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At Tranquility we build the Future, we reshape the city as we see fit and we build friendships The city houses residents, diplomats, shopping centrals, broadcasting networks, bars, casino's, crafting and large manufacturing facilities, repair and construct docks and much more. At this moment Tranquility is running a new program to help smaller organizations to grow, build their dreams and stay Fully Independent. All the organizations residing on Tranquility can be in this program, if they want to be in it. We help you grow, get organized, bring contacts, time zone staff, 24-7 security. Tranquility Security is backed by the FMA, several defense contracts and Non-Aggression-Pacs. Last month we saw the first addition of our Lore published by Outpost Zebra, Thank you for making this possible! We would love to share it and it can be found at: Tranquility Lore Published on Outpost Zebra Other news is the Founding of C.A.T.S and the bright future we will build together, becoming a resident does not automatically make you a C.A.T.S. Member. Becoming a C.A.T.S member is voluntary and not mandatory for Tranquility Residents and this way we do not interfere your other Organizations For those of you who are still looking for a nice place to live that does not interfere with your other Organizations Or alliances we still have room in Tranquility. Every individual that is member of the City Tranquility is a resident. All facilities are open for use for all residents, all Tranquility Docks and rooms are open for residents. A Resident will be offered a small room and a place to park a small cored ship. In the restoration period of Tranquility the materials for building this room and park-spot are the residents responsibility. In time Tranquility offers fully build rooms and parking spots for free. The opportunity to build your own room in space is there. For organizations that also want a district like the ones we already gave out feel free to contact us. Having a district or space-base docked to Tranquility does not automatically make you a C.A.T.S member. Tranquility is independent, neutral, unbiased and hoping to work together with you all to become the largest Social shaped Space bound City. For any questions contact Aaron Cain on discord
So, what do you all think of the idea of having a heat-management system? Not EVE's "periodically emergency over-clocking your elements until they melt" mechanic, but just actually having elements give off heat when used that then needs to be either dissipated via radiator, or stored in some manner of thermal-battery/capacitor? I'd figure it wouldn't be like power, where things probably just wont function if you can't power them, but perhaps the ship itself can start taking damage in some way if it cant adequately store or dissipate the heat and you keep generating more of it. Any thoughts?
I would like to see a stretching tool for the defined shapes. Example, take a sphere and pull a side out to a point. Of course doing it in such a way that the end result comes out smooth. Definitely would have helped with my current project.
i know i need to use a programming board but cant for the life of me find a tutorial on exactly how to accomplish this, id be super grateful if someone could point me in the right direction. Thanks for reading and good day Novians
"Vorwort" Drüben im andern Thread sind wir massiv ins Off-Topic abgedriftet und als ich dann gemerkt hab, wieviel man zu diesen Fragen schreiben kann, hab ich beschlossen lieber einen neuen Thread dafür zu eröffnen Die folgenden Fragen beziehen sich auf den Wiedereintritt in die Atmosphäre, das Bremsen im freien Fall und Flugeigenschaften im Allgemeinen. Wird etwas länger, aber am Ende gibt's Kekse. Begriffe die ich hier ein wenig durcheinanderwürfel: Gieren = rechts/links = Drehung um die Hochachse Nicken = hoch/runter = Drehung um die Querachse Rollen = ... = Drehung um die Längsachse Stabilisatoren = Stabilizers = Stabis = Seitenleitwerke Ailerons = Querruder oder Höhenleitwerke Jo. Stabis, Leitwerke (Ailerons) oder Tragflächen (Wings) - alles die selbe Soße mit verschiedenen Gewürzen. Die Stabis haben mehr Masse und eine geringere Gleitzahl (lift/drag ratio - je höher desto besser), haben dafür aber einen größeren Stall-Winkel (der mögliche Winkel bis zum Strömungsabriss). Davon, ob deine Triebwerke mehr Bumms haben als deine Tragflächen Auftrieb - und davon, ob du gewillt bist unnötig Treibstoff zu verblasen, falls es auch anders geht. (Da jetzt der Kontext etwas fehlt: Hier geht es um die Frage, ob man besser um 180° dreht und Schub gibt um den freien Fall zu bremsen, oder doch lieber die Nase in Flugrichtung lässt um den Auftrieb der Tragflächen zu nutzen.) Kann man. In den Eigenschaften (RMB -> inspect element, oder via Market raussuchen falls man das Element nicht besitzt) sieht man immer eine Angabe in Newton. Bei Tragflächen ist das der Auftrieb, bei Triebwerken der Schub. Wenn du jetzt wesentlich mehr Schub hast als Auftrieb, dann kann dir "Arsch in Fahrtrichtung und Vollgas" den selbigen retten Den Schub-/Auftriebswert der Elemente in Newton kann man übrigens grob durch 10 teilen um das Ergebnis mit der Schiffsmasse in kg zu vergleichen. Bezieht sich dann darauf eine bestimmte Masse bei 1g in der Schwebe zu halten. 10 Newton können (bei 1g) rund 1kg in der Schwebe halten - respektive 10 000 N entsprechen ungefähr einer Tonne (1t = 1000kg) - ist besonders bei Hover Engines und V-Boostern interessant. Die mittlere Erdbeschleunigung auf Meereshöhe beträgt 9,81m/s², also rund 10 - daher dieser ungefähre "geteilt durch 10" Part. Bei einer 180° Drehung mit Heck in Flugrichtung (oder Fallrichtung) funktioniert der lineare Schub der Triebwerke als Bremse, während im Vorwärtsflug die Tragflächen vertikalen Auftrieb erzeugen und dich in einer Kurve nach oben ziehen. Stellst du dein Schiff 90° zur Flugrichtung, dann sind die Tragflächen im Strömungsabriss (90° ist größer als die 55° bei M-Flügeln oder 70° bei M-Stabis) und ziemlich wirkungslos - dafür haben aber die meisten Schiffe eine größere "vertical cross section" (Atmospheric Flight Engineer) als "frontal cross section" und somit selbst im Strömungsabriss zumindest mehr Luftwiderstand. D.h. im senkrechten Fall waagerecht fliegen kann ebenfalls gut funktionieren, wenn man dabei vollen Schub gibt und so genug Vorwärtsgeschwindigkeit generiert, dass der Fall von 90° auf <55° bzw <70° abgelenkt wird und die Tragflächen wieder Auftrieb erzeugen. Nase dabei nach hoch und man wirkt dem Fall noch etwas entgegen, kommt aber auch später aus dem Strömungsabriss raus. Wenn man 2 mal X drückt (um die Vektorpfeile für Flugrichtung und Kräfte der verbauten Elemente anzuzeigen) und dann die Einfügen-Taste (um in die 3rd Person zu wechseln (Alt halten zum Umschauen)), dann kann man genau sehen, wo man hinfliegt (grüner Pfeil) und welches Element gerade wieviel Kraft ausübt (rote Pfeile). Welcher Flugstil für welche Schiffskonfiguration am besten ist lässt sich eigentlich nur grob abschätzen und dann mit Erfahrungen untermauern. Konstrukte können auch ganz ohne Tragflächen auskommen - bspw vertikal starten und dann immer etwas mit dem Heck runterhängen, um oben zu bleiben (sieht halt bescheuert aus beim Atmosphärenflug). Ebenso kommt man mit sehr schwachen Triebwerken aus, wenn man durch die Tragflächen so viel Auftrieb erzeugt, dass man quasi bei minimaler Geschwindigkeit schon segeln kann Höhenauftrieb ist vermutlich "high altitude lift" - der Wert bezieht sich auf deine Tragflächen. "Low altitude lift" bezieht sich auf Hover Engines und Vertical Booster (in Bodennähe). "Brake force" wird ebenfalls in g angegeben - bezieht sich alles auf die 1g von Alioth. Ein Schiff sollte mindestens 2g in allen Kategorien haben, da 1g praktisch null ist und höchstens das Halten der Höhe ermöglicht, aber nicht das Steigen. Zu beachten ist, dass die Ladung diese Werte senkt - baut man also einen Transporter, dann sollte man unbeladen mindestens 4g erreichen und auf die Masse der Ladung achten. Ist ganz simpel linear zu verstehen: Hat man die Schiffsmasse noch mal 1:1 als Ladung an Bord (Schiff ist jetzt doppelt so schwer), dann halbiert sich der Wert. Leer auf 4g heisst dann beladen 2g, was noch relativ sicher sein sollte - mehr ist natürlich immer besser. Praktisch zu berücksichtigen ist auch die Gravitation des Zielplaneten. Wenn man bspw auf Jago landen will, der nur 0.5g hat, braucht man auch nur die Hälfte an Auftrieb oder Schub. Sollte man sich aber nicht beim ersten Anflug bei jedem Planeten drauf verlassen, denn manche haben eine dünnere Atmosphäre und die Effizienz nimmt ab oder man hat einfach weniger Strecke bis zum Boden. Zu vermeiden wäre also dies Beim Zahnrad (Tab im Baumodus, Icons oben) kann man übrigens auf km/h umstellen und die Anzeige des Massezentrums aktivieren (wird als hellere Linien für die 3 Rotationsachsen dargestellt). Ladung verändert das Massezentrum - Sprit zählt auch als Ladung - benutzt man einen Container Hub (Verteiler?), dann gilt dieser als Massezentrum der verlinkten Container. Wenn man bspw den Effekt hat, dass das Schiff beim Gieren anfängt zu rollen, dann hat man die Adjustors oberhalb oder unterhalb des Massezentrums platziert. Selbiges gilt beim Nicken oder Rollen etc. Adjustors applizieren Drehmoment (Torque) und haben sozusagen eine Hebelwirkung um das Massezentrum herum. Je weiter sie also vom Massezentrum entfernt sind, desto größer ist die Hebelwirkung. Je dichter die dynamischen Massen (Ladung, Sprit) am Massezentrum platziert sind, desto weniger verschiebt sich dieses bei Zuladung. Je kompakter die Masse im Zentrum gesammelt ist, desto weniger Masseträgheit bei der Rotation. Platziert man jetzt beispielsweise die Container weit entfernt vom Massezentrum, dann dreht das Schiff noch recht agil solange es leer ist, hat man aber Ladung an Bord wird es sehr träge. Das kann aber auch ein gewünschter Effekt sein, um dem Piloten ein Gefühl für die Masse der Ladung zu vermitteln. Triebwerke (auch Hover und V-Booster) und Tragflächen generieren kein Drehmoment. Es ist also völlig egal, ob man alle Flügel auf eine und die Triebwerke auf die andere Seite packt. Intuitiv würde man denken, dass man dann einen Brummkreisel gebaut hat... fliegt aber voll normal. Auch Hover Engines und V-Booster können sich wo-auch-immer befinden, solange sie nach unten zeigen und nicht blockiert sind. Wobei "unten".. naja, wenn ihr sie auf's Dach und die Seiten packt, dann könnt ihr halt im Schwebemodus rollen und fallt nicht wie ein Butterbrot auf's eigene Dach. Letzer Punkt für jetzt: V-Leitwerke/-Tragflächen Alle Tragflächen erzeugen Auftrieb senkrecht zu ihrer Fläche und immer entgegen der der Beschleunigung. Stabilisatoren sind ja eigentlich Seitenleitwerke und sollen das Driften beim Gieren kompensieren (sofern sie Vertikal verbaut wurden). Da diesbezüglich alle Tragflächen gleich funktionieren, können wir Höhen- als Seitenleitwerke benutzen, Seitenleitwerke als Tragflächen und Tragflächen als Seitenleitwerk - der Effekt ist immer der selbe. Kommt aber noch besser, denn alle Tragflächen können auch diagonal verbaut werden. Horizontal verbaut = nur gut für's Nicken; um eine Kurve zu fliegen muss man in die Kurve Rollen. Oder noch vertikale Seitenleitwerke (Stabilisatoren) verbauen - dann hätten wir linke Tragfläche zu Seitenleitwerk = 90° und Seitenleitwerk zu rechter Tragfläche wieder 90°. Wenn wir die Seitenleitwerke weglassen und unsere Tragflächen einfach 90° zueinander verbauen, dann haben wir ein V-Leitwerk und jede Tragfläche dient zur einen Hälfte als Flügel und zur anderen Hälfte als Seitenleitwerk. Die Effizienz nimmt ab, aber manchmal reicht der Auftrieb trotzdem. Man muss auch nicht 90° machen - jede Konfiguration, wo die Spitze der Tragflächen höher oder niedriger ist als das gegenüberliegende Ende, dient je nach Winkel mehr oder weniger der Seitenstabilisation und man muss weniger bis gar nicht rollen um eine Kurve zu fliegen. Hoffe die Wall of Text war nicht zu schlimm. Prost! ? und hier noch ein paar Kekse ? ? ?
- 32 replies
- build
- dynamic constructs
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So im having a terrible issue where the wing is not moving into the correct placement. it is as if there is a 1/8th of a voxel somehow bumping the wing out of position. so i am forced to place the wing in a position 1 click away from where it should be. i know the tricks for placing them on a flat surface and just clicking them over. i can place 100 wings correctly without issue but for some reason i have just 1 spot where i cannot. i tried building a new wing but no dice. the outline of the wing does not match the physical object. any help would be massive
Shadows-Lights Corporation est une Organisation Francaise qui a pour but de rassembler et d'unir les joueurs autour d un theme Repousser les limites de la Créations Humaine que se soit en Matieres de Constructions,d'explorations,d'avancées technologique ou meme de politique.Un seul mot d'ordre la bienveillance et la protection des nouveaux venus. Retrouvez-Nous sur Discord:
- france
- exploration
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Hey folks, I’ve been wondering if it’s possible to build a construct (thinking along the lines of a space station) on the ground, get a blueprint for it, and then make it from the blueprint in space to avoid fuel costs from going back and forth to space. Let me know if you guys have tried this or just know why it wouldn’t work
- 3 replies
- build
- blueprints
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I would love to see some early Ideas people have for Starship designs. Ive been dreaming of Starship designs all week. Been looking up references too! Post Starship photos here and lets drool over the idea of creating Awesome Starships. Pinterest is a great way to gather reference images and save them for further use. I'm going to create a Pinterest Gallery for Spaceship designs. SaveSave SaveSave
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- starships
- spaceships
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How to negate the negative effects of only building in the box
Aaron Cain posted a topic in Idea Box
Hi All I want to discuss an idea to maybe counter a problem that will prohibit us from building massive projects. Monorails, bridges, infrastructure, roads, anything not needing complex elements but only the basics and voxels. The problem is we are now limited to build in a box that is limited by core size. If we want to build civilization including roads, bridges and everything we will need to place a massive amount of cores. What i want to propose is a system where you can build outside a core with basic materials. The startpoint of the build must be in a core but the build itself may be outside it. rights management stops outside the core and anything build outside the core is regulated on territory level. So if you have a TU or STU in place, the structure is relative safe, If you do not have these, anyone can delete or destroy your structure. this is a necessity with the system, cores are regulated by rights and so are territories so anything build Outside a core is under territory rules, anything build with no TU or STU is free for all. However, this way we are able to build large structures like roads and bridges and monorails that would normally need a lot of cores. Limitation would be that these builds can only be build out of basic materials and voxels and anything would have no user rights on it although protected by TU or STU This system would make it possible to make roads to and from different cities or market places and between cores, creativity could be used to build bridges across water masses for creativity and RP, This way we could also build structures like space elevators or monorails or later Dyson spheres, all for creativity and the greater good of the community. This is also why i think it is needed, the greater good of the community. With this we will need to work together if we want things to be build, if org a and b want a monorail or bridge connection between their cities they will need to build together and secure it together, whether by force or by combined TU coverage. Also for federations, massive organizations, alliances and anyone who wants to connect this is probably the only way to build mass infrastructure without the need of thousands of cores polluting the lands and all the lagg induced by the right management on those cores. Please add your ideas and remarks on why yes or why no. technically this should be possible reasons behind that are NDA, sorry. Greetzz Aaron- 26 replies
- Big features like scanning, mining, markets and money are coming along with some changes for engines (vboosters may have been a tad overwhelming). This tells me NQ have been very busy behind the scenes this year What are your thoughts on the next build?
Hello, I would like to propose an idea of upgrade (or another type) of the actuals fuel tanks. It should will allow us to create much more complex and better vehicles, especially the spaceships in wich optimization is very important. I propose : Differents "tanks controllers" like "small/medium/large/mega tank controller" where small could be like a cube of 0.50 m. These different tanks controllers provide the lua control slot and the fuel out slot. After placing this tank controller, it allow us to place the "body" of the fuel tank, in the form of voxels we will can craft, and that we must place adjacent to the controller to connect it or connected through other voxels which is adjacent. Then, the capacity of the fuel tank is calculated by adding the volume of voxels we placed. But, we can't place voxels as we want, and if we place more than 8 m3 (for example) connected to a small tank controller the volume in excess will not calculated and a warning message could be displayed. Eventually, could be a "mega tank controller" wich is pretty big but have a non limited volume of fuel tank body. This system of fuel tanks will allow us to create fuel tanks with the form of our choice, for best vehicles and optimized space. Shatonly.
- 2 replies
- customization
- fuel tanks
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Curves and complex shapes are hard to do in a voxel based building system. Although they make building much more simple for most, for many it will limit the creativity possible. Would it be possible to import cad files? if the cad file was in an Stl form it would be easy enough to transform via slicer a complex object into voxels. This would allow for increased market value for ships and structures that can be dynamically built with more complex shapes. Everyone has axes to cad. personally I use Onshape, a free cad that can be run on any computer with chrome. I think this could be very useful to builders.
Hello NQ staff, As a former Landmark player I see the need for a feature very similar to what was used in that game. To more easily view constructs of other people. Over time and especially when the NDA is lifted I can see the need/desire for players to show off their build and for other players to browse and view all the cool things that people made. I can already see this now as players are flying by and getting out of their ship to take a closer look at a house or ship someone made. Over time more and more builds will be far away and the location of many of those will be unknown to you. Even on Alioth builds are wide spread and without their location you will just need to be lucky to find some really cool player build construct. Though in DU we will always be confined to the location of our character for gameplay purposes. So there needs to be a way for players to view constructs of other people without breaking the gameplay. I came up with the idea of a spectator mode. First players who have a construct they like to show off, needs to be marked or tagged in some way by the owner to opt it in for display in a gallery. Other players can then open the gallery and either travel to the location of that construct as a spectator or open a "construct viewer" where they can then view the construct without element interaction rights. That right should need to be activated by the creator. You may already have some sort of "consturct viewer" planned for the time when players will be able to sell their construct and buyers would like to view the product, just as a reminder that there may be overlap there. Your physical body should remain in the same place while you are viewing the construct so there is no exploit in escaping combat in some way. It might even be interesting to charge a small fee of ingame currency for viewing a construct. That might give players more incentive to build better and good looking things. Another thing to consider is that when players view a construct at the build site it should probably not be possible to view it's location/coordinates unless the creator gave those permissions. Anything that's near the build site that the spectator can see, like constructs of other people, might interfere with the intended gameplay and I don't know enough about that to give my opinion on that. In short I hope there will be a feature that allows players to more easily view the constructs of others and maybe even rate them.
So I was wondering if the following would be something people would be interested in: What: A competency certification for the various building disciplines. Why: DU is giving a LOT of space for player creativity. This will mean that the 80/20 rule will be in strong evidence. Every one CAN build, but not every one can build WELL. If you cant build and you are looking for some one to build for you, it would be nice to have some prior knowledge of what they can do. Auditions are not practical, especially if it involves expensive materials. How: You take a competency test with a guild representative. The test will give a set of parameters to build to. The construct is judged according to a determined schedule. The result is a pass or fail. A pass is recorded in the guild for that person. A fail is only recorded with a date to allow some time to pass before a new attempt is made. Difficulty levels have to be completed in order. For instance, you have to complete basic hovercraft building, before you can attempt racer building. If the person you wish to engage for a construction is registered with the guild, you know that they have completed a project to the stated specification satisfactorily at least once.
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Who am I? Currently a student in a software engineering major. Why are you here? Well to make fast ships and big guns. What do you plan to do? Build ships for deep space exploration and hopefully write some good code while I am at it. What role do you plan to play? Deep space exploration and ship design/programming. Are you a lone wolf or "team" player? A little of both. If an organisation wants my skills and thinks I could be of good use, plus can compensate me accordingly, I would be more than happy to join up. As long as I feel that I am being put to good use. Other than that I will probably be by myself out in the great unknown building star gates and finding cool stuff. What do you hope to accomplish in the game? Just building cool things really. I love designing, building, and exploring. This feels like the perfect game for someone like me. Anything else you can think of? Not really, I mostly did this so if someone is interested in who I am then they could find this. If you have any questions feel free to ask and I will update this with questions as they are asked(that is if anyone out there really cares to know)
- 7 replies
- engineer
- programing
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I wonder if you can build a space elevator in the game I can think of a few ways, how would you build one?
Looking for some information about what we will need to build or craft our things I found this info from a year old post: But I have some questions: - Those units, like the one to refine, the 3D printer or the assembly unit; are they items at our inventary or we need to have them like a workbench in order to use them? -Are they mobile or they are building using something like a Static Core Unit? - And the last, they suffer from use? they need to be repaired or have maintenance? I don't know if they already answer this, but i can't find answers to that. Thanks!
Could we get an open-topped cockpit for planetary travel? Yeah, I'm talking hover-bike style cockpit, not unlike a speeder or motorcycle. Here are the potential benefits: -It would look totally sick! -Less resources and lighter weight means easier to build and easier to propel ~faster -The exposed nature would allow players to shoot you dead, despite being in a construct. Since Construct vs Construct combat won't be there at launch, this would allow lower-level play to include some sort-of vehicular combat. -Can't go into space with it -This would allow players to have a low-tier transportation system for traveling across a planet surface that is easy to steal/lose but easy to replace -Organize SWEET hover-races Plus who doesn't love speeders?
Hello all, I have been watching Dev videos and have seen so mention of underwater base building (Would you kindly...) and I have one question so far. Would we be able to make man-made rivers, waterfalls, and lakes by directing water flow?
Welcome to the Link to the organization community page : here Introduction It is my pleasure to present you our brand new organization : the Stellar Trade, Affairs and Recreational Society (acronym STARS). We are a neutral, non-interfering society thriving to offer the best available services to the community for an affordable price in secured oases of peace throughout the universe. We wish to offer in each of our bases: - A banking system for you to store your items in a secure and convenient location. - A free open market for everyone to visit or sell - A transport service for renting, shipping or driving you - A entertainment center for fun, gambling and broadcasting live streams such as races, fighting contests and maybe in the future war battles. - A research team to sell our carefully designed and manufactured constructs tested by our own members in their day to day activities. - A beautiful building reflecting our investment in the artistic community where all the previous services will be hosted. - A security team to secure our infrastructures and our clients assets. Diplomacy As a neutral non-interfering organization, we pledge to not wage war to anyone, not take side in any conflicts nor create any embargo. We are open to alliances and treaties with all organization sharing our vision of a free safe, peaceful and prosperous community. We are also open to business contracts for you to get VIP access to our various services. However we do retains the right to put you or your organization in our blacklist effectively banning you from our services if you commit any offense against us, our clients, our constructs or our infrastructures. Would the offense cost us a loss of any kind, we do retains the rights to prosecute you by hiring public or private law enforcement and/or juridical systems to make you pay for our loss. Membership The STAR Society is organized by a vertical hierarchy guarded by the founders with the role to oversee all activities and protect the organization from internal and external coup trying to divert us from our true mission (see our Role Play). The Council is a group of 10 members (of whom 2 are the founders) sitting at the top of STARS’ hierarchy. All members of the council, apart from the leaders, are elected by their peers for a mandate of 3 months. The Council takes all the decisions and set the objectives of each Division for the mandate toward our global objectives. Divisions represent the interest of STARS for particular activities. There are 7 Divisions : The Banking Division in charge of setting and maintaining resource banks for our customers. First objective is to build a Bank in the headquarter. The Trading Division in charge of setting and maintaining open markets for our customers. First objective is to build a market place in the headquarter. The Transport Division offering transport (of people or goods) for customers and for the Divisions, racing on STARS behalf and testing the ships of the Research Division. First objective is to develop a customer base and to train as soon as the first ships are ready. The Entertainment Division in charge of setting up the casino and gambling system, running races, showcasing live streams and all entertainment-related activities. First objective is to design and market the casino and the racing bet system. The Research Division, focusing on designing blueprints for all other Divisions and for defense. First objective is to start building the design of the headquarter, designing the first transport ship and the first defense mechanism. The Construction Division in charge of building the headquarter and any building necessary to the other Divisions. First objective is to secure and start building in the safe-zone a low quality version of the headquarter to host the bank, market place, research center, transport halls, casino and conference hall. The Security Division whose job is to protect the other Divisions during their activities. First objective is to make STARS famous by exploring outside the safe-zone, cooperating with the community, talking about us, train in fighting skills and address the griefs of the other Division. All members must choose up to three Divisions, they are free to work in any of these and must choose one to be primary for each month : the one they will spend the most time in. The Council will adapt monthly objectives according to the pool of members in each Division and the one they set as primary for the month. STARS strongly recommend to choose 3 Divisions and rotate between them because the skill system of Dual is set so that you won’t be able to be good at everything so favoring a few and becoming an expert in them seems better to us than favoring none and be average in everything. Favored trios for now The Fighter : Defense, Transport and Research Division The Merchant : Banking, Trading, Research Division The Builder : Construction, Defense, Research Division The Dealer : Entertainment, Transport, Research Division Yes we do value researchers, because all the blueprint we develop will be saved from alpha to beta to official release. However we don't force nor coerce anyone so you are free to do choose any other trios. NB: There may be basic skills needed for particular activities that we may favor in Alpha.
T h e A l c h e m i s t s -A Profession-Level Org -Not a Government -Does NOT require loyalty or Sovereignty -Not a Mutually-Exclusive Org -Not a bunch of jerks! If you consider yourself mainly a builder, then you belong in the Alchemists. We are a profession-level org, that means memberships indicate to potential employers that you are a specialist. I will be managing contracts with other orgs to craft and design Blueprints for military or civilian tech, and members of the guild will be welcome to collaborate on these contracts or form contracts of their own. In essence this is more like a Crafting Guild. There will be some shared resources, some shared workspaces, and every opportunity to cooperate. There will be a bank of org-owned blueprints and elements that each member of the guild can use and incorporate into their own designs. As the Legate of 4 interconnected orgs, the Alchemists will benefit from the protection of the Free Lancers (Mercenary guild), the resources of the Squires (resources-for-DAC's guild), and will have bases of operation located safely within Terran Union space and Cinderfall. And we will start in Alpha. Yep, blueprints for constructs and elements that a player creates in Alpha and Beta will all transfer over to the actual release. It will be essential for Builder's guilds like the Alchemists to have access to the earlier builds of the game, and I'll have that access. I will make ALL of my Blueprints available to the Alchemists, including the ones I develop during Alpha and Beta, and if curious Alchemists don't have access to those earlier builds of the game, I will be happy to test out and draft constructs based on notes and sketches by request. You have nothing to lose, build with us!
- 5 replies
- alchemists
- org
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Building will be a major factor in dual universe and you will have to build something at some point, so what do you plan on building if anything?
Ability to build on physical moving space ship kinda tinckles me We know the creation mod at first create non physical voxels until you activate its physics Will the created voxel stand still on xyz position untill one wall of the ship bumps into it, and stops the whole spaceship? Will created voxel automatically and instantly be linked to the physical properties of the ship, so that will create a physical voxel that will start bumping on the floor? Will created voxel automatically and instantly be linked to the ship but with non physical properties, considering the air in between the ship voxels and the created voxels is solid? What if my first created voxel is created in the air within the ship and not touching the ship? What when i ll want to save my creation, if i save the whole ship blueprint with it? I really consider this question tricky in terms of links and properties What if it is technicaly impossible, and what will we do in spaceships during a month travel exept socialising?