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    Atmosph3rik reacted to Citoyen in Communauté de joueurs en langue française.   
    Salutations à l'équipe de Dual Universe pour ce jeu qui semble extrêmement prometteur.
    Si j'ai bien compris l'aspect social, communautaire du jeu sera très développé ce qui fait qu'un joueur pourra vivre une expérience solitaire du jeu mais qu'il sera pour lui très difficile de réunir les ressources nécessaires pour atteindre des objectifs importants (comme construire un vaisseau pour une exploration spatiale au long cours ou un vaisseau de combat de grande qualité). 
    Pour cette raison et pour que chacun puisse vivre l'aventure comme bon lui semble je propose la création d'une république démocratique à l'image de celles existant dans le monde réel. Une démocratie ou tout les citoyens seront libres et égaux. Chaque citoyen en fonction de ses capacités pourra accéder aux postes les plus importants de la république.
    La république devrait être à mon sens une nation souveraine indépendante et neutre. Le chef de l'état devrait être élu au suffrage universel. Il pourrait être déchu de ses fonctions sur référendum populaire ou sur conseils des ministres. Le chef de l'état sera le chef des armées, il ne pourra diriger par décret qu'en cas d'extrême urgence. Des ministres seront responsables des différentes activités  (ressource, exploration, armée,justice, police, etc...) 
    Les citoyens de la république devront payer un impôt en fonction de leurs ressources propres, certains citoyens fonctionnaire pourrait se voir attribuer un salaire (comme le président par exple), en contrepartie la république serait garante de leur sécurité, la république pourrait subvenir à leurs besoins en cas de faillite personnelle ou de catastrophe, la république pourrait les aider à réaliser des projets ambitieux. Le citoyen pourrait se voir appeler à défendre la nation en cas de mobilisation générale ou si les forces armées ne suffisent pas à contenir la menace.
    Les citoyens les plus méritants et ayant fait preuve de leurs capacités pourrait se voir confier des postes importants sur décision ministérielle ou présidentielle, Général, Ambassadeur (pour les joueurs bilingues), Chargé de l 'Exploration spatiale, Chargé de l'extraction minière, responsable de poste d'exploration avancée, chef des services d'espionnage et contre espionnage, chef des forces anti terroristes, chef des forces spéciales etc....
    Certains services seront chargés de la protection du président, certains services spéciaux seront directement sous ses ordres.
    Les citoyens méritants pourraient être décorés par le chef de l'état pour services rendus à la nation.
    Point important : Chaque citoyen serait libre de quitter la république sous conditions, un citoyen s'étant vu confier un vaisseau d'exploration de grande qualité pourrait demander à  quitter la république et de se voir attribuer le vaisseau pour services rendu. De cette façon la république profite des services rendus par son citoyen dans la découverte de galaxies en contrepartie le citoyen peut au bout d'un certain temps, si il le souhaite, quitter la nation pour vivre son aventure comme bon lui semble dans l'immensité galactique.
    Voila quelques idées qui me sont venues à l'esprit, je ne sais pas si cela est réalisable, je ne suis pas un spécialiste dans le domaine politique. Toutes les idées sont les bienvenues pour la création d'une communauté viable ou nous ne sommes limités que par notre imagination.
  2. Like
    Atmosph3rik reacted to lethak in Communauté de joueurs en langue française.   
    Salut et bienvenue ici !

    To the "english please" folks : sorry not every one can read write or understand this language, this must not be a barrier blocking DU to become internationally viral imo.

    Je vais reprendre chacun de tes points pour essayer de te montrer pourquoi je ne crois pas trop en ton projet de république.

    Oui et non. Un joueur solo pourra toujours se spécialiser dans une activité qu'il aime et en tirer profit. Il pourra ensuite commercer les resources/items qui lui manquent.
    Mais en effet, ce sera toujours plus long que de jouer dans un groupe coopératif.


    Une oligarchie donc ?


    Il te faudra donc une armée pour te permettre de rester souverain, indépendant et neutre, sous peine de te faire piller et "manquer de respet" en boucle.
    Une armée en général, c'est tout sauf démocratique dans son fonctionnement interne.

    Donc ils ne sont pas tous égaux ?

    Donc tous les joueurs de l'organisation sont des "legats" avec droit de vote ?

    Je vois déjà arriver les actes de sabotages necessitant d'instaurer un état d'urgence

    Donc en réalité, c'est un conseil non élu qui détient le pouvoir ?

    Qui ira vérifier combien chaque citoyen gagne ?
    Si je fais partie de cette république et que je déclare ne rien gagner ?

    Ca tombe bien, comme je ne gagne rien, j'ai besoin que la république me finance mon abonnement (PLEX) ! chouette

    Donc l'armée, mais l'armée est composée de qui ? de citoyens de cette république ? si c'est eux le bras armé, comment les empécher de prendre le pouvoir ?

    Copinage magouille et compagnie ?

    Comment enforcer cette condition ? rien n'empeche ton joueur de se barrer en douce, ou de ne jamais se reconnecter.


    Sans être un spécialiste, mais basé sur mon expérience communautaire perso, je pense que ce n'est pas réalisable.
    Dans un MMO, le modèle de "fausse démocratie" occidentale que tu prend en exemple n'est pas adapté a un groupe de personnes indépendants.

    De surcroit, ce modèle de démocratie n'en est pas une.
    C'est une hypocrisie que de le croire, et les mécaniques hypocrites a gérer pour maintenir la poudre aux yeux font perdre du temps et de l'efficacitée à tout le monde.
    Sans parler de la prise de tête hallucinante pour essayer de rendre le tout cohérent.

    De mon point de vue les nations qui vont se former "in game", vont avoir comme fondateurs des groupes de joueurs déjà constitués, qui vont se regrouper pour des opérations militaires. et éventuellement se regrouper géographiquement dans un soucis d'efficacité sécuritaire.

    Appel ça une nation ou une alliance, c'est un détail role-play finalement.

    Si jamais ça ne fonctionne pas, jette un oeil à ma signature pour trouver un groupe de joueurs teamplay qui cherche a construire un groupe soudé et coopératif sur DU et StarCitizen, sans démocratie ni doute et prise de tête sur le mode de fonctionnement en dictature militaire "éclairée" et accepté par tous.

    En attendant bonne chance
  3. Like
    Atmosph3rik reacted to Cybrex in Perseid Meteor Shower Tonight!   
    Tonight, and throughout tomorrow (night as well) the Perseid meteor shower will be kicking off, and it's supposed to be quite spectacular with the shower to reach 100 - 200 meteors per hour. Ideally, you'll want to watch it take place between 12 AM and 2 AM (Early morning).
    While we can't play DU now, try to find sometime to witness this event, as this doesn't occur very often.
    EDIT: I'll be taking some photos, but I may not be able to get anything good. Depending on how bad the light pollution will be where I am going. If anyone watches it tonight and has clear skies, take some photos and post them here!
  4. Like
    Atmosph3rik got a reaction from Xorkil in WE NEED STEAM!!!   
    I'll always buy directly from the developer if i can.
    Why give your money to Steam when you can put it directly back into the game?  They're just a leech on the industry.
  5. Like
    Atmosph3rik got a reaction from Bella_Astrum in Paint   
    I'd like it if when you crafted an Element you got to choose from a color wheel.  But then later if you wanted to change the color there was another recipe for paint that you would have to complete to be able to recolor the Element.
    It's always good to have some kind of cost so people don't just change the color every five minutes.
    Although some kind of adaptive skin on a ship that could change color at will like a chameleon would be pretty cool too.  But i guess that's more in the realm of cloaking technology then paint.
  6. Like
    Atmosph3rik got a reaction from GalloInfligo in Paint   
    I'd like it if when you crafted an Element you got to choose from a color wheel.  But then later if you wanted to change the color there was another recipe for paint that you would have to complete to be able to recolor the Element.
    It's always good to have some kind of cost so people don't just change the color every five minutes.
    Although some kind of adaptive skin on a ship that could change color at will like a chameleon would be pretty cool too.  But i guess that's more in the realm of cloaking technology then paint.
  7. Like
    Atmosph3rik reacted to Kiklix in COPS intro video.   
    COPS video intro.
    ​This is my second time to use After Effects and first time mixing audio so this is probably subject to change. Fun stuff, tons to learn. Enjoy.

  8. Like
    Atmosph3rik reacted to guttertrash in Player made mini games   
    So we've seen a few threads about things like melee weapons, wheels and racing, and space elevators. Which got me thinking about fun things we can do with the tools provided. So I was wondering what types of mini games you might have in mind, perhaps ones you made or seen made in other voxel games that could be fun in a more social environment like DU. 
    So here's what i saw in other threads already:
    Gladiators (was mentioned in the melee thread iirc) 
    Auto Racing. 
    I was thinking it would be fun to make a little carnival with over the top rides, perhaps some shooting galleries or other common carnival games. ( got this idea from the space elevator thread because it would be the ultimate carnival ride imho) 
    I thought this would be a fun Lighthearted discussion to get some creative juices flowing. 
    (edit i probably should have put this in the idea box sub forum so if an admin can move it super, otherwise lets pretend i put this in the right place : ) 
  9. Like
    Atmosph3rik reacted to Kiklix in Form Voltron?   
    I would love to see something like Voltron or some of the old Japanese combiners like Voltes, Combattler V, Dancouga, or even Devestator. It might be some time before stuff like this can be made, as Dual needs to get the foundational systems of the game in place, but it would be super cool! Especially if there were gnarly effects and sounds when the units come together with a solid clunk and che chee sound coupled with a powerup flash
  10. Like
    Atmosph3rik reacted to Hisshadow in Form Voltron?   
    So who wants to build a defender for our universe? Lol
    With the right parts we should be able to build mechs as well as ships, transformale mechs.. maybe even a combiner like voltron?
    If we have the part functions, I see nothing against it.
  11. Like
    Atmosph3rik got a reaction from Kael in What kind of elements (props) would you like to see in game?   
    I was just thinking of something like a catapult too!  
    Along the same lines i would love a Working Construct for Landing a ship too.  Something like the docking platforms on stations in Elite Dangerous.
    A spinning platform that lowers the ship inside and a track that can move the ship into a hanger area after you've gotten out of it.
  12. Like
    Atmosph3rik reacted to Cybrex in What kind of elements (props) would you like to see in game?   
    Yes, yes, and more yes.
    One of my favorite things about Elite Dangerous - Docking.
  13. Like
    Atmosph3rik reacted to Cybrex in Dual Universe FAQ/Sources   
    This is a "General Knowledge" thread to help provide newcomers with a list of hot topics, answers, FAQs, videos, and other miscellaneous information that pertains to Dual Universe. This thread will not contain everything about DU, but merely help to point you in the right direction. I have done my best over the years to keep this thread up to date for newcomers, so if there is something you think is missing and should be added, just private message me with the information and sourcing.
    You are also encouraged to join the Official Community Discord for Dual Universe if you have questions, or just want to be involved in the community. 
    PSA: Use the SEARCH FUNCTION in the forums before making a thread if you are new. Chances are, it has already been discussed and beaten to death.  
    -> Release Roadmap & Alpha Announcement <-
    Official Links:
    • FAQ from the Main Website
    • Trello Community Suggestions
    • DU Gamepedia (wiki)
    • Developer Blog
    • Kickstarter Page
    • Youtube Page
              • DU Community Discord
                    • Official Discord FAQ (Forum Link)
              • Soundcloud/Soundtracks
              • DU Reddit
    Forum Links:
    • "Ask Us Anything" Thread by NQ-Nyzaltar
    • Forum Rules thread by NQ-Nyzaltar
    • Pre-Alpha FAQ and Rules by NQ-Nyzaltar
    • DU DevDiary Video Guide by Shockeray
    Other (Non-Official) Media:
    • Dual Universe Explorers (Podcast)
    • Ark Central (Community News)
    • Dual Insider (Community News)
    • Dual Universe Sleepers (Fansite/Blog)
    • Outpost Zebra (Blog)
    • Community Org/Player Map (Community Tool)
    Common Topics: (NOTE: All information below is subject to change at any time. Official responses from the developers, and sources, have been linked to each subject.)
    • Price Model will be Pay To Play
    • "Virtual Simulator" for builders to build in peace
    • "The Economy"
    • "Scripting" Dual Universe will utilize LUA Scripting and Distributed Processing Units  
    • "FTL Travel" answered by NQ-Nyzaltar in the Ask Us Anything thread
      • "Unigine 2" Dual Universe will be running off of the Unigine 2 Game Engine
    • "Single Shard Server" In Dual Universe, all players will be playing in the same server
    • (Video) Server Technology review by JC Baillie
    • "Active Lock On Targeting" In Dual Universe, combat will not be twitched base
    • "Character Progression" There will be no character levels in Dual Universe
    • "Survival Gameplay" Currently NovaQuark are still considering adding survival elements
    • "Territory Control" In Dual Universe, you will be able to own pieces of land
    • "Rights And Duties Management System" Sophisticated system for managed roles in your organization
    • "Stealth Technology" Stealth tech is currently being considered by NovaQuark
  14. Like
    Atmosph3rik reacted to lethak in What kind of elements (props) would you like to see in game?   
    small rail Catapults would be nice. just something to give initial motion on a mass like another construct
    Jump to 0:40
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    Atmosph3rik reacted to Kiklix in What kind of elements (props) would you like to see in game?   
    As most of you are aware Novaquark is laying down the foundation for Dual Universe. They need to get the game in a strong alpha state before they launch their kickstarter campaign. This means that some of the purely aesthetic aspects of the game will have to come later on, like outfits, player customization etc.
    This thread is for those who would like to dream of the kinds of elements or "props" as they are called in some other games that they would like to see in dual.
    There are many different types of elements.
    • Active elements: Elements that have a function and will most likely be scriptable (rocket boosters, guns, conduits for energy transfer, etc).
    • Superficial elements: Elements that are made for decoration only. These are to help add atmosphere to a construct (pots/pans, soda cans etc).
    • Superficial Working elements: Elements like stoves, sinks, toilets. Elements that "work" in game with opening doors, flowing water etc, but have no function outside of immersive aspects.
    • Emitter elements: Elements that give off an effect such as lightning or electric arcs, waterfalls/flowing water, steam vents etc. These would fall under active elements in most cases.
    List what kind of active or superficial elements would you like to see ultimately in Dual Universe?
    I will start off with these:
    • Active elements:
    Ramp doors. Doors that extend outward to allow for easier ingress/egress into a ship style construct. Shield windows. Windows that have closable blast shields.  
    • Superficial elements:
    Desks Chairs Soda cans  
    • Superficial Working elements:
    Rotating fans. Fans that rotate at various speeds, couple well with steam vents. Spinning gears. Gears of various sizes that rotate to make mechanical looking machines.  
    • Emitter elements:
    Steam Vents that blow gusts of steam. Electric arcs. Heads up displays with the ability to change the color of the hud.  ​
  16. Like
    Atmosph3rik reacted to lethak in Dual Universe and Steam   
    I have read about Dual Contouring somewhere on the devblog, it may be it.
  17. Like
    Atmosph3rik reacted to Exdios in Hey People   
    Thought I'd drop by and say Hi, Big fan of these sorts of games, having been a big participant in games such as Eve Online, Minecraft and recently Space Engineers and now hopefully Dual Universe.
    Really liking what I've seen so far.
  18. Like
    Atmosph3rik got a reaction from Dominar in Over mining causing ugly planets?   
    We'll be able to make permanent change inside of the building areas that we will be able to define.
    But outside of those areas i would bet that any changes will reset themselves after an hour or so, maybe less.
    It would just be silly for the damage to be permanent.  Players would destroy a planet in a few weeks.
  19. Like
    Atmosph3rik got a reaction from Dygz_Briarthorn in Over mining causing ugly planets?   
    It will be interesting to see how they solve this.
    I think it would still be possible for terrain to heal itself over time for the sake of aesthetics and still have resources be depleted.
    Landmark does something along those lines but on a much smaller scale.  Resources like minerals spawn proceduraly and won't necessarily respawn in the exact same spot for quite a while.
    I think it might be fine for resources like minerals to never respawn and things like trees and plants to take a long time or maybe require cultivation eventually.  So as the population on a planet increases it would eventually require resources from other planets to continue to grow.
    It would be cool if changes didn't heal in the exact same way, or were eroded in some way.  But with permanent change from mining and no erosion i'm afraid the worlds would basically all end up looking like swiss cheese.
  20. Like
    Atmosph3rik reacted to Dhara in The Outfit is now recruiting!   
    Well folks, after one final all-nighter, I finally have my organization and my website set up!!

    The Outfit is an organization of outcasts; including smugglers, merchants, traders, pirates, rogues and like-minded entrepreneurs. 
    While a lot of things still need to be done yet, we have a private forum set up and are ready to start making new friends and building an awesome community. 
    Please check it out and feel free to PM me with any questions. 
  21. Like
    Atmosph3rik got a reaction from Dhara in Single Player Creative Mode   
    That is exactly the point.  For people to be able to design and build things in peace.  The risk comes later when you use those constructs in the world.
    There could even be some kind of period of vulnerability where you could be attacked when you're deploying a blueprint in the world. 
    But the fact is whether it's in a virtual simulation (instance) that is already being considered or in the protected bubble around the Arcs that is a confirmed feature, you aren't going to be able to pester people while they are building either way.  So i'd get over that.
    As far as being able to access those instances offline i'm not against it, but i don't think it would be a simple thing technically speaking.  
  22. Like
    Atmosph3rik reacted to Dhara in Single Player Creative Mode   
    I would have no problem with them creating a stand-alone blueprint module where you can only create blueprints and then upload them into the game when you're done and ready for placement.  But any resource gathering, placements, etc should be done online. 
    Sounds like something we should get as an add-on much later in development though.  Get the core game online and tweaked, and then start adding extras.
  23. Like
    Atmosph3rik reacted to Astralator in Single Player Creative Mode   
    From the Dev Blog:
    "Virtual Simulator: enabling player to enter a virtual world (call it “inception syndrome”!). While in that virtual space, the player would be able to design any construct, in a completely peaceful setting. This would help builders to design their construct and create their blueprints safely, without being interrupted by any PvP action. For ships, it will also be possible to test their flight mode, without risking a crash or wasting resources!"
    Although, in several other places the devs talked about how building/designing a construct should be a difficult task. A 'virtual reality' would make actual design way easier. I personally think that building will be done in safe spots, like suggested in the dev blog. 
  24. Like
    Atmosph3rik got a reaction from Anaximander in Are voxel blocks going to be affected by rudimentary physics?   
    I can't remember where the discussion on drone cameras happened.  
    But the choice between 1st/3rd person view is mentioned in the dev blog here https://devblog.dualthegame.com/2015/01/30/multiplayer-ship-crew/#more-391
  25. Like
    Atmosph3rik reacted to Antioch in Are voxel blocks going to be affected by rudimentary physics?   
    Hahaha good point But I thought third-person would be available as well?
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