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  1. Hello fellow citizens! Welcome to the Osiris Federal Republic! Organized around the ideas of freedom and prosperity, our organization gives our members complete freedom in how they wish to live within Dual Universe and their contribution towards the nation! The SFR is a democratic organization, one that promotes liberty and defends it from those who wish to rule with tyranny! From our vast new member programs, to our reward system, our government is here to support all our citizens! We believe firmly in letting our members' creativity grow and expanding their knowledge in the depth of Dual Universe with the help of our Alpha Veterans. From mining to PvP, we support any and all play styles within the verse! Our robust community provides opportunities in all sectors and is supported by a firm belief in merit. Hard work is at the core of any successful organization, and we provide exceptional means of rewarding our members. With the institution of national programs such as wages, dividend/share distribution and fair recognition, our members have the means of rising through the ranks with dedication and creating success! At Osiris we also offer immense protection services. Whether it be through the routine patrols by our expansive fleet or the safe havens of our cities and stations, Osiris is sure to provide a secure environment for you to succeed! We are looking for creative intuitive members who are willing to work in a team environment for the better of the organization. With us, your choice matters and your opinions are always heard. We facilitate and welcome an environment that will enable you to be yourself. The nation is divided into multiple ministries of governance, who work synonymous with each other. While working within the departments of your choosing, you will be offered the choice of being tightly integrated within our teams that expertise in their roles, while at the same time offering the autonomy and freedom you desire. Our three ministries consist of; the Ministry of Development, Ministry of Defence, and the Ministry of State! Please check out our website for more information! https://osirisfederal.wixsite.com/a-new-beginning/ At the leadership level, we have integrated pathways for promotions within the organization. Hard work is always recognized and rewarded! Members have both the economic prosperity associated with your freedom as well as the access to immense resources to construct the next titans of the fleet! Like any successful organization, communication among our members is paramount. That's why we offer a 24/7 active discord community to converse and make lasting friendships that organically develop beyond the scope of this virtual reality! Hope to see all of you soon! https://discord.gg/sm54skF
  2. "Our skill will accomplish what the force of many cannot" Exploration | Anti-Piracy | Logistics | Peace Keeping ONSC Executive Command Headquarters 1st COMMAND FLEET TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION I. INTRODUCTION SECTION II. MISSION STATEMENT SECTION III. RECRUITMENT REQUIREMENTS SECTION IV. LEADERSHIP POSITION RECRUITMENT SECTION V. PERSONNEL RECRUITMENT SECTION VI. CONTACT INFORMATION SECTION I. INTRODUCTION The ONSC is a military style organization that wishes to apply some real world militaristic views/methods such as basic tactics and/or leadership/ruling across the entire Organization. It is not a strict organization, and will not be required to be confined to what you have been assigned to do when joining. We look to bring together those that are interested in this style of game-play working together as a military unit/organization and apply it to Dual Universe. You may be required to spend at least a minimum of 1 hour when you are online performing your general duties/tasks such as patrols and/or security but after that you are welcome and free to enjoy the game how you want to enjoy it. You are however limited through some means in order to keep a certain group of members. You must not be apart of any other military organization, you may be apart of another organization that does not half military ties. SECTION II. MISSION STATEMENT The Mission of the ONSC is to establish a powerful military presence across The Dual Universe in hopes of assisting in maintaining peace and stability throughout areas our fleets may be operating in. Always willing to work with other Organizations and/or Nations and assist anyone that requires assistance we may come across. We are a Anti-Piracy Organization and do not tolerate harassment, threats and/or assaults against any innocent starfarers that wish to travel and/or conduct business across the universe. SECTION III. RECRUITMENT REQUIREMENTS In order to be considered a candidate to join the ONSC you will need to meet the requirements specified below: - Must be 16 years or older - Must have Discord - Must have Teamspeak - Must have a working microphone - Must not be apart of any other military organization - Must be willing to spend a minimum of 1 hour while in the game performing duties assigned to you and/or your fleet. (After that you are free to enjoy the game and do what it is you wish to do as long as it is not in violation of the Code of Conduct and your Area of Operation you are working in) SECTION IV. LEADERSHIP POSITION RECRUITMENT Please be ready to begin working immediately upon being appointed any of the Leadership Positions posted below. You may be required to write and provide some content in regards to that department such as, How will operations be run? What are some standards when operating under certain conditions? Anything that may be useful in shaping the way this Organization will operate as a large force. ONSC Commander Admiral John Clark (CommanderClark96) ONSC Deputy Commander of Operations Vice Admiral VACANT ONSC Assistant Commander of Administration Rear Admiral VACANT SECTION V. PERSONNEL RECRUITMENT Ranks will be assigned accordingly based on the needs to be filled and where the person may be appointed. More information can be provided by contact myself. Contact information below. Looking for Web Developers, Lua/C++/Java Developers, Graphic Designers, and Video Editors to help us out by providing the best possible experience to the ONSC. SECTION VI. CONTACT INFORMATION If you are interested in any of the positions mentioned above, please make sure you do the following: - Reply to the thread, stating where you contacted a Recruiter and/or Leader (Discord, Forum PM) - Message anyone listed below either in a Forum PM or Discord PM Discord Server Personnel to Contact ONSC Commander John Clark | Discord: John Clark#7313| Forum Profile: User All graphic design content is owned and operated under the Orion Naval Space Command Organization ™ - All rights reserved
  3. The Federation Alpha is a political entity with an autocratic government form and an aggressive-expansive mindset. We exist with the aim to help our citizens and build up a civilization, so our citizens can live freely. We strive to unite others with us to help promote production and a favourable lifestyle. We offer protection, asylum and citizenship to everybody. We, the people of The Federation Alpha, want to unify the galaxy to make it a better place! Allow me to explain a bit more. The power of The Federation Alpha is divided into 11 ministries, one Prime Minister and the President. Every minister is leading a specific department which consists of coordinating and initiating projects no matter if proposed by a citizen or the president. Onto the more specific job descriptions of the government: The President: He's the head of the state, makes most of the decisions and is the head of the council of ministers. The Prime Minister: They are the right hand of the president, but take the president’s place in his absence, they are the second head of the council of ministers and responsible for the infrastructure. The Minister of Defence: They regulate the armed forces, oversee the military budget matters and procurement of equipment. The Minister of Finance: They're in charge of government finances, economic policy and financial regulation. The Minister of Commerce: They're responsible for regulating external/internal trade and promoting economic growth. The Minister of Immigration: They have the capability to grant citizenship, but also take care of immigration issues, and asylum for refugees. The Minister of Industry: They're in charge of the industry, which includes engineering, employment, and trading. The Minister of Resources: They look after the natural resources (The own resources are kept for emergency situations, instead we go mine somewhere else) The Minister of Development: They oversee innovation, science and economic development. The Minister of Internal Affairs: They're responsible for policing, emergency management and national security. The Minister of Foreign Affairs: They take care of the state’s foreign policy and manage external relations (ex.: Alliances, Peace treaty, truce, …) The Minister of Transport: They're in charge of the transportation within the country. Their responsibilities are road safety, civil aviation, public transport and maintenance of infrastructural projects. (road, bridges, tunnels, …) The Minister of Health: They're responsible for protecting and promoting public health, providing welfare and other social security services. The Admiral: They put the orders of the Minister of Defence into motion, coordinate and supervise the Space Force of the Army. The General: They put the orders of the Minister of Defence into motion, coordinate and supervise the Air and Ground Force of the Army. Governor: They execute the plans of a minister, at least one Governor is assigned to a minister. Their other duties are to oversee their sector and to do quality inspections. Alpha Police Department: It is empowered by the state to enforce the law, protect property and limit civil disorder. They are allowed to use force if necessary. Captain: They command a ship and coordinate the battles in space. Colonel: They command the battles in the air and on the ground. Fighter Pilot: They're trained pilots, who will dominate the sky and space with their comrades, fighting the enemy. There are two categories of Fighter Pilots: Class A (atmosphere) and Class S (space). Trooper: They're disciplined and skilled soldiers, who will be on the front and fight the battles for the Federation Alpha. Those were the main jobs that will be provided by the Federation Alpha. (there are more) Military structure: The military is separated into three sections: The Ground Force, the Air Force and Space Force. The Alpha Ground Force (AGF) and the Alpha Air Force (AAF) is commanded by the General, who is the highest ranking of the Ground and Air Force. The Ground and Air Force consist of the General, Colonels, Majors, Troop Commanders/Air Commanders, Squad Leaders/Air Squadron Leaders and Troopers/Air Fighter Pilots. The Admiral is the highest ranking of the Alpha Space Force (ASF). The Alpha Space Force consists of the Admiral, Captains, Commanders, Lieutenants, Squadron Leaders/Ensigns and Fighter Pilots/Crewmen. In the chain of command, the General and Admiral are equals, those above them are the Minister of Defence, the Prime Minister and the President. The first members of the military will be Troopers and Fighter Pilots because they are the most important part, after recruiting enough man power, we will provide personal training for those who want to rank up. In order to provide a fun environment for every player (citizen of Federation Alpha) and have a frame of ideals to be considered when meeting decisions, we have created a few fundamental rules that compose the general code of conduct for every member. These are the basic laws that will be operating in the federation. LAWS: 1. Human dignity; the human dignity shall be respected. 2. Personal Freedoms; personal freedoms shall be respected. 3. Equality before the law; every individual will be treated the same way. 4. Freedom of faith, conscience and creed; every individual has the right to believe in something, this shall be respected. 5. Freedom of expression; every individual has the right to have his own opinion and to express it. 6. Freedom of assembly; every individual has the right to freely meet up with other people. 7. Freedom of association; any individual can create or join a group/corporation. 8. Privacy of correspondence, post and telecommunications; a conversation between different individuals of the Federation Alpha should not be disclosed without the consent of every participating party. 9. Freedom of movement; every individual has the right to move freely, where- and whenever he wants, if it doesn’t violate any other laws. 10. Occupational Freedom, prohibition of forced labour; each individual has the right to choose their profession and shall not be forced into labour. 11. Compulsory military or alternative service; in case of war or conflict, the military has the possibility to conscript an individual to fight. This individual has the right to refuse, but in that case, they will have to sign up for an alternative service. 12. Inviolability of the home; no individual has the right to enter a private building without the owner’s permission, but if a police officer presents a warrant from a Judge then he has the right to enter. 13. Property, inheritance, expropriation; no one has the right to take away your property, but if it violates any other laws then the state will take actions. 14. Citizenship, extradition; every individual has the right to obtain the Federation Alpha’s nationality. No one has the right to remove their citizenship except the state if it has a valid reason. 15. Right of asylum; if an individual is being chased/followed, they have the right to get asylum until the threat is over. 16. Right of petition; every individual has the right to organize a petition, if they collect enough votes the petition will be considered by the state. THE FINANCE SYSTEM OUR PLANS: The aim of the federation alpha is to build a nation that stays competitive throughout its existence, provides for its citizens and is always capable of growing and improving in order to provide a fun experience for every member. We start this off by focusing on the core of our nation, a capital city that we want to see become a meaningful spot and landmark in the Dual Universe history. Naturally, this will need a lot of hard work that we start of by gathering resources, what will likely fill our schedule for the first days and weeks. After this, the team would be split up into two separate groups one of them will be focusing on building spaceships to get off Alioth and the other one will need to continue mining resources. Once away from Alioth, we will search for a suitable location to begin with the building process of the capital. The first building of the capital will be the HQ, where everything will be managed from. Later on, we will start to build up different sectors like the market, storage and landing areas. For the future, there are naturally more projects, for example we planned to build apartments, roads, stores, a subway system and more. The military has also a role in this, it’s purpose is to protect the Federation Alpha, to fight the enemy, to conquer new land and even sometimes to explore. Morality: The Federation will be kind to everybody, but if we want/need something we will take it. As an example, if we conquer a territory where somebody lives, we will give its inhabitants a choice: they can leave without getting harmed or they can choose to become a citizen of The Federation Alpha and enjoy all advantages that the federation offers, which should be preferable for them. Jobs that the state will provide, will be well paid and the workers get a free living area in exchange for their work. Our priority is the well-being of our citizen, that everyone is treated the same good way. Farewell: Every opinion is welcome. Our current status is 100 members, I hope you consider joining us or just even talk with us. If you want to know more about this project, just join our discord. https://discord.gg/5meXpj7 Our website: http://ogy.de/FederationALPHA My team and I would love to answer your questions. Kind regards Ginger
  4. Now I know that we know VERY little about how weapons and pvp mechanics will work in the finished game, but that doesn't mean we can't make educated guesses about how battles will play out in the abstract. Here's my current idea about how things may work. My main idea revolves around the concept that there will likely be many "stages", or areas where a specific type of combat or ship is needed, in any battle. In a planetary battle, there would be 3 categories and 6 stages, outlined below: Category One: Space Stage One: Open/Deep space - Open space is (arbitrarily, at the moment) defined as being at least 5 times further away from a target planet as that planets diameter. On Earth for example, "Open Space" would be defined as being 40,000 miles (65,000 km) away from the planets surface or further. Open space would likely serve as a staging point for large invasions, as well as the location of the largest space-only battles. The key feature of Open Space is the difficulty or impossibility of ground or orbital defenses to assist in any conflict. Stage Two: High, Mid, and Low orbit - While the specifics about orbital mechanics in the game are still unknown (to me at least), they still have a large influence on how orbital fights would play out. If the system works similar to space engineers, where at a certain distance gravity no longer matters, then Orbit may be where the vast majority of large fights take place, as it would be easy to target an enemy, and fuel wouldn't be as much of a concern. If the system works more like Kerbal Space Program, with simulated orbital mechanics at any distance until you reach the influence of another body, then the largest ships would likely stray away from orbit, or at least they would not play a primary combat role. Due to the existence of antigrav generators, Orbit will likely play a smaller role than expected because you can bring very large ships much closer to the planets surface with antigrav. Category Two: Atmosphere Stage Three: High Atmosphere/ Antigrav generator area - This is the area where Antigrav generators play the largest role, and where ground-based defenses would likely become a serious threat. In addition, this is where fully-atmospheric fighters can be deployed by both sides, for cheap firepower. On the offensive side, High Atmosphere would likely contain large dropships and motherships, which release either smaller dropships, Atmospheric fighters, or Drop-pods. On the defensive side, High Atmosphere would be the most crucial point of defense. If an enemy can make it into High Atmosphere, they can reach the ground, where they can start doing serious damage to cities and infrastructure. Stage Four: Low Atmosphere - This is the area where Antigrav generators are either highly impractical or impossible. Ships in low atmosphere will be mostly smaller-atmosphere only fighters and corvettes that can only get high enough in the air to be picked up by an Antigrav mothership. In addition to those ships, dropships will land soldiers and ground-based vehicles like Hovertanks in areas where they are needed. In an offensive situation, it will be the fighters job to ensure a safe landing spot for the dropships, and on the defensive side it will be to prevent it. Category Three: Ground Stage Five: Open Ground - This is where the larger land-based vehicles will dominate, and air support from High-atmosphere is still feasible. Open Ground will likely serve mostly as a movement stage, where ground-based vehicles are moving from one important place to another. Stage Six: Relative Close Quarters - This is where the larger land-based vehicles will become impractical, like in urban areas and forests. From the perspective of a soldier this is still open-ground combat, but relative to the massive size of spaceships and the larger land vehicles, it is close quarters combat. RCQC (relative close quarters combat) will be the most important part of the occupation of a city. Securing this stage for a long period of time usually means victory, as long as the other stages are incapable of resupplying their fuel or numbers. Let me know if you have any ideas for how large-scale battles will play out on dual universe, or if you have anything to add or criticize about my "stages of battle" concept
  5. (This post will get updated with personell needs from time to time) Want to be a part of a close knit team that shares your interests and focus in Dual Universe? Bladesin Mercenary Corporation is building more squads! We need a total of [46] new people in Bladesin! | Quality people over Quality players, you want a social group to play with? Hardcore gamers that are online all day every day? Then come over to our discord server. | We are a politically neutral Para Military group. We do mercenary and freelance work for the ones in need of an extra hand. Does it interest you to be a part of a small, tight-knit group? We provide it. Do you want a space free of toxicity? We provide it. Do you want to be challenged as a gamer and a person? We will do that. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What will you get? -Adapted training for your in-game role -A team/squad of people to play with within your division -Full support in your endeavours, in game and in life -A space free of discrimination, sexism, elitism, where you can be yourself -As we are still very much a growing organisation and Community, a lot of seats are open, down the line you have a high chance of filling one out. If you are fit for it. -Community Game sessions (some of which are streamed on Twitch) Tons of awesome fun and laughter with amazing people with brilliant minds, a great sense of humor and the biggest hearts ever seen. | What Divisions and regions need you as reinforcements right now? -Crafting and Science (Building and coding) NA: 4 players -Mining and Gathering (Prospecting and mining) EU:3 Players NA:6 players -Logistics (transport and storage management) EU: 1 Players NA: 1 Player -Military ( Ground troops and Pilots) EU: 4 Players NA: 9 Players -Trade (Profit driving Trade and rare resource procurement) EU: 2 Players NA: 2 players -Communications (recruitment, contracting and content creation) EU: 6 Players NA: 12 Players What is expected of you? - You will automatically join the Gaming Community Bladesin Gaming - Follow our Codex - As you join you read the Codex Summary, and after you've been accepted you are expected to learn the whole thing over time and do everything you can to live up to what it means to be a Bladesinner. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [COME TO OUR DISCORD TO JOIN] | Bladesin Trivia What kind of people are we? | A mix and match of gamers that are also entrepeneurs, soldiers, teachers, streamers, dreamers, students and so on. We share a common desire for a hospitable online community that takes care of each other instead of hurting each other. Mutual respect and a clear chain of command drives us forwards. We have extremely high standards of behaviour and if they are not met, there is a chance you will be asked to leave becuase of it, the reason for this is simple: - We provide a certain type of enviroment online for our members, toxicity of any kind is met with a 0 tolerance policy. - We welcome all decent human beings, we dont care what gender identity you have, sexuality, disabilities, alt life styles, none of that matters to us in any other way than we accept you for wh oyou are, as long as it does not hurt others by its nature. Trauma is met with respect here. | Honor - Duty - Dedication | These three words are our mantra, however you live life outside of Bladesin, with us, this is what we do. Honor Not to be confused with pride. Honour is a standard of behaviour that means you don’t humiliate others, you don’t demean them. At the same time, you stay true to your values and your integrity. You don't let others trample you or what you stand for. Duty If you say you will do something, you do it. You follow the chain of command and you do your best to be a useful member of Bladesin. In exchange, Bladesin does its best to be useful to you. That is Duty in Bladesin. Dedication Commit to Bladesins agenda as a member, be active, inside and outside of games. Always do your best, be loyal and in exchange, you will have the same from Bladesin. That is what Dedication is in Bladesin. This means you aspire to inspire. That is Honor in Bladesin | For more in depth explanations, please refer to our Codex which is found in our Discord Yu can also go to our Website to learn more about us.
  6. Vanguard ~~~ Founded: 1st Feb 2017 Founders: Dark, Sketch, Owe166 Classification: Mercenary Seriously Casual Recruitment: Open ~~~ ~~~ What is Vanguard? Vanguard is a private mercenary corporation that holds diversity, community, and teamwork in the highest regard. Unlike simple soldiers or bodyguards who are designed to follow orders, members of Vanguard are recognized and treated as individuals working in teams. No member is simply an asset, each is unique in their desires and aspirations. While Vanguard the corporation accepts contracting requests, whether or not most requests are accepted is determined by the Vanguard teams and their members. Organizational Structure: The ranking system of Vanguard was designed with simplicity in mind. This was part of a conscious effort to eliminate possible confusion regarding power and status within the company. At the highest level, a Platoon Leader and their assistant(s) oversee four different Squads. Each Squad has a squad leader and assistant squad leader overseeing the members. Typically, a vanguard member comes to see their squad members as their family within Dual Universe. Is Vanguard for You? With members spread globally, the Vanguard maintains a constant presence within the universe. As a part of this ubiquitous Vanguard, you will never be truly alone. You will always have a home, and a respectable amount of freedom to pursue your interests while not on an active mission. Individuals who share our ideals, are willing to take on a wide range of assignments, and be a part of a larger family are highly encouraged to apply to Vanguard. Base of Operations: Vanguard plans on operating out of a battle carrier named the Invictus. We aim for her to be a testament to our ability and a beacon of strength for the Vanguard. Apart from the Invictus, another separate, grounded home base will exist for members to carry out their own personal projects in safety and peace. ~~~ Recruitment We are always looking for brave and able men and women to join us! After applying on https://community.dualthegame.com/organization/vanguard-mercenaries, you will be asked a couple of questions asked by a leading member. This is simply an effort to get to know you better, and determine the best placement based on your talents. Want to get to know us first? Join our discord: https://discord.gg/4J5qDqd While there are no requirements to join, but owning a mic is highly recommended due to the prevalence of team-based activity in Vanguard. For all questions please contact Owe166, Sketch, or myself with them via PM, Discord, or by posting in this thread.
  7. the ability to "hail" a ship by text/voice/live feed of bridge would give the ability to exchange remarks, solve conflicts and open up the possibility of an alliance (yes I got this from star trek )
  8. B.U.T.T.S United (Check organization bio) Friendly with a more money making view
  9. The 47th Legion is a military themed, North American based player association. The 47th engages in a wide variety of in-game activities to include PvE, PvP, crafting/trading, exploration, and colonization. The 47th prides itself on professionalism and esprit de corps which are our core principles. We hold our Legionaries to a high standard and prohibit any and all types of exploiting and cheating. Teamwork and collective effort are mantras the 47th Legion lives by. We explore in a squad, move in a squad, and we all do what we can to contribute to the Legion. Our Legionaries provide materials for the crafters who in turn provide gear back to the Legionaries. If you like to go and do things your own way, then the 47th isn't for you. Remember, if you are looking for an active, organized, fun, and professional guild, then you've found it in the 47th Legion! While the 47th is military themed with great interest in PvP our ultimate goal is the creation of our own castrum (fort) and the creation of a multi-national alliance, if not full society, all with a very heavy emphasis on mechanized combat. Tanks, APCs, mechs, exoskeletons, powered armor, fighters, bombers, capital ships, et cetera. It's the future, baby, let's roll with tech on our side! The various play-styles would rank in Legion-wide interest as such: PvP: ►►►►►►► The 47th will be heavily engaged in PvP and it will be one of our primary activities. PvE: ►►► We can't PvP all of the time so while PvE doesn't take priority it's obviously going to be an important activity. Colonization: ►►►►►► This our primary motivating factor above all else and will be heavily facilitated by our PvP and exploration play. Construction: ►►►►► A combat unit is only as strong as it's supply chain. The 47th Legion features a robust crafting infrastructure on our website centered around a functioning supply section which gives our crafters the ability to quickly advertise items and our Legionaries the ability to easily request them! No other nation offers infrastructure like this! Exploration: ►►►►►►► This will be a cornerstone that will heavily influence city building and PvP. Scouts definitely have a place in our Legion. Socialization: ►►► We like people! Someone has to run those shady bars just off post where our Legionaries will relax in their downtime. We have big plans for building an alliance and a cities so diplomats will be needed. We strive to provide our Legionaries with a semi-realistic military simulation environment. This involves some light roleplaying elements but our rank structure, personal awards, training exercises, and camaraderie constitute the bulk of the atmosphere. Additionally, the 47th recognizes the contributions our Legionaries make to the unit. Whether it's something as simple as creating some artwork, recruiting friends into the unit, or capturing a ship single-handedly we have a plethora of rewards to publicly honor our Legionaries with. Our legionaries proudly display their ribbons in a display case on their profiles. If you'd like to learn more about our awards system you can view them and their descriptions here. Professionally built website and forum based on IPS Community Suite; Image galleries, downloads, blogging, and social media support; Unit supply section; Discord VOIP service; Unique rank structure and awards systems; Weekly scheduled operations; Personalized 47th Legion e-mail accounts; Dual Universe newswire service; and Real military leadership and experience. Must be at Least 19 years of age (exceptions considered on case by case basis); Willingness to engage in PvP; Willingness to casually roleplay; and All alternate characters must be tagged with the unit. The 47th was originally established in 2007 as an offshoot of a Star Wars Galaxies guild from the Chilastra server. By the time of the NGE a lot of interest in SWG had been permanently lost. A deployment or two later I became highly interested in Tabula Rasa and chose to start my own player organization for the game with a few SWG guildmates which came to be known as the 47th A.F.S. Expeditionary Force, or 47th A.F.S.E.F.. Around the time of TR's closure Earthrise caught the 47th's interest. We waited for Earthrise for over three years and were finally able to step foot on Enterran soil at game launch. Unfortunately Earthrise was plagued with launch issues, lacked basic and rudimentary features, had an extremely unoptimized client which ran very poorly, had a small community, and incredibly slow patch releases. In June of 2011 we decided to quit Earthrise. Moving on from there we briefly dabbled in Star Wars: The Old Republic though in the end the game was simply the antithesis in design of everything we actually enjoy in an MMO. A few months later we started following the development of the Trion Worlds and SyFy collaboration known as Defiance. We greatly enjoyed the game and show and quickly rose to being the most dominant guild on the PC platform. Unfortunately, Trion World's interest in future development of the title quickly waned and the game is all but abandon-ware at this point. After exiting Defiance we've focused mainly on multiplayer sandboxes such as Empyrion: Galactic Survival, Space Engineers, Miscreated, DayZ, Ark: Survival Evolved, RUST, and various ArmA 3 mods over MMOs. The 47th is an excellent environment for current and past members of the armed forces. Many of our Legionaries are prior service (I personally served in the U.S. Army for seven years as a 19D Cavalry Scout: FIRST TEAM!) and enjoy being around other prior service Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, and Marines; we welcome and encourage you to join! At present we are currently gathering intelligence and planning the best path through the game to achieve our goals as quickly as we can after launch. All recruits who enlist prior to the launch of Dual Universe will be entered into our NCO Development program upon completion of their Battle Readiness Checklist. Additionally, all Legionaries who successfully recruit another member into the 47th will be automatically promoted up to and including the rank of Miles Gregarius [E3]. The 47th currently has Legionaries deployed in many titles as we await the launch of Dual Universe. We are currently officially supporting Empyrion: Galactic Survival, Star Citizen, Rust, and Osiris: New Dawn. We also have dedicated ARK and Space Engineer servers. Why wait months to play with an organization when you can join us online right now?
  10. The 47th Legion is a military themed, North American based player association. The 47th engages in a wide variety of in-game activities to include PvE, PvP, crafting/trading, exploration, and colonization. The 47th prides itself on professionalism and esprit de corps which are our core principles. We hold our Legionaries to a high standard and prohibit any and all types of exploiting and cheating. Teamwork and collective effort are mantras the 47th Legion lives by. We explore in a squad, move in a squad, and we all do what we can to contribute to the Legion. Our Legionaries provide materials for the crafters who in turn provide gear back to the Legionaries. If you like to go and do things your own way, then the 47th isn't for you. See our home pages below for more detail. o7 47th Legion - Dual Universe Organization 47th Legion - Gaming Community Home
  11. Join the Bladesin Mercenary Corporation! Are you looking for an Organization that allows any play style? Then look no further! We are here! We want more members in our community, and if you are looking for a place that has zero tolerance for toxicity of any kind, BMC is the one! Currently we have open positions in these Divisions: - Crafting and Science - Mining and Gathering - Trading - Communications - Logistics - Military We are aiming to make a huge gaming community, with Dual Universe in the forefront! If you are interested go to our Community Page Or our Discord and send us a message!
  12. Hey everyone, Quantum Force Knights would love to offer the community an opportunity to join us as we draw closer to planet fall where we will bring hope and a future to the citizens of the Novark. We are seeking elite players to join with us. We have training programs for those of you who wish to hone your skills and advancement opportunities. Currently we have sever ship designs for members as well. Join us on our community page and show your support there by growing our numbers: https://community.dualthegame.com/organization/quantum-force#tab-applications Join in discussions on our discord where we talk about all aspects of the game and the organization. https://discord.gg/qe2MMv
  13. Welcome to New Genesis your new home in the stars! We are currently recruiting for military personnel . If you are team orientated and enjoy working towards a goal then look no further , New Genesis is the place for you. All candidates will be interviewed and allocated to a position they are suited to. Personal preference will take precedent as along as individuals can meet the requirements and policies . If interested please reach out to me . I look forward to exploring the universe with you. https://discord.gg/XBXyW8a https://youtu.be/_xRFRH4lhHE https://community.dualthegame.com/organization/new-genesis
  14. "Are you wondering why you should join us? Join us if you want to be greater than just yourself, don't read about history, make it. If you want to win glory, a place for yourself in the annals of time, we are your best choice. If you want to be the best, join us in our path to greatness, with you by our side were sure to last. If your tired of organisations that dont return your efforts, we will address that. But really, if thats not enough for you, you can join us because you simply want to work with like minded people, those who share your ambition and goals, and that's not even considering our healthy bonus packages. So, Soldier, are you in?" Terran Union Armed Forces are looking for individuals in several occupations ranging from fighter pilot, gun crew, ship engineer, marine, team leader and more, please don't hesitate to contact the following individuals on discord for more information: Imperator#2402 - Head of National Space Forces Zedivann#9604 - Head of Terran Union Military Intelligence DesertWolves#9261 - Head of National Defense Forces Come be a part of the largest dedicated military organization in Dual Universe! Note: requirements to join TUAF are citizenship with the Terran Union(TU) and approval from the Terran Union Military Intelligence director (TUMI). https://community.dualthegame.com/organization/terran-union-armed-forces
  15. Terran Union on the Community Website Terran Union Surgere, Aedificare, Conservare War, Chaos, Desolation, Despair this is our history and in this state we left Earth, Terra, birthplace of Mankind, our beloved Mother and we had almost destroyed her in our greed and envy, but a Neutron Star was faster. And now we're lost, drifting in space, aimlessly, alone. Delight, Relief, Beauty, Hope our first thoughts and feelings as we saw her, our new home, our new Mother, Alioth. We gave a promise to ourselves, this time we will make it better, we will build a Civilization, greater, better, more beautiful then everything that Mankind has seen till now. And we will take good care of our new Mother. The Union Immigration: Allowed Government: Hiring Military: Recruiting Elections: After Beta Launch Official Languages: English, German Time zone: All Communication: Discord (link to get on the Server) Nation Colors: Blue, Silver, Gold Member of the Cinderfall Syndicate Organization The Union is a Federal Nation and is organized in four administrative levels: National, Planetary, Regional and City Each Level is more or less self-regulating and has an own parliament. Government Leader The Leader is the head of the National Parliament and the Ministerial Council, he is also in direct control over the Military, together with the Supreme Commander. A Successor and Second-in-command is elected by the National Parliament. Candidates for this Position can be proposed by the retiring Leader, the Military Council and the National Parliament. Parliaments The National Parliament is made up of the Leader, the Ministers, five representatives elected direct from the citizenship and at least one representative from each planet. With the growth of population, the planets are granted additional seats in the Parliament, 1 for every 2,500 citizens (Numbers may change after game launch). The Parliament also makes laws that are valid for the entire nation and decide together with the leader and ministers on the future course of the nation. The Parliament will meet at least once a month. The Planetary Parliaments are made up of at least one representative from each Region and one from each City that exceeds 500 citizens. With the growth of population, the regions are granted additional seats in the Parliament, 1 for every 500 citizens (Numbers may change after game launch). The Parliament also makes laws that are valid for the entire planet and elect its representatives for the National Parliament. The Regional Parliaments are made up of at least one representative from each City in the Region. With the growth of population, the cities are granted additional seats in the Parliament, 1 for every 200 citizens (Numbers may change after game launch). The Parliament also makes laws that are valid for the entire region and elect its representatives for the Planetary Parliament. The City Parliaments are made up of at least five elected representatives from the Citizenship. With the growth of population, the Parliament gets additional seats, 1 for every 100 citizens, up to a maximum of 30 seats (Numbers may change after game launch). The Parliament also makes laws that are valid for the City and elect its representatives for the Regional Parliament. The Parliaments will be able to choose their meeting cycle, recommended is once a month, the elections are held once a year. Ministries The Ministries are the Administration of the Nation and are operating on all administrative levels. The only administrative level that will have all ministries, is the National Level. Depending on the tasks of the ministries, they will have branches in the various administrative levels. Tasks that have the ministries, for example, are: Nomination of judges and ambassadors, operating Stargates owned by the government, city and infrastructural planning, tax collection and distribution, i.e. the everyday tasks. Ministries that are likely to arise are: Ministry of Economy Ministry of Finance Ministry of Trade Ministry of Justice Ministry of Internal Affairs Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ministry of Exploration Ministry of Expansion and Colonization Ministry of Research and Development Ministry of Military Ministry of Defense Each Ministry will be led by a Minister, chosen by the Leader and approved by the National Parliament, the Minister will choose a Second-in-command. There will be also Ministers without official ministries. The Ministerial Council will meet once a week to discuss the current affairs of the nation and to consult. This Council consist only of the leader, his Second-in-command and the ministers. Military The Military is led by the Leader, the Supreme Commander and a Military Council. The Military Council consist of the Leader, the Supreme Commander, the Minister of Military, the Minister of Defense, the Minister for Special Tasks and high ranking Officers such as the General of the national planetary Forces, the Admiral of the national orbital Forces, the Admiral of the national deep-space Forces and the highest ranking Admirals and Generals of the planetary and orbital defense Forces. The Military Council is in charge of all military facilities, including the Military Intelligence Service and the Military Academy. The Council also makes laws which only apply to the Military and provides the judges for the Military Court. A majority vote of at least 75% in the National Parliament is automatically a superior order and the military has to follow this order, neither the Leader nor the Supreme Commander can revoke this order. Supreme Commander The Supreme Commander has in great military decisions, like war and peace, equal power to the Leader, but in the overall military structure he is superior to the Leader. The Successor of the Supreme Commander is elected by the Military Council and must be acknowledged by the National Parliament, when this not happens the election is held again. Candidates for this position can be proposed by the Leader, the retiring Supreme Commander and the Military Council. The Military is organized as following: National Forces: This Forces are stationed all over the Nation, they are the offensive Forces of the Nation, are responsible for the national space and are financed and maintained by the whole nation. The National Forces are split in 3 sub-commands and 4 Support Units, Engineer-Corps, Medic-Corps, Pioneer-Corps and Military Police National Planetary Forces: (aka. Planetary Operations) Leader: General of the National Planetary Forces Headquarter: Location currently unknown Tasks: Protection of military and civilian facilities on planets, which are controlled by the national level of administration, Invasion of Enemy Planets, Combat support for Locale Planetary Defense Forces, if requested or necessary. Military Units: Army, Air Force, Navy, Special Forces, Troop transporters National Orbital Forces: (aka. Orbital Operations) Leader: Admiral of the National Orbital Forces Headquarter: Location currently unknown Tasks: Protection of military and civilian facilities in Orbit around colonized planets, which are controlled by the national level of administration, blockading and bombardment of enemy planets, ground-support for planetary troops, Combat support for Locale Orbital Defense Forces, if requested or necessary. Fleet Parts: (all ships are fitted to be short-range and without Jump drives) Heavy Siege Ships, Blockade Frigates and Corvettes, Anti-Fighter Frigates, Capital ship Hunter (Cruiser), Carriers for space to atmosphere fighters, bombers and transporters, also a small contingent of standard fighters National Deep-Space Forces: (aka. Deep Space Operations) Leader: Admiral of the National Deep Space Forces Headquarter: Location currently unknown Tasks: Protection of military and civilian facilities in Orbit around uncolonized planets and in deep space, which are controlled by the national level of administration, Border Patrol and Defense, Pirate hunting, Escort Missions, Search-and-Destroy-Missions in- and outside of national territory Fleet Parts: (all ships are fitted to be long-range and with Jump drives, if possible) Titan-Class Battleships and Carriers, Battlecruisers, Cruisers, Destroyer, Frigates, Corvettes, Small Carriers and Corvettes fitted for pirate hunting and functioning as packs, Patrol ships Local Defense Forces: This Forces are stationed only on their planets, they are the defensive Forces of the Planets, they are responsible for their planets and the orbits of them and are financed and maintained by the local planetary government. The Local Defense Forces are split in 2 sub-commands. Local Planetary Defense Forces: (aka. Planetary Defense) Leader: General of the [planet name] Planetary Defense Forces Headquarter: in the capital of their planet Tasks: Protection of military and civilian facilities on their planet, which are controlled by the planetary level of administration Military Units: Army, Air Force, Navy Local Orbital Defense Forces: (aka. Orbital Defense) Leader: Admiral of the [planet name] Orbital Defense Forces Headquarter: in the capital of their planet Tasks: Protection of military and civilian facilities in Orbit of their planet, which are controlled by the planetary level of administration, ground-support for planetary troops Fleet Parts: (all ships are fitted to be short-range and without Jump drives) Anti-Fighter Frigates, Capital ship Hunter (Cruiser), Carriers for space to atmosphere fighters, bombers and transporters, also a small contingent of standard fighters Cinderfall Syndicate As a member of the Cinderfall Syndicate, the government of the Terran Union will actively work with the Authority Council, so that the citizens of the Union and members of Cinderfall will have a pleasant time in the universe. Economy The Economy of the Terran Union will mainly be consisting of private ruled companies, but there will also be government ruled facilities, such as shipyards and trade posts. Companies Be a Company in the Union (means the headquarters will be on TU territory) Your Company will be part of the Union and it would be gladly seen if your employees would also be Citizens of the Union. The Company will follow the law, pay taxes and sometimes the company will be offered contracts by the government (conditions in Gameplay/PvE/Building | Designing | Scripting | Engineering). Military contracts are mostly given to companies that are within the Union. Your company will be allowed to have contracts with other factions and even branches in other faction’s territory, you can also call for help by the TU, be it diplomatically help to establish trade routes or military help to defend your property. Companies in the Union: Be a Company that works with the Union (means the headquarters will not be on TU territory) You will be an independent company and the company and their employees can make whatever they want. If you want to work with us you can ask for a contract or we offer you one, we will also search for friendly relations and offer to establish branches or mining rights in our territory. You will have no rights to call for help by the TU, but any kind of help can be part of a contract. Companies with a friendly relation to the Union: (having a branch/multiple branches in TU territory) SilverLight Industries Chromion Industrial Companies that are currently working with the Union: Vulture Corporation (Relation will probably change with time) National Bank Banks are important facilities in the economy, so the Union will provide a National Bank, that will offer following services: Rentable Safes The protection of your valuables is an important task, so the National bank is offering safes for a small fee. Here you can store whatever you want and it will be under the protection of the government. Loans The National Bank will offer loans for Citizens and Companies in the Union. Markets Basic Markets An item market for the everyday needs. Established in cities exceeding 50 Citizens. Advanced Markets An item market for advanced elements and materials. Established in cities exceeding 200 Citizens. Capital Markets A market for everything your heart desires. Only established in planetary and regional capitals. Ship market included. Will have Government Trader. Orbital Markets A market for everything and in huge amounts. One per planet. Ship market included. Will have Government Trader. Society Libraries Public Libraries We will have public libraries, where all the unclassified knowledge, exploration data and recipes, that are gathered by the Union, will be stored for the access of the Citizens. Government Library This Library will be containing all the information that are be considered as classified by the government. Including recipes/blueprints for weapons of mass destruction, blueprints for military ships, locations of important/very valuable resources and so on. Access to this information’s are only granted to employees of the government with corresponding release level. Schools Public Schools We will have public schools accessible by Citizens of the Union. Here you can learn a profession of your choice. Experienced players will teach you what is important for your chosen profession, providing recipes and blueprints and will help you to increase your skills to a certain degree. Government Schools We will have schools accessible only by employees of the government. Here is the choice of profession more specific and more challenging. Experienced employees will teach you what is important for your chosen profession, providing recipes, blueprints and resources and will help you to increase your skills to a degree of your liking. New Employees of the Administration will be also trained here. They are taught how the government works, what their duties and if necessary the handling of tools outside of the game, for example Excel. Military Academy Here will be trained the military personal in courses such as, basic training, advanced tactics, fleet maneuver or advanced officer training. News Public Service Announcements We will provide Public Service Announcements for each administrative level, in our forum (once it is released) and on in game bulletin-boards. Newspaper We will provide a nation-wide newspaper, published by opinion independent journalists (I hope this makes sense, what I mean is that they will get a salary from the government, but they will be free to write whatever they want, would I write “opinion-free” it would probably indicate the exact opposite. Terminology is really difficult please help me someone with this). About what the newspaper will report, will depend on the news priority for the nation. It is also possible that there will be more local-oriented newspapers. Newscast We will provide a Newscast with the most important news regarding the Union and the galaxy, such as wars, peace treaties, politics (mostly TU but also galaxy), government decisions, new colonies and sometimes a bit propaganda for example the completion of a new TU Capital ship. The newscast will be provided via YouTube and in game functions. Gameplay PvE Exploration We will finance exploration missions of different sizes, reaching from single ship missions, to long journey convoys with multiple ships. The only we are asking for is, to share your data and discoveries first with us, before you sell it to others. Mining We will offer regular trips to different mining locations, including a military escort. Depending on where the location is, how valuable are the mineable resources and how often the trip is made, the size of the convoy will reach from just a few, to dozens of ships with hundreds of players. But we require for the protection we provide 10% (5% for citizens of the TU) of the resources which you have mined. We will also have continuous mining missions with Motherships or Stations, of course also under the protection of our Military. If you're a freelancer, you can mine in the region where the mission is and give us 10% (5% for citizens of the TU) of your mined resources or we could buy the resources but for a slightly cheaper price as on the free market. If you're a Newbie or just need some cash, we offer salaries to mine for us and you can decide if you prefer your own ship to mine with or if you want to borrow a ship from us for free. (this will probably be limited due to the limited space on board the motherships and stations) Building | Designing | Scripting | Engineering We will offer different contracts to make something for us, that could be a Script, a Design Concept, a Mechanical Contraption, a Ship, a Building, a Megaproject or just a simple beautification of a city. The contracts are split in 3 main categories: 1. Employee-Contract: We'll pay you a salary and providing the resources for the work, to which we assign you. 2. Freelancer-Contract: We'll pay you a fixed amount and provide or pay for the used materials. 3. Company-Contract: These contracts are awarded only to companies and will be negotiated. After the completion of the contracts, the created blueprints are passed to the Terran Union. Trade | Transportation We will regular offer escorts to trade posts that are far away from the TU Territory. To participate, a fixed price is estimated, depending on the duration and dangerousness of the journey. We will also offer missions and long-term contracts, to transport goods and people for us. Science We will offer positions in our research facilities for scientists and engineers who are more in development than maintenance. As an employed researcher you are free in your choice of research, but sometimes you will get requests, which you can reject, but consider your reputation. In case of war, a rejected request can lead to a dismissal, depending on the importance of the request and your current research. This will be an employment; you will get a salary but your discoveries will belong to the Union. We will also offer Freelancer and Company-Contracts, if we need some specific tech to be researched fast. Maintenance We will have a lot of civilian buildings, ships and stations and they must be maintained. If you considering such work, we will offer you an employment and a salary. Other As the development of the game is progressing, there will be probably other career branches and as soon as we know it we will offer employments, contracts and missions. PvP Mercenaries We will offer missions and contracts to people who don't want to join the military, but be prepared this work will be dirty and probably more on the unofficial side of things. Events We will organize different kinds of competitions, for example building competitions in various classes reaching from art, to fighters, and we will probably have dog fights. We are open for suggestions. Interplanetary Tournaments Once a year we will organize a great national tournament, where every citizen of the Union can show his skills. The participants will compete in various disciplines, such as building, dog fight, racing, strategy, and so on. The tournament will start in the cities and every citizen can register there. The winner on city level will then compete on the regional level, the winner of this are going on the planetary level and after this we will have the grand final on the national level. General/Social/RP Holiday Events We will try to organize Events timed and themed to real-life holidays and we will try to get other factions and maybe even the devs on board for this. Roleplaying RP is welcome but not necessary. We will try to create events and special areas for roleplaying and we look forward to receive ideas and suggestions from you. Joining the Union Warning If you want a position as high ranking official (Minister, Parliament representative, General and Admiral) you should be aware that this means a lot of work for you and you will probably receive phone calls in the middle of the night, because of some catastrophe or enemy attack. If you want to be a member of the administration, you should be aware that this means work and you should have some skills in office software. Even after you finished your work you will be a contact person for the citizens of the TU. If you want a position in the military, you should be aware that this means discipline and to follow orders. If an officer ordering you to jump, you will jump and not ask why. You will us also tell fixed times in which you are online and at least half this time you are on duty; in the other half you can do what you want. Next topic is that you've committed yourself, just leaving is desert and will have consequences, but you aren't bound forever. The Contract will have a runtime of 3 months, 10 deaths on duty or 50 dead enemies. I know this whole thing sounds not really good, but here is the good part, you will get a very generous salary and we will take good care of you. The above mentioned jobs are 18+ exceptions considered on case by case basis. Ranks (currently available. with time it will be more | To pay taxes and to follow the law, are duties for all ranks) Citizen: Your only duties are to pay taxes and to follow the law, otherwise your freedom is boundless and well protected by military and law enforcement. Government employed: You are an employee of the faction and as such you get a salary and you have in some cases access to the resources of the faction, but your work will belong to the faction. Soldier: Pretty good description above in the warning. Who we accept We are a Nation we accept all as long as they follow the law. How to join If you want to join, simply leave a post that says that you wanna join and we will contact you. (this method will probably change later) At the moment we are searching for a capable artist for emblems and pictures for the description, if someone feels like "I want to help" please send a PM to Darius Sanguna !ATTENTION! This Site awaits further refinement in the future. All numbers mentioned here are subjects to changes, till the Union is fully established. All features mentioned here, will only applying, if they corresponding with the game mechanics and we can find someone who is willing to take the job. The Terran Union isn’t related to any other Terran Union outside of Dual Universe. Version 3.4.5
  16. Imperium is a faction that aims to be one of the top organizations in terms of military. Military is Imperium's #1 priority, however our main goal is to be powerful all around. We hope to have a strong sense of community within our organization as well. So if you want to be a part of an organization like that, then go ahead and apply here: https://community.dualthegame.com/organization/imperium#post_2217 Our arms are open to anyone who is interested in joining our organization. We don't have any certain specifications for applications right now, so just give us some information about yourself, and maybe why you want to join Imperium. Anyone who applies will most likely be accepted as long as they take their application seriously. Thank you for your time.
  17. We already know of a job system that will be added to DU, but what if we could extend this more? Think about if you are a Universal Leader and your general has command of over 100 or more ships and even more soldiers. Who's keeping track of them? How does one know their ranks. What if in the game there is a way to design a custom system with easy object movement and management in a way to design your own roster and rank system for players. There would also be a way to make multiple of them or add a 2nd folder to label Fleet Pilots or something with specific ranking. No one wants to keep track of that many players. The terran union for example already has 400 members. What if they all became soldiers with specific ranks. No one will want to keep track of them, where they work, who they work for. Having a easy roster/rank system for DU for organizations. No one wants 100 members in one discord group talking at once either to keep track of. There should also be a way to send specific mail to one from there and even ways to add a check up box. Having a checkup box activate if the owner of the roster adds one to send out to specific or all members of the roster to clear out anyone who has been offline or inactive for a specific amount of time. If you liked this idea anyone is welcome to join The Opean Federation and anyone is also welcome to join our discord in which you can find perm links in our recent posts.
  18. If you are looking for an org, take a minute to check out mine - https://community.dualthegame.com/organization/the-79th-stratocracy - :-)
  19. Hello, I'm pengo1998, founder of Nexion Armada We are a corporate military organization looking to establish ourselves as a mercenary group starting around the release of beta. We are a member of GLSU and have strict rules on who we fight for. We are not just another pirate organization trying to take advantage of every opportunity we get. We are a somewhat serious group which will have some aspects of a role play organization while also being laid back. Nexion Armada has a mix of corporate and military command structures. Neither of which are completely accurate to the real thing. The military aspect is naval/star trek based ranking. We are looking for pilots who want to work with others and create a future in Dual Universe. We have openings in financial, technology, intelligence, public relations, logistics, and military. We are looking for people who want to be leaders, soldiers, and just civilians. Command personnel in the organization may one day even be able to command some of the largest ships without having to build or buy the ships themselves. Civilians will be able to run logistics and help with public relations as well as help design ships alongside enlisted and command personnel while also having the ability to do things enlisted and command personnel wont have the time to do like running shops or switching between several jobs as you please. Civilians will also be allowed to live aboard certain ships ran by the military or on a planet in a city. If you want to be a hermit you can do that as well. Civilians also have the ability to join the military branch at any time they choose. Command and enlisted personnel will have the benefit of getting paid by the organization a percentage of the profits from a contract. Once enlisted and high enough rank, you may even move on to command if you want to. If you are interested in command you can also apply directly into that but there will be more requirements. If you are interested I encourage you to apply for our organization. Our only requirements is that you have a working microphone, Discord, and that you act mature. You can find our organization here: https://community.dualthegame.com/organization/nexion-armada Once you have applied we will contact you through the community messaging system to give you any details you will need so we can get you ready for beta release and the start of a new corporation ready to bring peace through superior firepower. If you want to speak with us you can join us on discord: https://discord.gg/c5Cj3 A list of open positions: Command 1 Vice Admiral (must take a role as financial, intelligence, or public relations) 1 Rear Admiral (must take a role as financial, intelligence, or public relations) 1 Commodore (must take a role as financial, intelligence, or public relations) Officer 5 Captain (we are limiting the number of captains to 5 for now) commander (can only be promoted by Command) Lieutenant Commander (captain must receive approval before promoting to this rank) Lieutenant (can be promoted by captain) Lieutenant Junior Grade (can be promoted by captain) Ensign (starting rank) (can be promoted by completing training) Enlisted Petty Officer 1st Class (can be promoted by captain) Petty Officer 2nd Class (can be promoted by captain) Petty Officer 3rd Class (can be promoted by captain) Recruit (can be promoted by completing training)
  20. The Ecumene is an organization made up of political organizations and governments, in which member states may vote on international law, regulations, and military action. Its primary function is to create a safe and free international environment and oversee trade and relationships between member states. The Ecumene does not seek to violate the sovereignty of any member states; laws it passes solely govern interactions between nations and the activities of international entities operating among member states. The primary requirement for joining the Ecumene is to be a political organization. This does not necessarily mean control of any territroy is required, and governments-in-exile may be represented in the Ecumene Congress. The Ecumene values natural rights; governments that are abusive of such rights may be subject to either sanctions or military action. If an abusive government is forcibly removed from power by order of the Ecumene, the successor government will be determined by popular vote of the inhabitants of the affected territory, and subsequently brought into the Ecumene. Ultimately, the goal of any game is to have fun, and the Ecumene seeks to promote all forms of personal enjoyment in a peaceful manner. Those who savor the thrill of combat may join the Ecumene military, and be tasked with hunting down the most dangerous criminals and agressive organizations. Individuals who wish to build great structures may do so knowing that the Ecumene will protect their work. Inventors who create new constructs and miners who gather resources may sell their products on a fairly regulated international market. And of course, those who simply want to explore will be granted a License of Discovery, allowing them to decide the fate of any worlds which they are the first to discover. Organization Page: https://community.dualthegame.com/organization/the-ecumene
  21. Hello there! I am Halo381, and I am the Admiral governing the Joint Syndicate Defense Force, or JSDF for short. Many people wonder as to what exactly the JSDF is. Let me explain: the JSDF is a mutual defensive coalition between the Member Organizations of the Cinderfall Syndicate. Our job is to protect the assets of the Cinderfall Syndicate Member Organizations when they are unable to. If all of your defenders are offline, you need but call and we’ll send a force to assist you in defending the facility until your defenders return from their real lives. Every Member Organization is offered this protection. All we ask is that you give us some of your time in return. The JSDF needs members, from both within the CSYN Member Organizations, and from individuals unaffiliated with any other org. Our gates are open; all you need do is enter. If you are already a member of the Cinderfall Syndicate, then I will be pinning a form to the Discord channel. If you are not a member of the Cinderfall Syndicate, then I’d like for you to join. Our Discord channel is open to all, and if you have any questions about the Syndicate, they can be answered there. NOTE: If you initiate a conflict, it’s up to you to finish it. The JSDF is not here to fight your wars for you, it’s here to give you peace of mind while you’re away from your computer.
  22. Phoenix Initiative was established with the intent of exploration. However, exploration by itself is not possible without supporting infrastructure. The Branches of Phoenix Initiative provide for the fulfillment of our exploration goals. Phoenix Initiative was founded by Allen Tainia after the historic landing of Novark on Alioth. His strong will and determination have brought us together to enable the human condition to learn about the universe. It is solely this desire that initiated the objective of exploration. Join us, satisfy your curiosity and fulfill your destiny. PI is split into branches, then departments, then, if need be, sections. Each branch will manage its own assets and can issue requests to other branches for its assets if it requires assistance. The directors all share the same duties as the highest ranking officials in each branch, however, they outrank them and act as the leader of each branch. For branches with two directors, the first position is called Alpha and outranks the second, Beta. Each member of the Core Assembly is one of these ten directors. The Core Assembly will make all decisions concerning large-scale PI operations with Allen Tainia as the Chairman of the Core Assembly. The rank of Journeyman will apply to all brand new recruits across each branch. They should not take long to advance to their particular branch's lowest rank. Journeymen will be judged more quickly and probably more harshly due to their untrustworthiness (forgive the negative connotation here). More trusted members will be allowed more leniency, since they have proven themselves. *We are currently taking applications for all vacant Director and top-rank positions (Admiral, Master Coordinator, etc...). When Alpha arrives, I will approve the best applicants and make a formal announcement to that effect. Applications submitted sooner have higher priority, so don't hesitate to apply. This waiting period gives a fair chance to everyone who applies. Application is not necessary to join PI, but it is required for Director and top-rank positions. When the time comes, I will be announcing received applications/accepted positions on PI Discord. (see below for link) Don't forget to check out PI on the community site! Director/Top Rank Application Position: Age: Timezone: Estimate how much time you could allocate for us: Why should I pick you for this position?: To submit the application, PM me with a filled out application on the forums or on Discord. No application necessary to join PI, only for leader positions. Although there is a clear hierarchical order here, I intend for the gameplay rift between highest and lowest ranks to be minimal. All ranks ought to share somewhat the same style of gameplay. The only intentional difference is that the higher ranks get to call the shots. The agents of PI are expected to behave in accordance with a very simple code of conduct. PI is an organization based on exploration, science, invention, and diplomacy. We are not pirates and we are not griefers. We do not blatantly steal and destroy. Harassing other players in any way is unacceptable. Definition of harassment is entirely up to me and the judicial department. Violation of this code will result in punishment or possibly expulsion from PI. We will consider all actions and statements from you, even on "your" time. That includes in-game when you are not working on PI activities, or on the forums or other DU related community. Any character will be allowed to be members of other organizations only as long as there is no conflict: Not a pirate or other disreputable organization. We are not pirates and we do not associate with them.* You do not overextend yourself. Working two jobs takes a lot of effort. Will be allowed if you can handle yourself. No conflict with the other organization. If you're not sure, ask them. *Note that I said this was a character limitation. I am fine with you having another character which is a pirate. In fact, I may do that. This applies to characters only. I don't want people to get their hopes up for something that just isn't going to happen. A first day spawn just isn't going to become captain of a ship. Nor will a weekend-only player become a Director (a role which is supposed to be extremely active). I realize that sometimes things change or people encounter problems in their real lives, so those who lose time to play won't be punished or demoted as long as they tell the rest of us what's going on. This isn't meant to discriminate good or bad players, it is meant to manage expectations and avoid unpleasant surprises. There's nothing inherently wrong or bad with spending your time elsewhere. Regular playing and socializing lets me and other officers in PI examine your trustworthiness and willingness and ability to contribute, which allows us to place more trust in you. Very likely that only those who tend to play with us, get on VOIP with us, engage with us (and a lot of it) will get higher ranking positions or more benefits. This may seem to be unfair to those with extremely limited time and/or money, but that's the way it is. Trust is earned, not given. Everything above is subject to change, as more is learned about DU and as gameplay may necessitate change. Read the full story here. Although this is not an RP group, I don't discourage it. But because I also don't enforce RP, don't be surprised if no one plays along with you. RPing by yourself probably isn't fun at all, but hey, I warned you. (Catch me in the right mood though and I may play along, especially if it's about my character's backstory.) Ideally, all. But until a significant following is established, most likely that we will be in US timezones since I live in the US. I hope that I can get a group of nice individuals who would act as leaders in non US timezones. Discord Channel: https://discord.gg/9g2Sxg8 Website TBD Would love help with a website, although, after using Discord for a while, we might just rely on that, the community page, and possibly the forums. I would also like to make a new phoenix graphic. It's so terrible. Please send help.
  23. T h e A l c h e m i s t s -A Profession-Level Org -Not a Government -Does NOT require loyalty or Sovereignty -Not a Mutually-Exclusive Org -Not a bunch of jerks! If you consider yourself mainly a builder, then you belong in the Alchemists. We are a profession-level org, that means memberships indicate to potential employers that you are a specialist. I will be managing contracts with other orgs to craft and design Blueprints for military or civilian tech, and members of the guild will be welcome to collaborate on these contracts or form contracts of their own. In essence this is more like a Crafting Guild. There will be some shared resources, some shared workspaces, and every opportunity to cooperate. There will be a bank of org-owned blueprints and elements that each member of the guild can use and incorporate into their own designs. As the Legate of 4 interconnected orgs, the Alchemists will benefit from the protection of the Free Lancers (Mercenary guild), the resources of the Squires (resources-for-DAC's guild), and will have bases of operation located safely within Terran Union space and Cinderfall. And we will start in Alpha. Yep, blueprints for constructs and elements that a player creates in Alpha and Beta will all transfer over to the actual release. It will be essential for Builder's guilds like the Alchemists to have access to the earlier builds of the game, and I'll have that access. I will make ALL of my Blueprints available to the Alchemists, including the ones I develop during Alpha and Beta, and if curious Alchemists don't have access to those earlier builds of the game, I will be happy to test out and draft constructs based on notes and sketches by request. You have nothing to lose, build with us!
  24. We are a new private military organization now recruiting!!! You will start as a recruit, and work your way up. Our ranks are in order from lowest rank to highest, going from 1= lowest, 7= highest. Income levels increase per rank, to be determined. 1. Recruit 2. Lieutenant 3. Captain 4. Major 5. Colonel 6. General 7. General of the Army Apply now: https://community.dualthegame.com/organization/sky-soldiers If any legion is looking for protection, contact me (username: Grafando). We will NOT provide protection to conflicting legions. We take a very small part in politics. More information can be found at the link I provided above.
  25. So i was wondering becouse i made a rankin tree and i made there the Planetary warfare section [General, Seargent ,soldier] and i acctualy dont know if there will be any hand weapones. So i would be very greatful if you helped me.
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