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Everything posted by Snipey

  1. I don't understand why NQ is making so many drastic short sighted design changes without fixing the core of the game. I have played this game for over 1 year now and have only seen them take features and ruin mechanics without seeing them fully realized. All while at the same time ignoring basic QOL features like what I mentioned. Why are you trying to kill your "game" (or whatever is left that you want to call a "game")?
  2. They will never publish those numbers as they are ashamed and its bad PR
  3. Imagine trying to handicap the ONLY money generation in the game because "wahhhhhhh wahhhhhhh boo hoooooo" This change will effectively bleed players and kill the game.
  4. So we should punish people trying to build an empire? Get out of here and go play no mans sky if you are that concerned. Most large orgs are fine with this change and were very vocal about why they did not do it first and decided to back track. People barely want to play the game in its current state. Punishing players because you cant make friends is not our problem.
  5. Oh yeah, land rush time. Taxes are still terribly timed as you are not really adding many new things for people to do and punishing those who are waiting for something more to play other than calibrate machines, run missions, and asteroids (old mining but in space)
  6. Im getting tired of reporting all your posts. Please learn how to use the forums. You are literally clicking the wrong button.......
  7. Um you literally posted 3 times in a row. Do you know you can MULTI QUOTE messages? I may be toxic but at least my messages make sense. "Illegal actions" LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLL#$@#$*)(&YU@#)*$&^@#(&*^%@(#$%Y# What is a ban hammer for $400 Alex
  8. Would you like to keep your rambling to one incoherent message please. I get you want to pad your post count with crap but this is a place of discussion. Stop flooding the forums.
  9. "I don't think anything is wrong because I don't know better"
  10. Well I certainly hope you see all the people who have posted have at one point last weekend played the PTS so they have reasons to voice he concerns. I personally think this patch is 1000x worse than 0.23 and already seeing the death of all of the game "loops" or lack there of. This was not the game people signed on for and is regressing to pre 1999 levels of being lame. Meanwhile competitors are implementing features DU is removing. Having people pay a sub and having beta codes while calling it a beta when CLEARLY its barely and ALPHA is quite the joke. If you are going to make sweeping changes like this and you tell ALL of your players they know nothing when we all can see the disaster headed towards the game the death of your game will be the result. I have seen many players come and check in on the update and have packed up all their stuff or straight gave up their whole accounts because of this. I see how you can remain hopeful but seeing the past performance and the response to the questions in the video there is no way this will be an unmitigated disaster for DU and what ever happens after will determine its fate. Cant play the markets if nobody is selling anything due to low pop.
  11. You did the math wrong its 7 per month times 3
  12. How much do you get paid to play this game? I sure as heck don't want it to be a job. Since the end goal is to have paying subs. I don't see a high tax beneficial to the games longevity. Also you literally did your calculations based on your current knowledge of mining and its impacts within this economy. Mining becoming a passive phase of the game essentially puts a speed limit on how much you can produce. HOWEVER since its steady all the time the market will slowly go back to PRE HYPER INFLATION prices like 35/l for t1 Economics is fun.
  13. If people wanted this type of gameplay they would still play EVE.
  14. With these changes how are we supposed to test the live functionality with all our ships broken?
  15. You must have missed the part where they said there were more PVP changes already slated for DEMETER.
  16. I'm baffled they even had to ask if there should be a reset.... You are gutting the main core aspect of the game where people have WEEKS/MONTHS invested into those talents.. OF COURSE YOU SHOULD RESET.
  17. So you don't want anyone to be able to repair their core? or anything on their ship... This is turning out to be such a fun game. First ship multi-crew is decimated, then ground mining. Whats next? A space sim where they take your money and remove features they promise and never deliver?
  18. Good job including Madis in that "Large base list" There are many large bases on Madis and other planets.
  19. Imagine spending hundreds of hours of work on a script in game that you would like to sell for a small bit of quanta. DRM enables that. Remember. You don't need to enable DRM if you don't want to.
  20. Only half implementing systems as they go. Imagine a civ building game where all you do is pvp. Why even play at that point? What is there to play?
  21. Why are the docking areas so massive? I cant even leave one docked construct on a station to lock it in place because I'm "on a dynamic construct" My ships will just float away. Your "solution" seems to have fixed nothing and made things worse.
  22. There are so many games with passive resource generation to supplement low player counts. They want an eve scale game with the player counts of a small minecraft server.
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