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Alpha Tester
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Everything posted by Moosegun

  1. Not sure i need to tell everyone again but I am a trader industrialist, I am here for the QUANTA first and foremost, but for me that only has value when for me when it is at risk. Its the ying and the yang, pvp is going to damage my business no doubt but i will welcome that with open arms, because that is when i will consider this game ready to play. Some of us will be ready to play it.
  2. Confused about the 'starting zone' you are talking about that causes crashes, are these just the markets, which are used by all the players?
  3. When someone comes on and points out that comparing this game to Ark is like comparing checkers to chess (similar but one is massively more complex), they are not a 'fanboi' they just understand the massive difference between the two. If you can show me a single voxel based game, which is the same SCALE as DU which outperforms it, that would be appreciated.
  4. You could say that about all music, art, fictional literature, beautiful scenery, infact any form of entertainment really - 'it's nice but pretty useless' Some people (like me) like nice things, so we will make nice things, if you just want 'useful' things, that is up to you.
  5. So you want them to introduce teleportation because you have an issue with crashing, yeah that sounds a lot less self entitled........
  6. How about you get into your ship and fly to the market like everyone else?
  7. chromatic aberration? Isnt that where they get a tube and.........
  8. First up I hate statements like this, you have no bloody clue the pvp ability if the player doing this. A lot of pvp players are bored at the moment and they will keep pushing the envelope until pvp opens up for real. That doesnt make this right but it is a big part of the reason it happens, pvp is pretty much non existent and complete avoidable, so they have to find something to do. Whilst I do not agree with the practice and do think it is an exploit, I also think the OP was a bit blase about his ship, I would never even consider just leaving my ship abandoned on a vacant tile, not in a millions years. Regardless of whether or not I was in a safe zone. A lesson worth learning now before everything really kicks off.
  9. Moosegun


    Bye, would ask for your stuff but dont think you have any
  10. You cannot reset your character for a whole loads of reasons but mainly because you are given stuff such as STU's which are one use. Also to counteract the obvious griefing opportunities if you just let player restarted character at an time. A lot of player have alts, if they could constantly reset this it would be a NIGHTMARE. I understand your frustrations but I cannot see character reset ever being added. My advice to anyone struggling at the start of the game - join and org, then you can start playing the game properly rather than worrying about a crappy speeder that you actually wont use after the first day or so and a resurrection node that you can buy for about 20k.
  11. So bearing in mind that the scale of the database / server requirements is tied directly to the scale of the player in game, is it not the case that the server architecture (and the requirements needed to support the huge number of players) DOES then impact the optimisation?
  12. https://hq.hyperion-corporation.de/ Full voxel details can be found here, alongside a lot of other stuff No trimming voxels does not cut weight, they count as full voxels I believe
  13. So it is possible for server side changes to effect client side performance?
  14. Cheers, some really interesting stuff i had to go read up on lol. I do see what you are saying but why is it that when they make server side only updates, such as changes to industry, it made a big difference to my machines performance / fps. Genuinely interested.
  15. I am just going to walk on by this and pretend I didnt read it
  16. Not really 'naysaying' just that if someone gets bored having to fly a trivial 30km, then they are not going to enjoy a game where flying to planets can take several hours. Some game arent for some people, you cannot change a game to suit everyone. Flying space ships is a pretty important part of the game, if you dont enjoy doing it then............. Oh and you really dont want to be playing from Sanc moon at this point IHMO, drop you tile and head off to a proper planet.
  17. The staff on Discord are not working on bugs like this, they are teleporting noobs around who blame a bit of lag for their overweight ships crashing on rentering and refunding peoples stuff, which will probably reappear (but that is another story). This is one of many bugs they also certainly will be looking at but sadly until they find a fix they cant really report anything. I have a couple of tickets about exploits outstainding that i havent had a reply to, does that mean they are not working on them? I would hope they are, and they will be fixed. It would of course be great if they could acknowledge every ticket and keep them up to date but currently that is a tough call. If it hasnt been fixed it hasnt been fixed.
  18. Log into your account on the website, then a menu will appear where login used to be, you want the 'image upload' option
  19. It isnt the characters that are the issue, it is the unique customer voxel creations that cause the issue. Other games with 100 player in one place have very little difference between each character and those difference are limited to a range of specific options and locally stored assets. This game is dealing with hundred of unique player created constructions. EVERY other 'MMO' has issues with this that use voxels building, infact most games struggle when you get more than a few player constructs in the same place (see Empyrion even SE etc). No game has done voxels on this scale. The different is that as the contructs are unique, so surely the game has to generate this object on the fly (or cross reference them with cache versions). You actually see this if you visit a market you have been to before and one you havent, i have very little issue returning to D3 market, it loads fine, it is my local market i visit all the time. When i travel to other markets further away, that i dont visit, that is when I have some issue loading assets. Even then it is generally not too bad if I dont approach too fast. Speed being the other big issue they need to cope with, as you can travel a long way very quickly in this game (5km is NOT far).
  20. Have you tried relogging, when you enter new zones that are busy your pc have to cache a lot of assets etc (particularly early in the game) after that busy areas should be fine. I run slightly pretty similar spec to you and the game runs pretty well, apart from loading in busy areas on some occasions.
  21. These are not games with thousands of people on the same server though, yes this is server based but it effects the whole core game code. Were you playing SE with several thousand other players on the same server? No you werent, in my experience SE turns to shit once you go multiplayer, kind of proving the point. If you are saying making a game where you want thousands of players in the same space has NO effect on the client side coding........ then sorry, will have to disagree on that one So to clarify - the sheer scale of the game in terms of size AND players
  22. Erm you do realise that is a community driven document, NOT their own FAQ lol Make your 'ignorance like no other' comment seem a bit ironic tbh "This FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) document is a volunteer driven community effort to address the most common questions raised in the game. It is NOT a training manual, but rather a quick answer source of information."
  23. Yes this is a pita, especially when you have an over powered ship (my XS core with L booster and hover goes MILES up when i pop), it is controlable though. You CAN fix it with Lua, our lua guy has made a sub which stays on the bottom when you engage underwater mode.
  24. Apparently the equation of increase is not that linear but yes this is basically how it works, search the market for a territory unit, make sure you have room to carry it
  25. I wasnt that much help but the thought was there lol
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