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Alpha Tester
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Everything posted by Wyndle

  1. Unless we get an official response from NQ nobody can say for sure. It is in everyone's best interest for your account and core BPs to be preserved for the life of the game but that is not a guarantee. Even with an official response it is subject to change at any point in the future if the situation dictates.
  2. In fairness though, at least that item(s) isn't on the list hidden under the rug.
  3. Darn. I was hoping the first response to my statement asked about issues that were called out during Alpha not making it to the fixed list on a patch notes until the release candidate. Sigh. Guess I just have to pick on NQ unprovoked this time.
  4. While I cannot be sure of how they set this form up, from my prior experience such forms send an email for each submission without exposing the email address. There were a dozen different ways to go about such an event that may have caused less confusion than the way they chose but each would have put more work in their path as they prepare for launch.
  5. Just for giggles I was looking through the Alpha NDA section of the forum. It looks almost exactly the same as the general forums. People pointing out things that are less than ideal, asking the same questions as the person two days before, and claiming the game dead because of feature X being or not being in the game. The good news? A few of the issues pointed out there are fixed according to the patch notes in Release Candidate 1. Being able to have that perspective helps a bit. I may not be able to name specifics due to the NDA, but at least I can say NQ was listening to some of the feedback.
  6. Suggestion: Docking Magnet - attracts nearest extended landing gear of authorized construct.
  7. Every single element that humans have recorded came (mostly) from our star and has recently been proven to actively emit every element still. Plasma ropes on the sun can rain pure iron back down to the corona, or fling the rope outward in an event known as Coronal Mass Ejection (CME). Nano technology is actively being developed today and will only accelerate with quantum computers coming online for that purpose. Putting those together in a future based space magic MMO really isn't that big of a leap. It could literally happen tomorrow in real life, however unlikely it is.
  8. Getting the scroll bar to 2/3rds of the way to the bottom just to see the first unpinned comment is excessive.
  9. Haven is limited to one tile per character but the same is not true for Sanctuary. Some of the backers get 2 STU immediately and I have not seen any information about the initial STU cash shop plan changing.
  10. Honeycomb that can be crafted in your nanopack and a few smaller decorative elements may be acceptable. Don't put too much material into the construct.
  11. If NQ needs those topics to be easy to find give them their own section.
  12. I'm sure some of them are reading the forums since that is part of some of their job titles. I suspect that their low levels of interaction, and evasiveness during, was either suggested or outright demanded by a lawyer. It wouldn't need to be a lawyer representing NQ either. Any one of their investors could have even politely asked for it to turn out this way. Meh. Knowing what's in the sausage doesn't ruin it for me, but it doesn't make it taste better either.
  13. It is a Google Form submission with details about the construct, not a build-off (but that sounds fun). The link is just above this post. I have seen a few build-off style competitions on streams. I'm sure there will be more in the future.
  14. All submissions are through a Google Form: https://forms.gle/HcrJ6ySfgLpWtAFD8. They need a few bits of information about the construct. With that they will be able to teleport to it anywhere in the game similar to the way you would set a waypoint. I am sure they have many GM powers that will let them see our entries.
  15. In my opinion it would be better to submit one form per construct. This will help NQ keep better records if nothing else.
  16. Regardless, DSAT could be in game before Saturday after launch and the topic question is relevant. Odds are high that we won't get an answer short of actually going through the process ourselves.
  17. At the logon screen (don't logon yet) on the top right is the Debug Menu. From that menu select "Delete Cache" to see if that helps.
  18. You know, I think I remember seeing or hearing something about the Thoramine situation. Where you perhaps a little salty about it?
  19. If you have not already looked at the existing FTUE outposts and speeders they have been set up in VR (search for "samples"). Question 1: They provided a guideline so they may be willing to flex some. I doubt they'll flex more than 15% (~805 m3) though. Question 2: Exactly. Question 3: Look at what they made as a guide. Question 4: From page 2 of the submission form: "I confirm that the contest entry construct does not infringe on any third party intellectual property."
  20. Looking at the submission form they want a construct name. From that they will not be able to tell if you placed a BP or constructed from scratch (without looking at server logs). The contest has a long span to allow for fresh construction but it does not appear to be a hard requirement.
  21. I do recall seeing or hearing about that somewhere. To be fair to NQ, the whole thoramine collectable thing appeared to be an afterthought where they were left scrambling to come up with a response to the community without shooting themselves in the foot or adding a whole slew of other "what about my..." uproars. The way they described trying to track it down also gave a little more insight into the inner workings of NQ than they probably intended. If I were to troll it would not be malicious. It is just a sliver of schadenfreude, I swear.
  22. The DSAT and the XL Assembly line require T1 XL Element schematic at 3 hours 20 minutes each. The L Assembly line requires T1 L Element schematic at 100 minutes. The M Assembly line requries T1 M Element schematic at 50 minutes. The S Assembly line can be crafted in the nanopack. Once you get to the L Assembly line you will need other M Elements to produce the components but you're still not adding a lot of time to the process. Schematic copy time is way less than the time to gather the required ore for a solo player. A large group can, in theory, have enough ore to produce elements as soon as the schematics are done copying. It is technically possible for a DSAT to be on a ship in under 24 hours from launch, but that may not be the best course of action. I suspect that line of logic is why this thread was posted in the first place: We can make the DSAT on day one, but if there are no rocks until Saturday it would be a waste of time and resources to rush one.
  23. There are a number of things I could point to on this forum where some may consider me a troll, but in the context of this conversation I meant it as a friendly warning that putting a statement of "see it as..." is likely to trigger some of the keyboard warriors that sometimes visit these forums.
  24. You don't have to PvP even if it has impact. My suggestion to instance avatar based combat could be used as a stepping stone towards full territory warfare. They are far less likely to put a playable version in the world without a way to test and tweak it. To do it the justice it deserves could take several years more, even with instance combat data to work with. In the meantime we get to play with a version of their toys. As much as I enjoy dabbling in trolling, I don't tell others how to see something. DU may be able to survive in the short-term without AvA and Territory Warfare, but it is unlikely to thrive long-term without them.
  25. I'm flattered by the continued attention. It seems we're missing each others points but we're more in agreement than it may appear.
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