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  1. This is a German Thread, for a German Focused Organization. An English version of this may follow soon. Cyber-Phoenix - Die Fireborn rekrutieren Hallo meine werten Deutschsprachigen Mit-Arker, in folgenden möchte ich euch einen Kurzen überblick über Cyber-Phoenix geben, und hoffe evtl. das Interesse des ein oder anderen wecken zu können. Cyber-Phoenix Entwicklung|Wissen|Einsatz Metadaten: Sprachen: Deutsch(Fokussiert)/English Lokalisation: Global Kommunikation: TS3/Cy-Ph Forum/DU Community Farbcode: Management | Wissenschaft | Sicherheit Geschichte: Unseren RP Hintergrund findet ihr hier ! Wer sind wir: Wir sind eine Organisation mit Fokus auf Entwicklung und paramilitärischen Einsatz. Wir handel wo wir es für Nötig halten oder wir Wege sehen unsere Ziel zu verfolgen. Jedoch sind nicht all unsere Handlungen offensichtlich, Mansches bleibt besser im Schatten. Wir wollen großes erreichen, uns einen Namen in DU machen und (vor allem durch RP) viele Verbindungen knüpfen. Unser Ziel ist es Technischen Fortschritt zu erreichen und wissen zu sammeln. Zudem sind wir Militärisch ausgerüstet und trainiert und so auch wenn es physikalische Probleme gib stehts bereit. Daher unser drei Leitbegriffe: Entwicklung ist ein mächtiges Werkzeug um stehts einen schritt voraus zu sein. Wissen ist Macht. Die Richtigen Information können wenige, vielen überlegen machen. Einsatz kann Gerechtigkeit herstellen, oder den Gegner ausschalten und so die Zukunft verbessern. Wie sind wir aufgebaut: Unser Finaler Aufbau ist grob geplant, natürlich kann sich dies jedoch noch ändern, da wir schauen müssen wie Groß wir tatsächlich werden können und in wie fern dies in DU umsetzbar wird. Der aktuelle Plan ist der Aufbau von zwei Parallelen Strukturen: Wissenschaftliche Struktur Paramilitärische Struktur Die Grund Idee ist das jedes Mitglied eine Rolle in beiden Strukturen hat, diese jedoch auch neutral sein können. So haben Spieler die Möglichkeit sich entweder nur auf eins zu fokussieren, oder auch ihre Rolle in beidem zu spielen, sofern sie sich damit nicht übernehmen. Dies soll Spielern die Möglichkeit geben eine möglich Diverses Spielerlebnis haben zu können. Der grobe Plan für diese Struktur ist aktuell: Vor allem zu beginn wird diese System wahrscheinlich noch nicht aufgehen, daher wird sich zu Anfang wahrscheinlich eine etwas komprimierte, fluide Variante durchsetzen. Zudem ist ein ID System geplant, welches jedoch aktuell noch überarbeitet wird. Wir suchen DICH!: Du hast Interesse dich einer Organisation an zu schlissen in der Du Deutschsprachige Mitspieler findest? Dann komm zu uns, wir bieten dir eine Community mit Einsatz. Wir wollen etwas erreichen und du kannst Teil davon sein. Was du mitbringen solltest? Vor allem Spaß am Spiel und Interesse an RolePlay. Ansonsten Interesse und Enthusiasmus etwas Aufzubauen Wir freuen uns schon auf dich Falls du Interesse hast Melde dich hier im Forum, oder schreibe eine kurze Bewerbung in der DU Community Evtl Pläne für die Zukunft: Ein Bündnis aus Organisation gründen/beitreten Eine Zivilisation gründen(evtl auf Basis/in Verbindung mit Punkt eins) Ich hoffe ich konnte euch hiermit einen guten Überblick geben Falls ihr Fragen oder Ideen habt antwortet gerne auf diesen Post, ich werde mich bemühen mich um alles zu kümmern. Ich freu mich über jeden der Interesse an Cy-Ph hat, sei es als Mitglied oder als Verbündeter
  2. Welcome to Perdere! Who are we? We are a small organization built for mining and control over the economy. What is your plan. Perdere is planned to be one of the largest trading and mining empires in Dual Universe. Although we need YOUR help to get there. We have a discord where we will be planning more in-depth ideas and would love feedback from our members. Everyone is included! Although we don't have a detailed plan yet we will focus on harvesting, mining and scavaging to get our base resources in the game. Weekly raids are also an idea that has been thrown around. If we find a weak and vulnerable enemy, we will attack as we are not a complete PvE organization. What sets you apart? We are fully dedicated to our project. We have our own discord server which will be the hub for all trading that takes place in the game. We are currently working on a discord bot that will have its own currency that users can earn by being active in Discord. This functions as a way we can reward our active members with in-game goodies when the game comes out and also determine the hierarchy of management. AKA The more active you are, the more likely you are to be placed at a higher level of management and earn more. Exchange? How does that work? Well, we will be setting up a way for users to contact each other. It will be a fully P2P system, a user will post a request to buy or sell currency when two users match on a price the bot will automatically send both users a PM saying that a match has been found for their request to trade. Setting up a way for users to trade to a more, out of game 'currency' while not having to directly trade in game (sending the bots currency to one another as a form of value). Like any currency the value of it will go up and down, so choose wisely to invest or divest! Sounds great, how do I join? You can join our organization by making a request here https://community.dualthegame.com/organization/perdere-mining or by joining our discord here https://discord.me/perdere (Note you will still have to join the organization here as well) If you have any questions or comments feel free to leave them below!
  3. Discord Link: https://discord.gg/sssmHbp “Come As You Are.” Link to old thread Band of Outlaws is a honey badger worshiping space cartel within Dual Universe. We plan to be the premiere organization for those who enjoy a less than serious organization, with a cartel/mafia theme to spice up our unique community culture. Our goal is to always enjoy the game, and to knock over as many sand castles as we can. We are happy to accept mercenaries, pirates, smugglers, traders, builders, explorers, and any other play style in this game. We want to encourage everyone in Dual Universe who has a heart for a sense of community and gaming to join us, whether as individuals or with your own group. Either way, we have a growing support network that anyone can benefit from. We also understand games can be hard to commit to, and acknowledge the fact that people have lives outside of the internet. We won't force you to do anything, the only thing we want you to do is to have fun and play the game your way, hopefully with us among friends. Already want to join? Scroll down to the bottom for the info. Unlike the majority of organizations within Dual Universe who want to create their own space empires or industrial mega corporations, we wanted to create the first Cartel for the game and its community. BOO will provide many services ranging from discreet goods transportation, a bounty hunters network, asset security, and everything else in between. All of which can be purchased for the right price of course. We wanted to create a community in DU that did not take itself seriously, but could still be a powerhouse organization through economics, industrial power, force if necessary, and memes. We intend to help with the construction of neutral, free trade player hubs like our Project: Tortuga. Tortuga is our code name for one of Dual Universe’s first planned neutral player hubs that will be created on a planet when the game releases. That is just a small portion of what our community is going to accomplish, as we have been steadily growing in several other games such as Destiny 2, Path of Exile, Hell Let Loose, Overwatch, and several more. We want members to join a family of fellow, like minded internet nerds than just some faction in a singular game. Strength in numbers: Being the 2nd largest organization in Dual Universe, we have more than enough manpower to protect our own assets and those of our members. PVP: Want to bathe in the blood of your enemies? Did that space trucker look at you sideways? Just like to see the galaxy burn? We can ensure you that we will do all of that and more. We love PVP, do you love PVP? PVE: Huh? Industrial Powerhouse: We have some of the brightest minds in the DU community theory-crafting our industrial process’ for churning out our ships and construction materials to keep you busy if building and production is your forte. Ship Replacement Program: We like PVP, did we tell you that yet? While we will be blowing holes in other players’ ships, some will be blown into ours as well. We can keep you in the fight with our organization funded SRP program where you will be given a free replacement for your ships if they are lost/destroyed on BOO business and operations. A true gaming community: DU isn’t our only game, join our Discord server of 400+ members to hang out with a community of somewhat likable nerds. Come for the memes, and stay for the memes. Memecrafting: We live by the meme, and we die by the meme. BOO is not a democracy, but we place our members as the number one focus of our community. Everything our leadership does is done with that goal in mind, and if it doesn’t work/fit our culture or it just chaffs the community in the wrong way, then we find something else that does work and keep moving forward. This keeps our foundation strong, and allows our community as a whole to adapt to whatever it needs to adapt to in order to keep everyone happy and having fun. Our leadership volunteers their free time to ensure that BOO is always at its best, and that our members are taken care of. Below is a quick diagram of our current leadership. Like any good space cartel, we are also home to several organizations within BOO. Groups like Vanguard, a private mercenary corporation, benefit from everything that BOO offers its core members without losing their own identity and autonomy. We like to call these groups SIGs, or Special Interest Groups. Special Interest Groups help to provide day-to-day content for their members. To apply to BOO as a SIG, go to this link and fill out the application: https://goo.gl/forms/OxVSpl69byEFLQN62 BOO is all about quality over quantity, and with that, we have some standards we put in place that we would like potential members to meet. Our Discord server and wherever else we hang out is always filled with the finest quality of meme’s in Dual Universe. Seriously, we’re home to some of the most iconic memes in DU already. Here is what we call "The Code", these are our community guidelines, and is what every member will follow in Dual Universe and other games. That’s really it. If you can meet those expectations, and feel that you would be a good fit in our community, then we want you. The recruitment process is simple, and you only need to submit an application to our group on the community portal, and to also be sure you join our Discord server to conduct a quick one-on-one interview with one of our recruiters where you will be asked a series of questions to make sure you are a good fit for us. NOTE: If you are wanting to apply as a SIG, contact Cybrex on the forums, or on our Discord server. Applying as an organization? Contact our Diplomacy Director, Cybrex, to inquire about joining BOO with your organization as a Special Interest Group. You can also join our Discord server, where someone on our Diplomacy team will get with you as soon as they can to get the process going. If you are ready to apply as a SIG, then please visit this link and fill out the application: https://goo.gl/forms/OxVSpl69byEFLQN62 Applying as a member? Sweet! Send your application to us on the community portal here, and be sure to join our Discord server so we can conduct your interview. You can also contact our Internal Affairs Director, Anslem Vry. NOTE: If you apply and do not join our Discord server after a week from submission, your application will be denied by default. “Come As You Are.” Discord Link: https://discord.gg/sssmHbp
  4. Dads of DU will be an offspring from the Dads of Destiny Europe Clan for the game of Destiny. I have been leading that clan on PS4 since beta of Destiny 1 and we are still going strong! The same camaraderie, friendly atmosphere, beer-and-pretzel jokes and cooperation to achieve something larger than the sum of its parts will be the foundation of this Organisation within Dual Universe. It's a place where the dads can find likeminded people. Where your brothers know what its like to have to interrupt your gaming session yet again because you need to change a diaper. Its a place where we dads can become Galactic brothers in arms and build something great within a virtual world of endless possibilities and do it with those who know what it is to have sleepless nights for weeks on end. We don't enforce strict rules of activity. Those rules are already in place in real life. We come here to blow off steam and join a place of make belief and immersion. So once that moment finally comes when you are excused for a while and don't have to be 'daddy', you will know your Dads of DU will be eager to join you on yet another great adventure! Rally here, Dads of Dual Universe! https://community.dualthegame.com/organization/dads-of-du
  5. English (Translator used) Actually, this TOPIC only affects players who speak the German language. I had the first POST translated into English to show the other one that there is no secret here. I hope that everyone who does not speak German understands that we will only talk in German here. Thanks. Hi Guys, It is about "Sammelbecken". I have kontakt some of you (in which I assume they speak German) in the Comunity portal. Unfortunately, I received very few feedbacks. Since the transmission protocol does not show whether the message was read (a TOPIC "Comunity Forum read-flag" I had opened and it was already clarified by NQ), I would like you to ask me here in the forum briefly indicate if you have no interresse (Ideal with justification) or you did not reach the request. Thank you. German (orginal) Hallo Leute, es geht um "Sammelbecken". Ich habe ein paar von euch (bei denen ich annehme das sie deutsch sprechen) im Comunity-Portal angeschrieben. Leider habe ich nur wenige Rückmeldungen erhalten. Da im Sendeprotokoll nicht ersichtlich ist ob die Nachricht gelesen wurde (ein TOPIC "Comunity-Forum read-flag" hatte ich eröffnet und es wurde von NQ auch schon geklärt), möchte ich euch bitten mir hier im Forum kurz anzuzeigen ob ihr kein Interresse habt (idealerweise mit Begründung) oder euch die Anfrage nicht erreicht hat. Danke. mfG Die Waldfee
  6. Hi everyone. Until now, we couldn’t manually manage (remove/promote) Legates in an organization easily on the administration side. Since Yesterday, we are able to use a feature simplifying considerably the process. As we already mentioned many times in the past, we (Novaquark) don’t want to involve ourselves in the management of organizations created by players. However, we are also aware that the current (and temporary) state of the management system contains obvious flaws. You know it. We know it. As this is still “work in progress”, we hoped that organizations creators will be reasonable enough to avoid abusing the well-known flaws of the system and would wait that all the rules are implemented before trying to sabotage other organizations. So we are going to state the obvious here: It’s ok to “play a bad guy” and use dirty tricks once all the rules are implemented. However, it’s absolutely not ok to start exploiting the flaws of a work in progress system: this is not “playing a bad guy”, this is just toxic behavior and trying to gain an advantage while not playing by the rules. That’s why - despite our will of non-involvement - we will make exceptions until the full implementation of the RDMS (Rights & Duties Management System) for the Organizations. Why did we decide to intervene? Two reasons: 1) In the current state, a Legate has much more power than in the final system, due to the minimalistic mechanisms temporarily in place. If in the current system, any Legate has the right to promote a member to Legate status by himself alone, in the final system the default rights will be completely different: promoting a legate will be done only with a vote by majority rule, or the right to promote someone will be given to specific persons and not every Legate. 2) In the current state, a Legate cannot be demoted by any mean (even by the creator of an organization). In the final system, default configurations will allow to demote a Legate with a vote by majority rule. A Legate could also be demoted by specific persons who have been given the right (most probably by the Organization founder) to do so. How is this going to work? Each organization is going to have one "wild card": if there is a problem with the Legates in an Organization, you can contact the support team at support@novaquark. However, keep in mind we (Novaquark) reserve the right to intervene (or not) on a case by case basis. Example of a case where we will intervene: Some Legate using the flaw of the current temporary system to vandalize (or generate troubles in) an organization. Example of a case where we won’t intervene: Two organizations have merged in one, and now both creators of previous organizations want to mutually exclude each other from the organization. In this kind of case, we won’t remove anyone. We won’t favorize one creator above another. However, we will do our best to help finding a satisfying solution for both parties. As a global reminder: If someone finds a loophole in the rules in place (that may happen), and this loophole is used to generate trouble and spread a toxic behavior, we won’t stay idle watching the situation deteriorating. Best Regards, Nyzaltar.
  7. orginal[ Hallo Leute, Ich finde die Entwickler sollten nicht Gott spielen, denn dann spühren Sie nicht die Auswirkungen ihrer Regeln. Daher halte ich es für sinnvoll wenn NQ im Spiel eine Organisation stellt die den selben Regeln unterworfen ist wie alle Spieler. Als erste Verwaltungseinheit besitzt die "Arkship-Org" (ich nenne Sie jetzt einfach mal so) das Arkship selbst und ein paar Hexagonfelder unter der Kuppel. Natürlich kann Sie Mitglieder aufnehmen und auch Legate bestimmen. Damit sind die Entwickler Teil des Spiels und es entstehen keine Brüche in der Konsistens (Alpha-Test zeigt es). ]orginal google-englisch[ Hi Guys, I find the developers should not play god, because then do not spill the effects of their rules. Therefore I consider it useful for NQ in the game an organization which is subject to the same rules as all players. As the first administrative unit, the "Arkship-Org" (I just call you now) have the Arkship itself and a few hexagon fields under the dome. Of course, you can include members and also appoint legates. Thus the developers are part of the game and there are no breaks in the consistens (alpha test shows it). ]google-englisch mfG Die Waldfee
  8. Today I finished up a piece of propaganda for us here at "Deleted." While finishing it up I had a rather interesting idea for something to start up on the forum. The idea is to create a place where anyone that wants to show off their skills in creating beautiful pieces of propaganda art! Anyone can submit, just refrain from anything not matching the conduct guidelines set out for us on the forum. Anyway henceforth I guess I will get the ball rolling. . . "Image Deleted" Meanwhile - Just have fun!
  9. EDIT: Maps by date: Shockeray's Dual Universe Community Map 1.1.1 6-25-17 Shockeray's Dual Universe Community Map 1.1.2 7-7-17 Shockeray's Dual Universe Community Map 1.1.3 7-20-17 Shockeray's Dual Universe Community Map 1.1.4 8-1-17 Shockeray's Dual Universe Community Map 1.1.5 8-19-17 Shockeray's Dual Universe Community Map 1.1.6 9-16-17 Shockeray's Dual Universe Community Map 1.1.7 9-27-17 Shockeray's Dual Universe Community Map 1.1.8 10-2-17 Shockeray's Dual Universe Community Map 1.1.9 10-21-17 Shockeray's Dual Universe Community Map 1.1.10 11-11-17 Shockeray's Dual Universe Community Map 1.2.1 12-04-17 Shockeray's Dual Universe Community Map 1.2.2 02-24-18 Shockeray's Dual Universe Community Map 1.2.3 04-18-18 Shockeray's Dual Universe Community Map 1.2.4 06-05-18 (newer images found in the last pages of this board) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello everyone, this is Shockeray, GM of Soul Nebula. After waiting for an updated version of the original community map to show itself on the forums for a long time, I finally took it on myself to create my own up-to-date version. After a lot of original set up, my method now requires little time and almost non-existent server strain, allowing me to refresh it many times a day if there ever was a reason to. Due to my limited knowledge of this type of undertaking, TheGreatSardini helped me with the start up. Unless I missed one, this map should contain every organization with at least two members. (Although Graph Commons may not be the best available method of displaying this node map, it is the best that I have found available to the public.) Shockeray's Dual Universe Community Map 1.1.1 6-25-17 And for those who can't load the page, I have attached a completely oversized screengrab below which will give you the general idea.
  10. Hi everyone! As the rules for the Community Portal were a bit unclear on some aspects, we are going to update: - The "Create a Dual Universe Account" page. - The "Create a New Organization" page. Here are the texts that will be displayed soon on these pages: --------------------------------------------------------------- New Text for the “Create a Dual Universe Account” page: ( https://community.dualthegame.com/accounts/register/ ) Warning: By creating a Dual Universe account, you accept and agree to follow the terms and conditions available here. A reminder of the essential rules: Account names may not contain any copyrighted material (names, places, Etc) Account names may not contain any material, references, words, or descriptions deemed offensive by the Community Team. You agree to post only your own original content or content which you have been given explicit, express permission to post by the creator or the copyright holder. Do not copy content from copyrighted universes. Do not spam or post content that could be offensive in any way. The community team may, at its sole discretion and without warning, remove any content, account, and/or organization it deems to be offensive, inappropriate, in violation of these rules, or for any other reason they deem necessary or appropriate. --------------------------------------------------------------- New Text for “Create a New Organization” page: ( https://community.dualthegame.com/organizations/add ) Warning: By creating an Organization, you accept and agree to follow the terms and conditions available here. A reminder of the essential rules: Organizations may not contain copyright names or other materials. Organization names may not contain any material, references, words, or descriptions deemed offensive by the Community Team You agree to post only your own original content or content which you have been given explicit, express permission to post by the creator or the copyright holder. Do not copy content from copyrighted universes. Do not spam or post content that could be offensive in any way. Organizations created for the only purpose of offending, provoking, or insulting others will not be tolerated. Creating multiple ‘fake’ or ‘sock puppet’ accounts for the purposes of inflating the Organization’s size in order to appear in the list of the biggest organizations, or for any other reason, is strictly prohibited. The community team may, at its sole discretion and without warning, remove any content, account, and/or organization it deems to be offensive, inappropriate, in violation of these rules, or for any other reason they deem necessary or appropriate. Pre-Alpha stage: Organizations created here are a provisional step towards building your organizations in-game. As the game is in development the features and systems in place will evolve and are subject to change over time. Once the game launches the organizations, the members and the information held here will be synchronised with the game world. The organization structure will be composed of Members and Legates with different roles and/or responsibilities. For more information about Dual Universe Organizations and what they will become in the future, check out the Devblog! A “Legate” status is currently NOT reversible (it is planned to be reversible at some point though), so choose your legates wisely! What you do here matters, so be careful what you promise! --------------------------------------------------------------- Best Regards, Nyzaltar.
  11. Imperium is a faction that aims to be one of the top organizations in terms of military. Military is Imperium's #1 priority, however our main goal is to be powerful all around. We hope to have a strong sense of community within our organization as well. So if you want to be a part of an organization like that, then go ahead and apply here: https://community.dualthegame.com/organization/imperium#post_2217 Our arms are open to anyone who is interested in joining our organization. We don't have any certain specifications for applications right now, so just give us some information about yourself, and maybe why you want to join Imperium. Anyone who applies will most likely be accepted as long as they take their application seriously. Thank you for your time.
  12. Saudações pessoal! Criei esse post para que possamos compartilhar nossas organizações, para que todos que queiram entrar/participar/ingressar de organizações com liderança Brasileira! Como dito, segue o link e um breve descrição da organização em que participo. Organização Brasileira fundada por Jovens misticamente privilegiados nomeados "Yanomâmis". Destinados a dominar tudo que lhes for desejado. https://community.dualthegame.com/organization/yanomamis#tab-description
  13. A forum is typically a place to discuss single topics, pose questions or make suggestions. This happens in a highly organized manner, which is perfect for keeping discussions in order, being able to archive them and giving a large portion of people the possibility to participate. However, there are downsides to it when it comes to user friendliness in various forms. Getting an answer usually takes time, topics that may interest you already exist but are no longer active or already archived and discussion can head in a directions you don’t feel like taking part in. For these reasons, the user Loondoe has created the Dual Universe Guide (DUG) Discord server. What exactly is that? Primarily, the DUG server aims to provide a 24/7 live-support platform for all players interested in any aspect of Dual Universe. This support is offered by many volunteering, friendly and well respected community members from all branches. Furthermore, the server intends to act as a compressed collection of informational sources and material. We publish community generated guidelines, articles, monthly handouts, records and history information, walkthroughs and more. Is this the right thing for me? Basically, the server is for everyone and everything distantly and closely related to Dual Universe. This is definitely what you are looking for if: you want to have questions about the game or features, the community portal, pledges or the forums and its community answered fast and easily you want to find or be provided with information and sources for the game’s features and plans quickly you want to find or found an organization and need advice you are looking for players or organizations to partner up or make business with you want to feature a website, server or project you created and open it to the public you need help or a solution for a problem you encountered you want to get informed about past or current events and business in the community you need help with anything else and need someone to talk to And how does it work? First, you’ll need to join the Discord server itself by clicking the link below: https://discord.gg/J4AVBy7 Once you’ve joined, you can just state your issue in one of the support channels to receive help from supporters. Alternatively, you can take a look at the other channels to look for information yourself. And that’s it. That’s how easy it is to receive help. For any further suggestion and question on the project itself, these will of course also be answered on the forums itself.
  14. The Kree Union is looking for talented people to help lead it to glory and prosperity! Join today and secure your role as minister and leader at the Kree Union! Click on this URL and be a leader! https://community.dualthegame.com/organization/kree-union
  15. We already know of a job system that will be added to DU, but what if we could extend this more? Think about if you are a Universal Leader and your general has command of over 100 or more ships and even more soldiers. Who's keeping track of them? How does one know their ranks. What if in the game there is a way to design a custom system with easy object movement and management in a way to design your own roster and rank system for players. There would also be a way to make multiple of them or add a 2nd folder to label Fleet Pilots or something with specific ranking. No one wants to keep track of that many players. The terran union for example already has 400 members. What if they all became soldiers with specific ranks. No one will want to keep track of them, where they work, who they work for. Having a easy roster/rank system for DU for organizations. No one wants 100 members in one discord group talking at once either to keep track of. There should also be a way to send specific mail to one from there and even ways to add a check up box. Having a checkup box activate if the owner of the roster adds one to send out to specific or all members of the roster to clear out anyone who has been offline or inactive for a specific amount of time. If you liked this idea anyone is welcome to join The Opean Federation and anyone is also welcome to join our discord in which you can find perm links in our recent posts.
  16. Well met traveller! The vision for Liga Hanseatica Galactica is to create a modern version of the 14th to 17th century Hanseatic Leage active at the time in Northwestern Europe.The confederation strived to establish and enforce free trade for its members and maintained their own defensive fleet to that effect.In DU we strive to do just that as well; military as well as non-aggressive roles will be available within the organization.You can read up on the real 'Hansa' here: Hanseatic League Wikipedia And here: Hanse.org We are looking for players who value a sense of community and camaraderie. Who get a kick out of accomplishing something as a team rather than striving for individual gain and goals alone. However, I know what it means to have a family, small kids and a busy dayjob, so this Organization will never enforce strict scheduled attendence quota. We expect you to be online whenever you can and if you can, but be proactively communicative about your status; no problem if you cannot be online for several days or even weeks, but let someone know. This ties into the sense of community and friendship we are trying to establish. At this point nothing is set in stone concerning the daily dealings of LHG. YOU can be part of the defining members if you are willing to accept my outstretched hand and work on something truely awesome, because once Dual Universe launches, we will have a truely awesome set of tools to craft our own organization! Our own vision! Our own modern Intergalactic Hanseatic League! Thanks for reading. If you want to join us, you can visit the community portal: Liga Hanseatica Galactica Or you can visit our (temporary) homepage: Liga Hanseatica Galactica Homepage Better yet: Join our Discord to get communicating instantly! https://discord.gg/JPgk8g8
  17. I have been following the larger orgs since I am not in one atm and I noticed that there is a new one called IBF (International Banking Federation). This has grown at a rate of about 10/day or accounts that at the start had just created their accounts and had neither profiles nor descriptions. After a couple days, the people joining switched to being names of people all in the same format with a picture of that person. I suspect foul play. (there are also a few accounts once the IBF got bigger that I suspect are real, like SongofStorm & Jamar_ ) This creation of a org starting base by one person spamming alts seems like some kind of cheating or at least breaking the spirit of the community to me because now new people are more likely to move to the org that spammed alts than the many other awesome and honest orgs that are now smaller.
  18. If you are looking for an org, take a minute to check out mine - https://community.dualthegame.com/organization/the-79th-stratocracy - :-)
  19. hi suche ne orga die deutsch ist oder wo welch drin sind
  20. Recruitment should be easier - and it can be! With many if not endless amounts of organizations now and later on, trying to find the right place can become tricky. So someone in Vulture Corporation *shameless ad* sat down and thought: Let's make it easier for all. Based on another forum where a similar layout works well with mod support, here we are: Welcome to the (un)official "Looking for Organization" Thread that gets people results faster. How it works is simple ⛹ Organization seeker You simply use the form provided below as basis for your post, fill it out and post it in here according to your specifications and then wait for the messages and offers to pour in. If you found an organization, you edit your posting and indicate that you did to prevent additional, possibly unwanted messages - and maybe false hopes for some recruiters. ⛳ Organization provider You simply monitor this thread and respond to fitting requests. Please do not reply in this thread and contact recruits via the preferred contact method indicated by their posting only. ⚠ Forum moderators To allow for a good structure and overview, it is suggested that moderators delete fulfilled requests from time to time if the post was marked accordingly by the user. In turn users, upon posting, should automatically agree that their posting can be deleted, if fulfilled. Notice: For feedback about the form or other things, please send a PM visit the feedback thread found here: »Feedbackthread - "Looking for Organization Thread" This thread is just for those looking for an organization, not debate or organization ads. Thanks to Tal from the SC forums for the inspiration. Changelog: - --------------------------------------- Form (Remove the informational parts upon posting - Subject to change depending on feedback in feedback thread or sent via PM) Name: Desired role(s) you wish to play in-game: Ex. Pirate, Smuggler, Trader, Soldier, Mercenary, Bounty Hunter, Miner, Explorer Organization Membership Type: Do you look for a main organization or do you just intend to affiliate with others while you remain in your core organization? What type of Organization are you looking for?: Ex. Pirate Group, Trader Coalition, Corporation, Player Government / Nation, Military Organization, Cult, Mercenary Group, Empire etc... PvP or PvE Oriented?: Region/Timezone: Country or, ideally, timezone Language spoke/Written?: Here you can also indicate if an organization should speak a certain language primarily Roleplay Interest?: How mild or heavy you intend to roleplay - or if there is no interest whatsoever Are you looking for an organization that will focus heavily on Dual Universe or one that plays other games together?: Preferred organization size: Do you look for a rather smaller or larger organization? Other: List any other specifics here Preferred contact method: State how organizations should contact you, ex. Steam, E-Mail, Discord, Skype, private message on this forum etc.
  21. Hello sorry for my question I no where find how to leave a organization? Can someone explain me how to do thank you . Mit freundlichen Grüßen Allude
  22. We are the Forgers. We forge our future by deep mining and building subterranean cities. We do not build tombs but ancient marvels beneath the surface. Join our clan of survivors as we forge our fortress of earth into magnificent structures. Help build our cities with pride and become one of the ancient forgers of our great city. "Out from the ashes we will take flight, Like a fiery core we will burn bright." We are a small faction of Underground Builders, Miners, and Terraformers forging our new life near the core. Help us forge our collective story underground. If your interested in building an underground city join the Phoenix Forge! https://community.dualthegame.com/organization/phoenix-forge https://discord.gg/QTrxfQy SaveSave
  23. Valkyrie Squadron now recruiting! Join Now! Discord: https://discord.gg/KYjs5m2 Community Page: JOIN NOW! https://community.dualthegame.com/organization/valkyrie-squadron We are the Valkyrie. Like the myths and legends we are chosen from the planets below to rise beyond the clouds to the great halls of Valhalla (Orbital Stations). We are the Elite Squadron of Fighter Pilots, Builders, Designers, and Merchants, band together to help one another survive. We are an Honorable community based on Orbital Stations | Spaceports. We live off of selling Fuels, Transportation Systems, & Starship Designs. Our acclaimed space traveling technology gives us the edge we need to survive in space and travel further to the far reaches of the galaxy. Our main goal is to help connect the galaxy by constructing new orbital stations | Space Ports above each planet and creating a transit system of waypoints. Join our elite and help write our collective story among the stars. Prosperity, Technology, Renowned Engineering, Design, & Connection Help us forge our collective story and connect the galaxy together SaveSave
  24. ... because Nomads cant be stopped. I'm Bobbylord. A Nomad who used to travel and conquer various virtual universes and who is looking to make DU his new home. Come and join me in endless space. Traveling wherever the "winds" will take us, fighting whoever tries to "break" us and making whatever we cant buy in "ToysRus". There's nothing bigger than you - this is DU. Bobbylord
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