add some immersive space goodness! Imagine setting up your base in a big rock floating above the surface of really any world, it would be a cool place to be.
  7. That sounds like such an awesome experience! I would have loved to attend something like that. Glad there are members of the community here who got to attend and report back how it went, would love to hear from some others too. And I'm happy to hear about how enthusiastic they seem, that along with inviting you into their office really makes me confident that this game will succeed!
  8. I also believe that such powerful weapons simply don't have a place in a game like this. They would be too devastating and unbalanced in any situation where they're getting used as a weapon. Games such as Dual Universe need to put limits on what is achievable by players, because the game is based so heavily around player interactions. What it comes down to is that WMD's just wouldn't be fun.
  9. Yeah I agree, I think the arkship "safe zone" will be unlike anything available to players. It will be much larger than the TCU's available to organizations, and will prevent all pvp. Not much I can say that wizard didn't say above me though! I do want to point out a specific difference that I've noticed though. The entire game is built around player-made content; the developers aren't creating any entities for the game because the point is that everything is made by the players. As such, the arkship is significant because it is made by the developers. So this makes the arkship, and the elements associated with it, unique. Thus, I think the arkship's safe zone will remain permanently unique.
  10. As was said, planets are not actually spheres, more like shells, which you cannot dig through. As such, I don't think the loss of mass will actually even be quantified, and thus not used for anything. Despite this, the volume of a still enormous object will ensure that completely mining out a planet would take an outrageous amount of time and resources, and quite probably would not be worth it. And, like wizardoftrash said above, I believe resources are not completely "deletable". But despite all this, I think the main issue is that the amount of time it would take to completely mine a planet with respect to how beneficial it would be in regards to return, will ensure it simply doesn't happen. Maybe someones project, just for the heck of it!
  11. Oh yeah, that's something OP and his brother should know. OP, JC has said that all physical goods in the game will have to be moved physically and manually. So if someone orders anything physical from your market, it'll have to be either picked up or delivered.
  12. Market 5 definitely is the best option in my opinion. It allows freedom and creativity. But honestly, all this stuff is player made. If you're a huge market, you can charge people whatever you want to sell their stuff, to a point of course. I don't think you need to define rules, I think it'll be more 'go with the flow'. You try a system, you charge what you want, and if it works then great. If not, try something else! And if you don't have competition, charge more! Also, minor issue I have to point out, but in number 1 you list 99% of $10 as $9.99. It's actually $9.90. Sorry, I gotta be that guy, but I just like math.
  13. I suppose you could sell someone some Lua script that you had programmed to be hijackable. There might be potential there! Some issues I see are that most people will probably do their own scripting, and it's not super complicated to read for a person even somewhat familiar with it. So they might be able to identify that their code has a "virus" and alert others, or hunt you down. Nevertheless, it is entirely possible that you could sell someone bugged Lua script and get away with it. The question is how applicable would this be? Would you be able to have all of their weapons shut down, or would that not be possible? There's not enough information at this point to give a definitive answer. It's a cool prospect though, I like the idea!
  14. I feel that this is something sort of already present and sort of against the developers ideas. They don't want to impose restrictions, definitions, or classes on players, they want everyone to be equal and make the most of what they can. And aside from that, any organization can't really be defined by certain pre-defined criteria. Every group has to start somewhere. Every small organization has a risk of failure, but potential to grow into a powerful and well known force. You don't need pre-set definitions for that, it is what it is and it's all made by players.
  15. My laptop. I am mildly exaggerating, but there is no need for such a basic header of three images each with one word to constantly stay with you as you scroll down a page.
  16. I'm interested as well! I don't think they've revealed many details about that yet. I know the combat system will work more like lock on and shoot type thing, which I think you were alluding to. And yeah I don't know how they'd figure out ship shields, health, etc.. Like, when is a voxel ship dead if it doesn't get deformed? We'll just have to wait and see. The problem with that no deformation I feel as that you wouldn't really be able to disable ships. In a game with dev-built ships, they can design each ship to have certain weak points, which when targeted and destroyed disable certain ship systems. But when you let the players design ships in any shape they want, that all goes away. What happens if you want to take out their power core, or cut off their gravity, or blow open their cargo hold to jack their goods and make off with a payout without having to fight the whole ship? I'm not sure what their plans are for that. Deformation of voxels is definitely something I'd like to see though.
  17. I started with iron, and then I moved up to bronze because why not. Then I realized that bronze is a stupid material, so I moved up to silver! Now a silver digital backer, and I got there not too soon because they ran out of silver digital the day ever I pledged it, which was just a few days ago.
  18. From what JC has said I'm pretty sure inventory will go by volume, and then the more full your cargo the more fuel you need to fly. Additionally, and JC personally said this, if you want to get supplies somewhere you have to physically fly them there. And infinite inventory would be kinda OP, so inventory by volume is a good guess. As for avatar inventory, honestly, no one that would tell you knows, at least as far as I know.
  19. I just wish they'd make it so that the header doesn't constantly take up the top third of the screen!
  20. Yeah I was going to say that you could limit it to just the leaders of organizations that have a certain number of members. And they organization has to be one on this site. So when an organization reaches something like 25 members here on these forums, they can apply to be able to have an emblem available in-game. They submit an emblem for review, and if approved than all members of that organization (I believe the organization system will be in-game?) can place down something like a "sticker" which is the emblem and it simply covers the voxels wherever you place it.
  21. I always thought Space Engineers way of gravity was a little awkward, what with just a big box. If two ships of differing orientations but 1g downward gravity get close to each other, and the wells extend beyond the ships, then things get goofy for both ships. I personally would prefer a gravity generator placed on a ship to make gravity happen in a specific way according to the voxels on the ship, so that the gravity would extend a certain height above every single section of the ship, and not have gravity out in space in the ships vicinity. Then also available would be a way to have radial or spherical gravity, but it all would depend on the voxels connected to the generator, not merely the proximity of the generator. So rather than a gravity generator having its own field, a gravity generator would cause each voxel the generator is connected to to have its own individual gravity field. This would make close fleet battles, something hopefully a significant factor in the game, less awkward in terms of gravity. For something like cylindrical radial gravity, you could have the center be through the gravity generator, and then all voxels would have a gravity field away from that center line.
  22. I agree, I enjoy this community. There aren't a plethora of endless and specific forums to put topics in, there's only a few and it makes for a very cozy and awesome place to be. I'll be here a while, that's for sure. And thank YOU for being a part of this wonderful community too!
  23. Hey man you can do whatever you want! If you want to keep posting news every week, go for it. I think here is fine. Thanks for taking the time to assemble all of this for the forums!
  24. On-screen inside of ships, for personal use, would be awesome. That goes along with the server browser suggestion. As for advertisements, I fear people would use them less for advertising in-game stuff, and more for playing annoying videos, or promoting their channel. I mean common... This is the internet we're talking about.
  25. How did this pass under the radar? Sorry you didn't get a welcome earlier! How rude of us! Welcome to the forums! Looks like you didn't post again, hope we didn't shun you away with our apparent unfriendliness.
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