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Alpha Tester
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Everything posted by Anfros

  1. From what NQ has said it seems resources are not going to regenerate, which is good for the economy long term. They have also said they want all players to spawn on the same planet, but this might change down the line, but at launch I expect there will only be one spawn point.
  2. I wouldn't be opposed to something like the ship welder from space engineers, but remote repairing like in Eve would be very weird.
  3. I would be fine with this as long as the transfer in realistic in that any large amount of energy transferred would cause people getting boiled alive, wood catching fire and intense radio interference.
  4. I love this concept and really like the different ideas people have brought forth. This is a good example where scripting can make a huge difference by diverting power to the areas that need it the most. I really think scripting should be part of any good ship design and should have a large impact on that ship and it's capabilities. We do have to keep in mind however that any all actions will have a slight delay so we probably won't see a system where changing how the shields are powered every second is possible, otherwise large battles would cause immense server load.
  5. I think other players will be plenty dangerous, we do not need spacemonsters. Frankly, from your posts, it seem you want the game to move in a completely different direction than the one the devs have indicated so far. I suggest you go read up on what the devs are planning for the game and think about whether this is the game you are looking for. Edit: I made a false statement in my original post, removed it
  6. We all understood what you meant, it's just a really dumb idea that counteracts the very core concept of the game.
  7. Different quality resources doesn't really make sense though, iron is iron. The real difference should be in how you process the resources you gather.
  8. Do we really need more ways than mining to ruin planets, seems that is going to be more than enough.
  9. I will personally be running a material doubling service, send me mats and I will send you double the amount back...
  10. I doubt we we will see many kids in this game though, I expect most serious orgs are going to require their members to be at least 18+ and if we look at eve online, which in my mind has the same target audience, that game has a average age of around 30.
  11. The expansions in eve online are more like large named patches than the expansions of WoW. They are free and all content is available to all players. Calling them expansions is basically a PR thing. Imo having to pay extra for content is one of the best ways to kill off a sandbox.
  12. With a planet diameter of 30 km, even if we are only able to dig 2 km that's still 5000 Km^3 which is a lot..
  13. ISK sinks in eve online are small enough that they have basically no impact on the economy though. And since everything in DU is player made inflation is not much of a problem. Edit: wrong qoute, NQ has confirmed though that there will be an ingame currency much like in Eve or WoW
  14. I don't necessarily think passive currency generation would be a good thing. And we know from NQ that money is not going to be physical thing and is going to be stored in accounts.
  15. Eve online is an example of a working game economy, the game has been running for 13 years now iirc and the economy is still healthy. Even though there is a lot of inflation prices have been largely stable for most of the game's existence and are for the most part only influenced by supply, demand and speculation.
  16. https://board.dualthegame.com/index.php?/topic/841-ask-us-anything-event/?p=14631 From this post we know there will be a pre-defined in game currency, afaik we do not know what cash faucets and sinks there will be though.
  17. I expect that once they actually get around to setting up servers to run the game on they will move towards using their own hardware, seems weird to be reliant on a 3d party for servers. Though it would be cool if they could use cloud servers to handle overloads.
  18. About as long as it takes for them to kill themselves
  19. Trains are cool, and would no doubt be easier to automate than ships or wheeled vehicles. I certainly hope they are included at some point.
  20. No doubt any teaser for the game will generate about 100 new threads about why p2p is bad.... In all seriousness though, I'm getting ready to get hyped, though I don't really think it would be good for them to get too many people hyped about the game this early in the development, ideally we want hype to build up to the release and not people getting exited and then moving on when they realize how far away the game is.
  21. One problem with drug though is that portrayals of drugs in video games is not allowed in some countries, which could become a problem for the devs. This is why is some localizations of EvE online boosters are called vitamins. Edit: in this case I am of course referring to narcotics and not medicines...
  22. In a game that specifically revolves around fighting for survival at every turn, I agree that the need for food/water/sustenance is a good mechanic. But my impression and hope is that the main point of this game will be social interactions between players with creation, destruction, politics and other mechanics acting as a catalyst for those interactions. When basic basic survival is not the main thing in a game but the devs decide to tack on foodlike mechanics anyway, in my experience, most of these mechanics usually boil down to "you need to take a break from playing the game every x amount of time and go interact with this random unfun mechanic before you can continue playing the game". In my opinion these kind of mechanics need to be at the center of the game or they will be more annoying than fun. To me it basically boils down to this, the player should not be incentivized to log off. If a player feels they cannot sit around just chatting with their friends ingame, without interacting with the game in any other way, because doing so actually punishes them that would, in my opinion, be VERY bad for the game. The easy solution to this is making the food requirement low enough to be trivial, but then why have it in the first place. As for the idea of having the player consume food even when they are logged off, that just punishes people who have to be away from the game for extended periods of time, which in my experience from games like this is going to be punishing enough anyway. That being said food is a reasonably good way of going about an upkeep mechanic, making sure people need to bring supplies to support any effort they are undertaking. I think there are better ways to go about it though, that feels less punishing for the individual player. For example fuel, life support, ammo and many many more things and I expect there will be multiple such things in the game. That said I am not against food as a thing, if for example we have npcs in the game I can see food being part of their upkeep mechanic, and I would love for agriculture and forestry to be in the game just like I want mining to be in the game. I'm just againt using it as a survival mechanic.
  23. The simple solution that I expect to see from most orgs is if you break the rules you get kicked and set to kill on sight. Death, while not permanent, is going to be a lot more impactful than it is in many other mmos.
  24. I would personally not make any assumptions about requirements and performance, time will tell. I have however seen a trend when it comes to these large scale type games and that is that it either runs well on computers that can handle the graphics or it runs badly for almost everyone. From what I can tell the devs seem to know their shit when it comes to tech and programming and have a somewhat realistic picture of what they can actually get away with so I'm choosing to be optimistic, although the game is probably years away so I'd guess the final requirements might seem high by today's standards.
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