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Dear ladies and gentlemen, this offer is for German speaking players only, please respect that. Hyperion - gegründet mit dem Ziel ein Wirtschafts-Imperium aufzubauen, dessen Name, Produkte und Entwicklungen auch in den entlegenen Winkeln des Dual Universe bekannt sind. Als Teil starker Allianzen bietet Hyperion den Rahmen, um in Sicherheit und mit Rückhalt Neues zu kreieren und wirtschaftlich zu handeln. Die derzeit größte und aktivste deutschsprachige Community sammelt, erforscht und baut bereits heute - gemeinsam - Großes. Werde auch du Teil dieser Gemeinschaft und lerne uns kennen: ÜBER UNS Hyperion bietet euch das größte deutschsprachige Netzwerk in Dual Universe von Handel, Missionen, Kopfgeldjagd bis zu Rettungsmissionen. Mit der Mitgliedschaft bei Hyperion erhältst du Zugang zu allen Einrichtungen von Hyperion, ein eigenes vQuanta Konto, Lehrgänge mit Betreuung und vieles mehr! WAS IST UNSER ZIEL? Mittelfristig möchten wir gemeinsam eine Heimat aufbauen, um weitere, spannende Projekte voranzutreiben. In mehreren Teams aufgeteilt, realisieren wir Raumschiffe, Stadtkonstrukte und diverse, andere Bauprojekte. Die Möglichkeiten für andere Geschäftszweige sind schier grenzenlos und somit liegt es auch an Dir, welchen Weg du beschreiten wirst. WAS BIETEN WIR? Eine freundliche Gemeinschaft deutschsprachiger Spieler und den Zugang zum Hyperion Netzwerk. Erhalte die Möglichkeit an großen und spannenden Projekten teilzunehmen. Hol dir Aufträge vom schwarzen Brett oder nutze unseren eigenen Markt. Bei uns kann sich jeder frei entfalten und seiner Kreativität freien Lauf lassen, solange es dem Wohl der Gemeinschaft nicht schadet und die Gesetze/Richtlinien von Hyperion, sowie auch der Ascendancy eingehalten werden. Des Weiteren bieten wir Sicherheit und Territorium durch die Ascendancy. Dies ist die größte Allianz im Spiel. WAS SUCHEN WIR? Jeder deutschsprachige Spieler von Dual Universe der keine Augenklappe trägt und sich Pirat schimpfen lässt ist bei uns willkommen. Wir fordern lediglich eine geistige Reife und die Einhaltung einiger Regeln. Solltest du bei der Hyperion Corporation mitmachen wollen, dann solltest du vor allem teamfähig sein. Ein gutes Betriebsklima ist uns sehr wichtig. Wir haben uns außerdem für ein Mindestaufnahmealter von 16 Jahren entschieden. WAS MUSS ICH TUN, UM BEIZUTRETEN? Du kannst dich förmlich auf unserer Homepage bei uns bewerben oder besuche uns auf unserem Discord und schreib uns persönlich! Dort kannst du uns weitere Fragen stellen, gerne auch im Voice. Wir freuen uns auf dich!
How does the trading system work? When you go up to a trading console and buy materials, is the pricing based on that city or regions supply and demand? Or is it based galactic supply and demand? What I mean for example. When you go shopping at an ore refinery place would the resource be at a lower price than buying at a large city? When you do buy things through the console is the materials instantly teleported to you or your ship? The reason I as is I wanted to know if it's possible for things like trade routes to be developed and defender tasks where people can defend a supply ship as it travels to and from planets.
Entstanden aus der Anziehungskraft von Zusammenhalt und Miteinander... dies ist Black Hole Sun. Ausbeutung und Verrat formte und fügte uns zusammen. Wir werden zeigen das es auch einen anderen Weg gibt eine starke Gemeinschaft zu bilden. Lerne uns kennen... lerne was es heisst ein Teil des Ganzen zu sein und erfahre wie gegenseitige Unterstützung und Freiheit in unserer Gemeinschaft gelebt wird. Entfalte dich selbst und werde nicht durch Zwänge geknebelt, nur weil DU die Ziele anderer unterstützen sollst. Hier bist DU im Mittelpunkt und nicht machthungrige, geldgierige möchtegern Anführer. Komme zu Black Hole Sun, der einzig wahre Weg. Veteranen bieten euch Unterstützung für einen guten Start in DU. Resourcen, Schiffe, Knowhow, Cluster... Ausgebildet werden: -Miner -Industriespezialisten -Static Designer -Dynamic Designer -Piloten -Trader -Terraformer ...Black Hole Sun... because gravity suxx
Entstanden aus der Anziehungskraft von Zusammenhalt und Miteinander... dies ist Black Hole Sun. Ausbeutung und Verrat formte und fügte uns zusammen. Wir werden zeigen, dass es auch einen anderen Weg gibt eine starke Gemeinschaft zu bilden. Lerne uns kennen... lerne, was es heisst, ein Teil des Ganzen zu sein und erfahre wie gegenseitige Unterstützung und Freiheit in unserer Gemeinschaft gelebt wird. Entfalte dich selbst und werde nicht durch Zwänge geknebelt, nur weil DU die Ziele anderer unterstützen sollst. Hier bist DU im Mittelpunkt und nicht machthungrige, geldgierige möchtegern Anführer. Komme zu Black Hole Sun, der einzig wahre Weg. ...Black Hole Sun... because gravity suxx Veteranen bieten euch Unterstützung für einen guten Start in DU. Resourcen, eure Schiffe, Knowhow, Cluster... Ausgebildet werden: Miner Industriespezialisten Static Designer Dynamic Designer Piloten Trader Terraformer
- lua script
- explore
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it would be cool if players were able to make their own shops,like u open the shop menu, and then u select the player's shop,(it will have an icon that the player will have added)and there,the player who created the shop, iwll be able to make his OWN GUI(ofcourse not with lua programming)and there u will be able to buy and sell products att hte price the player has set.Also, shop owners will be able to start an auction for an item .This is it.DONE
[FR] PRÉFACE --------------------- Confédération de commerçant se plaçant en neutralité parfaite sur l'échiquier diplomatique de l'univers Dual. Trust us, because we trust you. Serveur vocal Site communautaire La DELTA Confederation est une organisation à but de commerce, nous sommes des bâtisseurs, pour une bonne partie des passionnés d'architecture, attirés par la folie des grandeurs et du design building. Notre objectif n'est autre que de créer un climat propice aux échanges et interactions entre joueurs et/ou organisations, tout en regroupant diverses organisations confédérées en notre cloud. Nous sommes des pacifistes, notre organisation n'entrera jamais en guerre de son initiative. Nos services, vont de la conception technique, au stock de ressource pour des organisations nomades dans des ambassades en leurs noms sur notre territoire, tout en passant par la vente de ressources primaires ou secondaires. L'objectif de la DELTA Confederation est de pérenniser un climat neutre et convivial entre tout les acteurs de l'économie de Quanta City. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Site communautaire Serveur vocal [EN] PREAMBLE --------------------- Merchant confederation placing itself in perfect neutrality on the diplomatic spectrum of the Dual universe. Trust us, because we trust you. Vocal server Organization board The DELTA Confederation is an organization for commercial purposes, we are builders, for a good part of architecture enthusiasts, attracted by the madness of grandeur and design building. Our goal is to create a climate conducive to exchanges and interactions between players and / or organizations, while bringing together various confederate organizations in our cloud. We are pacifists, our organization will never go to war on its own initiative. Our services range from technical design, to resource stocks for nomadic organizations in embassies to their names in our territory, while passing on the sale of primary or secondary resources. The goal of the DELTA Confederation is to maintain a neutral and friendly atmosphere among all players in the economy of Quanta City. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Organization board Vocal server
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- delta
- confederation
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Bonjour, je ne me suis pas encore présenté sur cette rubrique du forum, donc c'est mon tour . Joueur de Dual Universe depuis une bonne année, passionné par le projet de NQ, initiateur du WikiDual Universe FR, ainsi que du Quanta News avec l'aide de MendrakMaster, avec la détermination de créer une superbe civilisation marchande gravitant dans ce nouvel univers, nous nous sommes associés avec FREEJ1 & WillyGmod ainsi que d'autres membres historiques (Cronael,DIVAZ,Norz,KILOPalo5,...) afin de donner vie à la DELTA Confederation. Cette dernière est une organisation de commerçant bâtisseurs, totalement neutre sur l'échiquier politique de l'univers. Notre objectif premier est l'ouverture de Quanta City, une ville avec une ligne architecturale parfaitement corporate, défiant toute imagination, permettant le transit de ressource et d'échange entre joueur de tous horizons, grâce à nos futurs marchés privés. Nous effectuons donc autant de l'achat que de la vente de biens et services. Pour tous renseignement ou contact : Quanta News: ---------------------------------------------------------------- Site communautaire Serveur vocal --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello, I have not yet presented on this topic of the forum, so it's my turn. Player of Dual Universe since a good year, passionate about the project of NQ, initiator of WikiDual Universe FR, as well as Quanta News, with the determination to create a superb commercial civilization gravitating into this new universe, we partnered with FREEJ1 & WillyGmod and other historic members (Cronael, DIVAZ, Norz, KILOPalo5, ...) to bring DELTA Confederation to life. The latter is an organization of shopkeeper builders, completely neutral on the political chessboard of the universe. Our primary goal is the opening of Quanta City, a city with a perfectly corporate architectural line, challenging imagination, allowing the transit of resources and exchange between players of all horizons, thanks to our future private markets. So we do as much buying as selling goods and services. For any information or contact: Quanta News: ---------------------------------------------------------------- Site communautaire Serveur vocal
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- constructor
- francaise
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Hello, Welcome to the Outpost Obsidian or o.O for short. This is a place for the DU misfits, outcast, trolls, nomads, lone wolfs and unwanted alike to socialize and make business relations. The in game o.O will have aim to bring social events & activities to experience in due time. Please take the time to read the Obsidian Creed as this is not a place for the weak or careless, and you do not want to get caught going against its members. I the creator of the outpost am a neutral handler that works to bolster the DU experience for my members, I act as a business partner to internal/outside parties to bring business and opportunity through the discord & in-game location. This o.O is a platform for the DU underworld to socialize, rest their feet, conduct business and bolster the resistance of the "Boy Scout" orgs and their linear ways of life. o.O has a public saloon for guests and visitors to enjoy, however only members of the o.O get access to the underground operations. Membership is granted only after proving yourself useful to the o.O as this is a place of covert operations and our members are protected for their efforts! o.O will have internal and external services and activities to be accepted by members for compensation (compensation will vary from materials, cash, information, BP's, etc…). Members get exclusive access to some of o.O perks (black market, gambling, private members saloon, most importantly access to expert Saloons). Members will also get access to in game benefits of the outpost (crates for inventory management, private rooms to rest and craft, outpost events to participate in, etc…). Please message me for details and for exclusive access before we go live. Enjoy and Happy Trolling! Org Expert Role Structure: Board of Bandits-(Trusted members holding Operational Director positions) Creator/Chairman ISO, the founder (head of the Board of Bandits) Director of Engineering TBD-(Manager of Engineer operations) Director of Architecture TBD-(Manager of Architect operations) Director of Assassins TBD-(Manager of Bounty operations) Director of Piracy TBD-(Manager of Piracy operations) Director of Espionage TBD-(Manager of Espionage operations) Director of Mercenary TBD-(Manager of Mercenary operations) Director of Gladiators TBD-(Manager of Gladiator operations) Personnel Roles Member Members are outpost regulars with access to in game perks of o.O as well as private access to the Gambling & Black Market channels Members have no specific duties and can be someone of any skill level or background Members can contribute/apply for specific roles within o.O but only proven members get to carry the roles below. Incognito Invisible role who's contributions are not known outside the Board members. All activities from Incognito roles are proxied thru board member for identity protection This role has no specific duties and can be someone of any skill level or background Typically someone looking to hire/access o.O operations without other members being knowledgeable of involvement (outside org management position preferred) Engineer Active spaceship engineers & designers for contract and inter-organizational functions Engineers are compensated for their expertise in dynamic core production & design Engineers can be builders, designers, project managers or all of the above. (preferably all in one, so they can manage the whole project/contract and work with Director of Engineering for resources) Architect Active architects & designers for contract and inter-organizational functions Architects are compensated for their expertise in static core production & design architects can be builders, designers, project managers or all of the above. (preferably all in one, so they can manage the whole project/contract and work with Director of Architecture for resources) Assassin Active Assassins for contract and inter-organizational functions Assassins are compensated for their expertise in Assassination & head hunting Assassins are hired hitmen to perform contract killings of various levels of difficulty and tenancies (preferably nomad/ lone-wolf players with not outside org affiliation) Pirate Active Pirates for contract and inter-organizational functions Pirates are compensated for their expertise in Smuggling & Thievery Pirates are hired to perform contract smuggling & thievery of various levels of difficulty and tenancies (preferably players/orgs willing to engage in PVP aspects to protect the precious cargo, however a good pirate will fly "under the radar") Spy Active Spies for contract and inter-organizational functions Spies are compensated for their expertise in Sabotage & Reconnaissance Spies are hired to perform contract sabotage & reconnaissance of various levels of difficulty and tenancies (preferably nomad/ lone-wolf players with not outside org affiliation who can penetrate other orgs trust) Mercenary Active Mercenaries for contract and inter-organizational functions Mercenaries are compensated for their expertise in military/organized combat Mercenaries are hired to perform contract group PVP of various levels of difficulty and tenancies (preferably players/orgs willing to engage in large scale PVP aspects, these are hired muscle for protection, forceful PVP operations/military combat or extra PVP combat support) Gladiator Active Gladiators for contract and inter-organizational functions Gladiators are compensated for their expertise in organized PVP battles Gladiators are hired to perform contract battles/showdowns Gladiators are some of the galaxies most feared 1v1 players (preferably players looking to showcase their fierce combat natures in organized events and battles) discord---------
ALIOTH FIRE OFFICE Fidnetia! My name is BandaTalk. I am the general partner of the Alioth Fire Office and the owner of BandaTalk’s Coffeehouse. The ALIOTH FIRE OFFICE is an asset management and financial services firm organized as a private limited partnership. The AFO is primarily devoted to serving the shipping/hauling and commodities/mining industries within the DU. AFO is NOT a bank and will NOT accept deposits and will NOT participate in any form of commercial, retail or private banking. I would ideally like to work with the DU equivalent of “accredited investors”, meaning those of high net worth and institutional investors, meaning other organizations. This would be a means of protecting my reputation, as hopefully I’d be seen as not wanting to prey on new players or quote-un quote “stupid people” and am only interested in managing investments in a safe and complex way, which allows the parties involved to see a return regardless of the overall state of the economy. If this sounds like a hedge fund, that is intentional, I was going for that. Hedge funds are the real world version of an unregulated investment fund, which is perfect for an unregulated world like Dual Universe. The AFO would be set up as a private limited partnership, with me as the general partner, meaning I would assume sole responsibility for the AFO liability in the case of default or other credit event. Limited partners would be able to remain anonymous if they choose. I, as the General partner, would receive 2% of total assets every year and 20% of profits for each successful investment (which would primarily be bond issues). This is identical to a real world hedge fund and is intended to increase trust in the fund’s manager as they have a huge stake in the fund’s success. I’d also, invest large portions of my own private wealth into the fund. Limited partners would receive a monthly dividend TBD also based on the profit of a successful investment. I foresee, it being difficult to attract limited partners as trust is a premium and y’all don’t really know me yet. This is okay, I don’t really trust you guys either yet, but I hope to work and build trust with you over time as we get to know each other. Limited partners would be able to withdraw the principal of their investment at anytime. Some of you may know a little about the MD and the financial industry in Eve Online, particularly the activities of players like Hexxx, Angelica Everstar, Grendell, and Chribba. Hexxx, for example, sought to recreate re world financial institutions with in game analogs, such as EBANK, which utilized a fractional reserve system similar to that of real world banks. The problem with this is that the world of New Eden in Eve Online and by extension the future of world of Dual Universe, are unregulated economies in which scams, market manipulation and money laundering are all common place and accepted. This is offset in several ways by employing trustworthy individuals such as Grendell and Chribba, who hold collateral as a security against default. Again, a problem with this is the nature of collateral, what you can and can’t put up as collateral, what the value of the collateral is and how liquid the collateral is. An example of hedge scam (or strategic default, depending on how you look at it) occurred in Eve, in which a collateralized loan (which was more of a bond issue as it took money from multiple investors and not from a bank) with monthly interest was put up, Grendell verified the collateral and its value (at over 100%) and the loan was deposited in the player who took out the loan’s account. The first round of interest was paid out and everyone was satisfied. The second month deadline passed and people who had put their money up for the loan started to question where their interest payments were. After a while longer, the player who took out the loan informed his investors of his intention to keep the principal of the loan and stop all future interest payments. This left Grendell with the responsibility to pay back the principal of the loan using the collateral. Unfortunately, the collateral put up was overvalued by Grendell due to it being a cheaper commodity, whose price sinks significantly when sold in large quantities. Grendell then asked the investors if they would prefer to receive the collateral itself as payment or who prefer that he liquidate it and pay them in cash. They decided on a half/half solution, in which half would be paid in the collateral itself and half would be cash proceeds from the sale of the collateral. You can find the record of this event here: My solution to this is bond insurance, which would shift the liability from the bond issuer to the insurer in exchange for a premium, allowing them to issue bonds without any collateral and guarantee that the investors would receive their entire principal in full in the event of default or other credit event. This would involve the insurer either putting up collateral which would be verified by a trustworthy third party or by having a verifiably large cash reserve, either allowing them to pay out the insurance in the event of a default. The insurer would able to hedge their risk by purchasing reinsurance (or a credit default swap, which would be different in that the buyer of the CDS wouldn’t have to disclose all the risks involved, whereas with reinsurance, they would), at a slightly lower premium than what they are receiving from the bond issuer, and the reinsurer would be able to continue the chain by buying their own reinsurance and so on, only stopping when a party decides that the they think the bond issuer won’t default and they can walk away with a profit in premiums. An example of a bond issue would be as follows: Q5,000,000 worth of fixed rate corporate bonds with a nominal 2.8% monthly coupon, actually 1.8% monthly coupon after insurance, at 6 month maturity are purchased. This means Q90,000 is paid in interest monthly. The issuer would charge a 1% monthly premium (premiums would fluctuate and be based on the probability of default as determined by the insurer) taken from nominal 2.8% on the bond. The insurer would also charge a 2% service fee with every premium payment on top of the premium. Each monthly premium payment would be the equivalent of Q50,000 plus Q100,000 as the fee. 1% would paid to the third party service out of the 2% service fee to the insurer. In the event of default, the insurer would be able to do pay the entire principal back to the holders. The Insurer would have to have at least 110% of the value of the bond issue in reserves to pay out principal in the event of default. Collateral from the insurer would be secured by a trustworthy third party if possible. Collateral would have to have high liquidity as confirmed by the third party. Any excess in assets above the collateral requirement would potentially go towards buying bonds issued, though this is capped provisionally at 20% of the value of the bond issue, another means of hedging risk. The Insurer would buy a Q5m or Q4m Credit Default Swap with a monthly premium of 1% from another bank. If the issuer defaults, the insurer pays out the principal on the bond, then receives Q5m from the CDS, making around 1% if the issuer defaults. The users in this system would be as follows: The “Issuer” is the party who is seeking investment and which works with the BIHF insurer to conduct the bond issue. The “Insurer” is the party which assumes the liability for the bond. The “Third party” is a trustworthy individual who secures the collateral during the bond issue. The “Holder” is the party which owns the bonds and which is entitled to the principal being paid back. The “CDS Writer” is the party that sells the CDS to the Insurer, who is hedging their investment. The hedge fund-like part of my business plan would be called the AFO Bond Assurance Master Fund (AFOBAMF). AFOBAMF would have investments in bond insurance, with protections in the form of purchased CDSs and/or reinsurance, commodities, real estate, stocks, bonds and collectibles. The other part of my business would be a Mineral Reserve, which would buy minerals at low prices before the inevitable MMO inflation and collect minerals through direct mining. This mineral reserve would act similarly to how gold reserves backed currencies during the gold standard era. It would the basis of the AFO’s wealth. For example, on day one I’d buy 3000 units of gold ore at Q3000, for a total value of Q9,000,000. As the price rises the result will be completely profit. The AFO’s real estate properties are planned to include AFO headquarters on the Sanctuary Moon and BandaTalk’s Coffeehouse in Tortuga City. You can join by clicking on the links below: Discord:
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- insurance company
- coffeehouse
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Just curious, From release, there is going to be an incredibly competitive market, which will inevitably create a huge demand for service providers. What types of job titles are people thinking of claiming in-game? What kinds of services are people thinking of providing? What would you call it for marketing purposes? Have you pre-established any rates of compensation for your work? Are they in relation to any other game/job outside Dual Universe? Do you have any marketing techniques planned to grow your business? Dual Universe seems to provide some cool opportunities for people with skills and education gained in real life. Do your chosen in-game professions relate to any skills/job titles you have outside the game? (3d modeling, logistics, architects, programmers, etc..) Do your skills outside DU give you a step up in-game? Do you think your expertise will play a part in your in-game status? Do you plan on profitting from your talents, or working on your own masterpiece? If you were going to make a list of in-game professional titles, based off of all available information, what would it contain?
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- jobs
- employment
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The 47th Legion is a military themed, North American based player association. The 47th engages in a wide variety of in-game activities to include PvE, PvP, crafting/trading, exploration, and colonization. The 47th prides itself on professionalism and esprit de corps which are our core principles. We hold our Legionaries to a high standard and prohibit any and all types of exploiting and cheating. Teamwork and collective effort are mantras the 47th Legion lives by. We explore in a squad, move in a squad, and we all do what we can to contribute to the Legion. Our Legionaries provide materials for the crafters who in turn provide gear back to the Legionaries. If you like to go and do things your own way, then the 47th isn't for you. See our home pages below for more detail. o7 47th Legion - Dual Universe Organization 47th Legion - Gaming Community Home
Join the Bladesin Mercenary Corporation! Are you looking for an Organization that allows any play style? Then look no further! We are here! We want more members in our community, and if you are looking for a place that has zero tolerance for toxicity of any kind, BMC is the one! Currently we have open positions in these Divisions: - Crafting and Science - Mining and Gathering - Trading - Communications - Logistics - Military We are aiming to make a huge gaming community, with Dual Universe in the forefront! If you are interested go to our Community Page Or our Discord and send us a message!
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- recruitment
- organization
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Division Portal: Discord: Welcome to Perdere! We are a mining division of ToasTec. We are welcoming all forms of life. If you enjoy mining, building, and trading then you found the place for you. We, the self-proclaimed space dwarves of Dual Universe, would like to personally welcome you to Perdere as we continue to build our numbers and rank. Feel free to pop by the discord and say Hi! New faces are always welcomed. If you would like to join Perdere then contact a manager. ALL UPDATES WILL BE POSTED BELOW More info can be found on our Division Portal. Thank you for helping us help you help us all ~ Partum
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- new
- recruitment
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Hello fellow forum members. I don't know if this has been discussed or not but I'd like to share my ideas on teleportation. When I say teleportation, I don't mean ship teleportation like a Tardis-like ship that can go anywhere in space (and time but that's irrelevant in this post) in an instant. My idea of teleportation is more like the transporter in Star Trek. I am proposing some type of unit that would be capable of teleporting you from your ship to the surface of a planet. This could be done by having another teleportation unit on the planet, which could be accessed by the unit on the ship. The transporter in Star Trek can beam you down on any given coordinates of a planet's surface but I'm not sure if this would be this useful in DU since some areas will be protected and teleporting to certain coordinates is quite insignifiant if you are visiting a new planet, you should land on the unvisited planet with your ship to try and establish your base or settlement on that new planet (except if your ship is too big, then teleport to surface). The best use I find in having those transporter/teleportation units is the following one : Let's say there is a big trading/economical hub in space, and you want to go there to do some trading etc. Well, since there is not that much space to land your ship, especially if there is lots of players at the hub and if the hub is situated in space, it would be practical to have a teleportation unit inside the hub, which would be accessible from the teleportation unit inside your ship. Of course, you could access your ship from the hub's unit after your business. It could be a cool thing to have in your base too. For example, if you have a huge base, and you want to go from an extremity to another and don't want to lose time in movement, you could have some transporter units in strategical areas of your base to travel from one to another in an instant. These units could also be programmed to be accessible to only a certain organization's members and so on. Maybe you could even transport items inside those units. So if you have to build some ships or other things, you could access your ressources from the unit, without having to fetch them in your storage department which could be far in your base from where you are building. Anyway, those are my ideas on teleportation in DU. Leave a comment, I'd like to know if you agree or disagree, and how we can improve this idea. Have a good one ! -Lau2356
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- movement
- efficiency
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The Spacing Guild We have a saying which we found very suitable: Growth + Profit = GROFIT The GROFIT must flow....Do you enjoy GROFIT? Calling all the shiny object, resource hoarding, merchants who like prospecting to carve out a wealthy pieces of real estate out of DU for yourself. Come be apart of the Spacing Guild. We as an Organization specialize in the Mining, trading and exploration are the main focus, where making money is just a given. Must have some interest in one or more of the following roles: Mining, Trading, Resource surveying, Exploration, or Construction. Protection is assisted with by other organizations we have agreements with, however, nothing prevents us from blowing shit up as well...gotta protect the assets and members. Whilst there is are no hard fast rules that say "you must do this" and "you must do that" within the guild, those that wish to do more get more. Come on over and see a bit more about our Organization. PS: those that wish to shoot shit are also very we expect that you will have a lot to shoot the more the game ramps up :-)
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- mining
- recruiting
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KHATT MINING CO. Important : Anything below this text is subject to change at any time for any reason. (Shortened from last time due to merging with CSYN, see Cinderfall Syndicate for rules/gov't, etc...) ABOUT KHATT MINING CO. Khatt Mining Co. is the official mining company/division of The Cinderfall Syndicate (CSYN). We work directly with CSYN providing for all of their resource needs. Khatt Mining Co. follows all rules set by CSYN, no exceptions. We are not, however, tied down solely to CSYN, we allow, and encourage, mining contracts and trading with other organisations and companies. The details will be worked out differently with each individual contract, as we must keep up with the demand from CSYN as well. KHATT'S GOAL This company has been through plenty of changes since it was first started near the end of 2016. The name has changed two times, and the description many more since it's creation, but my central goal is still the same after all of these changes, and will remain the same. My personal goal for Khatt Mining Co. is to become the top raw resource supplier in Dual Universe, and thus is shown in every change and reiteration of this company. We do not want Dual Universe to be controlled by rich and powerful monopolies charging a small fortune for simple raw resources, so we make a point to treat everyone equally, and fairly no matter what. THE OFFICIAL CSYN MINING DIVISION As of 3/17/17 we have merged with The Cinderfall Syndicate as their official mining division. This is the place to go if you wish to become a miner/prospector for CSYN. We are responsible for keeping up with the ever-changing demands of CSYN 24/7, and in return CSYN sustains us financially. Because of this we follow all CSYN rules, with no exceptions. The head of the official mining division is KittyKhatt, the original creator of Khatt Mining Co. We have been allowed to portion our budget however it is needed, from the salary and pay of the members, to the transportation and mining OUR FOREIGN POLICY We may have merged with CSYN, but by no means are we tied down to them in mining contracts and trade. We not only allow the creation of mining contracts with other Organisations and companies, we encourage it. It is encouraged because now we have access to CSYN's financial resources and manpower, so we can work faster and get more ore in a shorter time period. We are required to focus resources into tending to CSYN's raw resource demands first and foremost, and because of this we may have to occasionally slow down, or temporarily pause completely, the trade and focus on other Orgs while we match CSYN's resource demands again. HIRING EMPLOYEES/MEMBERS Here at Khatt Mining Co. We are always hiring, the more the better. The more employees, the faster we mine, the more everyone is paid and the closer we get to our goal. (See above ; Khatt's Goal) As long as you meet the simple requirements stated below, send us an application, or message me. I am usually available in the Cinderfall Syndicate's discord channel. ( ) REQUIREMENTS FOR ACCEPTANCE - We are directly working with CSYN. You must comply with all CSYN rules and is expected to report to CSYN when needed, if needed. - You must not dehumanize or humiliate any other employee or CSYN member, no matter what happens. You will be terminated. - You must get used to treating everyone else equally and with respect, or you can expect to be treated poorly aswell, or terminated. - You must be prepared to work. If we find your work unsatisfactory we will warn you and swiftly terminate you if the problem is not fixed. (We understand if you have a busy or full schedule, just contact a manager, or Khatt and inform us. we can work around it.) REASONS FOR WORKING FOR KHATT MINING CO. Not sure if you want to work for us? Want to know what you get in return? Well i can calm your anxieties and answer your questions. This company believes in generous payment. Yes, we know your job is hard. mining is time consuming and outright difficult sometimes, and for working here we will try our damnedest to provide you with the best pay and benefits possible, no matter economical conditions. Also, because of our merge with CSYN, you gain all the perks and benefits of a CSYN member along with the company's. ADDITIONAL QUESTIONS CAN BE ASKED VIA THE CINDERFALL SYNDICATE DISCORD, CONTACT KITTYKHATT FOR QUESTIONS. YOU CAN ALSO PM ME ON THE DUAL UNIVERSE SITE The CInderfall Syndicate Discord ; We hope you decide to choose to send us your application, and if you do we hope you enjoy your stay with Khatt Mining Co. and CSYN. - KITTYKHATT, DIRECTOR OF KHATT MINING CO.
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Hello , I'd like to be able to create, design and program things or why not trade it with the comunity to get rich ! Those would be some kind of products, programed systems, like automatic defense of a fort, city, base. Or even admin acces, Doors control, restrictions, and maybe ability to HACK terminals that were programmed by other players in order to bypass security, to control the program and reverse the situation. By designing I also mean the UI shape would be something you could create or trade, So each faction could own its own "personality". And maybe something more than the UI, dunno lets talk about that ! You would be able to save the program on hard drives, to use it from a "smartphone from the future", a control terminal, a spaceship(anysize). Something like that would require a simple langage such as LUA, you'll have to learn sure but this feature could be the opening for an infinite way to scultp the world, and make this place living with tons of interactions, and new paths. Its also a big opening for trading(selling programs, AI), recruiting(a member that knows how to program), wars/battles: victory by hacking devices (etc...) You would choose whatever you want to create to defend yourself, upgrade the base/ship (etc...). I hope that this idea wasn't already set Thanks ! EDIT: I went further into my explanations, to let you exactly know what I meant: I was thinking about something more "complex", at least free to do anything. Like a turret protocol, choose when, how, why it should fire. And something I would looove to be able to do is assembling my system to make my turret: servo motors, power source, weapon technology used, sensors, and hull but with voxels not the furnitures(meshes) they give. Then you'll have to script the turret to make it aim right by contoling each servo motors, setup the axis, program it so you can control it with the keys you binded in the program, or even program an AI that aim everything the sensors detect as 'hostile". Thats where the hacking is interesting, he change the aim protocol from hostile to allies, tirn those against the creator maybe ^^
- 11 replies
- programing
- AI
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I had an interesting discussion with Yamamushi via discord today about cargo containers and cargo and how they would be handled in the game. This also ties in with how ships might dock to one another. Mostly this is a bunch of questions and speculation, but here goes. We were thinking about how cargo will be moved around, and wondering if it would make sense to have it stay in the cargo containers rather than being piped around like in Space Engineers. We both agreed that it would make more sense for the cargo to stay in the containers and have a system for swapping out the containers on cargo vessels rather than having magic pipes. One possible RP explanation for this is the storage method that compresses the matter, as is described in the various story episodes in the devblogs. The container is the vessel that holds the matter in it's compressed state, and in order to remove the matter it would have to be reconstituted to it's original structure. This would make trading a bit easier as well, because instead of trading ore or raw metal by the kilo or cubic meter or whatever, you just trade it by the cargo container. It also makes it important that the cargo containers remain powered, lest they lose containment and make a big mess. If this is a feature, I would suggest that as well as not being powered they should have to sustain a certain amount of damage to go poof. In a similar vein, there should be some cargo that is more unstable than others, for instance certain types of fuel that are more efficient should have higher power requirements to maintain containment.
- 14 replies
- cargostorage
- trading
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Simple discussion really. Should blueprints act as a unit unlock in RTS games? E.G. : Player A sells a blueprint for a ship to Player B. Player B has the materials, but to build the ship, he has to pay royalties set on the contracted blueprint to the owner of the ship. This example takes into assumption the possibility of a universal currency (sadly), and my point of worrying is this. Inflation. If Player A sets the price on X amount at the point of the blueprints creation and after a year, the currency has inflated isnaely , the price set on that blueprint and that date, is now actually less that when it was set on. Which would require a sort of "termination of contract" via an NPC in the Arkship, that would allow a player to terminate their contractual blueprint with a set of "number of terminations remaining" and a recharge timer of months, or possibly, a real-money paid service, if the guy you sold your ships to ends up stealing your waifu or something . Which opens the flood gates also to the need for fixed circulation of cash in the game, or, the ability for factions to build their own currency. I know many EVE players are having a "rocket in their pockets" for such things. Mmmmmm, spreadsheets.
- 22 replies
- currency
- blueprints
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